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Everything posted by dallas

  1. Open inventory and right click hatcket to harvest wood or drop the hatchet. I guess as a weapon, you just have to press fire and possible reload when you first pick it up. I had no problems picking it up, but I had big difficulties moving it from my inventory to my backpack and couldn't place it in the tent.
  2. dallas

    Stuck in a city need morphine

    I'm too far away to help, god speed.
  3. dallas

    Stuck in a city need morphine

    I'll ask my buddy John Friendly Kennedy to come help you.
  4. dallas

    Bury survivor to regain humanity

    I always bury my dead, but mostly to grief them, not to regain humanity :D
  5. dallas

    Is it possible to trust?

    Hard to build trust without side chat.
  6. Melee infinite ammo zombie killer should come with a inventory cost. Ten slots seems resonable.
  7. Deer stands are already spread all over the map and any youtube video warns new players about going to cherno/elektro/airfield. If you go there for high-level loot you must be willing to compete.
  8. Disconnecting to avoid dangers = exlpoiting game mechanic. Camping = exploiting other player's stupidity or greed. Talk about camping on a 225km2 map. :s
  9. I think you've put a worrying amount of thought into this.
  10. dallas

    How do I equip my weapon? Huge noob here...

    The latest beta-buildis testing hatchets as melee weapons, however the hunting knife is currently only for gutting wild or farm animals.
  11. tl/dr: THIS ALPHA IS BUGGED!
  12. dallas

    Murders leaderboard

    My nuthugging around a campfire went up by +1 yesterday btw.
  13. dallas

    Murders leaderboard

    Rocket is collecting this information, I think it's cool he's sharing it. Anyways a bandit wont shoot you to get +1 on the scoreboard, he'll shoot you if he sees you. Sure I'm a carebear myself, but if there weren't any bandits to kill us, DayZ wouldn't be very fun in the long run.
  14. dallas

    Murders leaderboard

    Nothing wrong with showing us all those stats we generate in the main base.
  15. dallas

    Friendly fire?

    Might be a bug, could be when you're killing someone with the same humanity level as yourself.
  16. dallas

    Weapon Safety Switch

    Lower rifle or drop all your ammo and pick it up again to unchamber the rifle. Press reload to chamber a round.
  17. dallas

    DayZ commercial

    Can't believe I watch the whole thing.
  18. Being a carebear and all, I kind of scored two cold blooded murders tonight. :P
  19. We really need a tacticool version. Ris rails, vert grip with flashlight, red dot sight and sawed off, just like seal team six.
  20. When I had my joystick connected, I'd bound walk forward/backwards and drive forwards/backwards to throttle up/down.
  21. dallas


    For the standalone game, it would be really nice with custom animations for cooking, cutting and defenently also fishing.
  22. The moon rises and sets like the sun. Depending on the cycle and the time of the night, it's either up or not. Problem is when nights are much brighter, the difference between people exploiting gamma and those who don't is day and night.
  23. dallas

    M40A3 and Suppressed Makarov

    You've been informed they are hacked weapons, it's your call whether you want to cheat and take the risk that comes with it.
  24. dallas

    M40A3 and Suppressed Makarov

    Yea we get it, both weapons are in ArmA, however the only way to get them in DayZ is from hacked crates.