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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    Reducing ammo = reduce murders

    SepticTank I am playing in a pretty large group already. I just remember a couple of weeks back, where some of the strangers you meet, wouldn't attempt to kill you on sight. I've got no problem with player killing that's what makes this mod interesting, however pure PvP isn't. I'm not advocating for PvE servers, I'm just trying to implement a reason, not to automatically kill other players on sight. Atm there are no difference between survivors and bandits, because there's no reason to assume anyone except your tightknit group of friends are friendly or have peaceful intentions. Sure a fully loaded Enfield is still very dangerous, but there's a difference between having only 10 rounds and carrying 60-80 rounds and additional 50-100 rounds for you sidearm. With 10 rounds, you might miss a shot at a moving target, you might have to save a few rounds for the zombies you alert, also are you going to waste 10% of you ammo killing someone with half a makarov magazine? Right now I'm rolling with 153 rounds for my Glock, decided to ditch half off my 800 rounds for my mk48 and I'm constantly passing up even more ammo. Bandit skins weren't perfect, bandit heartbeat isn't either, I'm just looking for what the bandit skin did, providing a small incentative to not kill everybody instinctively. Sure some players will still kill everyone on sight, just so they don't have to search for bandages, beans, ammo themselves or just because they have a spare round or an axe, they are not going away anytime soon. These players will continue to make an interesting challenge, when you're trying to determine whether the stranger you meet is reluctant to fight or a murderous bandit. I'd just like to suggest a tweak to ammo availability and assault rifles, where you have to manage your ammunition as a limited rescource and not get handed bucket loads of ammo, while matches are nowhere to be found. To see if it has an effect on player killings and average life expectancy. Sure more people will get killed by zombies, but maybe that gives them another reason to band together.
  2. dallas

    Buildings blowing up?

    I tried to train about 30 zombies into a barn, exited the back door and blew a satchel charge inside, only got five of them. :(
  3. dallas

    How to develop trust?

    Always keep near solid cover. If you meet someone, who doesn't shoot on sight, communicate with them from behind solid cover. Ask them switch to rifle and to lower rifle, do the same. Exchange a few words, while having an object between you. If you're looting a store, ask them if there's something specific they need. If it develops into a conversation, it might turn into a short partnership. The key to the partnership is to be really generous with the loot, give advice to new players or take it from experienced players. The only thing you have is their word and their voice. If you sense they are mocking you or are overacting as new and clueless, you should keep some solid obstacles between you. Try to part ways with them, break line of sight and make sure you cover your six, while making your escape. If they turn hostile, break contact or take them down.
  4. dallas

    This is why survivors get killed so much!

    what iceman said.
  5. dallas

    Don't spawn with gun!?

    Smoke grenades makes zombie rush and attack the smoke. Road flares only work at night, if the flare is in the zombies line of sight, it will walk slowly to investigate, like they investigate the sound of empty cans or smashed bottles.
  6. Yea miss that shoulder weapon from OFP too. Not because I want to carry more weapons, just liked the animation.
  7. Introducing the first hat DLC: Marron beret, only $12.99. ;)
  8. dallas


    Let it run it's course, get your body temp up, eat cooked meat to regain blood.
  9. dallas

    Don't spawn with gun!?

    Check right side of our screen, the eye and ear icon. The faster you run, the taller you walk, the easier it is for zombies to hear/see you. While you're unarmed, you need to move silent and low, when close to zombies. Pick up empty cans/bottles to throw/distract zombies away from houses, where you think weapons are.
  10. dallas

    Two questions on Aiming and ROF

    I mostly play on one server. You can't bookmark, but if you remember the name, you can use the filter: DayZ - US1 ect.
  11. dallas

    Two questions on Aiming and ROF

    If you have a AKM, handgrenade and an empty whiskey bottle in your inventory. Your default weapon mode is full auto. Press F = switch to single shot. F again = handgrenade. F again = throw(empty whiskey bottle). F again = AKM full auto. You use your mouse menu to switch to handgun or you can use/bind a key in contols, I can't remember the default key.
  12. dallas

    Cooldown for Respawn Option

    I think you said that already' date=' five times... [img']http://i48.tinypic.com/1o3k3d.png
  13. dallas

    Two questions on Aiming and ROF

    1. It's a difficulty setting enabled/disabled by the server you play on. 2. F - Change Weapon/Weapon Mode.
  14. dallas

    Cooldown for Respawn Option

    Like mmos. 1 spawn is free. next 5min. again 10min. again 25min.
  15. Like a true PvP enthusiast sniper 1 probably disconnected, as soon as he was in danger.
  16. dallas

    AK74 Kobra or M14 AIM?

    Since I use my primary for PvP protection, I'd go with the M14.
  17. dallas

    Rocket Disciplined for 1.7.1

    And it's summer in the Czech Republic.
  18. dallas

    is Rocket giving up on Dayz?

    The mayans spoke true, it's the end of the end of the world!
  19. dallas

    Server hopping is cheating!!

    I don't think the idea was that survivors should be teleporting between parallel universes to collect loot.
  20. dallas

    I can't aim or shot

    Maybe this is a stupid question, but have you found a weapon yet?
  21. dallas

    BIS gaining from this mod

    EA would no doubt pay him alot more, but he'd probably end up making a street basket version of DayZ.
  22. dallas

    Satchel Charges

    Make sure you use them for something fun.
  23. 1. Never use the "drop" button in your inventory unless you're trashing a piece of gear. 2. When switching weapons, drop all gear on the ground, unless you've got enough space. 3. When depositing gear on the ground, always use the left inventory window and the < arrow buttons >.