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Everything posted by dallas

  1. Artists are perfectionists, I think we're all a little relieved that he hasn't cut off his left ear yet, because of the clipping zombies.
  2. Gurk-o you might want to select the color called "automatic."
  3. Sorry Hudson, I'm all out of beans for today. :(
  4. And fucking KOS COD 360 noscope lolbbqwtfargrghgrhrrgh bandits.
  5. Okay I'm gonna watch some True Detective now, I've already spend too much time on this non-issue. :)
  6. This isn't the first time, he's said he wouldn't lead DayZ forever. Today's announcement isn't actually that much of a shock for anyone, who's followed the development, however his past statements have obviously become much more concrete after Eurogamer's article, that's all.
  7. Why wouldn't he be allowed to climb Mt. Everest? When he climbed Mt. Everest had you personally handed over any money to Rocket, had he made any specific promises to you? Did youexpect him to cancel a $100.000 trip because you downloaded the DayZ mod for free? How did you get fooled into buying the Standalone? Did you not read the allcaps warning on the sale's page, did you not read the development road map on the sale's page? You bought a game, not a person. A game is bigger than one person.
  8. Must be conflicting to like the creation so much, but dislike the creator so strongly.
  9. So did Rocket several months ago.
  10. dallas

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    I paid $30 for DayZ, already played more hours to justify the $30, but I also bought DayZ wondering if I already had enough the 2013 zombie survival craze. I really enjoy the new inventory, crafting and clothing system, but I still have a problem with the core gameplay, it seems to be treated more as a respawn simulator, than a survival simulator and I don't think no amount of game mechanics can or should ever change that. I'm definitely looking forward to whatever Rocket is going to do after DayZ and I hold no grudges, I, for one, think he's always been brutally honest and that's really refreshing. It's shocking how he's been so candid, expecting us to react as adults.
  11. dallas

    Redefine your "Definition of Done"

    If you're looking for done, you're looking the wrong place. I never see BI games as done, to me they are nothing more than user content templates and while BI delivers the platform, the users develop the content. DayZ is the ultimate user content, so popular that it became it's own standalone game, still like all other custom content, it's not a static thing, it's something in motion and constant development. If you're looking for a finished product, you're going to be unhappy with ArmA/DayZ. If you're looking for a developing experience, you're at the right place.
  12. Couldn't have put it better. Oh shi... if I had known you guys would serial quote iBane too, I wouldn't have done it.
  13. Ninja hyping! Remember the sneaky way they didn't even had a marketing budget, it was just their evil way to entice us, kind of like striptease. And that "please don't buy the alpher" that was some devious reverse psychology. This is some serious CIA psy ops trickery!
  14. I feel a bit like we're breaking up with Rocket and then still have to share the same tiny apartment for the next ten months. :)
  15. dallas

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    Watch out, we've got an allcaps badass over here. DayZ was always flawed, that's why we loved it and played it for hundreds of hours, both the mod and the Standalone. Rocket was always flawed too, that's why he ignored the industry standards and made his own game and spoke directly to us the player and treated us as adults. He wanted to challenge us, rather than cater to the lowest casual denominator. Some people just can't handle honesty, honesty sometimes hurts. Me, I kind of prefer Rocket being upfront with us, rather than sugarcoat us like the traditional industry players.
  16. dallas

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    I guess being a member since January 14th means you speak for all of us.
  17. I paid $30 for the Standalone, so I kind of feel like I own Rocket's future.
  18. dallas

    What to carry?

  19. Don't axe, don't tell.
  20. dallas

    I'm a KoS Bandit @ Loot Loggers

    I didn't quite know how to feel about it, so I just gave everybody some beans. But yeah, killing server hoppers is a honorable community service.
  21. dallas

    Is server hopping for lots of loot possible?

    Some play for the experience, others for the loot.
  22. dallas

    Shotguns are awesome

    I don't mind rare spawn top tier LEO/Combat shotguns, but I'd rather seem more hunting shotguns with limited magazine capacity. I'd also love to be able to decide which part of the shotgun to cut down.
  23. Belarus = White Russia Chernarus = Black Russia
  24. dallas

    Add Skills to the game

    Well... you need players, who are willing to die and willing to kill. This is what makes player interactions unpredictable in DayZ and what makes DayZ a profound psychological and unique experience and this is something you'll have to accept, some people, many actually, will play DayZ with the purpose not primarily to survive, but to hunt, humiliate and kill other players.
  25. dallas

    Add Skills to the game

    When you die you also lose your blood type, this is knowledge based progression and knowing your blood type is very valuable, because blood transfusions is more effective than saline bags. I prefer this type of player progression, rather than some traditional RPG skill grinding, where the game becomes focused on grinding to max out your skills.