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Everything posted by dallas

  1. C'mon now, no name calling.
  2. dallas

    Was this a hacker?

    9 cans of pepsi is a dead giveaway. 9 cans unbelievable?!
  3. DayZ is a direct copy of Left4Dead, both have zombies and guns. I rest my case.
  4. dallas

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    Does this mean I can expect not to get KOS by everyone I meet?
  5. Reverting back to arma beta patch 94876 fixed it for me too.
  6. dallas

    Adding achiefments !

    If this had been a decent game, I would have unlocked an airstrike after killing 2 people in row.
  7. dallas


    Arm yourself with patience and then arm yourself with a weapon.
  8. dallas

    Are satchel charges legit?

    Could be legit, could be legit weapons duped. Please keep rule #1 in mind: If you find a satchel charge in someone's tent, you have to blow it up!
  9. I feel with you, but you told that story well :D
  10. dallas

    AK74 vs AKM

    Tell your friend the 74 is better and keep the AKM for yourself. ;)
  11. dallas

    Cheaters that need to be put down.

    Solid proof of ghosting. :)
  12. +1 rep for your time and effort fighting the army of the clones. Combat-loggers and duping is hard to accept and watch go unpunished.
  13. dallas

    Consumable fluids etc

    Then again noone in DayZ are walking much. Constantly running takes it's toll.
  14. dallas

    How am I supposed to report a DCer?

    Rocket said in the gamebreaker interview that he has to prioritize other things at this stage, while I'd like to see these cheats punished, I understand his limited rescourced might be needed for other issues first. You might have to come to terms with poorer players sit ready to disconnect, whenever they loses the upperhand. Whenever they disconnect to deny me the right to defend myself and my gear, they probably feel great about cheating me. All we can do is to take the passive-aggressive high road, knowling we're not ourselves playing as pussies and cheats.
  15. Mucho butthurt about nothing.
  16. Downgrading the beta patch worked for me. 94945 stuck on wait for host. 94876 joined without problems.
  17. Press P for players. If their name is brown with a play symbol [>], they are in the lobby.
  18. dallas

    Please make a tutorial

    Usually the most recent, but I got stuck on 'wait for host' with 94945 tonight and when I installed 94876 I joined without problem.
  19. dallas

    Killed by friendly fire?

    We all join the same side in the lobby, so whenever we're killing another player we're either killing a fellow bluefor or a bluefor, who has killed enough players to be associate with opfor. This could be a bandit killing a bandit or a friendly killing a friendly, maybe it's just a common script error.
  20. Are you telling me that Rocket isn't allowed to make exceptions to his own rules durring aplha testing, to promote DayZ for four segments of 15minutes each, is that what you're saying? Or are you're saying that if Mr. Yogs and Mr. Cast is allowed to shoot their silly footage for an hour on a locked server, every server admin should be allowed to freely kick whoever he wants for whatever reason and lock his server whenever he feels like it?
  21. If you got 2mill subs and approach DayZ team, because you want to shoot some footage, they'd go: "Locking down a server for 45min for these two goofballs, might be a really really good inventment."
  22. Right side you see what you have in your own inventory. Left side you see both what's in the corpse's inventory and you have. If you have 5 Makarov magazines and find 2 on a corpse, this will be displayed in your left inventory windows as: <2 Makarov magazines 5> Press < to drop magazines and press > to take. Using the < arrows > to drop items on the ground, is better than pressing the 'Drop' button, quite often items dropped with the 'drop' button is dropped randomly on the ground and sometimes they simply dissappear. This wont happen with the arrow buttons. If you want to place something in your backpack from the ground, open inventory, click your backpack and the 'Open bag' button, then use the arrows to transfere the items. If you need to place a weapon in your pack, handguns require 5 slots and rifles 10. If you don't have enough, you might accidentally delete your weapon. Placing a weapon in the pack, the game will also try to place the weapons' magazines, if you don't have room for both the weapon and magazine, you might lose some magazines.