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Everything posted by dallas

  1. If I get stuck walking one direction, pressing that direction key usually fixes it. Stuck strafing right, press right. Hope it helps.
  2. dallas

    Snipers = Shoot on sight

    I never sniped. However sniping is legit. Combat loggin is not.
  3. dallas

    Best way to find Heli Crashes?

    Open fields. Sometimes you can be lucky and see client side smoke fumes from the crashsite. This is particularily helpful at night, when the tiny fire below all crashsites light the fumes up and if equipped with NVGs it's even easier, looking like a giant green fireball. However the smoke effect is a random clientside effect and it's very rare. I recommend you search in areas you are well known and primarily plan your route to pas larger open areas, find vantage points, where you quickly can scan a large areas, locate a crashsite or move on. Time your searchs with server restarts, whoever finds it first, gets first dibs on the NVGs and weapons. You might also want to incorporate the crash searches into your regular routines, so you're also doing something more interesting than just traveling from empty field to empty field. Grinding even for the best of gear can be soul destroying. Also don't take on the crashsite map too litterally, use them more to get an idea, which fields have the highest probablilty and the highest amount of spawn sites. Sometimes you get lucky and find two sites almost side by side.
  4. dallas

    I helped a man today.

    I wouldn't trust the new breed of DayZ players with a rubber chicken. While we're waiting for features promoting less-idiotic gameplay, you're better off treating all strangers as braindead as the infected.
  5. This is the complicated stupid way I take when I want to play Insurgency without getting the message "ArmA2: Reinforcements has stopped working." -delete the beta folder in ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead/expansions -install 94876 beta version -download http://www.battleye.com/download.html v1.11 / v1.60 / v1.61.94876 BE Client for Windows (32-bit) - MD5: 6c3fc9824f0f7a548fcbac0171b14c65 -replace it with old file in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye\ -run ArmA2:Combined operations through steam launcher I'm sure there's an easier way, but next to smaching my fist through my monitor, this is the best I can do for now.
  6. dallas

    Did pushbikes get nerfed?

    Wheels broken? You should be able to do 40-50 and 70 downhill.
  7. dallas

    Hackers? What hackers?

    OMG!!!! Disclaimer: Quote slightly out of context.
  8. dallas

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    But even you have to agree that DayZ, even with it's current level of hacking, banditery, KOS, disconnecting, server hopping, is more entertaining than 5 doctored screenshots.
  9. dallas

    Hackers? What hackers?

    I haven't had the pleasure myself, but I defenently symphatize.
  10. dallas

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Right now WarZ is: 5 screenshots. A four day old website. A whole lot of promises.
  11. dallas

    How can we make this game fun?

    To quote "Dean" Rocket "Hall" from the Sidestrafe interview: "If I want to have fun, I go outside for a run..."
  12. Only 3 people have admitted they hacked all others just found a crate on the beach. Those 3 has been busy on the beach.
  13. dallas

    pve server kicking all non clan members

    OP you might want to report your own thread and ask it to be moved to the Server General forum. Not cheating, just admin abuse. Hopefully they will get a warning or blacklisted. Good effort also. :)
  14. dallas

    Respawn button confirmation

    If you accidentally click the respawn button, you might also accidentally click the confirm botton. No need to create a confirm button, since this will only happen once. If it happens twice, you're simply not playing attention and deserve it. My hope is that most of the people who accidentally click respawn are doing it in a rush trying to disconnect from combat.
  15. dallas

    m14 AIM

    Go for centermass to begin with. At 1-200 meters your overshooting your sights, at 3-400 your sights are on target. At 500 below. When shooting at targets look for bullet decals where your round hits either the target/ground and make corrections, if you need to.
  16. dallas


    Why do you need to be connected to the hive then?
  17. I heard A10 Thunderhogs spawn in supermarkets. Not confirmed yet ;)
  18. dallas

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    Cheaters apologize all the time, playing the I so sowy card trying to get their bans lifted. They are never sorry they cheated, they are only sorry they got caught.
  19. dallas

    Rocket Interview with Sidestrafe

    Regarding 2. That's not what I got from it. That's just the way it is now, because people have nothing better to do. Great interview.
  20. Go back, take screen shots, post them here.
  21. dallas

    Did I do the right thing?

    I'm the most peaceful of all survivors and what you did, walking up to his broking body, allowing him to beg, before you blew out his fragile little candle. He lead armed men to you, killed your friend, left his own dying bandit comrades behind and wanted you to give him the chance, he denied you and yours. You didn't kill him, he killed himself, you where just the rigthous hand of humanity. This kind of behavior, what you did, will live on the songs and tales long after we've rebuilt Chernarus.
  22. dallas

    Does full blood stop shaking?

    Painkillers are all over the place, where there's food and empty cans, there's painkillers.
  23. dallas

    Was this a hacker attack? Confused.

    Hacker attack.