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Everything posted by dallas

  1. Cz pack is teh sexeh.
  2. dallas

    Bandit camp goes boom!

    A satchel charge is like a little ladies purse stuffed with C4. They are ingame and very fun to use.
  3. dallas

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Oh man... imagine if killing is decreased because of this, less killing, more crippling. :)
  4. dallas

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Whaaa.... spam respawn to pas through Elektro? If you want to kill yourself in DayZ. You're gonna have a bad time. :lol:
  5. dallas

    Girls first time

    Yea perfect ending!
  6. You could be at Three Valleys near the south east coast: Green Mountain is slightly more GIANT:
  7. dallas

    Hacked Gun okay to keep?

    Depends on whether you think using hacked weapons is ok and not.
  8. dallas


    Ingame lunar calendar is approaching new moon, which means nights are pitch black, but no worries the full moon will be back in no time(two weeks).
  9. dallas

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Lazygamer was killed Lazygamer was killed Lazygamer was killed Lazygamer was killed Lazygamer was killed Lazygamer was killed Lazygamer was killed Lazygamer was killed
  10. The end is nighZ !!! :o
  11. dallas

    Can't Make The Game FullScreen

    I had to edit the_runA2CO_beta.cmd file in my ArmA Operation Arrowhead folder, scroll all the way down to the bottom and remove "-windows" from the launch options. Make a copy before you edit. :run call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion\@DayZ" -nosplash -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=7 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
  12. Rocket you have my foam sword!
  13. dallas

    Dayz: When did you lose your ideals

    Very well done. +
  14. dallas

    Pending Update: Build

    [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play I just ran around my kitchen table with my mouth open, waving my arms around over my head(think Macaulay Culkin).
  15. dallas


    Exelent idea actually. If we're suppose to be able to build underground structures, why not be able to build structures at sea. Fucking waterworld, where we comes!!! :) I loved it, having had a base on Skalisky Island for a while, using boats is defenently a really nice change.
  16. dallas

    Shutup and take my money

    ^^ :rolleyes: Rocket has already stated to the throw-money-at-shit-to-magically-fix-everything-instantly crowd, he required patience rather than money. I think the words were: "I don't need all your money, but if you want to support the mod, buy BI games, because they already pay my salery." Look where that got him, he's working on his off-time project on BI's clock. He's created his own job at BI and will be working there long time after his contract working on ArmA3 runs out. He'll most likely be lead designer/dev, which might be acompanies by a nice pay raise, however money can't buy wont most creative people demands the most, which is creative control. He'll probably also stand as author of the DayZ standalone and benefit from every single sold copy. He'll also be able to put down DayZ on his resurme, as the creator of the most innovative piece of PC gaming in 2012, which will open other oppotunities in the future.
  17. dallas

    Shutup and take my money

    This makes me lol. If BI was all about the easy money they wouldn't have stuck with a niche product like OFP/ArmA. This thing about comspiracy theories is you are not required to be connected to reality as all, you can just pull thought up facts out of your ass.
  18. dallas

    Justified killing

    Depends whether you consider yourself a bandit or a survivor.
  19. dallas


    Anyways it takes little to no effort to report these spammers. If people report them instantly, they hardly ever last more than 5 minutes.
  20. dallas


    Yeps don't reply, report. If smells like victory and cinnamon when 9 hack threads are deleted in less than 3 minutes.
  21. I admire your apology and I recommend you restore the rest of your honor by pressing respawn. If you don't then you're probably not that sorry and will do it again and find another excuse for it.
  22. dallas

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    As of now we only have talk and youtube footage. Browse youtube for footage of ArmA2, ArmA3 and DayZ to get a general idea of what you can expect from DayZ. Browse youtube for footage of War Inc. Battle Zone to get the general idea of what you can expect from WarZ.
  23. dallas

    Shutup and take my money

    If the rumor is true, you have heard the complete opposite of the fact.
  24. dallas

    Poll: DayZ or The War Z?

    Lots of promises and no code vs. lots of code and no promises? Maybe I'm scared by inflated hype and promiscuous gaming journalists. WarZ promises to fulfill your every desire, DayZ promises only hardship and pain, which is refreshing in an industry where normal means easy-mode and hardcore means normal-mode.
  25. dallas

    DayZ Screenshots!
