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Everything posted by dallas

  1. Do you guys remember how it all started? Paraphrasing Rocket: "Sure if we succeed, consoles is the logical next step, port DayZ to consoles or casio wrist watches or tibetan ceremonial bongo drums and windchimes, I don't care. As long as it wont affect the PC version and as long as I don't have to do it." Paraphrasing the kids: "W00T CONSOLE VERSION CONFIRMED!!!"
  2. One word: Operation Flashpoint: Elite.
  3. dallas

    Do you want firearms to be rarer?

    As the dev dudes fill up the loot tables with more shit, I expect the top tier shit to decrease it's spawn rates. Still top tier shit spawns will still be farmed to death.
  4. dallas

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    I distinguish between morality and humanity. In a world without a hierarchical society, authority figures, police men and moms, there's no one to shake their finger at you and tell you've you been a naughty boy. There's only whatever's left of your humanity to guide your decisions and to keep you alive.
  5. dallas

    With Rocket starting his new studio

    Are we really going to start this idiotic discussion all over again, using them same ignorant assumptions based on excluding the context again? Seriously if you can find that little two word quote: "Fundamentally flawed", you can find the actual context too, you have no legitimate excuse for being this ignorant. ffs do we really need two ignorant threads on this subject?
  6. I think the purpose of this thread is to compile all the nonsense posts and conspiracy theories in the wake of this news story, that surprised everyone, but saying something Rocket already said last summer, so this nonsense doesn't contaminate the rest of the forum. It's better to have one long useless thread than fifteen.
  7. Great first post Psycho.
  8. dallas

    You Are Dead

    I've never been reset, maybe it's a secret server hopper counter measure, one can at least always dream.
  9. dallas

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    Yes, but he forgot how to.
  10. dallas

    In your opinion...

    Anyone below the age of forty is a 12 yo COD kiddie, Anyone above forty is a seventy yo incontinent senile git. Forty yos motherfickin rule.
  11. dallas

    I don't understand this game.

    Sounds to me like you have perfect understanding of the game. :) Welcome.
  12. dallas

    Post your clever joke names for DayZ!

    AlienZ: Colonial MarineZ
  13. dallas

    Why Day Z is "Fundamentally Flawed"

    In order to create a game, you have to fix it and in order to fix it, is has to be flawed. Ergo the game is not flawed. QED
  14. dallas

    ANyone can tell me ....Why !

    Whenever the server you join can't connect to the character database, you can't load your character data and then the game automatically spawns a new character on the beach. If you stay on this server and continue to play, you risk not being able to save your character data, because this server still can't connect to the character database or the server connects to the character database and overwrites your old geared up character. So... Next time you spawn on the beach and you lose your collective shit, because you've lost all your pristine shit, disconnect. And join another serve, a server that can connect to the character database and load your shit.
  15. This is DayZ, this is your story, Which was you shot a guy and then you shot him again.
  16. dallas

    When im told im peoples "first"

    People who say oh my god you're the first person I've even meet in DayZ are hardened sociopaths trying to lower your guard and kill you.
  17. Apparently trying to address the context was completely wasted on you, just like the fact that he already announced this eight months ago, missed your radar too.
  18. Gotta respect Rocket for duking it out on Reddit at least trying to kick some context into their heads. Better man than me.
  19. Sounds a little like: "If I can't have cake, I don't want it!"
  20. dallas

    Devblog 24 th Feb 2014

    What has been envisioned, cannot be unenvisioned. Screw hunting, screw cooking, I demand a craftable refrigerator-backpack.
  21. dallas

    What made you buy the Standalone?

    I think you're being too harsh on Eurogamer, people are just overreacting because they are bored. I got the mod for free, I had bought ArmA 2 and OA already and was kind of done with ArmA 2, when DayZ mod made me reinstall it. I had secretly hoped someone would come around and make some game mechanincs for ArmA 2, so I could experience something similar to the Urban Dead 2D browser game, only in ArmA and in 3D and DayZ mod pretty much fit exactly that. I bought the Standalone, because I was curious and because the mod had revived my interest for ArmA 2 and had provided me with several hundreds of hours gameplay at the cost of a free download. I though, if I buy the Standalone, I'll be giving back to Rocket for creating DayZ mod and Bohemia for the engine, that easily allowed custom content, such as DayZ. I worried that I was kind of done with the whole zombie survival crazy and to some extend I was, but I still allowed myself to enjoy all the new features fully. I've already put enough hours into the Stnadalone to justify the $30 and will continue to follow and play the game from update to update.
  22. dallas

    DayZ Stand Alone is unplayable

    I no tis alpher, but y u no fishnis gaem yet?
  23. Seriously Hetstaine putting his words into context is down right offensive, take your filthy mouth elsewhere, sailor boy!
  24. dallas

    Rocket, We love you.

    I think I speak for everyone, when I say we all love or hate him or think he's okay.
  25. In my mind it had and that's good enough for me.