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Everything posted by BCBasher

  1. BCBasher

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    Sounds about right, I've driven more than anything this week with minimal problems. Had one weird bounce last night where my truck shifted sideways like I got T-boned by an invisible car, turns out someone else in the house was connecting to the router for internet stuff at that exact moment and it hiccoughed my path between my client PC and server.
  2. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    Yeah zombie movies are fake these are humans, breaking the spinal cord anywhere should eliminate motor function down stream (like the crawling wounded they have) and no disease is strong enough to keep a mammal going without blood. I aim for just below the ears but even a shot between the shoulder blades should be neck down paralysis with a minute or two of gurgling at best.
  3. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    Not sure I understand, my in home EXP server was ruining all night and had an update waiting this morning?
  4. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    No shit, haven't crossed human off my list but the few things I've shot in the head just twitched and flopped around like a fish when I blew out their brain-stem. The military has a saying about disconnecting the computer from the machine, pretty straight forward biology there.
  5. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    No? No way any mammal infected or not should keep moving in a meanigful fashion after taking a .45 to the head point blank.
  6. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    I wanted to see a few things so I copied all the available unused vehicle spawn points to the ADA's list giving me 360+ spawn points, edited the file to try and make 363 trucks spawn. I also moved the player spawns to those points, there may be a cap spawning vehicles because my fist two spawns didn't have any truck that I could see but driving around I've seen lots. I added and M4 in parts to the trucks cargo to see if it would stop them from spawning, this surprised me it doesn't, I know there is more than the CLE threshold in truck inventory storage, not sure if the game know without me interacting with the container or doesn't count car inventory? I disabled police cars and tried to make all helispawns active too but it seems to cap at 40 at a time, hard to tell because there's no report when they despawn, this seems to have a very pronounced effect on the amount of loot at barracks and such, less than half what I was seeing on my last test mission with normal helispawns. I've been pretty negative this week, this actually has me tickled pink getting to mess with the CLE on my own terms to see how it actually works. 😆
  7. BCBasher

    Turning off the Status Window

    Figured it would, I turned mine on on purpose, weird your's was on, you cut and paste your serverDZ.cfg contents from somewhere, thought it was off by default?
  8. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    I don't know I went offline with my testing, and haven't bothered multiboxing to text PVP stuff, was was just a theory based on the unexplained bit in the EXP notes. In a video game games it's basically impossible to tell the difference between a damage buff or a health nerf without being told, you saying player damage seems to be reduced too seems like guns dealing reduced damage for some reason.
  9. BCBasher

    Wolf and Zeds in Building while doors are closed

    Door state can be persistent through server reboot but there's a switch in the server config to disable that is noted that "it can help with other persistence issues having it off", the current server file download has persistent door state disabled by default.
  10. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    It was stated the infected were more bullet resistant this patch which is very true, they didn't say why which I was wondering this evening actually. It's quite possible that was accomplished by nerfing weapon damage rather than buffing infected health?
  11. BCBasher

    Suppressor sounds

    The bit I've tried I figure why bother, sure the infected should alert to the point the projectile was the closest to them but they should not run right to the origin point of the shot as if you just went loud.
  12. BCBasher

    Lack of M4s and AKMs due to bug

    Nothing to investigate, they're telling you what you want to hear so you buy the game and tell your friends to. It is literally changing a few numbers in the code snipet I shared. You think I'm kidding two years ago they were handing out forum bans for saying them being hard to find was a bug, now they changed their story to snow the influx of console players. **what it's like now** <type name="M4A1"> <nominal>10</nominal> <lifetime>10800</lifetime> <restock>1800</restock> <min>7</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="1" count_in_hoarder="1" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> <value name="Tier3"/> <value name="Tier4"/> **"fixed"** <type name="M4A1"> <nominal>10</nominal> <lifetime>10800</lifetime> <restock>1800</restock> <min>7</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> <value name="Tier3"/> <value name="Tier4"/> See the difference? That fucking easy but they were/are supposed to be rare but who the fuck knows now.
  13. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    Yeah I see barnabus is playing a lot he actually gave a decent steam review. Is it just me or do the freaking mines not work on AI? Been hoarding them to test and finally go to try one, place it at the bottom of a green guard tower and shoot, five infected trampling it and nothing thankfully I picked a tower I could jump to a barrack roof from. That at least is cool not getting injured or killed from a 12" or more fall now Fucking nonsense.
  14. BCBasher

    Time to Kill

    Dude, I'm a grade-A shit disturber, if I could have stirred the pot I would have, he's talking to the other two guys.
  15. BCBasher

    Suppressor sounds

    Nope, you do not get a big bang, you get a small sharp snap when a supersonic bullet passes after being fired from a suppressed weapon. Not saying I've tried id because it's super illegal here but... Firing supersonic from a suppressed weapon unless you're very close to the gun you will not hear the gun go bang and if you do it doesn't sound like a gunshot anymore just a pop and whizz sound as the bullet passes if it's reasonably close to you, it is way harder to tell where the shot originated especially if there's background noise and flat surfaces to propagate and echo.
  16. BCBasher

    Time to Kill

    You are incorrect, lol.
  17. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    And cold edited his 2017 positive review to reflect the same thing. Make sure the console guys can find their leet pew-pew sticks now Bohemia?
  18. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    I had the icon, noticed the dip in hydration after puking. This patch supposedly makes antibiotics work, it gets the pill icon and the disease icon eventually goes away. I took damage just before taking the antibiotics or while it was active and even though my hydration and food were full my health and blood wouldn't come back up, I tried the take the boots off trick to get it to start regen but that didn't work. The next tussle with an infected I took bleeding damage, bandaged and my health/blood started regen like normal. I'm running the debug panel on my server so i can see an actual number, noticed in all cases it doesn't come back up to full full, but close, on relog it's back at 100/5000 like it should be.
  19. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    Cool, barnabus plays under Cornelius, I do see him playing on my steam friends occasionally but he doesn't seem to come in here anymore. He's in Hawaii and played on the SNG servers as an off the grid solo player like me never met him in game but we'd give each other a heads up to our location and current mission to avoid friendly fire incidents and occasionally leave sought after items and vehicles at dead drops.
  20. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    Did you notice anything else besides puking, I had something for a good 8 hours and didn't notice any increased burn on my hydration or food. Seemed to stick my health and blood regen curing it until I took actual damage and bandaged?
  21. BCBasher

    Wolf and Zeds in Building while doors are closed

    Seen both this week, also had one come in through a closed downstairs door in the newish dilapidated big old "barracks" building by the range at Tisy yesterday on my LAN server. It's common if there's latency, if the server thinks the door is open even though your client is displaying it closed the server wins but I shouldn't have that with a 20ms ping.
  22. This is my procedure haven't had a problem, was making my way back south to where I can find sewing kits and stuff will try the other way today on my EXP client/server.
  23. BCBasher

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    I have "played" a good 30-40hrs this week and did have some enjoyable moments, FWIW. The map is beautiful and much more diverse compared to when I started, aside from traction/torque being stupid low on a little 4wd truck I've had a hoot driving and swapping trucks every time I come across anther to let them sit and see if the stick when get back to where I started. Loved the Tisy military base exploring it with the AI as the only threat, actually lost myself completely immersed a few times when i made noise without planning my moves first and fired more bullets from more guns than I have in my whole time playing this game yesterday. Left with 3 svds and a night vision scope (no battery yet) to try from some elevated positions down south today maybe. It's still missing a lot and when I saw the advertisement saying it was done, I really though that would resemble what I perceive as done even with some slack considering how Bohemia games mature after 1.0.
  24. BCBasher


    Yeah, I always carry a compass but orienteering gets harder the farther you get from landmarks to verify your actual location. On the upside the 200sqkm+ of playable map is one of the biggest ones out there.
  25. BCBasher


    Perfect that's exactly what I needed to know, I actually assumed it was a randomisation of the quantity on map.