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Everything posted by BCBasher

  1. BCBasher

    Helmets vs certain calibers

    I believe I read the gorka helmet cs stop a couple pistol bullets an melee knock outs with the visor.
  2. BCBasher

    in defence of FOV slider

    I play on a WSG rig and and play 1st person only, having this slider in game once was nice. I look at my feet open the menu and slid it in and out until it gave me the same view I have when I stand up (IRL) and look at my feet. I set it so I can see my collar and my shoulders in my periphery, closed , done. I guess I should remember what I set it at if they change this. As far as exploits though what do people think of the fact that Walmart had a sale on 32" TVs, I bought 3 and have 180° fov in 1pp? I run along the treelines and such at 45° and can see "over my shoulder" behind myself with a flick of my eyes just like real life.
  3. BCBasher

    My Rig

    I'm getting 50+ in the open and 10 or less in towns on my X2 Athlon 3800 with 4g and a gtx750ti 2g running at 3840X720. I kind like the lack of optimization because my 7 year old tower with an overtaxing video setup runs this like a new machine, lol.
  4. BCBasher

    Is direct communication (typing) working?

    I had one time before I got my mic working where I was asked to identify myself so I typed it. The guy shot me then read my typed message and apologised profusely. \ definitely works but whether they read it in the heat of the moment is another thing.
  5. BCBasher

    Is direct communication (typing) working?

    I had one time before I got my mic working where I was asked to identify myself so I typed it. The guy shot me then read my typed message and apologised profusely. \ definitely works but whether they read it in the heat of the moment is another thing.
  6. BCBasher

    DayZ Vehicles (first implementation)

    The VS3 has a hatch for a pintle mounted MG above the passenger seat. A 12.7mm or an aoutomatic gernade launcher for the guy riding shotgun would make climbing a hill less scary.
  7. BCBasher

    zombies do what?

    I'm still pretty new but have about 150 hours in the last 2 weeks. I noticed a big change last update as far as them hitting/moving through walls and doors and over great distances in the open. Also there's either no zombies or ALL the zombies in any given area.
  8. BCBasher

    dead bodies should not dissapper

    What is the despawn time on a player body? I died and got back to my own body the other day but it couldn't have taken more than a couple minutes.
  9. BCBasher

    The Quick Question Thread

    Yes, and you can fill water bottles with gas too. Drinking gas has no ill effects yet though.