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Everything posted by BCBasher

  1. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    Not that I'm aware of? I know it's about four o'clock my time because that's when I get kids settled after school and sit back down to DayZ on my days off.
  2. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    I pm'd you. 0400-1600 pst have been the most recent I've noticed Want to say it was 0600-1800 before.
  3. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    Hit the new tents north of Staroye just before the restart, figured I'd lay in my hiding spot and listen until the restart and check again. The tents spawned new pristine "useful" mil stuff on restart, not sure if that's a bug or a feature.
  4. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    Did a little run this morning, I can play 1pp again! Fond two FA kits one right after the update and it only had bandages, the second was full. I had a lot of micro stutters around north Elektro like another player was around or as it seems lately when the AI wakes up.
  5. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    It better have a TWS or I'll uninstall and f11 myself IRL.
  6. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    Was sarcasm, I always read the OP. Not sure what my plan is today but would like some time in my infected shooting gallery. I might just rage quit over loosing all my leet gear from yesterday though.
  7. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    Just so I'm perfectly clear, is there a wipe this patch?
  8. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Me too.
  9. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Scumbag dayzdevteam, that nice blurb in the SR about how this should be the goto place for DayZ information, posts news in twitter.
  10. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Lol, not according to the front page news. https://dayz.com/
  11. BCBasher

    Modified Infected Spawning

    They're already using something like that in EXP as their "Dynamic AI" system although it's not necessarily only sound. I suspect it's the players network bubble and possibly static infected's awareness of the player that triggers the dynamic AI to fill an area when a player is present. I've used something similar in Arma2/3 and it's good and transparent when set up right but as it stands now it's kind of hit or miss, too slow spawning/activating and deactivating additional AI. Did a test at NWAF from off in the distance by logging out and back in, there was eight to ten infected as I approached initially on foot. I log out and back and there's only two infected the others spawn back in over a few seconds as the game realises I'm in the area. Without sounding too negative I think they have their work cut out for them balancing server performance and high infected counts with the max players they're shooting for.
  12. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    I hooked up an old surround sound with an adjustable subwoofer (maxed the sub), I can even hear an infected walking in the grass out to almost fifty feet. I don't know what decent headphones work like but the new footstep sounds have a low frequency thud/slap sound that can be picked up way farther than the rest of the sound through a separate woofer.
  13. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    As silly as this sound I usually play on Asian servers for a lower population and always give the benefit of the doubt in regards to possible language barriers as I'm the foreigner in this situation. I do really enjoy when it works, I heard a guys footsteps outside a checkpoint today and just said "hello, I can hear you" did the wave gesture and started scanning he said something back that was not even close to English but the tone was "Wow, thanks for not shooting me" as I saw him gun out but not raised. I backed away one hand raised he turned and ran the other way. That's something you can't even do in other games and I wonder why there's this huge mentality to turn this into a red vs blue shooter when you have so many other choices.
  14. BCBasher

    why not ?

    I know, that was an attempt at humour.
  15. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    I was actually carrying one when I heard him up in the lighthouse, I said hello from down below and he replied "haroo?" about three times, figured that was the only English he knew so I went and tried to hide and have a fire. That's now the second time I've chosen not bear trap someone in the same lighthouse, starting to think this nice guy shit is a learning disability.
  16. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    It turns out it is just 1pp servers for some reason. Played a bit on 3pp, x64 client has much less delay with textures and LOD on everything except chainlink fences. I got shot in the face on Skalatisy again.
  17. BCBasher

    When will DayZ see Snow!?

    They showed an autumn shader or mask in a recent status report so I would guess that system could do snow dusted trees. I recall something form quite awhile ago about no dynamic snow though, i think? I wouldn't expect to see any big environmental changes or variation until we get the upcoming graphic overhaul, player controller, and beta either way.
  18. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    This is EXP. They can and will do a wipe anytime they need to for their testing purposes. You are allowed to have fun "playing" experimental but it's not mandatory.
  19. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    It's not my ping getting me kicked, it's 1pp. I joined the highest ping 3pp server but cant join any 1pp?
  20. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Did they add a ping kick? I'm getting a generic "you were kicked" on a lot of the servers I'm used to playing on yet I could stay connected the one with the best ping.
  21. BCBasher

    Let's talk about Learning

    Permadeth isn't an annoyance, it's a core feature/concept for this game. If my character has been alive for months and I make mistake (not bugs) I want that to have real consequences and hope there's never account based modifierers improving all created characters in the vanilla game, either way there'll be mods for everybody.
  22. BCBasher

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Bugs aside I find this game so easy to "get lost" in and has provided me more enjoyment and memorable situations than anything I've played in the last 30 years in it's unfinished state. I'm fairly confident, more so lately that I'm going to get the exact product I paid my early access dollars for.
  23. BCBasher

    Let's talk about Learning

    A million times no, This isn't and Elder Scrolls or Fallout game and would be so repetitive with the permadeath concept. There has been a mention of a getting better by "practice" system to add value to a character lifespan which could be good or bad depending on implementation.
  24. BCBasher

    Status Report 12/6/2016

    I believe local servers and lan are on the list, if not I'm gonna be pissed because that was my main reason for buying the game,
  25. BCBasher

    Status Report 12/6/2016

    It'll be fun to even watch if they start with fifteen or whatever like they did when trucks first came out. I wish them the best of luck with vehicle desync and all that.