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Everything posted by GaryWalnuts

  1. GaryWalnuts

    No Text on UI

    also check to make sure you have no launch options in dayz properties under steam library
  2. GaryWalnuts

    Servers - lack of

    That's about right Mookie. I see 47 experimental servers up (gameservers) running v0.63149597 and about 20 Fragnet servers up running v0.63149525. I'm seeing a total of 116 servers with all of my filters off - so you've not cocked up your server browser, that's what's available right now. And yeah (for better or for worse) the day/night cycle is set by server location so there may be a ping compromise if you want to play in the daylight. They seem to be testing the day/night/weather and lighting pretty hard this time around and I'd guess they're probably collecting some interesting player preference & behavior data as well.
  3. GaryWalnuts

    How do I take a car-tent down again?

    I'm a PC player but I had a similar problem a couple of builds ago, so the solution may be the same. First, the spot to check was down on the floor inside and in the middle of the tent. If you unloaded some loot out of the tent and dropped it right on the floor then it may have hidden the spot where you get the option to pack up the tent. Get all the stuff off of the floor and it should be accessible. That's what worked for me. Good luck.
  4. GaryWalnuts

    Still... cannot see my server listed in the community tab

    imgur has always worked well with these forums go to imgur.com then click on new post, drag your pic into the box and it'll upload. right-click on the image and open in a new tab. the url in the address bar will be the link you use here on the forums (click Insert other media then Insert image from url )
  5. GaryWalnuts

    Spray paint in 0.63??????????

    I've not seen any spray paint in recent builds. However through all of my travels I haven't seen a spawned civilian tent either and I know they are in game. But it's just bad luck in my case. If spray paint is actually in game and you haven't seen one there could be a few reasons related to the CLE: 1) Obviously it's very rare. 2) It's found in a CLE loot zone that players don't travel through often. 3) It's spawning only in buildings that are rare (such as the prison building on prison island, the tower in Novo, Altar radio tower, military base coolers, etc) or some possibilities outside of the official CLE: 1b) It was on a player's character who brought it over from a different server. 2b) The 'unmodded' server does have some minor changes. 3b) 1337 H4X I think that covers most of the possibilities. I'd put my money on 1b or 3b
  6. GaryWalnuts

    Server hopping - base security

    The server hopping into bases problem is a tough one. If that's possible it's going to be very disheartening to have all of your work potentially circumvented by 5 clicks of the mouse. It'll probably prevent many players from investing their time and energy into attempting it. The only thing I can think of is that each fully enclosed/completed/locked base must log it's coordinates and perimeter per server. Then nobody can log in or out within that perimeter on that server. Trying to do so bumps the player back to the server browser with a notice: cannot log into this location at this server, or something like that. There should also be levels of fortification. A few pieces of tin can be knocked down by driving your v3s into it, but not so with hesco bastion. Maybe a landmine is required to remove a hesco, or hours with a shovel, that gets ruined and needs replacement, etc etc etc. If someone has the time and motivation to build a fully fortified base, with layers upon layers of barricades it should still be possible but extremely difficult to get into it. And if another player has the time and motivation to get into that base he should eventually be able to do so. But imo base building can go either way, if it's not properly balanced then it's just a novelty. But even as a novelty it will lead to different end-game options. Presently, after getting fully kitted and thinking "now what?"we'll end up running to the airfield or running uncharacteristically recklessly around Tisy out of boredom before respawning and doing it all over again. Base building could end up being just another 'end-game' thing to do - or it could end up something that adds value to your character. Something to design, something to loot for materials, something to build and something to protect. Another possibility is that cooperation and coordination between players can lead to better fortification and better breaching of those fortifications. I think it's going to be a difficult task to balance that all out properly.
  7. GaryWalnuts

    Explanation on server hives

    The link here explains the server and hive functionality. I haven't read through it so it may or may not be a little outdated. https://dayz.gamepedia.com/Servers And then there are some oddities that can happen from time to time. I'm sure you already know that first person servers and third person servers are on a different hive, meaning you can have two different characters going on official experimental servers. The thing is that *if* you always play in 1PP mode you might not even notice that you're playing on a 3PP server. The next time you log in to your 1PP and don't see the character progression that you *thought* you made, because it was saved on the 3PP hive. That one can be confusing. Dayzspy is showing seven 1PP servers up right now: UK 0-4, SNG 0-2, US Northeast 0-3. DE 0-2, UK 0-8, US Southcentral 0-2 and AUS 0-1. Don't know if the 1PP vs 3PP is your particular situation, but I'm just throwing that out there. Also, if a server isn't connected to it's hive for some network issue/bug/hosting/glitch that can mess your characters up too. You might play as that freshie for hours and establish a kit and then log off - but all of that character data could not be saved. Next time you log in all of that progression was lost and you find yourself with the kit/location you had before you connected to that server with the buggy hive. That one's frustrating. As you've said writing down the IP:port of your server is a surefire way to end up on your home server every time. It might sound aloof but confusion like this is just the price of opting-in to experimental - things frequently just don't work as expected and you have to find your own solutions (then hopefully report them or at least share them here on the forums). imo that's kind of the purpose of exp.
  8. GaryWalnuts

    Stable Update 0.63.149415

    What rainy nights now feel like
  9. GaryWalnuts

    no one can see or join my server

    As mrwolv said above, you also have to open the query port 27017 (which is different than the server port) in your router also. Also, if you're not sure about your server cfg details you might want to just open udp ports 2302 through 2305 and tcp/udp ports 27015 through 27018.
  10. GaryWalnuts

    Can't combine items?

    Yeah just tried it myself - and by weight it makes sense to cut that pumpkin into slices right away. Seems that cans and openers are working fine now too. I was wondering why I couldn't vault too but then I realized that I was weighed down with junk. In my case it was the stamina system not a bug. Why was I carrying around 4 pumpkins anyway?
  11. GaryWalnuts

    Can't combine items?

    I've noticed the same. I couldn't find a way to open cans, even with the can opener. Can't use a sewing kit or craft an improvised suppressor. The options simply don't appear. This is a primary functionality of the game so I suspect (I hope) a quick patch will be coming soon. Without it much of the fundamental gameplay is lost. Also @Kirov (DayZ) last patch if you sliced a pumpkin the result was all seeds and no food ... but you could eat the pumpkin whole without slicing it.
  12. I haven't gotten a tent yet but I did find a bear trap which while setting did use the precise placement. The bear trap was transparent in areas where it could not be set but became opaque when it was in a suitable location.
  13. GaryWalnuts

    Street Lights

    Hi Weyland, long time no see! I can't be of any help here but I love the idea of streetlamps. Getting a power system working and lighting up a main street at night would be a sight worth the effort.
  14. GaryWalnuts

    spawn character

    Male and female characters have a different maniacal laugh from kuru. Hitboxes are all the same etc. I can't think of much else that's different besides the obvious visuals.
  15. GaryWalnuts

    When DayZ friends meet AFK.

    It's good to put a face to the voice after a few years of playing! We talked some dayz, ate some food, pigged out on ice cream and had an otherwise great time. Also, the old dog in the foreground is the original Gary Walnuts. Had he been standing for that photo you'd know where the he got the nickname Walnuts.
  16. GaryWalnuts


    If you're up in the Northeast have a look in Chernaya Polana, there's always a few in that town. Also the firefighters jacket is a good 100% waterproof alternative.
  17. GaryWalnuts

    Error code

    If you haven't played in a while you might want to remove all of your archaic launch options. Steam Library, right-click DayZ, Properties, Set Launch Options - and remove everything that might be left in there, click OK. Second, Open your nVidia control panel and in the left pane select Manage 3D Settings and find preferred graphics processor. If it's set to auto-select then change that to force your High Performance nVidia Processor (I do this under Global settings but you can set it under Program settings just for DayZ). Now back to left pane find and select Set PhysX Config and do the same, set it to your nVidia card not to auto-select or CPU. Give that a try. GL
  18. GaryWalnuts

    Deletes from Steam

    BEdaisy.sys is part of the BattlEye software. A few things I'd try. First add an exclusion to your antivirus for the BattlEye folder. In Windows Defender it's easy. Open Defender through Control Panel, Go to the settings tab. in the right pane highlight Excluded Files and Folders. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\DayZ\BattlEye and click Add. Save changes, exit. If you don't use Defender then your own antivirus should be similar. Now open up Steam, go to Settings then Downloads then click on the Clear Download Cache, then OK. See if all that works, if not try uninstalling/reinstalling one more time, now that download cache is empty. Good luck.
  19. GaryWalnuts

    ReShade for 0.62 / 0.63 exp

    Someone started a thread on it a few weeks ago
  20. GaryWalnuts

    Internal testing of the new content update 19/07/2018

    Keep squashing those bugs and keep up the good work. Can't wait to try this one out!
  21. These threads have been done to death but what the hell - I like them both so I'll play whatever my friends on steam are playing at the moment. I do play 3pp a lot when I'm just taking a stroll around enjoying the forests and scenery, or exploring the map, or if I want to take some screenshots or see some new animation or characters. I'm sure when shaving beards comes in I'll be checking that out asap on 3pp. There's definitely a place for 3pp imo. When I want that real gritty dayz feel, potential combat around every corner, harsh weather, starvation, cholera etc there's no comparison to 1pp. I don't think 3pp combat is necessarily unfair because all players have the same exact advantages and disadvantages on the server, but so much of the game is based on who sees who first and 3pp wall-peeking can foul up that authenticity and thus foul up the experience. I'd hate to see either removed but I'm confident the devs have no intentions of doing that.
  22. GaryWalnuts

    Issues with mouse control in .63

    Glad it worked! And fyi, some players have reported having problems with discord overlay and dayz. I don't use it so I can't really elaborate.
  23. GaryWalnuts

    Issues with mouse control in .63

    Hi and welcome, Try tapping the ALT key once. In .63 Experimental and Stress Test you start off in free-look mode. You may simply be looking around as opposed to directing your character. Try jumping onto a third person server and using ENTER to switch into third-person view this way you'll have a visual as to how free-look is behaving. Also, try holding down ALT to see how that behaves, alternative between modes. There's also the possibility that your free-look binds have messed up a little, that might be something to look into if the above doesn't help.
  24. GaryWalnuts

    Status Report 3 July 2018

    Oh joy! I am going to need a backpack full of splints.