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Everything posted by GaryWalnuts

  1. GaryWalnuts

    Status Report 11 July 2017

    I also hope they get that working again soon, for a while there we could throw paper against trees and it would stick but sadly would get reclaimed by the CLE rather quickly. On that note I'd also like to see a slightly different or darker icon for paper that has been written on, so it can be distinguished from spawned paper or ammo paper.
  2. GaryWalnuts

    Stutter 062

    If this is your first time back after a long hiatus you might want to do a few things to clear out all of the archaic junk: - Make sure you have no startup parameters Steam > Library > Games > DayZ (right-click) > Properties > Set Launch Options > (delete everything) > OK -Delete (or better yet, just Rename so you have a backup) your DayZ Config folder C:\Users\(Your Username)\Documents\DayZ then restart Steam, then Dayz will create new / default configs Good luck.
  3. GaryWalnuts

    Player Assistance Team

    Hmm I wonder how long it's been like that? I'll switch steam back over to public, but forum PM's work fine too.
  4. GaryWalnuts

    Status Report 11 July 2017

    Trail markers for forest navigation! +1 You should definitely put that in the suggestion forum
  5. GaryWalnuts

    Player Assistance Team

    I can assist when I'm online: new player help, navigation, lost players, med, food ,water, fire, etc and I usually have a spare raincoat with me. Frequently in the North Central/North-East http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960499505/
  6. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.140525

    That DE RAIN server is a great place to enjoy the wind and rain sounds! Also, I did notice that the rain and wind seemed to pulse about every 10 seconds or so, the light through the trees in the distance seemed to pulse slightly, louder/softer rain sounds and brighter/dimmer 1000m-horizon in the distance. It's subtle but it's there. Is this working as intended (or intentional wip)? Or might I be experiencing some network/bubble/lag type thing?
  7. GaryWalnuts

    Status Report 11 July 2017

    Another great report! Although I did have to google what the heck Inverse Kinematics was.
  8. GaryWalnuts

    Steam is stuck and this needs to be uninstalled.

    Try deleting it from the steamapps/downloading folder if it's in there. Also (it might be a waste of bandwidth but) have you tried reinstalling it - only to uninstall it immediately after? That might be worth a try. Good luck
  9. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.140099

    Challenge accepted!
  10. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.144044

    Thanks for the help, it kept me alive a bit longer but that Cholera is just brutal and my blood was dropping at a rate of about 6 per second. Antibiotics, charcoal tabs, painkillers, vitamins - you name it and I ate them by the handful of them between bouts of ralphing and the rumbling's in mah bowels! Plenty of wolf steaks and a well too to keep me topped off... still it got the best of me. Below was the last thing I saw before I went unconscious, Teddy and I were discussing the possibility of just ending it already.
  11. GaryWalnuts

    Can't Start game, resolution error/graphics gltiching

    A few things to try, first make sure you have no launch options set for DayZ: 1) Go into your Steam Library, right click DayZ and click Properties then go to Set Launch Options. If there's anything in there delete it and click OK. It could also be a laptop thing (reverting to your integrated graphics card, I've had this happen when x64 first came out). To fix that: 2) Go into your nVidia Control Panel, on the left under 3D Settings click on Manage 3D Settings then in the right panel under Global Settings make sure Preferred Graphics Card is set to High Performance nVidia Processor (and not auto-select) Good luck.
  12. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.139808

    We were able to fish/trap in the debug for a while, also farm and dig worms too. We were also able to catch rain in pet bottles, canteens and jerry cans. I don't know if that's changed but I wouldn't think so ..? I don't remember if tents stayed persistent through a restart but we'll have to give that a test that again.
  13. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.139808

    Ahoy Captain! I'll start getting storing some gear and battening down the hatches!
  14. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.139796

    Yep, that was me - a great way to end it before the wipe - Thanks for the ride!
  15. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.139796

    Went on a low-pop recon mission this morning to get a better look at all of the new west. Started down west of Myshkino and meandered all the way up to west of Sinistok. I was tabbed out in the middle of nowhere to check the map and when I came back in someone was talking to me. A friendly fellow named Andrew was doing jumps in a lada and ruined some of his wheels and was on his way over to Sinistok to get some new ones. I joined him, we found two and made our way back to the car to do some jumping.
  16. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.139796

    Dang tailgate killed me twice in three days!
  17. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.139748

    I just got the server stopping message. Wondering if the delves are busy today?
  18. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.139748

    That's a good alternative too. I am mostly just wondering if it's a common bug in this exp build. A while back they removed most of the executable switches except for -dologs, probably had something to do with standardizing and keeping some uniformity in our reporting and feedback.
  19. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.139748

    Question on this build: Someone had mentioned in Teamspeak - iirc it was @Girth Brooks - that when opening DayZ the pop-up option for x64 had disappeared. I hadn't experienced that before but now I do. To clarify: clicking play used to bring up the pop-up window choice for x32 or x64, but now it just loads up x32 by default. I can still right-click DayZ in the steam library and Play DayZ x64 if I want to - but the pop-up choice has mysteriously disappeared. Just throwing it out there. Anyone else experiencing this?
  20. GaryWalnuts

    What you think that Devs are doing?

    while this thread is still in it's good-natured form (and before the hammer falls) (credit : reddit)
  21. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    The last few builds you would see a steamid as 'last damage' if you're a passenger in a car that takes damage. The id is the driver's.
  22. GaryWalnuts

    Need help fixing gamma & full screen problem

    Beans for coming back to report your own solution! One day it'll save somebody else some trouble.
  23. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy
  24. GaryWalnuts

    How old are you?

    47 here. I've met plenty of mature younger players and I've met plenty of knucklehead gamers much older than I am. I think the same holds true in irl too
  25. GaryWalnuts

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Thanks for the update - can't wait to check it out!