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Everything posted by GaryWalnuts

  1. Then the message definitely wasn't about you. Maybe to let other players know that someone could be using a modified file for an advantage? I'm not sure why but it does happen frequently. I don't think there's anything for you to correct or report.
  2. GaryWalnuts

    Why are Animals only in a few spots on the map ?

    I've noticed the same, I go south of the railroad tracks to hunt (Severograd, Ratnoe etc), boar and chicken can be found just south of the tracks but never any north of it.
  3. GaryWalnuts

    DayZ poem

    A lost-my-loot limerick? Don't drink and DayZ I must warn My precious gear I did mourn Because I went afk To keep my bladder at bay and consequently became reborn
  4. GaryWalnuts

    Deer Hunting

    With this new AI the deer are like kids on their first motorcycle; They're doing donuts, speeding and riding wheelies all of Chernarus.
  5. GaryWalnuts

    who's seen the abandoned soviet underground bases?

    Down at the bottom is a nice place to have a campfire to cook and warm up, the light & smoke can't be seen from above at all and there's a ground texture down there where you can gather kindling/wood. A few updates ago when they put that in there were rumors of a ladder glitch that killed you if you entered, but I've been up and down 100x without incident. That's kept a lot of people from venturing down there - for that reason (and because it doesn't spawn any loot) it makes for a good stash location too.
  6. GaryWalnuts

    Nutrition/Hydration is Ridiculous

    I hope that they keep working on the eating/drinking (as well as the hot/cold+clothing) status effect stuff. It's been way too easy to keep yourself at a healthy status, it's kind of refreshing to have a new maintenance. Adding more complexity here is a good thing IMO. Obviously it still needs tweaking but I just don't see it as deserving of a temper tantrum.
  7. I'm noticing the same. I've come across about a dozen visibly smoking crashes, even catching a few right after a restart but there's no proper loot, and no zeds nearby either. Maybe it's just coincidence but there always seems to be the same odd piece of loot nearby: one ballistic helmet about 20 yards from the crash. Maybe not worth mentioning but the first heli I found (immediately after the update) had some zombies around and some actual loot: a damaged acog and some weapon attachments. After the restart though, consistently nothing.
  8. GaryWalnuts

    Cooking with portable gas stove

    Gas stove seems to work fine in .54 Stable, got my first chicken with a silenced trumpet and cooked him right up! Gas fuel canisters seem to be much harder to come by now but found one under the red broken down car.
  9. There's a nice new compass model and the old one can still be found too, both seem to work properly. I wanted to see if the cook stove is working and so found about 5 stoves while looking for a single blue fuel canister. But none seem to be found in the usual locations (abandoned cars/sheds). Either they aren't spawning or DayZ knows that I'm looking for them...
  10. GaryWalnuts

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    Took a quick run through after the update and I liked the ambient bugs and sounds. I found a bipod in a civ house, hunting knife in a civ truck, sunglasses in a jeep and the new modeled compass (which was aligned correctly) also in a jeep. Found 2 plate carriers by the big mil trucks, one pristine, one damaged, they dont seem to have any slot capacity and they appear at the top of your inventory like boots sometimes do. Also found a V3S in Stary Yar, they were always supposed to spawn up there but never actually did. Last I crafted an improvised silencer but it crafted into damaged condition and wouldnt attach to my Blazer, dont know if that was from condiiton or from attempting to attach it to the wrong type of gun ... maybe I'll go looking for Sporter.
  11. GaryWalnuts

    Crafted Leather cloths

    They aren't completely waterproof like drybag and Sposn (0%) but they do have a low absorbency rate of 5%. Hunting backpack 40%, Mountain 20%, Taloon 30% and improvised pack is 5% absorbency, Unfortunately there is no real advantage to improvised bags if you find a drybag or a sposn first. Improvised items would make more sense if they gave you a clear advantage (after putting in the time an effort to craft it). edit;bad grammerz
  12. GaryWalnuts

    Crafting and improvised gear

    I like the vest as it has 10 slots, it takes 4 leathers which I believe is 1 deer pelt+lime. They are a bit bright so the compromise is a bit of camo for the extra slots. Something to keep in mind when gathering leather: deer hides are 4 slots wide, cow hides are 5 slots wide, thus cow hides require a hunting backpack if you plan to carry it. Rabbit snares work pretty well and you don't have to see any rabbits around (they can be caught way up in the northern limits where no wild life visibly spawns, carp can be caught there too). Just make your snare, set it and walk away, come back in 10 minutes to see if it's caught anything or if it has been set off. When you set a trap for the first time, go prone and take a close look at the loop that the wire makes. When you come back later see if it's still a loop or if it has unraveled, you may need to reset it. Good luck hunting!
  13. GaryWalnuts

    Cooking with portable gas stove

    I haven't had any issues with skinning. I'd make sure you're not getting any desync before starting the animation. Bodies tend to slide around a bit so you might see it directly in front of you but the server puts it at 10 yards away. I've read that jumping/vaulting helps the server locate your exact position (don't know if it's true or not) so maybe try a random jump before interacting with the body. Good luck!
  14. GaryWalnuts

    Cooking with portable gas stove

    You may need to drop the pot on the ground before loading it up with steaks. Also as stated above gas stove isn't working in .53 stable you'll need to make a fire with a tripod (or a stone stove) to cook.
  15. GaryWalnuts

    Every server I log in goes down!

    You aren't by chance carrying a cookpot with steaks in it, are you? It's been reported to crash servers. If so, I think you're supposed to report it on the feedback tracker website http://feedback.dayzgame.com/and they might be able to fix it Good luck either way!
  16. GaryWalnuts

    Your sworn enemy.

    Crows. The Billy Corgan's of the songbird world.
  17. GaryWalnuts

    Meat. what does it say when its get cooked.

    The stone ovens are definitely persistent, I'm not sure about the tripod/cookpot either because I collect those and put them in my pack before I go. Too bad about the carp, I was living off of them in .52 up north in Stary Yar where there's no animal spawns (except that you could snare rabbit). I've since moved a bit further south where there's game to hunt.
  18. GaryWalnuts

    Meat. what does it say when its get cooked.

    I was going to ask about that, I guess there's no way to put it out then. I did notice that you could remove the stones from the furnace, which makes it appear like a normal fire - and helps to conceal it's location a little bit. edit: I don't remember if I could remove the stones while hot, maybe I removed them the next day after the fire was out.
  19. GaryWalnuts

    New Dayz 3D map

    IE rendered correctly now and chrome worked also after disabling adblock, my bad. edit* adblock and (strangely) hiding my bookmark bar then re-enabling my bookmark bar.
  20. GaryWalnuts

    New Dayz 3D map

    Nice, it's interesting to see the elevation changes (hold down right-click to fly around). Plugin worked on Firefox, but on chrome and IE it looked empty with some blue markers
  21. GaryWalnuts

    Meat. what does it say when its get cooked.

    Yes I was about to edit and add that it happens fast Bon Appetit
  22. GaryWalnuts

    Meat. what does it say when its get cooked.

    I've had success cooking on a campfire with tripod and in the stone furnace but only the cookpot seems to work now, the slots in the frying pan do not turn red/heat up on any heat source. The gas stove doesnt seem to work at all either, even with the cookpot (but the fuel seems to work fine for the gas lantern). Also, a few things I've learned about cooking and cookpots: * when putting your cookpot onto a heat source make sure you add it onto the Fireplace "top icon" and not into the fireplace inventory slots, that's for fuel and will burn your meat immediately. * the only way to tell if meat is cooking/cooked is that color of the steak changes incrementally from red to browns to black. I haven't seen any status on my cooked steaks that they are indeed cooked, but they do "look" brown and cooked. And eating them doesn't make you sick. (I've tried this with boar steaks and deer steaks) * there's definitely an inventory glitch with the cookpot, some report that it crashes servers. The cookpot takes up 4 slots in the inventory and holds 8 steaks. But when you add a cookpot full of steaks to the gas stove+fuel canister combo (separately everything would be 16 slots) - the whole mess now takes up only *two* slots in inventory! Steaks included. So, by picking up gas stoves, canisters and a cookpots you could carry more steaks than you're supposed to. Not that anyone would bother doing this but with this method you could carry 112(?) steaks in a single drybag.
  23. Just a thought, lots of fps optimization guides will have you change memory options in Steam launch parameters, so try removing all of your memory related launch params (uninstalling/reinstalling doesn't remove launch params because they are saved in Steam not Dayz). Especially get rid of the "-winxp" parameter, I think it's obsolete since .53
  24. Tune in next week when OP gets saved by a random hero and denounces the dark side!