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Everything posted by GaryWalnuts

  1. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I pitched a civilian tent yesterday, about 20 hours ago. I'm going to check on it in a little while. I'll report back.
  2. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I've seen a few wires in the taller hunting stands (and a jerry can in the stand too <_< )
  3. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I suppose it's because they only have minimal testing and are likely to crash, restarting helps keep them all up and running so the devs can collect as much data as possible
  4. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Hah i wish, that 26fps is on the black screen only. In game I average about 5 city /15 highway :P In other news CTD'd again and logged back in to a zed thumping on me, bloodied but not dead this time. I think Barnabus is right on, after a CTD and the server thinks you're still connected for a while, so the baddies still get to you.
  5. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I didn't know that :thumbsup: I guess anything could have happened in the interim
  6. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Hmm. Had a CTD in Turovo when entering a house. When I spawned back in it said I was dead ... no big deal. So I respawned and got this :( After two spawns I got back in, so just reporting in.
  7. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    an AUS .57 server just popped up, soon is looking soon
  8. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    It doesn't seem to be consistently reproducible, I've seen backpacks reappear right before my eyes and other items disappear never to be seen again. I wondered if it had to do only with 'untouched' spawn items too. It's almost like they get stuck in limbo - it appears that you have acquired an item but the server says otherwise.
  9. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    On several occasions I've noticed that when the 'houdini' items disappear they are put back in the location where you first picked them up.
  10. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    You can monitor the steamdb 'last updated' to see if anything new comes in https://steamdb.info/search/?a=app&q=dayz but it's like waiting for water to boil - it always seems to go faster when you're doing something else
  11. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I've seen that pig there too also across multiple builds (he was the closest thing to hunt while I camped north of Sinistok) I think he spawns in the field around map ref 014/048
  12. GaryWalnuts

    Dayz crash on startup

    just googled it, certsentry.dll is part of a Comodo product, probably your antivirus/firewall. The file registers itself as the default certificate revocation provider. I would first notify battleeye and see what type of response you get. There are a few hits on google about people having trouble with certsentry.dll, mostly that uninstalling doesn't unregister the .dll - but that's an easy enough fix. Did you recently install Comodo antivirus? Did you recently uninstall it? or maybe there was a recent update?
  13. GaryWalnuts

    I run slow, is it lag, or something else?

    Don't know if it'll help, or if it's still accurate with the changes in the weight system, but here's wobo's video on running/speed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVrlySaqG5U
  14. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I spawned for the first time in .57 a few hours ago near Kamyshovo, didn't bother checking any coastal houses and just jogged straight north to Msta. Found a raincoat and gorged on apples until energized. Took as many apples as I could carry, drank as much as I could from the fountain and started towards Staroye. I was 'completely full' and now looking to make a backpack or find something with a few more slots. I probably could have made it all the way to nwaf without filling up again but a geared friendly with a truck approached me and I hitched a ride with him up north. He generously gave me a few things, an m65 jacket, a blaze, pumpkin seeds and a few other things before we both logged out. An hour later pickings were good in Stary Yar, two PET bottles, a few backpacks, a can opener, a few cans, even found a mil tent in a civilian house (single room log cabin). Loot is certainly sparse and you have to work for it but there still seems to be some items in ignored places - it's definitely not as hard-mode as some of the .56 patches but still quite fun :D
  15. GaryWalnuts

    First person emptiness?

    I can see you've come to your own conclusions, and though I don't see how "not caring enough" is somehow the reason 1PP servers are empty, since they do care enough to intentionally choose 3PP, we're all entitled to our opinions. I'd still like to add a few more general questions to the thread that I think relate to this discussion, all answers appreciated :) 1) As stated I play 1PP on 1PP servers and 3PP on 3PP servers, so I have no complaints. Why play 1PP on 3PP servers when there's plenty of 1PP servers available? It seems the only reason to play them is to force oneself into an intentional disadvantage (which is totally avoidable by playing 1PP servers) and then complaining that the self-imposed "disadvantage" is an exploit. And since nobody is forcing anyone to play 1PP on 3PP servers - is it really a disadvantage if you are willingly choosing it? 2) Do 3PP players have legitimate concerns and complaints about 1PP mode? Midget mode/height issues and head bob for instance, or do 1PP players generally dismiss these concerns as: not needing to be fixed/have been fixed/are not important to increasing 1PP popularity/1PP doesn't need any fixing whatsoever? and 3) Not that this will happen anytime soon (or possibly ever?) but others have suggested the desire to remove 3PP completely, if so would 3PP players migrate to 1PP? Or will they just leave altogether? And if they do leave altogether - would it matter to the remaining player base (or to the devs)? Personally, I would stay because I like 1PP too, but I'm not sure I'm in the majority on this one. didn't expect wall of text but I'm very interested in this development subject, all answers appreciated
  16. GaryWalnuts

    First person emptiness?

    Way to insult an entire player base! When I play 1PP I choose it intentionally. When I play 3PP I choose it intentionally. I play 1PP on 1PP servers and 3PP on 3PP servers, so there's no disadvantage that I can complain about. Most people play 3PP for the very reasons that they clearly state, and have stated many times over - in this thread and in many other threads. They aren't stuck in front of their monitors thinking "oh god I clicked 3PP by accident. oh well I guess I am here forever" Why you need to fabricate reasons for why other people prefer 3PP is kind of a mystery.
  17. GaryWalnuts

    First person emptiness?

    This is what I don't understand. Why are you going on 3PP servers at all when there 1PP servers all over the place? I truly don't understand this.
  18. GaryWalnuts

    First person emptiness?

    I just tried changing my aspect ratio but I don't notice any difference, though I'm unsure if aspect ratio is strictly UI or if it applies to game viewing as well. And for what it's worth, switching regularly between 1PP and 3PP servers may account for some exaggeration. It feels completely different, as everyone knows and the core of what all of this fuss is about.
  19. GaryWalnuts

    First person emptiness?

    I'm sure we can all have a constructive thread about why 1PP servers are empty lately without the need to immediately descend into that tired old "elitist vs casual" or "You don't like what I like" thread, no? Note to self: insert inflammatory transparent justification for my own personal preferences [here]
  20. GaryWalnuts

    First person emptiness?

    I regularly play both 3PP and 1PP and I like them both for different reasons, though I think they both have pros and cons. Even though on 3PP you have an 8 foot peeking periscope to view the world through, everyone else on your server is playing under the same ruleset. Players are fully aware that others can see you from an advantageous perspective, just as you can see them. For that reason I don't see 3PP as an exploit or an 'unfair' advantage. Also, I don't think that when people say "I like to look at my character" that they necessarily mean "I like to narcissistically admire myself in all of my cool gear!". As for myself, I do like to see my character in relation to his immediate environment, ie: "Where am I exactly in relation to this car, tree or zed?" 1PP feels more immersive and real in most ways but my character feels like he's 3 feet tall, or that his eyeballs are in his belly button. My biggest gripe is that when running through an open field I can barely see over the grass, even though the grass is only 2 feet tall. The head bob doesn't bother me but I do frequently adjust my FOV slider in 1PP, where in 3PP I don't touch it at all. IMO, limiting the 3PP view as is sometimes suggested would just unnecessarily drive satisfied players away, but if they adjusted the 1PP perspective from belly-button-window to something realistically taller I believe that many 3PP players would switch over permanently. Just my 2c.
  21. The files are in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\_CommonRedist\vcredist\2013\ vcredist_x64.exe & vcredist_x86.exe Run them both and then give it a try, I believe it restores permissions to a borked .dll
  22. GaryWalnuts

    What is it that drives you to play DayZ a lot?

    Seeing what changes are made and what improves (and what gets botched) in the dev process, I especially enjoy if it becomes a real grind to survive. Also, as a mainly PVE/defensive shooter type of player I've slowly learned to really enjoy the KOS'ers on servers. I've been popped enough times to know that he's always lurking, every moment, and you always feel like someone has a scope on you. We love to hate him but that distrust of ever other player on the server makes the game far more dangerous and thus more rewarding to simply survive.
  23. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    If that's the case then there should be a damaged hunting scope in this spoiler'd location on 1PP servers
  24. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    There's another a spot you can interact with the truck while still standing up. Approach the drivers side door from the rear of the truck and fuss around the rear cabin window, when that little 'close vent window' icon shows up you can then scroll wheel and open driver's side door.
  25. GaryWalnuts

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Yeah, blue screen usually indicates a hardware or driver problem I think. If you're comfortable opening up your PC, try going with just 8gb. If that doesn't work then try the other 8gb. You might be able to isolate a back stick. Good luck.