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Everything posted by eno

  1. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I did manage to figure out a pretty easy way to get back to Berezino. I don't know about you guys but I tend to "line walk" a lot and as long as you know that whichever power line you're walking takes you to the destination it's a VERY easy way to navigate. It was doubly beneficial since ZH was back at Berezino waiting for us when we got lost a couple days earlier- so when I found the set of lines that heads straight back to Ber I was able to tell him to follow them the opposite direction and bump into me and Hatz. We ran into a few glitches in our travels- in particular the disappearing inventory item that reappears when you log in. In addition to that for some reason when you go to put a pack down in a bush it levitates 3 feet in the air. Kind of hard to stash supplies when you have red drybags sticking out of bushes like that. Met up with ZH and took him to the loot glitch area to stock up on some neat stuff... but the stuff I needed (camo / assault vest etc) wasn't to be found there. No big deal- we managed. Headed back to Ber just before the server reset (without a crash for once). That was a lot of running over the last couple days so ZH took a break and Hatz logged out. I stuck around to get some stuff together and also came across some Zucchini seeds. I forgot we could grow those now- so there are now tons laying around the ground near the garden. I'd also noticed my beer bear had been emptied so I stuffed some peaches in there instead in hopes that someone would get the message. There were quite a few people on the server so I decided I'd do a quick foot patrol down to Solnichniy and back... Just wandered the beach with a pack full of pumpkins and zucchini and a few canteens- ready to fend off an asshat but with good intentions. I left the gorka helmet on in the event I got plugged from a distance... but felt peaceful in a paradoxical way.
  2. eno

    Dayz Stories

  3. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Yes it was very confusing. This next bit is as much for you since Hatz and I met back up in the crash server and have started the healing process. Nobody was there that we saw and I grabbed a few additional items before we headed east. Somehow, and I have no idea how, we ended up hitting Grishino for a drink and then I banked south instead of east... We found the high tension power line that I thought was the one that would take us to Berezino (generally east-west orientation) and ran along that for about 15 minutes- came over the last hill and saw a really, really tall spike- I was still under the impression I'd done like I've done so many times and ended up heading north by accident to the edge of the map- but instead we ended up in Nadezhideno... WAY south. I'm still shaking my head. Anyway- so my vest is ruined since we had a few run ins... I got hit by a zed a few times while I was checking the map and Hatz was in the middle of trying to make a splint. I'm so far away from Berezino I'll probably head back to the military base to get another vest. I think he ran it to the coast this morning so we'll all likely need to meet back at Ber. In between we also had another session in Musty- Schwab had to bail and Hatz stepped out after a couple unremarkable interactions. I was in on my own for awhile and made my way from Solnichniy over to the factory. On my way there (while pretty lightly loaded weapon wise but with loads of fruit / veg from a garden I was tending) I saw someone coming across the bridge to the north. I ducked out of sight to get some perspective on how heavy the guy was... I found a perimeter wall to hide behind and was looking for the guy in 3pp... Then I heard running footsteps approaching so I broke off looking for him and saw a fresh with black pants and shirt. He started punching me so I backed off and just kept my distance. "What are you doing?" He kept punching- and as he did suddenly another guy in a light blue raincoat and a bike helmet arrived. I think he had a sledge- and I had a fire axe that I had yet to pull out. "Seriously man- what are you doing?" "The guy in blue was trying to kill you..." I was wearing a blue sweater- so I wasn't sure who he was talking about. "Which guy in blue was trying to kill who..." "The guy with the red helmet and blue shirt (me) was trying to kill the guy in the blue raincoat." "Actually, that's not at all true so if you're just going to waste my time with this nonsense we can either finish this right here or carry on our way." "Dude- you were totally creeping that guy like a motherf%cker." Oh. Mylanta. "I don't want to be seen any more than the next person- if that's the story you're sticking with I'm going to head off. You're wasting my time." Strangely the guy in the motorcycle helmet didn't say anything. I just turned and cantered away to the factory to find my stuff. They didn't follow. I headed up to a barn / shed up the hill a bit and found a lightly geared guy laying on the ground dead... Looked like he may have fallen? The server crashed before I could find out. A little while later Hatz and I met back in the same server following a reset. Had to reel Hatz in a bit during one of them since there was me, him and ZH (who was home again at long last) who had encountered a relatively fresh spawn. Hatz got a bit punchy on him and told him to take his clothes off so he could check him out to make sure he wasn't carrying something smaller and still threatening. At least, that's what I thought he was up to so I pretty much stood back and mentioned we had good intentions and had a supply of food and liquids to give him if he needed them. I was putting food down on the ground for the guy at a bit of a distance so he didn't feel threatened when suddenly Hatz pulled out his splitting axe and plunged it into the guys head. "What are you doing!?" I said with my raised voice. I wasn't very happy with the answer. "Don't do that again while you're playing with us... If you want to do that go do it somewhere else." So to the fresh that did get killed during one of our interactions- If you're in here reading then I'm sorry about that...
  4. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Had an interesting day yesterday but one that didn't end up where I'd hoped. Hatz and I had crashed in the perimeter of the NWAF and it so happened that Schwab was there as well. I was still on the prowl for some gorka stuff for ZH as well as to replace some of my wrecked gear. We didn't see anyone around at first but with more than half a dozen additional folks in the server it was on our mind. We worked our way north to the tent camp and found a military tent. Schwab hid his backpack and took the tent. We'd never deployed one before so he set it up thinking he would be able to pack it back up again but was unable. It wouldn't respond to being collapsed. I branched off to look for some gear and they were fiddling with the tent when things went diagonal. "Standby! I've got contact over here-" I engaged direct chat. "Hello! Hello- in the bush. I can see you." I had my AKM cued up with 75 rounds in the carousel and was feeling good since I'd spotted him a couple seconds before he saw me and was better prepared for the encounter. He didn't respond. "We both know where we are right now- but it doesn't have to go down like that. Just need you to step out and put your hands up." No response. Instead he ended up making his way east behind the C-Cans. "He's heading over towards you guys! Gorka helmet with visor- camo... unknown weapons." "Where are you?" "West of the medical tent..." Snap... snap snap... "He's shooting at us- where is he!" "I'm hit! I'm hit... I don't know where he is." I rushed around the corner with my weapon up now looking for the target... green helmet... Someone was shooting. There was a lot of back and forth chatter as we tried to get ahead of what we were up against. I saw the guy with a green helmet shooting to the east- towards our guys... I pulled the trigger on him and after a couple 3 round bursts he fell. That's when my guy (who was already hit) says he's unconscious- I close the distance with the intruder and intend on sticking the barrel of my rifle in the side of his face and releasing the hounds. I got up beside him and took aim and realized the guy I was shooting at had a bike helmet on- not a Gorka. Uh oh... and he had a blue armband on. Crap. The guy disappeared... no idea where he went... he may have just ran off during the confusion. We got around the fact that it was me who had hit Hatz but now we had to get him back. Schwab had an IV starter kit and a saline bag and was able to get the kit crafted. I explained to him how to use it (since he hadn't before) and we were talking about it I got shot again. 5 minutes or so had passed so it really caught us by surprise. It was very rapid fire... but still sounded like quick semi auto. I fractured my arm and was bleeding. Schwab and I darted off through the tent camp and found a hiding place in one of the many tents. We told Hatz to stay put in the tent he was in (I think it was our military tent)... and waited for the intruder to show himself. "We've got to get Hatz out of here and into the woods- Schwab and I will run out of the tent in a disorganized fashion and try to distract. Hatz can then make his way to the woods." It didn't quite go as planned and I ended up separated but the other two bumped into one another and headed into the woods. I made my way over but didn't see them by the time the server crashed (again.) Less than 55 minutes had passed since it had restarted. We ended up dumping that and heading into the Musty Gamers server at which point we were all pretty much fresh spawns. We were all around Berezino- and I made my way down towards the mill once I'd grabbed a bikers jacket and drybag... along with enough food and water to last me for a bit. Hatz said he was by the large chimneys so I headed straight down there. I saw one zed launch at me and one launch in the opposite direction. I figured it was Hatz... Oops. I came around the corner and there were probably half a dozen people standing there. "Hey folks- I'm pretty fresh and no threat... but I do have a zed chasing me so I need to pull my weapon unless someone can help." "Hello there" I think a female voice said. "We'll help you with that zombie." I was trying to put my hands up but the stupid key wasn't taking so my hands were up and down like I was doing the wave at a hockey game played in a bathtub. I took a few hits from the zed but they did manage to drop it and a second one that dropped in on us. "Thank you I-" Snap- You are dead. Sigh. More to come...
  5. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Not much to report on this end. Trying to get reconnected with this particular server's quirks... finding the spawn glitched areas. We found one in a VERY unexpected location- had a couple MP5s along with all the ammo and clips needed... very nice but I got bored with it quickly and tossed it. My companion and I made our way from there to the NWAF so I could try and replace my pautrev Gorka gear that was ruined and grab some stuff for ZH but the server crashed halfway through so not sure what's there. Things have been pretty quiet and we haven't seen anyone at Chez Eno since the guy my companion took out- but I do have a teddy bear with a beer in it sitting among a bunch of pumpkins near the greenhouse as kind of a friendly gesture to passers-by. I saw in another thread how you can "toss" items that were in hand so that you didn't lose them but I might have misunderstood. I found a second fire axe that I was going to bring back with me for my companion or ZH and when I tossed it it just disappeared. The server reset and when I came back in the axe was there! Okay then... so now I know that works. If you lose gear then just log and it should be there. I did manage to get the fire lit and noticed one nice thing is that the fireplace is persistent so it was there along with my cooking tripod when the server reset. That's nice! I don't need to keep re-making the fireplace kit but as you have mentioned before you do need to keep fuel in it. I haven't tried cooking anything yet but it sounds like it is well and truly glitched- not a huge deal since I can't find a cooking pot anyway. If I mined a large stone- do those act as cooking surfaces?
  6. eno


    I'm coming out of left field on this one since I've never reported a server before- can some outline the things necessary to report a server doing this? Had it happen to me the other day where a clan was in a public server and I spawned in practically on top of them by fluke (my pub was in overwatch west of berezino). They kicked me within 5 minutes as I sat outside their tent camp with about 15 drybags in it. What kind of info needs to be provided and to whom do I send it? The server provider or BI? Sorry for noob question or if I've overlooked it in this thread.
  7. eno


    Quite possibly the MOST useless post ever made. But the mod doesn't think so... so be it.
  8. eno

    Creating "Care Packages"

    Not to derail the thread but I've been in a med-pop server and the response I've got so far (private side) has been pretty good. Like I mentioned before- it's like delivering aid to those who need it while defending it against those who want it. I have a few folks helping me do so and unfortunately 1 person so far has been a bit too punchy to survive the encounter. We're still providing the tools with which to survive- generally encouraging people who aren't already aware to search for stones and make an improvised knife... then providing them with a burlap sac to fab a carrier bag or improvised backpack... Also telling them to use the knife to extract seeds or just take the pumpkins we have already available. It's quite fun- being kind but also taking charge when needed. Again- credits to the op for pursuing these objectives... one person at a time perhaps we can help to show folks that KOS isn't always justified but that caution is ALWAYS a prerequisite.
  9. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I just pull out my water bottle / canteen and it used to give you an "extinguish" option. Not sure if that's still available but might be worth a try and makes sense.
  10. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Is what it is alright. Totally uncalled for and unnecessary. But yeah... Good show.
  11. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Okay then! Had a decent day today mired with some regret. First of all- I had some equipment stashed for ZH so we could look a bit uniform... A UN helmet for him, some similar gorka pattern camo- Unfortunately we missed dishing it out to him by about 2 minutes (mum called him down for supper) and I hadn't been able to find the bag I hid. Short version is he ended up having to log out and then .53 came along- so she's gone. Not a huge deal- just an annoyance. He has some hardware to keep him busy and I got loads of ammo for it on my character. Anyway- logged in on my normal server and there were quite a few people on. I figured- meh... I've got some good kit and I've had some practice with using it- AND I mean well so I should be fine, right? There were some persistence glitched areas around Solichniy so I headed over there first to see if that "persisted." Fortunately or unfortunately it did not- so it was relatively barren. Cleared datum- ran down to the next row of houses where I knew there were some boats to look for netting "just in case" I decide I want to ghillie again. To be honest- I don't think I will be given the issues I've had with it so far. As I was heading back north towards the factory and Berezino, running down the middle of the road fashioning a new blue armband and my UN helmet I spotted another survivor running east down a road through Solichniy. I saw him draw a weapon that was held like a firearm of some sort so I figured- okay... two ways to go about this. Draw a weapon so he knows I'm packing or just sit in the middle of the road. I actioned both of those options- First drawing the weapon and then deciding that wasn't exactly a peaceful approach I put it away and sat on the road for a bit. He eventually closed in with me enough to call out to me on direct. We had a bit of a standoff- he asked if I was friendly... younger sounding voice that I later learned belonged to a 13 year old. He played it well though- approached with caution and realized I was loaded out pretty heavy. We were chatting and he came at me with a rope out. I knew what he was up to and even though I didn't feel like he was going to kill me and eat me I wasn't going to get tied up. A note came up in red at the bottom left of my screen that he was "trying" to tie me up. I backed away. "Yeah, don't go trying to tie me up at this point... I don't trust anyone in here that much yet." "I've never done it before- can you tie people up with rope?" "As per .53 apparently yes you can but please don't practice it on me. Where you headed?" "North." "Berezino? That's where I have my little setup- well... had my little setup. Had a gardening thing going there until the wipe. All my stashed equipment is gone... so I'm out here trying to do what I can with what I have. Need anything?" "No I'm good. There are a lot of people on the server now so we should probably find some cover- you have that bright blue helmet on and are easy to see." He had a bright red drybag on- so I wasn't too worried about my helmet but he kept doing the sniper shuffle so I could tell he's been around the game for awhile. "Fair enough- well I'm heading back to Berezino too so if you want to tag along let's go." Had a good discussion on the way to Berezino- about 10 minutes or so between cantering and sprinting. I'd found some pumpkin seeds and had a shovel in my bag so I was good to go. He mentioned he had a friend coming in and he was "asking him not to kill me" to which I replied "Yeah, if you can actually TELL him not to kill me I'd be a bit more comfortable with that." When we got to Berezino we friended each other on Steam and he passed along some TS3 info. I climbed on that server and talked to his friend who was onboard straight away. He was running in from Dubrovka or so so we didn't expect him to land on us for a bit. Meanwhile I got some crops growing and while I was in the middle of digging my new friend called out that we had someone coming in. "Stop right there... I need you to stop right there." He had his shottie pulled out and this guy came running in pretty lightly loaded... I admit he didn't seem like too much of a threat- but he wasn't responding to commands. "I need you to stop moving!" The guy just kept running around in circles. I had drawn my AKM and was backing up my guy... is this guy going to be punchy or is he going to be reasonable. Does he think we're going to eat him? Does he think we're going to help him? At this point- I'm not even sure if we're going to help him as he runs around in circles while my guy is telling him to stop. This kid isn't going to F around- if this guy doesn't stop running around he's going to get killed. This I knew I could take as fact based on that 10 minute conversation I mentioned earlier. I got into speaking range "Bud I know what you're thinking right now but we're actually here with good intentions and trust nobody- so just do what you're told and we'll get through this." "Why are you doing this? Why? Why?" Unfortunately because I'm joined on TS3 I'm hearing that conversation with a few strange voices and have a really hard time figuring out who is talking on what channel. TS3 also decided to only stream through the monitor- while all my game sounds were on my headset. I couldn't hear him at all. He runs around a bit more and my guy fires a couple shots at him or around him- not sure which. The guy goes to ground (alive) and is promptly tied up (with rope) successfully. "Oh, so it does work!" "Yup. Alright now then- we're not going to hurt you as long as you do what you're told." "Don't wiggle!" my guy says as we see the guy on his knees wiggling back and forth. "Yeah- don't do that... Okay, now on to the good part of this... We are here to help. There is a well behind us for water and I'm growing some plants that we can give you. Do you need water? Do you need food?" "Why? Why did you shoot at me?" I can't remember the response since it was getting a bit hairy- keep in mind the only guy I've killed begged me to kill him so he could spawn somewhere else... I wasn't ready to put a bullet in someone while he's tied up. The problem was resolved for me, however... when the guy wiggled free of his rope bindings (took about 20 seconds of wiggling) and was promptly double tapped with a shotgun in the face. "Oooooooooooh man... Okay, well I wish you hadn't done that..." I would have handled that differently- but I wasn't playing just by my own rules and one thing I've learned about this game is it's a series of compromises- find someone who will help you and sometimes you need to meet him in the middle. His friend did show up and a bit to my surprise had some excess gear on him that was prohibiting from storing the things he wanted. He told us to pick through anything on the ground- which was EXTREMELY generous since I'd recently lost ZH's cache. One thing that was, as mentioned above, more than a little annoying was if I had something in hand but no room to store it in my inventory and wanted to put it down (since you can't put anything down if it's in your hand) by switching to another inventory item, the item in my hand previously would just evaporate. Happened with pumpkin, happened with matches... happened with paper. Bug report submitted- but please just be aware of it. Other than that- just a good day overall thanks to my new friends! Hatz and Wes- great to meet you and thanks for your help!
  12. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Well- not a great day out for my pub guy... Was in an overwatch on Berezino and was looking for a busier server at a weird time. Bounced through one where all 9 guys in it had a tag similar to the name of the public server- Turned out they liked the spot I was in since they had set up camp about 100m behind where I spawned in. Took me a minute to see them mind you- a reminder to ALWAYS go to ground and check your surroundings! Anyway- they went off after a couple Zeds and shot a cow they were chasing- then rummaged around. I think there were 4 of them. I was ghillied up and thought it would be fun to stalk them a bit but never had any intention of killing. Unfortunately I've also found that I can't hear people talking to me in direct chat and can't see their typing- found that out while running with Schwabam in the private server. Weird. Anyway- one of the guys came right up on my character from behind and sort of stood over me... I immediately stood up and put my hands on my head figuring I was done for anyway but who knows- But by the time I found the F2 key the guy ran off towards the camp. The camp had a stack of bags and a tent, and a fire burning. They rummaged around a bit- and I backed off hoping to avoid further detection but in the back of my mind I wrote the character off. Instead, they kicked me off the server. Clearly a clan using their own server to gear up... Do I report them? Shame them? I don't know what the proper protocol is so I put it out there. Moved onto another pub that got busy REAL fast and after quite some time watching someone came over to the salvage lot. I was watching him with interest but wasn't going to shoot. Somehow he locked onto me while I was peeking from around a tree about 300 meters away. I thought it was interesting how he was just drifting along without a movement animation... He then came towards me and stopped at the base of the hill I was on. Then he cycled through some weapons- it looked like he entered an endless cycle animation... probably half a dozen or more times- then he came at me. Of course I flailed like a noob and started shooting but had my free view on which was useless... Anyway- dead. So another one bites the dust- Seemed a bit weird that he was floating around like that while I'm at 80 ping but I don't want to cry haxor. I was in a server at capacity around Berezino, however... so not impossible. The guy clearly knew what he was doing better than I did... so maybe he was just good? A bit choked at that clan that was obviously just hoarding a bunch of gear to jump off into pub matches just west of Berezino hospital. Anyone wants to go ransack their camp drop me a line and you can burn it to the ground. Tell them Eno says hi.
  13. eno

    Creating "Care Packages"

    It is fun running with the idea that you're like a provider of charity among warlords- delivering aid but defending it as well.
  14. eno

    Creating "Care Packages"

    Sad... very sad. But beans for your efforts as well as your intentions. Just curious if this was on a public server or private?
  15. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Can you elaborate on that? Did you ever see the guy or hear anything? Or did you just get the black screen saying you were dead?
  16. eno

    Vegetable patch of Death II

    Yes this is a good video and demonstrates the play style I enjoy very well. Of course I'm small time working smaller private shards... but getting a little more confident as time goes on. Have a great little spot at the Lumber Mill in Berezino with a bunch of tools to help new spawns set off on their adventures. Pumpkins are my favourite- but I chose a spot close to the beach near a well so I don't have to go anywhere to water the plants. OP- I do applaud your game style. I'd be MORE than happy to join you in your efforts on the roadside!
  17. eno

    I am cold, Shaking, can't aim etc..

    The gorka gear is really the only thing that makes a trip to the NWAF worth it for me- and I do appreciate having the high cap vest as well. I don't need to be completely teched out to enjoy the game as I am more of an evade style of player- but I do like being able to operate freely in the rain. I'm pretty sure if you have a booney hat as well you're pretty much good to go in the rain for any amount of time.
  18. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Don't put DayZ aside my friend- just put the big cities aside!
  19. eno


    ^ Good to know... First steps in game: 1) Throw away flashlight / battery. 2) Take off shirt and create rags. 3) Search for stone and create stone knife
  20. Thanks guys- that is EXTREMELY detailed and VERY helpful in my overall understanding. I never mind having it dumbed down to the lowest common denominator since that's usually where I sit. So thanks to both of you and hopefully that adds some clarity for others who are wondering.
  21. Eh guys. Quick question for you. Being relatively new I've been exposed to a few servers but have played them based on my ping. Now I'm starting to look for ways to find servers that are located more centrally to expand my opportunities to team up with others in north america. Server names seem to say lots about LOOT LOOT LOOT- DON'T COME IN OR WE WILL EAT YOU- NO PVP- MAX PVP... ugh. What's the best way to identify a server location? Does anyone have any servers they could recommend they found while seeking something similar? Or is it just going back to basics and going through each name and checking out gametracker to see a location? Thanks for any input.
  22. eno

    Centrally located servers?

    Just so we're all looking at the same thing... Hope it helps find a bug that can be fixed?
  23. eno

    Centrally located servers?

    It was saying public in the column but said private in the name. It is very strange. Both Schwabam and I saw the same thing.
  24. eno

    Berezino Bandits.........

    First time I think I've ever been thankful for hackers. Running around in your little group killing everything wholesale pretending like they're all a threat is just as chicken s$#t as the hackers with all their wizardry. Beans to the hacker. But sure glad you guys had a great time on your "hunt." I hear it's chicken season again... :rolleyes:
  25. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I was back on my normal server last night and the pop was pretty low. I can only get in very late at night right now and figured I'd use that time to go run around and scrounge up some bits and pieces. Solichniy has been suffering a bit of a persistence bug so it's overflowing with loot- I ran over there to see how it was going and on the way over there I learned that I shouldn't ever leave home without rags. Rookie mistake- I figured... heck, I'll get to Sol and find something and things will be fine. As I ran past the factory I grabbed a zombie tail and it wagged the proverbial dog. I had a splitting axe so while I was trying to hit one I was getting hit by another. I also had a bomber jacket on and that was instantly ruined. Only thing that likely saved me was the ballistic helmet and press vest. I was bleeding everywhere... finally killed the 3 zeds and was in rough shape. Started seeing grey. Checked my pockets and didn't have rags but knew I had a first aid kit- I knew it was there when I left.. figured I'd had bandages. Nope. Crap. I'd got a little too excited about saving ZH last week with an IV after he- for some reason unknown to both of us- drank the antibacterial spray. Branching off for a second on that note... That was an intense situation. If you ever have it force fed to you by a bandit- I'm not sure the best way to deal with it. I figured it might be best to just get him overstuffed to throw up and then just keep him hydrated. Problem was that we were away from Chez Eno and stuffing him wasn't as easy as we thought. We sprinted back to the camp to get some pumpkin down him and also take some meds wondering if they were going to help... He ate and threw up but at that point was seeing all grey. I ran up to the hospital hoping to be able to get him some IV stuff or some charcoal tabs... By the time I had checked it out and found an IV / Saline kit he had gone unconscious. Fortunately I know that area REALLY well and sprinted directly to him. At that point it was a bit of a fluke that I'd grabbed an IV / Saline kit- bundled and takes up 2 slots. There are also individual saline bags and IV starter kit that I'm assuming (haven't tried it yet) will be crafted into an IV / Saline kit. I got the IV into him and he came around almost immediately. PHEW! So back to the original story (sorry), I'm near the factory and in a bad way- seeing grey and can't find ANYTHING to patch myself up. Apparently leather repair kits can't stitch you up (good thing if you've ever seen the size of a needle used to repair leather lol). I couldn't find any shirts anywhere around the factory and the med center had some IV stuff but nothing I could self administer. I drank all the water I had hoping it would help and ate some of my food supplies for the journey to prolong the inevitable. I sprinted as things got grey and I'm positive I felt my controls get sluggish (placebo likely). I arrived in Solichniy and went to one spot I knew was overflowing with supplies. I stepped in the shack and practically had to climb over the loot... but could I find anything to help stitch myself up? Not a SINGLE sewing kit... Oh wait- a medical kit! Thank goodness. CRAP- no bandages... just a syringe and a bunch of IV related things. Seriously?! Well- nobody said it would be easy. Zed launch followed by more clumsy flailing on my part. Grey... Grey... tick tock doc. Do I put all my stuff down and just suicide? Get it over with? No. Too stubborn for that not to mention impatient! ANOTHER run to Soli? No thanks. Finally- after another couple minutes pushing through other loot-bound buildings- I found a sewing kit. No time to disinfect... I have some meds back at Chez Eno- stemmed the flow and grabbed some food and drink from a nearby well. PHEW! Disaster averted. Head back to Chez Eno to resupply for a visit to NEAF. There are 4 people on the server so they're probably in a firefight in Elektro or something... I don't care. I head off- amazingly having no trouble finding it unlike the last few times. How do you not find a fricken airfield? I've found plenty of ways- just go back a few pages. Arrive from the SE corner and make my way up the NE side- through the shop and over to the small gate building. Nothing. I mean- NOTHING. Move across to the NW corner and pass by the vehicles in the middle there when I see a ZED CHARGING! But no launch code... no warning... It's just running at me. Axe out (found a fire axe in Sol)... get ready to sidestep and swing... Wait... This one isn't running at me- This one charges right past me... at a cow? Deer? Another player? I'm just completely confused while looking around for someone else who is UNQUESTIONABLY a threat to me given my location. Nobody. Nothing... Whoa... wait... That's not a zombie- that's SOMEONE! Now looking more closely I see the backpack and his garb. My mic on the laptop doesn't work so I type out "Hello?" in direct chat... but I think he was too far away. I'm ALMOST positive he knows I'm there since he goes into the building I just left and stands at the window looking at in my direction. I'm hiding behind the BMP sitting there- looking at him in 3PP. He glitches through the wall a few times but stays put. I'm sure I waited there for about 5 minutes... and he was looking out the window. At me? At the field? Not 100% sure- but boy in my head that was an intense standoff. I checked the pop on the server- and it was down to 3 including me. What are the odds? He would step away from the window briefly... maybe looking out 3PP view as well? Unsure... but I broke contact after having not seen him for a few minutes and then observed the building from a distance. I didn't see him again and headed back to Chez Eno to wrap it up. Anyway- hoping to hook up with Schwabam for some teamwork stories!