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Everything posted by eno

  1. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    You do need to have at least a worm in it... and be patient. But not too patient- if you wait too long the fish will be worked down to next to nothing. That whole watched pot never boils thing- Sometimes if it's been a real long time I'll just move it... like searching for stones- you don't ALWAYS find one!
  2. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Eh Krazy- never caught anything with a rod... I generally use the fish trap for my purposes on the coast. I don't have a chance to play until tomorrow but when I do I'll continue testing on the sardines.
  3. eno

    New to DayZ and PC

    I concur with the mic thing- if you want to run around and get acquainted with the interface and some of the functions of the game then go ahead but if you don't have a mic configured at all you won't be able to see people direct texting you or hear them talking to you... I'm not sure if you want to call it a bug but having no mic will result in that- it's a common problem. As for a good mic- I recommend a headset so you don't have to lean over towards a boom... cheap boom mics are a bit restrictive. Tried one out and quickly changed to a headset with mic. I just got a cloud II that I'm anxious to try out!
  4. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I'm a bit of a stasher too... either fabbing up bags from sacs or even the small children's cases are good for a few items here and there. I'll distribute them around my operating area- never putting too much in one place so if someone stumbles into one I don't end up regretting it.
  5. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Question for you- I used to be able to prepare fish with the improvised knife but now it doesn't seem to be working. Do we now need a proper knife to do so or have you not seen any change? Perhaps it's an intermittent bug or the actual requirement for a knife changed... Thanks.
  6. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Thanks Belph- I should have that problem solved tonight when I get home since I ordered a new headset. In the video above I am on TS3 on my ipad with Schwabam... my in-game sounds are run through a speaker on the laptop since they still work fine. At that time schwab was using different bindings between direct chat and TS3 while I was using voice activated- which is why I couldn't hear him talking in game when he was direct chatting. Unfortunately I can't hear the other people chatting either because of this- Funny to watch since he just goes back and forth with the fresh about water and gives him a bottle- then I come back over and tell schwab I have water if he needs it. "Did you give him a bottle?" Uh- duh... lol. I have heard of that fix before but I forgot about making sure disabled devices were activated... I don't think the mic is disabled though- I think it's been damaged and isn't even showing up. (Accidentally clipped a wire while I was opening it up to replace the original HDD). This hampered me last night too while I was running Solo around Nizhnoye... I was moving around pretty openly but really keeping a careful eye open since it does help to get first contact (when you need to type and try to explain that you can't hear or see the responses lol). I ended up going into one of the red brick buildings that has a tavern / pub on one side and living space on the other. Usually some decent stuff in those... I was checking behind the bar looking at the floor and broke my situational awareness for a few seconds... and wouldn't you know it- Someone came running at me between the tables and the bar... all I saw was blood and someone running at me. Of course I squeezed off a shot from arms reach but I was pinned in the corner- I couldn't back off. I started looking for places to shoot him in full auto since the first round either missed or only made his condition worse as he stood there bleeding all over the place. Time to go cyclic. He backed off and gave me some room... and then just stood there and looked at me. I took my finger off the trigger, repositioned and then stood there looking right back at him. I shouldered my weapon and dropped some rags for him to use but I don't think he saw that. I pointed at them on the ground and he promptly assumed a prone position- total misunderstanding happening... so I just grabbed one of the bandages I still had and bandaged him up with it. He stood up and ran off. I went another direction but then on doubling back I saw him off in the distance being chased by a zombie... so I headed over there as fast as I could to try and help him out. I was able to catch the zed and take it out but I'd lost him until a few minutes later when I spotted him coming back up the road towards me. I waved at him and he gave me a little q-e hello. I put some food down for him (pumpkin) and he quickly stuck his face in that. I told him through direct text I couldn't hear or see any direct chat from him... but I was there to help and knew where a well was- pointing in that direction. It looked like he was going to follow but by the time I got halfway through the orchard I lost him again. Server crashed a couple minutes later. That server crashes more than any other I've ever been on- not sure what's up but it's very frustrating since it's not monitored by admins at all from what I can tell.
  7. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Nice work Krazy. One thing I'll emphasize (that you did mention- but that I'll repeat) is that you NEED to group your sticks / logs BEFORE putting them in the kit... otherwise it won't work. On a side note- that should almost be its own thread... and stickied lol.
  8. eno

    wait for host

    All that he said and I'll add a bit too. I've found if I'm stuck on "wait for host" that if I do end up going back to the server list, if my history is showing that there are people in the server (even after I refresh) but the internet tab shows that the room is empty- at the same time... The server has likely crashed. I know some servers in particular are not monitored and the server will remain in a crashed condition until the next scheduled reset... which can be between 2-4 hours. If you know the server starts at noon and it's showing 14/50 at 1235 in "history / favourites" and 0/50 at 1235 in Internet- and the server resets every 4 hours... you may have 3 hours to wait. If you hit refresh and you see 0/30 (or 40-50) on both internet and history (or favourites) tab... and the top of the hour time (1400) then you probably just got caught in a reset cycle. Sometimes you'll see that time change slightly (from 1200 to 1400) as it resets to the designated time set by the server admins. These are things I've noticed in my time- I'm not expert but maybe that feedback will help.
  9. eno

    please help someone new to the game

  10. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Eh guys- well big day for us in Cheranus last night. Schwab and I met up in our Chez Eno server and it turned out that due to a navigational error (read: Compass bug) Schwab wound up way down south by Skalisty Island... and I was up at Ber after a crash from the other night. We decided we'd run over to Solnichniy to meet in the middle and head back up to Ber. The meet went without incident so we headed back up north. As we went through Niznoye Schwab branched off to scan the town and I posted a guard and kept my eyes open along the coast. I don't think 30 seconds passed when I spotted a fresh spawn next to the road... "Standby- contact. No threat... fresh spawn down the road a bit on the water side- not moving. I think he just spawned in." "Okay, I'm coming to you." Without Schwab I couldn't talk to or hear the freshie so I'd need him for the interaction. Our characters were pretty well kitted out and without someone to explain our intentions and actually go back and forth I figured the encounter would be a mess. We approached the freshie carefully- always aware that it might be a trap. Scwab recorded the encounter just in case things got exciting... but who am I kidding- I get excited every time I get a chance to help someone out! We split up as we approached and he made contact. Or at least tried to. There was no response. The fresh just stood there- completely motionless. I edged closer carefully but with some confidence- however if a hero stumbled onto us I know what it would look like so both of us were being careful. Just as I started putting some veg down at the guy's feet he suddenly sprang to life- first articulating his back as if he had an alien coming out of his stomach pulling him around at 50mph... then bent at the waist like I did over a toilet at my buddy's stag party a few years back- yes, that was lifting a did entirely with my back. I couldn't hear the conversation in direct chat because of my mic issue apparently affecting direct voice / text receiving... but Scwab described it later as a good interaction. "What's up? Nothing... just heading up the coast... want some food? Nice... here ya go. anything else? No? Okay- see ya." Meanwhile I left a bunch of zucchini and some opened cans of food for him. Schwab loaned him a water bottle to get him topped up and I think let him know about the well on the edge of the orchard just to the west a little ways. The guy was thankful and we went on our way. Later on he told me it sounded like the guy had logged into the game then went out to get a stream started... which would explain why he was static for so long. Now that I can actually hear it- I think he may have been saying "screen settings." Not sure. Here's a video recorded by Schwab: HB crashed again so we jumped onto Musty to check things out... my character had returned to normal (weird) and we proceeded to the military base south of the NWAF. We took some precautions as we approached but all of it turned out to be for next to nothing- there wasn't much there anyway. We met back up on the hill to the SW and started making a plan for our next leg of the journey. As we headed off Schwab said something to the tune of "Which way are you going?" followed immediately by "Wait a minute- that's not you!" I looked over my shoulder and saw two guys running around- one I recognized as Schwab and the other I knew almost immediately was not me. There were a few shots- I was in full underdose of seizure medication mode so I was all over the side of that slope trying to amaze and confuse our opponent. There were a few "where'd he go- there he is!" back and forth as we tried to coordinate our tactical withdrawal. Schwab did make contact- "Hey- hold up!" "Why?" "Uh..." Good question- we agreed later. "Well- this doesn't need to go down... we can go off in our own directions." I don't think the other guy responded- I could only hear our side of the conversation. "Is he answering?" "No." Okay- now what? "Think I should fire a couple rounds into the trees? I haven't seen him leave there..." I was scanning the location from behind Schwab with the Mosin / LRS and couldn't see anything. "Erm... yeah- might as well. He may have logged." Schwab fired a couple random shots and there was no response. We went down to check the area out and there was no sign of anything... so we started to head on our way. I was keeping an eye over my shoulder as we didi'd out of there- and caught movement at the top of the hill. "Two guys are coming over that hill!" "I see them! Can you get a shot?" "No- they just moved out of view..." I tried to move around to see around the trees between us- but as a result I think I exposed myself too much. "I've moved to get a better view but I can't see them on the hill." "They're over here! They're flanking to the right!" I thought I caught one of them moving behind some cover but then didn't see him again. There were a tense couple of minutes as I tried to stay still while focusing on the place where I last saw movement. Schwab didn't see them- and I couldn't see them... Snap- You are unconscious. "I'm coming over!" Schwab said as he headed over in hopes of getting a drop on whoever had obviously flanked me. Snap! "Whoa- crap... they got me." I came to briefly only to get shot down again. You are dead.
  11. eno

    my stuff keeps reseting

    I just had my character from the musty gamers server (private) moved from Novy Sobor back to Berezino in a totally different outfit, different pack... different weapon. So not a total wipe- VERY weird. I'd been playing with a friend at the time- so I know we weren't crashed since we ran together to Novy from Ber. Kind of a weird roll back considering I had all different stuff? Anyone else?
  12. eno

    DayZ Adventures [Video]

    Not sure about the suicide at the end but I liked it.
  13. eno

    Bug Reporting

    It's down for me too right now...
  14. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Weird thing happened to me last night- Schwab and I had been working together the night before and headed over to Novy Sobor to check things out. Nothing much happened and we broke for the night after about an hour. But last night when I went in on the same server I found that not only was I wearing TOTALLY different clothing- but also had a different bag (empty of everything), different weapon... even had different colour jeans on than my default character. I was also back at the car dump just SW of the hospital- right next to the fountain... so it wasn't a reset and it wasn't a rollback. I then tried to exit out and go back in- of course on some false hope that was going to do anything... but the server had subsequently crashed. Anyone ever have that happen?
  15. Actually I'm encountering this issue as well. First of all I'll point out my laptop doesn't have a working mic- it's there but for reasons I won't elaborate on it doesn't work. I can't assign it in the hardware / sound section... I've bought a headset and it's waiting for me at home so I'm hoping this will resolve the issue. OP, I know you are saying you can't do this so I'll expand on my issues given my current circumstances with a non-functioning or disabled mic. A couple things that I have noticed when playing on my laptop: 1) I cannot read people who are direct chatting to me through typing. 2) I cannot hear people who are direct communicating with me through voice 3) I can confirm that they see what I am typing (confirmed with friends online) 4) I can confirm that I can see my own typing when I direct chat to them so I know the window is within view. A solution that was recommended to me was to activate your mic anyway but turn the input volume way down in your computer's configuration. I can't confirm that works but that was a solution provided before I realized I couldn't even activate my onboard mic in its current condition.
  16. eno

    4gb ram or 8gb ram ?

    On a follow up note- the suggestion I made of moving the game to an SSD made me realize that while I do run it on an SSD on my laptop, my main rig has my steamapps folder mounted on my larger HDD alongside other large files that limit SSD capacity. How does one move some games over to SSD while keeping others stashed away on HDD? Short of uninstalling and reinstalling in a different library folder (which could probably still work?) I went on the hunt and found this thread: http://www.tomsguide.com/answers/id-1974084/moving-steam-games-ssd.html A few good suggestions in there including this little app: http://www.traynier.com/software/steammover I'm not endorsing the app since I haven't used it but it looks like a likely candidate for when I get home. Not to derail the thread about RAM but to divert it slightly towards tangible upgrades that improve performance... what did YOU do to transfer the game between mounted folders on HDD and an SSD or other RAID array?
  17. eno

    4gb ram or 8gb ram ?

    I'd be looking at this as well- probably a better question. Running antivirus, maybe full fledged suites of internet protection plus all the programs mentioned above... steam chat window open... maybe voice chat... TS3 or even just a room with a few buddies on it not to mention the 60 or so processes that are running in windows automatically unless you've stripped them down to bare bones- it's strictly opinion but having a 64bit operating system with any less than 8gb of RAM is limiting. My heavy system runs 16 but I do feel that was a bit of overkill. Probably a bit much- but when I built the system that was the sweetspot for pricing so there we go. My first gen i7s all run 12GB which is a nice place to be depending on the games you're running. Everything is overclocked to balance out performance nicely... In your situation assuming all your RAM slots aren't taken up on some crappy out of the box turnkey computer with the 4gb you already have- then a move to 8gb makes sense. Then maybe we have a conversation about what RAM... do you get good RAM that is already fast... decent RAM with good heat spreader configurations that you overclock or just plain white bread that fits in the slot and registers as RAM in your system as an additional 4gb. Are you adding? Or replacing? Keep in mind whatever RAM you have will only perform at the rate of the slowest denominator. Whatever- as already mentioned... negligible impact on performance no matter what you do (in game). Running the game on an SSD, having additional video RAM and a faster video card... now we're starting to talk about getting some return on investment. Upgrading RAM is good for your computer's overall performance as applications begin to take more to function in the background... So I would DEFINITELY do it- but not to improve performance on DayZ.
  18. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Had a short but interesting time at Chez Eno today... Not many folks in the server so I figured I'd take the chance to catch up on some gardening. Had a bag of lime from earlier and my field shovel (which I love btw) and started digging. Got one hole dug... two... While I was digging the third someone came jogging around the corner from the south east- from the road. He had a shotgun in hand and I was basically mid dig. Now- if you're looking around you can't cancel the action... but if you're looking more forward and use your scroll wheel you can. I found this out later. He saw me pretty quickly and stopped while I finished digging my hole. I put the shovel away and had my finger hovering over the 2 key to ready my AKM. Probably worth mentioning that I have since had my UN helmet disappear from my inventory (bug) and am still looking pretty rugged what with my garden gloves on, Gorka helmet, DPM assault vest et al. My other drawback as I've mentioned a few times before is I can't hear people talking to me over direct chat- and I can't talk... I can't see them type but from what I remember they can see me. He's just crouched there looking at me... his shotgun down but in his hands. I was pacing sideways back and forth about 30 feet away- still hovering on the AKM and ready to put some distance between us if he decides to shoulder the weapon. I know he has to be pretty close to hurt me severely and only has two rounds to make it count. I have 75 and I can reach out and touch him at about 100 times the distance he can. I know I have an advantage... the trick is in trying to prove to him that I'm not interested in capitalizing on it. Suddenly he takes a knee- and I'm thinking he's going to log out. Funny to have had that happen to me on two consecutive occasions, but alright? Wait... guns moving! Here we go- Just as I'm mashing down on my number 2 key to take the AKM of its chain, the guy sticks the barrel of the shotgun into his mouth and- after a few seconds - pulls the trigger with predictable results. His head wasn't all over the side of the house as it likely would have been in a more realistic scenario... my mind, however, was truly blown. WTF? Okay then, that didn't got the way I planned it. I'd have been less surprised if the guy pulled out a BFG9000 and used it to vaporize me to the upbeat Doom 2 jingles. Next- having harvested the peppers I'd planted and organized them in a way I liked another guy came running across the field slightly SW towards me. He cut to my right along the tracks before reaching me (I was behind the fence looking at him through 3pp). I saw he had a shottie in his hands so I drew my AKM from out of view just in case it came time to play "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He was halfway to the first opening in the fence around the lumber mill when I saw a zed was in chase. Pretty sure he knew it but didn't want to use the shottie either because it was actually empty or because of the noise. Either way- time to help a guy out. I darted out from behind cover, drew my axe and grabbed the zed's attention. Waved it around a couple times and the zed was dead a la pulp fiction. The player kept running and I retreated back behind some cover before typing out that I was armed but not a threat... I doubt he got that message so I stayed tucked away for a few more minutes before venturing out again. It wasn't long after that ANOTHER guy dropped in- this guy had a paddle but not much else I could see. I had my AKM drawn at the time we made contact and he kept his distance about 30-40 feet away. I'm not sure if he was talking to me or not- but he waved so I shouldered my weapon and waved. For some reason I've been noticing that every time I go to wave or use an F key it assumes a fighting stance? Anyone else? I pointed to the garden and the large number of zucchini / peppers on the ground and he looked over there... hesitated... then went for it. I kept my eye open for others as he indulged then headed off on his way.over towards the lumber mill. I told him to be careful (in direct text) since I'd just seen the other guy go that same way a few minutes before. No response- and once again I may have missed him from the range. A few more minutes after that I heard a shotgun blast coming from that direction... Zombie? Player? I never did find out. I was keeping a pretty low profile as more people stacked on the server. Eventually I decided about 25 minutes from the server reset that I'd go for a walk since most I'd encountered were pretty fresh- figured maybe I could be more service further south for a bit. As I walked out onto the road there was a character spawning in. He immediately started jogging towards the south and I don't think he saw me since I made my way to his rear quarter pretty quickly upon spotting him. He ran south for a bit- then started running in place. Crap.... Tried switching weapons... nothing. A zed off to my left was also running in place at a quickened pace- clearly locked in train. Server crashed. 0456. "
  19. eno

    I feel like an asshole

    I consider myself an inherently good player- I don't mean I'm good at the game... not by a long shot- but I mean I genuinely want to invest my time in helping others survive... protect the freshies and preserve what is civilized in an uncivilized scenario. But I have to admit- even I'm sitting back thinking "sure, maybe I'd have just given the guy a miss ANYWHERE else... but ANYONE who is going to be that fucking stupid is pretty much just committing suicide anyway." My first (and only) kill happened around the 200 hour mark or so when a guy asked me very, very nicely to kill him so he could spawn elsewhere- so I have a taste of how you approach the game in general having gone as long as you have without killing anyone. Not that my opinion means anything- but I avoid Cherno and Elektro because I KNOW I'm going to kill central. If I ever go there, you can imagine that I'll be taking my safety off. No shame, OP. Eno approves!
  20. eno

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    Kind of thinking Zaprudnoe... 049-023? Wild guess but it looks like it matches up? Sorry if this isn't it but I'm seeing some comparable images / structures in the wiki. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Zaprudnoe
  21. eno

    Fantastic First Experience

    I agree you always have to be cautious but don't mistake that for avoiding contact or KoS. But yeah- a guy like that needs to get his head smashed in with extreme prejudice and violence... In game of course. In real life he just needs to be bullied mercilessly until his mum intervenes.
  22. That sounds like the latest thing- rent a server and kick everyone off of it so you can loot and scoot off to other pubs and bully folks with all your awesome gear. Report the server... Someone posted a link to do so in another thread- I'll post it here if I can find it. Edit: Found it- http://www.dayzoverlay.com/report/
  23. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Yes that was a bit hairy- before we got on comms... Schwab pointed towards the guy he saw so we made our way over there quickly but carefully. Seeing that bambie laying in the middle of the road was a little scary considering she didn't have anything on at all... maybe pants. Shirt was off so she'd either taken it off to make bandages or... well- actually that's probably the only option. There was a zed right around the corner from her so there's a chance she just got mauled by it or used it to commit suicide. Just prior to meeting up with Schwab I was able to make it into H+B to complete my patrol between the factory and Ber / Lumber Mill. I was keeping pretty close to some bushes as I did a visual scan immediately upon logging in and I saw a relative freshie running in my general direction along the highway from the north. I was exposed enough that there was a chance he caught me in the corner of his eye- or he just got bored of running and decided to log out. He was in the middle of the road, and I was off to the side towards the water... he stood there for about 10 seconds and sat down... then stood back up again (log out animation as far as I know.) I thought he'd sat down as a way of showing some submission- knowing that I was well capable of taking him out if I wanted to... but then I recognized the timing and realized he was logged. I just let it be, but I kept my eyes open behind me as I proceeded to Ber. The last few times i've seen someone log out in the open it happened when I was close by and on the same team... so there was some confidence that I would protect them in their departing few seconds. Was that a trap? Was someone else there? I did continue my walk to discover that everything we'd accumulated had again been wiped out as mentioned above. Starting to see why this isn't an enormously popular play style. lol.
  24. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Excellent points Krazy... My foot patrols are more about watching for hooligans committing atrocities along the coast with an added benefit of having some food and supplies for those who have been hurt or who are struggling. I've actually started thinking of setting up something more of an "escort" through Berezino and down the coast to Solnichniy- past the factory where people commonly branch off inland. Hatz and Scwab are both pretty good with the gun-play and I think it might be a bit more engaging for a larger group... while I can still tend to my crops in peace if I want to.
  25. eno

    Items Disappearing

    I've also found that as others have said in other threads that you can log out and log in again and your item may well be there. I have confirmed this as recently as last night.