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Everything posted by eno

  1. eno

    Barrel GUI glitch anyone know a fix?

    Yeah mine is close to a tent and other barrel. Most of the time I open it and see the inventory of the other barrel- or split screen / half screen of the inventory.
  2. Let's face it: Sometimes you're going to die no matter what you do. Sometimes you're going to live no matter what you do. This post is intended to provide some considerations for those of you who are trying to figure out the times where what you do can make a difference. This post also assumes you're just in there playing your heart out in a non-contested area (mil zone, cherno / zino / elektro etc.) enjoying the game and doesn't account for all blends of ulterior motives. None of these are guarantees but it could be a reasonable guide for newer players. 1) Remember: You are often being watched. Players will sometimes sit back and watch you from a distance going about your routine to assess how they're going to deal with you. They generally have 3 options: a) Avoid you. b) Interact with you. c) Kill you from a distance. If you are sprinting straight to military spawn areas / guard shacks as soon as you get into town and shooting everything in sight this isn't going to reflect well on your intentions. Even if you want to find that pistol suppressor, camo net or field vest- go through the motions. Pick through other buildings even if it's just a glance. If you're openly shooting unsuppressed weapons at single zobs in towns you're practically begging to be shot. 2) Keep your distance. Don't sprint straight at a person and get in their face- much less don't sniper shuffle in a sprint and get in their face. The punching mechanic causes a stun which practically locks an impacted player down and prevents them from retreating. This fact has made geared players more bristly to even fresh spawns. Keeping your distance helps you reassure the person that you are not intending to lock them up in that fashion. Even if you're a fresh spawn, stay clear and tell the other player you're going to stay clear. Shuffle side to side since it can always be an ambush, but don't sprint at them. 3) Weapon management. This is a tricky one and there is no real single answer. It's not a fair expectation for anyone to put a weapon away when the other person is keeping theirs. With that said if you detect each other far enough apart, putting your weapon away and being prepared to pull it back out if it's not reciprocated can help to dissolve some of the standoff tension. Example: I recently came across a guy fighting off zombies and as soon as he was done he backed away from me and shouldered his weapon... I reciprocated and we both lived. If I see someone putting their weapon away I'll do the same. If I put my weapon away and they don't then I'll pull mine back out. Kind of like flashing high beams at someone on the highway to get an oncoming vehicle to dim theirs. It's not an ideal solution but sometimes it works. 4) Clothing can matter. My experience has shown that players in flagrantly obnoxious clothing are like wildly camouflaged creatures in nature. The colours scream: Do not approach. I put these people in a league that's even more departed than the full out military guys... You want to stay away from both- but the wild civilian clothing may tend to draw you in because it's "not military." These wonky colour schemes are often streamers or others "doing it for the lulz" who will also try and entertain their audience at your expense. 5) Role playing. Wandering around the docks at Svet role playing some ancient traveler or some other inbred accent on an official public isn't a great idea... and you can go ahead and knock that shit off. It's probably fun to do that but that's not what this thread is about. If you want to survive the encounter with a stranger... don't pull out the sloppy second accent. 6) Don't ask to join. If you've stumbled into an individual or group of players who let you live, don't abuse their generosity. If they want a complete stranger to tag along because they like your face, they'll ask you. If they don't, they won't. But don't ask them and try to convince them how trustful and nice you are. It comes off like a delaying tactic used in an ambush and will frequently result in you being summarily executed. If people wish you luck and send you on your way, move along or... well... 7) Have a mic or at the very least know how to type in text chat ( T key)... It helps to know how to type really fast since while you're typing you're not able to shuffle. Additionally while you're typing your message the person you're trying to type to will be interpreting your silence in various ways- including but not limited to trying to set up an ambush on him / her with your friends. Have a mic. Talk normally. Avoid cliches like "friendly friendly! are you friendly?" since the last 10 times the person heard that they were probably killed. Instead, you're the new bartender at the local pub: "Hey... I'm just passing through. I'll keep my distance- Do you need anything? I'll be working over on this side of town ..." etc. 8- Carry valuable / rare weapons internally. Sometimes you're not able to do this for any variety of reasons. Most know that just because nothing is showing doesn't mean that it's not there- however having that M4 visible on your back is going to make you a more lucrative target than if it isn't showing. If I'm out looking to interact with people moreso then I will gear my character accordingly and internal weapons carriage helps. 9) Go with your gut feeling. You don't NEED to approach everyone... in fact you probably shouldn't. Most of the above tips only apply if you've given yourself as much of a chance to survive as possible and quite often this is an assessment on your surroundings done with regular regularity. Where are you, who are you with, what are you doing, how are you dressed, and how are your actions over the last 10 minutes going to reflect on your intentions. Similarly, you'll be doing assessments on anyone you see. 10) What are your tips to maximizing the potential of surviving the next encounter?
  3. eno

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    It's out there but it's pretty rare... not as bad as nails but not as abundant as pea coast.
  4. eno

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Most of the stuff you're mentioning is known and in the bug tracker so it goes beyond specific servers.
  5. Good video- you were quite a bit more patient than we would have been. We got a similar echo in our vids- talking in discord / teamspeak in the background and talking in game stacks the audio... not awesome. You may already know this but if you keybind discord / teamspeak (whichever you're using) to mute your mic in discord / teamspeak using the same key as you do to talk in DayZ it will eliminate that echo with 0 additional steps.
  6. eno

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Integrity check worked for the binoculars? And was it sardines you couldn't open or tuna? I did an integrity check and tuna is intermittent but binoculars / any handheld optic doesn't work...
  7. Stay away from vehicles that appear even remotely submerged into terrain. This usually happens when they’ve been left alone in the world for quite some time-
  8. eno

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Not currently working.
  9. eno

    Fired it up today

    That's about 80% of the interactions these days... unfortunately. It's the same in PC. But every now and then we run into a guy like you- ready to play the game out and have a cautious interaction. Good people are out there- just got to play the game one interaction at a time and watch out for fuckery.
  10. eno

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    Holy fuck dude... you're amazing. I give up.
  11. The process that has worked for me given the wild hit boxes on zombie strikes is the following- 1) Aggro zombie 2) When he gets within about 10 feet, start to pull back while pressing RMB. This will initiate a "blocking" stance. 3) Zombie will strike 2 times in relatively quick succession- the defensive posture will deflect these strikes MOST if not all of the time if you do it right. 4) Immediately after the last strike stop backing off, hold down RMB and mash LMB to strike. I use a knife because the rapidity of the strikes is such that it "stuns" the zombie in a way that makes its further strikes ineffective. 5) Striking in quick succession does cause some drift of your character... if you're not careful you'll segue through the zombie or it will get around you to a point where it can strike you. This takes a little getting used to- but if you stay on it and control your movements to account for it this should still work for you. This obviously doesn't work very well when you have multiple striking you at once... unless they're staggered a bit in their approach. A few slices with a knife knocks down zombies pretty readily- Knives work pretty well- hatchet is probably my favourite for its hit potential and speed... but takes up inventory space and can't be mounted on your back.
  12. eno

    robbery with lethal consequence - dayz

    I like the video- but I'm curious about your ping on the server where the sea can happened... that looked fishy but quite often it's just related to lag. Do you figure your ping was 120 and his was 50 or something?
  13. eno

    Can't find AK or M4

    Don't you mean NW? But even then those weapons are found at pretty much any base location- Balota, Pavlovo, NWAF, Zelenegorsk... Myshkino... Stary? Staroye? probably kamenka? etc. Agreed they're more prevalent at the larger bases... I'm not sure if they simply don't show up at the tent camps found in or near cities or if their likelihood is just really low. Either way- there are no military locations in the NE other than the tents outside Svet... a few containers at the NEAF. Troitskoi and the civilian barracks north of the NEAF are a bit more central than east but would also have a potential for the high speed gear.
  14. eno


    I've never really thought about it since I play one guy and don't scroll through others. There's no need to scroll through them if you're only playing one guy so I'm not sure what the issue is. You're likely always going to have a few characters to scroll through since there are a variety of server types that are represented in game... Official public both 3PP and 1PP servers each will have their own character. There are also community public and community private servers- and each of the latter will come with its own character.
  15. eno

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    Endgame to me is just a term I’ve seen used to describe something that you need to prepare for to achieve- more so than anything else in the game... The game isn’t over- but once you’ve started building a base it’s hard to stop... you’re always going to be adding or removing or adjusting to it- or you’re not. In which case maybe endgame isn’t the word I would use. It is a subjective definition- and mine will be different than others... or not. I’m not sure it’s worth standing up on a soap box to try and invalidate- the definition or an entire community’s play style if it doesn’t fit your own. Establishing a base should be hard- and it is to a holy fuck degree level of tediousness. It is the hardest thing in the game... To me. That is what I spend my time preparing for, doing and protecting and while I do other “things” is in effect my endgame activity. Getting into bases should be even harder- and should be something that takes some time to plan for beyond a couple sledge hammers. @pilgrim* if you have another word for whatever that is- then you go ahead and use it but endgame fits for me.
  16. eno

    Any update on Notes returning?

    I’ll need to see an aerial view of that big camp that I saw... somehow I think I now know the shape the walls are in...
  17. eno

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    Huh... did you have one of those? Must have missed it.
  18. eno

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    It will commonly swell to full during the day on game but it’s a 6.2x speed server... so it fluctuates often. It’s a regular official server so while many of the IL / GA / TX / WA etc servers are local time the xxxxxx307 etc servers are largely time accelerated. As the local time servers get dark ours will fill up.
  19. eno

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    To be fair to that guy, our group has put a lot of miles on the map and we've never seen a car actually in use (out driving around- we've found a couple partially completed and parked) nor found another base... With the exception of the single fence kit and log I saw last night. (This is, of course, excluding our experience with your vehicle and base on a community public server). So whether there's a formal metric I think deductive reasoning does provide some plausible measure of suggestion that neither game feature is in popular use in official public vanilla.
  20. eno

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    Just to be clear- So... nobody is allowed to have an opinion about the state of anything until someone declares that it's "finished?"
  21. eno

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    Okay then. Back to trolling I guess...
  22. eno

    robbery with lethal consequence - dayz

    As the SAS would say: "Who dares, wins." Unfortunately, the winged dagger didn't have room for the follow up statement: "Unless they lose." If they get the shot off at you then their daring wins... but you're a good shot so they often lose. It's a dice roll- as you noticed in the sea can...
  23. eno

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    Posted originally in 2014 and contributed to 8 times since the end of 2017... Not sure but I think the game has changed directions... which is unfortunate.
  24. eno

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    That base is always an inspiration. I understand the argument about "doing the things." My stance is similar- but if "doing the things" that are able to provide a more substantial experience to a broader spectrum of people are so tedious and vulnerable that they resort to the short term forgettable experience it will repel players more than it will retain them. DayZ pvp at least in terms of official is not what it does best (actually, arguably I suppose it is right now)... but I live in a league of people who wants the official vanilla to get dialed in at least enough to provide a balanced PVE experience and a credible PVP threat. I think it's getting there. Make cold kill. Make raw animal meat a hazard. Make bases a little easier to build and a little harder to raid (since this too should be an endgame challenge)... make vehicles reliable to the average player. And for fuck sakes dial back the pea coats. (lol)
  25. Wǒ zhǐshì zài zhèlǐ shìyòng gǔgē fānyì.