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Everything posted by eno

  1. In my journeys I've been reading up on vehicles and their various 1.ow disruptions... however it seems if everything is kept in good repair the experience is tolerable. In my research I've noticed that a person needs "up to" 4 containers of oil to run the ADA... along with 20-40 liters of water plus other associated brick-a-brack. Each jug of oil is 10L based on the label on the jug in game... In researching an actual Lada 4x4 of approximate year (probably off a bit) it says oil capacity is less than 4 liters. 3.75 to be exact- 4L if you include the filter. Here. I TOTALLY get it if the idea is to have smaller containers of oil that are about a liter / quart each and that we would need 4 of them... but 40L? Maybe we need a 10L jug for trucks / buses etc. Is this a bug? Intended?
  2. eno

    40 liters of oil... One car.

    Measured against the tolerance for walking anything larger than a medium (small) civilian tent around... the balance is excruciating.
  3. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Been playing quite a bit more lately and now that a few members of the Helpy Helpers are getting back involved things have picked up for us. I've had a couple characters over the past few sessions- most have surprisingly been killed by interactions with zombies as opposed to players. These were generally as a result of noob mistakes and a thorough overestimation of fire axes but regardless all learning experiences. The human related death was a great learning experience so I figured I'd share that one. I had a guy who was reasonably kitted out with the basic survival stuff. I'd done a pass of the base over by Staroye and had a few nice items but nothing luxurious... I had a pistol and an MP5 of some description- a couple mags for each and generally just on the hunt for my old PautRev style "patrol pants." I was settled into an evening low pop still trying to get the hang of the game and its changes. I practically had the server to myself so odds of interaction were slight but I'm writing this so obviously that took a turn at some point. Taking some care to avoid zombie launches, I minced my way around the camp and picked through a few choice items. Nothing remarkable but while moving around the wall I heard what sounded like someone tapping on a piece of wood and realized very quickly I was not alone. Someone had run into the camp and started rifling through tents. He didn't seem too fussed about zombies and shot a few while melee'd a couple others. I originally thought I'd just sneak around and put a couple bullets in him while zombies were attacking but then the Helpy Helper in me came out. I figured I'd be the "nice guy" and just melt away into a corner and hope that the guy just moved on. He finished killing zombies and then moved into a tent nearby where I heard him reloading several mags and presumably whatever his pistol weapon of choice was. He had a good amount of gear- I could see through the tent window- wasn't afraid to go loud and I started getting the feeling like I wished I could bury myself in the corner and disappear. I was hidden around the south entrance behind some sandbags but at that point was craving being out in the middle of the ocean in the belly of a whale. He rushed out of the tent to the west and headed to the tent due north of me but could have just been running out the entrance and heading off to stir up trouble elsewhere... I got myself positioned to fire in the event he came around the corner and stumbled into me. My MP5 was ready... I was ready- sort of. Sure enough he came over towards the tent and I figured I'd better initiate since my humble beginnings had been pretty short lived so far. I carefully aimed and pulled the trigger 2 quick times while still set on semi... then a third for good measure. And a fourth. And a fifth- Unfortunately a bug happened where the shots from the gun were not registered so all I heard was clicks. Stupid game... can't even get the shots of a weapon firing right. Oh well- I throttled my disappointment while waiting for the glorious animation of my target collapsing under the weight of his surprise. He was surprised alright... but his death animation involved turning to face me and pulling the trigger at me multiple times. And it was my turn to be surprised... it was no "gun shot bug" at all. I caught a glimpse of my MP5 menu as I was busy enjoying extra ventilation bestowed on me via multiple gunshot wounds and it was clearly jammed. I tried hitting the hotbar to bring another weapon to bear but was unable to get it up in time. Seconds later, I was welcomed by a black screen: You are an idiot. Okay... so I learned my lesson and hopefully some of you do too. To clear a jam- evident since a bullet will be half sticking out of the breech of your selected weapon- you need to actually HOLD DOWN the R key or whatever your reload / cycle action keybinding is. It takes about 5-7 seconds or so to clear so if you pull the trigger and hear a click instead of a bang grab your next hotbar weapon instead.
  4. eno

    Curing the cold

    Did a little research on this. This recently edited wiki states that Codeine is also used as "cough medicine" and that multivitamins help resist colds by "strengthening the immune system-" assuming of course the function is working properly. https://dayz.ginfo.gg/wiki/ Not sure about the credibility of the database however I've found iZurvive info to be helpful and up to date so far as I can tell.
  5. eno

    Server crash caused base wipe

    Accumulating anything more than what you can carry is a dice roll. Play with friends if you have any left who play DayZ after the first few hours and help each other out. As always don’t get attached to your gear.
  6. eno

    Base building waste of time

    Probably among the most disruptive bugs currently out there... are you sure some dbag didn’t just come out and tear it down on you? As has been said often- hours to build / minutes to tear down.
  7. eno

    Sicknesses in 1.0

    It wouldn’t surprise me- however the fact that such a mechanic is working properly might.
  8. eno

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    So basically everything that needs to be said has already been said. So lock down the forum. oh but wait- then where ever will you find a place to hemorrhage your superiority complex on everyone. Never mind- leave the forums open.
  9. eno

    Sicknesses in 1.0

    Codein seems to be the winner of the cold battle though I haven’t tested it yet. I’d have thought multivitamins would resolve it or maybe even protect from it... maybe it’s an absence of multis that makes you more susceptible to colds. It’s a thought.
  10. One thing I have found is that if I add a mag to the hotbar- it only works for that mag... not every mag of that type. I assume the same is for ammo bunches- so it’ll work once off the hotbar (if you put one mag or one bunch) but after that you need to interact. Also im not sure it’ll work when you put the stuff in a protective case and then in your inventory... I only tried it once. It used to work back in the old days but I understand if it doesn’t- that was a bit of a stretch as it was.
  11. eno

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Douche meter is off the charts. In all the time you spent moaning about it you could have just posted a fucking link. Get over yourself.
  12. eno

    Dayz 1.0 persistance BUG news

    Nothing official is going to come out any time soon. It works unless it doesn’t. Act accordingly.
  13. "Those of us who have been here for 6+ years more or less expect piece meal social engagement and lack of transparency from the devs." Actually it alluded to it... but anyway. I got my number from you since I figured you knew what you're talking about. I've since changed it and you're full of excuses so I digress. Merry Christmas.
  14. Funny you of all people bring that up since I got the 6 years reference from a post you wrote.
  15. eno

    Curing the cold

    Read a couple threads on it. Nobody has answers that I’ve seen. It used to be something you had to just wait out. Stay dry, warm, fed and watered. Wonder if multivitamins are an asset?
  16. 1) It’s enabled but bugged. 2) probably not. Hours to build, seconds to dismantle... roll the dice.
  17. eno

    Reviews starting to come out

    6/10 is a blessing. The potential of character interaction would warrant a 4 if most of the people you interacted with didn’t have their mom’s tit in one hand and their dad’s wallet in the other. The expansive world is amazeballs at a glance but 80% of what’s in it from the ground to the trees to the structures is duplicated and blaze. The only thing that makes this title playable 6 years ago to now is some fun friends... I’ll keep playing because of my friends who also play but the title is an embarrassment. They make the game what it obviously can’t- a dynamic experience where we can murder each other by accident with a fire extinguisher with the same grace as the game will kill us because you freeze to death because you can’t put a log on the fire. Once feeding a fresh spawn raw human steaks from his own dead body ceases to become a novelty I suspect the title will lose velocity. Until then... belly up.
  18. eno

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    1.ow is like a time machine that takes me back to the way the game was about 4 years ago... but it was better back then. The stuff that sucks is just reprehensible. Zombies are a mess. Persistence either works or doesn’t- at least back then we knew it didn’t work. All the glitchy melee is alive and well while certain trees look like they’re on fire while the rest of the landscape is dark. Get times when your character model disappears and just smashes all your clothing into a weird kaleidoscope of parts and pieces... other times you look out of a shed and the world doesn’t render anymore but you can see people inside structures... Looking forward to progress/ as I have been since 2014.
  19. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Well, I'm back... Did better than last time and the game properly detected my resolution and didn't cause me to rage quit at the intro screen... So I landed initially around Svet and took a few minutes to get reacquainted with the controls since it's been about 2 years that I played last. Everything looked pretty good so I figured I'd start heading down towards Sol to meet up with one of the other Helpy Helpers of old. I didn't expect to live long but I did mange to check out the edge of town and make my way south. On my way past I figured I might as well go take a look at the shipwreck so diverted there. Bumped into the first person I'd see in this experience and he was lightly kitted out. I called out to him- he was carrying a camo net and I'd only been in the game about 20 minutes so I was ready to die if that's the direction it was going to go. Turns out he was really nice. "I haven't played since the mod," he mentioned, adding that there were some pant / vest upgrades on the southern section of the ship. "Still getting used to it myself... since you're the nicest person I'm probably going to meet from here on out I'll enjoy it while it lasts." We wished each other good luck and went back about our business. As he'd mentioned there were a few upgrades I grabbed but soon I was on my way towards Berezino. I kept to the west towards the woods and gradually entered that NE corner of Berezino. Heard a pretty loud gunshot but no zing or crack so started taking a little more care in my movements but still really not too worried since I'd only accumulated a few items. I worked my way south a bit more and saw a couple guys working through a pocket of houses. One of them was dressed in some obscene colours and the other guy a little more conservative. Mr. Obscene was practicing some kung fu or something and -against my better judgment- I called out to them. "Hello there- just wanted to let you know I'm passing through." Mr. Conservative looked over towards me and started coming closer. "Are you a friendly?" "Yeah... no threat here- just getting reacquainted with the game. Been awhi-" His pistol came up- "Fuck." He opened up on me from about 20 feet so I didn't have a chance... but he hit me enough times I'm hoping my stuff was ruined. I respawned closer to where I was headed- a little north of Sol by the factory on the highway. I took a detour through our old stomping ground and noticed the fountain that used to be there was gone. Rummaged through the south end of Sol and went up along the mine face to take a look around... drawing the attention of at least one zombie that proceeded to glitch its way after me for about 30 second. Even with a 1080ti the thing was just a terrible glitching mess. It lost interest in me and I lost interest as well. So for the first time back in literally years I had a reasonable experience that I think I could definitely build on if I'd had some of my old crew back... there is definitely safety in numbers.
  20. eno

    Most popular locations?

    I could literally say exactly the same thing about every square foot of DayZ... Don't get attached to your gear.
  21. eno

    Most popular locations?

    Probably depends on whether you want to have a friendly interaction or get killed... Highest density will be on the beach on spawning... fights going to be on around the larger coastal towns and their periphery. Things will settle down as you head inland but expect to run into people if you draw a straight line from places like Berezino / Cherno etc to the NWAF. Branch off those lines... the further you get the less likely you are to bump into someone but the more likely you are to run into someone who will help you as opposed to hurt you.
  22. eno

    Internationl dayZ trailer 2018

    This is my feeling too. I'm willing to give it another go once .63 hits stable but until then I'm extremely hesitant to recommend it again to anyone I like or want to continue being friends with.
  23. eno

    Just checking in..

    It helps flush the hackers out of the game. There's nobody left to hack... it's actually quite ingenious. They'll move along and spend money on hacking some other game and by the time the population comes back to DayZ it'll be smooth sailing.