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Everything posted by philbur

  1. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Strange...but I hear that Infected spawn at odd times and in odd places. I have had a fairly consistent experience these past few weeks where if there are no Infected in whatever town I am in they are almost always scattered throughout the next town or two away. In places like Vybor, Berezino, and Cherno I estimate there are about 20-30 of the bastards because I like to get geared up and then try to clear out areas (like Paul Bethany in PRIEST). Maybe they respawn so it seems like more, but honestly I think there are no less than 20 in any particular large-ish town you might encounter. The server location is not a determining factor, so maybe I am just "lucky".
  2. philbur

    Sugestion and petition

    Yes. This. I was afraid no one would come forth with the obvious problem here. I like the requirement for a sling to shoulder carry, though. It adds some realism and provides another metric for the player to deal with. A sling can be used as a splint ingredient, tourniquet, or restraint. If you are bleeding badly you need to sacrifice the ability to shoulder your weapon so you can apply a pressure bandage or tourniquet. Also...a sling is a great help in steadying a weapon in all positions. I was a competitive shooter in the forces and whether you were prone, sitting, or standing you always had better accuracy when your sling was incorporated into the support. The material could be rope, burlap, fishnet, or even torn shirts and bandages (and yes, even actual webbing slings or leather from animal hides) but the need to decide on using the sling to carry a weapon on your back or for other purposes is an enhancement.
  3. philbur

    Status Report - 10 Dec 2015

    Any day now I suspect (read; EXPECT) the big news from the team. The year end synopsis and the next big roadmap. As the originally projected Beta is inevitably delayed and some features have yet to materialize I just hope everyone takes a deep breath and considers the data before posting their comments on whatever the team comes up with. I am not happy about the directions a few core gameplay features have taken but on the other hand it has not necessarily been at the expense of the total in-game experience...and it took me a while to figure that out. Just as I was thinking about what my reactions would be to the upcoming schedule of development I happened to bounce over to Star Citizen's site for a look-see...and I am now even more grateful I decided on DayZ instead. Regardless of the next year in development, here in DayZ, the trend towards adding content and features beyond measure is something I am grateful this team knows how to avoid. Having a parent Studio counting the cash and monitoring timelines makes it a far easier pill to swallow than having an independent group running amok trying to deliver never-ending content to appease the "donators". I was pretty frustrated when we got clothes instead of cows, bows instead of ploughs, guns instead of ghouls, and biggest of all Mini-games instead of better frames! That said, I realize that one by one these initial deviations from the core game mechanics will eventually run their course and in time the meat and potatoes (so to speak) of the game will get the attention it desperately needs (gimme my new AUDIO module!). I paid a very reasonable price for this game compared to the PTP offering over at SC and it suffers from even greater loss of focus on deliverables than DayZ could ever achieve...so looking at the big picture I think the guys and gals have done enough to earn my respect and applause for getting through 2015 in relatively good standing. As usual, my opinion, and yours may vary, but all matter. Thanks, everyone, for your company in Chenarus and on these Forum Threads, Have some Beans on me!
  4. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Gews said: (Hm. They put the muzzle velocity in CfgAmmo. I don't like that, all weapons using a given ammunition will now fire their bullets at the same speed, before they could at least give different speeds for each mag type, for example, Longhorn vs Winchester, PM73 vs Makarov, Repeater vs Magnum (which was not the case, but which could have been done). But I assume each weapon will eventually get its own velocity modifier which would be a better solution.) I see the logic behind this decision, as the ammunition is going to have a constant velocity so why not simplify the code. Variances due to barrel length, twists,or due to gas loss from weapon cycling might be considerations but that kind of fine detail is probably not something they are worried about right now. Just my thoughts. (I was reloading my own .308, .357, and 375, and while different firearms have their particular nuances for delivering the projectile to the muzzle they all rely on the same powder load and bullet weight.) The .308 and .357 cartridges both performed fairly evenly as far as trap speed at 100M when fired from rifles and pistols. The gas-operated weapons do indeed "slow" the FPS down but not enough to require another .CFG entry in DayZ...methinks.
  5. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Decided to kick around on Stable again, and with a bunch of ammo for my pistol I decided to pop a few infected while kicking around Cherno in a low pop server.... Oops! Hehehe.. But now I am stuck in a building with a dozen of the buggers outside. I tried opening the door and taking down a few at a time but it seems like they just replenish their numbers. Two questions... Does the number of aggro infected eventually drop as they get taken out, or do they respawn continuously until I clear the area? Do doors now have damage? I shot through the door and it seemed like they started to break apart. I might just run my ass off, but I was going to try to stick it out at least until I run out of ammo. Thanks all.
  6. philbur

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Brian Hicks @Hicks_206 Alright - so, while I don't think the SR needs to be replaced/changed - We're going to try and do dev videos on a monthly basis starting Jan" And I posted this....Last year.... "I would welcome a related Twitch stream of releases so we can first WATCH the changes being demonstrated by the people who built it, with an explanation of what they want out of the content and what they want us to provide feedback on. (Hicks can only make casual conversation with Septic for so long before he is overcome by his compunction for mischief and outright banditry). With a Twitch tutorial to go by, I think the time between releases would be a tad more civil and progress would be more easily "felt" by us." One of those times where I get to use my smug grin! Hope this happens...Brian is articulate and tends to be quite entertaining and amicable when he does his interviews ​
  7. philbur

    Minimal specs needed to run DayZ

    Hmmm.... Lots of suggestions/opinions on PC specs, But I will chime in with the big one first..... Your processor is going to eventually KILL your in-game experience if you don't make sure you have enough horsepower to run both ARMA3 or DayZ. These games are not optimized as well as other AAA titles and without at LEAST an i5 you will quickly max your bandwidth out. Many users are noticing massive lag and chop when using even the "fastest" AMD CPUs. I have built many gaming rigs and it quickly became apparent that without ensuring a solid mainboard and CPU are behind your build you will be spending unnecessarily on GPUs trying to increae frames and overall performance. The way GPU architecture changes every 6 months or so you should think about starting your build off with the core components. 250 pounds is not a realistic budget to go that route...but you should consider holding off until you CAN afford a current chipset MB and hopefully an i7. RAM is needed as well and don't get sold on insane timings,,,,just get at least 8GB of good stuff. Ensure your power supply is at least a Gold Certified 850W unit to handle the inevitable power-hungry GPU or SLI/CFX setup. Don't even bother with traditional hard drives, as proper-fast and reliable SSDs are well priced now. As far as which game? I have played both (DayZ a lot more than A3+mods) and the choice is yours inevitably. I choose to stay with DayZ SA because it is more than just a "Game" to me...it is a valid "Early Access Alpha" game that has returned so much more to me than just the actual gameplay. I have witnessed the "creation" of this title over the last two years and I have engaged in Forum conversations that give me a deeper understanding of how games are developed, deployed, and how the overall package matures over time. Again...your opinion of what constitutes "value for your money" may differ from mine...but I honestly feel that you would be hard pressed to find another title as "interesting" as DayZ SA. Hope this gives you pause for thought, before you spend that hard cash. Cheers!
  8. philbur

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    In reference to the point about needing a vehicle to carry heli parts.... Main UH-1 rotor blades can be carried by a single person (one blade). The old-school military ones came in at around 210 pounds....so you would look awful funny humping one of those puppies around the map :D. ​ On another note.... I finally found some Zeds! I was looking for 9mm and 12ga ammo in Berezino when all of a sudden I hear that epic gurgle I so dearly miss. I see a single Zed standing across the street and I decide to test the Red9 out. After I grease the Zed nicely I cautiously look and listen....but no sign of other nasties making their way to the scene of the crime....hmmmmmm....so the so-called "hordes" are still MIA, I guess. I begin looking again for some ammo when all of a sudden I am being run down and flanked by a crap-load of the buggers! I unload my Red9, dropping about 6 Zeds...and then swap to the shotty for another 5 Zeds....Oh crap...outta ammop, and outta time...As I mentally kiss all my flaming crap goodbye and start thinking about whether the "you are dead" screen has been given an update...I notice something really odd....I am still in the fight!, Damn! I guess the Devs nerfed the Zeds quite a bit because I was taking some serious abuse and I was still only bleeding! .....Run Away!..... I make it to a shed, and close the doors behind me. I bandage, reload the few shells I had left over....and then I notice the smell..... Rule #28 in DayZland....when you crap your pants from a Zed or Survivor encounter...make sure you throw them out in case the Wifey finds out you are really just a Pant_Crapping_Sissy_DayZ...Wannabe! :lol: BTW...Just kidding about REALLY greasing my cheeks....but JESUS I love this game. This episode reminded me again what awaits us down the road when the darn thing finally gets sorted out. I am glad I switched to Exp, and I am glad I can share these little bits of mayhem with you fellow survivors. Best thing the Dev team could have done to keep us happy was to get those damn Zeds back in the game.
  9. philbur

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Hi BleedoutBill. Yeah...I suffer from the "log on at night, and you gotta PLAY at night" syndrome. But I thought having a cycle as short as it appears (to me, anyway) would be just as obtrusive. Surely you guys play for more than a few hours at a time? :rolleyes: The removal of the Gamma cheat is a good thing, but for now I almost wish I could at least dial back the darkness to "enjoy" all that Exp Chenarus has to offer. The European Servers are running the same time accel ? (I suppose I can easily check that, so I guess a bit of hopping is in order) I am forced to become a Server Hopper! See what you have done to me, Brian?! I hate you! I love you! I hate that I hate you! and I hate that I hate someone I love! (insert creepy version of Charlton Hestons' rant when he finds out it was the humans' fault).
  10. philbur

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Hi All. I finally did it, and am now an EXP dude! So here we go with the first problem. I tried 5 US Servers last night and all were on ridiculous time acceleration cycles. It went from early morning to darkness in an hour (it seemed). Searching the thread like a good boy revealed no other posts about this. The time indicator in the server list was "12" so is this a 12-times regular time modifier? And I have yet to see a single Zed... I am digging the high player counts, though.....I thought it would instantly turn into KOS after KOS but so far all my player encounters have been benign. I was playing without my headset (In my quest for immersion I have a nice 7.1 surround system and triple monitors) but with my hand raised and weapons shouldered I seem to have got the message across. (or the others simply did not have any ammo for their Mosins, Repeaters, and Red9s). So....it is not possible that this day/night cycle is the normal way the servers are set up, right?, but why have I not heard any one else mention it? And...in response to another post...I also see a difference in the Pine tree models....they seem a lot more like the old Arma2 Mod cardboard cut-outs. I went from Stable to Exp in a matter of minutes (yes, I have fast Internet) and immediately noticed the lack of depth to the tree models...I can only guess, but seems like the world terrain is dialed back a bit while items get the attention. (?) Cheers, All....and I will try the various Exp servers again today to see about that time cycle....(it definitely should NOT be that short).
  11. philbur

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Creamy Cowboy said: "Looting items helps respawn new stuff. No need to leave a bunch of garbage for the next person. It's beneficial to both parties. If I'm looking for saline / morphine, I'm going to loot up all the medical scrubs, epi pens, blood bags etc so next time I make my rounds, something that I need will possibly be there." OK...That makes sense if the CLE works that way. But again....the extreme of cleaning out areas and either stashing loot or scattering it into trees just kind of bugs me. :blush:. ​ BTW; sorry about the way I have to refer to other members' quotes...but it seems I can't properly "Quote". ​
  12. philbur

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Booo... I am finding it hard to see the point of loot hoarding on EXP. Let the stuff stay where it's at so someone else can mess with it. When you stash items you don't want you are generally being a killjoy. When 1.0 comes around it might be your cup of tea to "be that guy" (the one that cleans out a town and then hops to another server to do it all over again)...but for now you should let the loot make it's rounds. Just my opinion...no need to respond. Thanks.
  13. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    BTW. When the new build DOES make it.... Play the hell out of it for a couple sessions and then check out this roadmap from 10 months ago. First Quarter Basic vehiclesAdvanced loot distributionNew rendererNew Infected AIBasic stealth system (infected and animals)DiseasesImproved cooking and horticultureAdvanced anti-hack system (Dynamic BattlEye)Second Quarter Advanced vehicles (repair and modifications)Advanced animals (life cycle, group behaviour)Player statisticsNew UIPlayer staminaDynamic eventsWorld containersNew physics systemThird Quarter TrapsBarricadingCharacter life span + soft skillsAnimal predators + birdsAerial transportConsole prototypeAdvanced communicationFourth Quarter Animal companionsSteam community integrationConstruction (base building)Beta version​ I went through the entire thread and it sort of re-aligned my overall impressions on the development of DayZ. I am more mature in the role of "Alpha Contributor/Player" and can now look at this project with a far greater appreciation of just how massive an undertaking it is to get an A-List title up and running. I had some pretty strong expectations from the team and continue to hold them accountable for their promises, but at the same time, I accept that regardless of how it plays out there has been so much "entertainment" for me in the form of actual gameplay, forum activity, and general interest in the progression by the dev team that, by now, my ultimate goal is to see this through to the ultimate release of 1.0 than it is to criticise the development choices and broken timelines. If I was to quantify the "value" I have gotten from my DayZ alpha purchase then it would rank as one of the best bang-for-the-buck games I have ever owned. I am more deeply connected to the core gameplay and functionality choices and I understand the "reasons" for the world and it's items/audio/players so much better than if I just picked up the final game. I have spent twice as much on games I have played half as long and cared less than that about how they came to be. So every time you wonder about when the next build will make it to your PC....just remember...we are all just as anxious, but we all enjoy being here in the first place. Cheers! Weird, but thought I would share my sentiments. I have a warm fuzzy feeling that 0.59 will be arriving soon....which will be soon enough. (insert Unicorns farting rainbows and Teddy Bears dancing with Cupids anytime, now if you wish...but I am being genuine).
  14. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    One thing I am curious about is the reaction to 75-slot servers. Server hoppers really piss me off, and loot hoarding is another annoyance (but just my opinion, so go ahead and build your camps and keep posting screenshots of all the gear you collect). Will the greater capacity servers lead to less items, and therefore increase the hoppers? I think so. This is an issue I see becoming more apparent if you share my hatred of hopping. I definitely want 100-slot servers but not at the cost of increased hopping. The "penalties" for hopping have yet to be fully investigated and I hope this is something that the team explores as they get further along. So against my personal feelings about this, would limiting the number of available EXP 0.59 server instances help development but hurt Alpha gameplay? The initial player counts would go way up, which would help the devs iron out any issues arising from the increased per-server loads. I think the CLE development would suffer, though, due to a large increase of item imbalances and persistence anomalies. Since I have yet to dabble in the realm of the experimental survivors I don't recall if there were maybe too many instances, or already not enough I will definitely opt in and try to stay on a full server so I can contribute.
  15. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    It's a Mother-Beautiful Patch...and It's gonna be there! One of my all-time favorites!
  16. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yuuummmm... I saw Paula Cole when she sang with Peter Gabriel on his Secret World tour in Europe back in the day. Saw the concert twice...it was that good. I knew Gabriel would be brilliant, and Tony Levins on bass...but had no idea who she was. I submit that we need a player character model of her! (no...I am NOT getting creepy!) Thanks for the distraction, BioHaze!
  17. philbur

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Hi Brian. I did not notice if weather was tweaked for the upcoming EXP build. Is there a greater risk to the player via rain and cold? (moot point, I guess, but this would push me towards opting in.)
  18. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    ENO75 said: "You feel you owe it to the community?" Yeah, relax man.....let me clarify. I feel I owe it to the dedicated contributors and enthusiastic Dayz players to raise legitimate concerns or points of interest that can lead to lively and progressive discussions. As opposed to random "look what I did" posts that don't really expand on the knowledge we are all here for. So far I think most of my posts have been topical and I try to keep it civil. I did not intentionally try to come off as arrogant, as perhaps you may have felt. If you decide to interpret my words or grammar in a way the you decide is inappropriate then sorry about that.... Not everyone speaks with similar inflections and sentence structure, so hope you understand. Cheers
  19. philbur

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    This was in reference to Riddlers' post "sorry if I missed the answer to this question, but I too am hoping this is going to improved on? Shooting a few bullets into a car door makes it fall off the hinges? Sorry that just really really bugs me and I certainly hope they will be improving on that. I was expecting bullet holes before a weathered looking door/truck/fender. Bullet holes also to me would be much more realistic and be able to tell a story of the vehicle's past. IMHO the only thing that should take a door off its hinges is brute force caused by running into a stationary object, hitting another car/truck etc or an explosive device. It just seems so cheap looking at its current state"
  20. philbur

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    It is truly frustrating, I agree, to see time in the dev cycle being allocated for things like the "Pop-a-Matic Car". I honestly think that some of the team become too focused on "cute/cool" little things without being kept on-task. The mechanic shown in the SR for the doors being shot off is simply un-realistic and I am surprised it was allowed to get this far. I am also peeved that so much time is being given to game mechanics that are only present within the immediate world of the individual player's perspective. Can we just move on from seeing how cool the weapon models are, and maybe spruce up other objects? Can you guys spend more cycles on making the player feel uneasy and threatened by the world, instead of making him think "wow, my MP5 makes a really cool animation when I reload it!"? Sorry, but the excitement in Brian's blurb about the car damage sends warning signals to me. I truly hope they are a lot closer to the Beta release than I think, as tangents such as this are just pointless fluff.
  21. philbur

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Hi Brian. Can you provide insight into these two items? 1: Will the Audio Module you mentioned earlier in this thread have the ability, and do you plan on using it for the added effects of weapon sounds and metallic/world object sounds reverberating (echoing) off into the distance? There is some great work being done in ARMA3 that, IMHO, massively increases the immersion and "fear" within the game. I am pleased you mentioned earlier that the Audio side of things is still far from fleshed-out, but a lot of focus seems to be on the local (close proximity to the individual player) sounds when I feel that adding audio cues to give the player a broader awareness of potential dangers farther away would be time better served. 2: Has the Inventory screen and functionality thereof been examined any further, or has the .58EXP Opt-in version been given the green light? Many contributors have added their feedback on this element and I am wondering if there has been thought given to perhaps a more user-inspired look and feel to it. I have not noticed a direct reference to the UI and related game elements so can you update us on when we might see more on this, and if a re-think is in progress? Thanks again. (You hit the Gym? I thought you had enough exercise carrying the rest of the dev team around on your shoulders...)
  22. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I am going to follow up on the weapon acoustics on the DESIGN Sub Forum to see if I can provoke a response from the Audio devs. This is similar to the situation regarding the UI and Inventory redesigns. I have such strong disagreements with what is internally proposed that I feel I owe it to the community to post my discontent. The feeling I get from reading what the team is saying is that when someone has an idea about a design element it becomes the best idea ever...without the slightest effort to go a different direction as an alternate. There are many really cool aspects of the game so far, and more to come, but they fall short of truly becoming something special because the immersive aspects are not fully considered. Packing a lunch...and off to the Audio discussion!
  23. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Having checked out the vid posted by Hicks on weapon sounds....it reminds me of just how BAD I want them to improve the sounds of distant gun shots. Hearing a shot off in the distance, coming from a town I am approaching....from over the hill I am camping on....around the corner of the street I was crossing... It simply NEEDS to be in game. The devs have spent a good deal of time on ranges to get the mechanics and basic feel of the weapons right...but they should pay closer attention to the acoustics of the various weapons when heard from distances and also they should get the "crack" right, when a rifle bullet just misses you. This status report was not worth the wait, generally...especially with the numerous references to not releasing the new EXP build due to continuing work (I thought Alpha Builds WERE EXACTLY THAT!). Guilty of thinking as build numbers go up so does the deadline to Beta go down. Guilty as well, I suppose, of thinking a Status Report this far removed from the last iteration of Stable might mean a new EXP was being pushed. Taking bets on having EXP 0.59 show up on Halloween night?
  24. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Thanks....Yeah... I was finally going to try simply surviving on full servers for a change. I have spent the entire dev time of this game on low pop Stable servers.... Time to walk the walk!
  25. philbur

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I can't find the actual discussion about higher pop EXP Build servers.... I was pretty sure that was in the works.