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About cornholio308

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. cornholio308

    The current delay

    Not really going to get into it too much but to simply put it, there was a hardware issue that has delayed the experimental build, I think it would have been nice if that "hardware issue" had actual details, like what went wrong. I have had hardware issues over my time using pc's and can usually figure out what is wrong within a couple of hours and if a game being developed was my job I could have that required peace of hardware at my doorstep in 1-3 days, also another great idea would be simply continuing my work on another computer by simply using the backups that I'm sure they all have or simply throwing the harddrive into another computer and using that harddrive to boot the pc. There really is so many ways to continue your work. Maybe they have gone full cheapo on development and have no spare computers to use? I'm sure a 1-2 thousand euro if that is far too much to expend considering the limited resources dayz makes, cough. What's your guys opinion?
  2. cornholio308

    Complexity of damage given.

    Exactly my issue, the human body can take a hell of a beating sometimes and still operate, in other cases it is quickly shut down, it all depends where you were hit and your reaction to the wound. Killing someone in dayz and getting an instantaneous kill should be rare.
  3. cornholio308

    Complexity of damage given.

    Yeah thanks for clarifying what I meant agouti, the femoral artery if implemented and damaged would cause rapid blood loss and should only be fixable by some form of proper medical equipment vs just a bandage, maybe a medical sewing kit and tourniquet and bandage is required to heal that kind of wound, the tourniquet is applied first to give you substantially more time to sew the wound and apply the bandage.
  4. Having been with someone that was a nurse and hearing the multiple stories of gunshot wounds/knife wounds you are incorrect. Leaving the arrow in the wound would apply pressure on the cut arteries and flesh that it has created thus stemming the bleeding. Snapping the arrow close enough to the entry wound would be advisable to stop the arrow moving and doing more damage though so you are not totally incorrect. A wound like that would need to be stitched up though so yeah a bandage would not suffice. I completely agree though the damage system needs to be redone, check some of my other posts on here :)
  5. cornholio308


    Anyway, lets try keep this about the suggestion aye?
  6. cornholio308


    Stop making such statements that are irrelevant to the topic. Support for the game is exactly as I stated, Bug fixing and maybe official server support. So who is on another planet here? The fact you wrote "how about modding" sarcastically clearly represents you were directly referring to what I was talking about in my OP, I clearly stated if these features couldn't make the cut before full release then they could easily be added on post release, and my fear is that dayz will indeed of course have support, but not the support in the way of adding meaningful features like nearly every game released today. The only content they release is DLC that you have to be ridiculous money for. Explain to me how console support insures the features I was suggesting are added? When did I say longevity was my concern? Also, in some ways you are not required to back up what you are saying, for example there is no legal contract to do so, but in another light, such as actually making a valid point. It IS required. I do indeed follow the development of the game, I may miss snippets of information due to having a life but what can you do? I don't feel I have much to offer in terms of good suggestions, I know my suggestions would compliment DayZ.
  7. cornholio308


    Come to think of it, even if it was stated that dayz will be getting features added a decade from now "I cant find any proof of this", please show me some statements from the dev team mentioning any of the suggestions I have made were in the works. :rolleyes:
  8. cornholio308


    Decade long project? When you make statements like that you should show some actual proof considering it's been apparently said so many times, and the only justifiable facepalm here is the one I am doing at this moment at the fact you have an issue that someone has not seen something you have. Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? Also another facepalm at the fact you mentioned modding as the solution, if modding was the answer wouldn't you think these mods would have existed in dayz mod, or any of the arma series??
  9. cornholio308


    Yup, check out some of my other posts. Even if some of the suggestions I have made make it into the game even months or a year post release it would be okay, fingers crossed dayz wont be one of those games that gets released and gets MAYBE a couple of bug patches here and there and is left to die. That seems to be the trend with most games, a set period where creation and development and then the dreaded full release comes and the creation and further development seizes to exist, you would think by not having to create so much content that actually makes the full game their hands would be free to look into more complex and in depth features but instead just resort to patching bugs. It's mind boggling.
  10. That would be hard to animate, but maybe just a simple remove arrow from body selection, having to do that in order to bandage the wound, but as a result after removing the arrow you bleed profusely until the bandage is applied. So if struck with an arrow and you are without any bandages? It would probably be best to leave the arrow where it is until you get medical supplies.
  11. cornholio308

    Complexity of damage given.

    Imagine the day a developer responds and says they have actually read and acknowledged a single suggestion post? Tbh maybe they do, they must just lurk around in the shadows.
  12. Well without making it overly complicated, since forever I have had this strange gratification when shooting things with a bow and seeing the arrow protruding out of the wound and or protruding out of the exit wound, plus I find it hard not to laugh when you manage to shoot someone in the knee or butt leaving them alive solely for the entertainment factor. Am I alone?
  13. cornholio308


  14. cornholio308


    Here is a huge game changer that enfusion can bring us, concealment! The current method in the real virtuality engine "arma uses" is beyond garbage. Instead of going into the details I'll give credit to "Ecloo" and direct you to his very well formed opinion on the matter. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/140105-rendering-grass-at-long-distances-my-thoughts-about-it/ What "Ecloo" was suggesting is a really effective simulation of what we would naturally see in real life, but it's not perfect. The human eye notices movement, and the scenes currently in arma and dayz are almost completely static, thus any movement is instantly noticed. In reality there is lots of things moving, grass, trees, dust, the list goes on. But clearly todays software/compute power is fairly weak at replicating anything like this. But the concept "Ecloo" was mentioning can work.
  15. cornholio308

    Complexity of damage given.

    http://www.smh.com.au/world/man-survives-after-being-shot-21-times-in-gunfight-20100809-11ukw.html Actual proof ^^^