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Ausker Cano

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About Ausker Cano

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. There may be glitches, and hackers and things that sometimes piss you right off; but there are the good times. Times like that day when you and that black dude you met in solnich gang beat a woman to death for her can opener, only to discover she also had peaches. You and black bambi rejoice in your spoils and run to a nearby lake to revitalize at which time you share said can of peaches. You can't help but notice these peaches don't necessarily taste good, but they feel good; each crescent shaped bite brings you closer to life, and closer to this black fellow who's name you don't know and will never see again. Suddenly. Black dude turns to you and says. "She didn't deserve it man, she was friendly and had no gun, therefore not a threat. That poor girl probably spent three hours getting equipped and we raped that from her for a can opener." It hits you.. You feel bad for killing an innocent girl. guilty even. The peaches, though having no taste, no longer taste right anymore. You're a murderer. Not some kid with a k d ratio. However before you can finish your thought you hear a couple quick bangs, the black kid shout Noooo, You turn just in time to see the barrel of an ak47 pointed at you. The man demands that you sing him a song. He makes you his bitch. Strips you of your manhood. It's funny tbh, though it takes a real toll on your pride. Never have i been so emotionally involved in a game, and this game doesn't even have story line to get involved in. However. just now, you created a story, the story of you and your black friend becoming prey to the cold unforgiving land or Chernarus .