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About Masprotech

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Masprotech

    DayZ in 2020

    Look I've got 930 something hours invested here. Not nearly as many as some of you do but.. I am let down. I am just bummed out I guess is all I can say. Half of the list of promises that were made to us were broken or pushed off like they didn't matter. Yay broken bones.. Yay more diseases. What about a bicycle or air vehicles or bows or adding back in the things that were taken out in the beginning? I know map changes and vehicles are two different departments here but we still don't have vehicles that are reliable physics wise.. I just don't get it. I guess I don't understand the logic that's in place here with adding new amusement parks that I have never seen asked for versus fixing inventory (i'm hoping this is the fix that was talked about on exp) or vehicles. Or any multitudes of hundreds of things that were asked for over these things that weren't. I am not trying to gripe and complain here or have this team feel like all hope is lost but if you would LISTEN TO YOUR LOYAL Players. Take our thoughts and requests into consideration. AND please Don't dumb this game down. This game was meant to be hard. This game is the one I played the most. The one I would go to when I've had a hard day at work. And I fell in love with it the first time I fired up the mod. Now I weigh my options and I hate that. I just want to add. I think most of us who bought the game before 1.0 bought the game based on dev blogs or updates and promises that were made about development. In a way I feel like we are all investors into this game. Maybe Im completely off base here but I feel like I was lied to just to get me and others to buy into this end all be all game of all games.
  2. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    *Deleted because whats the point* I think we are getting way off topic here anyway.
  3. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Wow I never meant to spark this much controversy. I don't consider myself great at this game or anything close. I have nearly 900 hours in and I can say that out of those 900 just in standalone most if not all have been on experimental and I have never once taken a shot at another player without trying to speak to them first. And truth is I have died alot in this game without being spoken to once. Or being responded to. Doesn't mean I take the first shot. I just duck behind some cover and keep on truckin. I'm not here to dictate how anyone plays their Dayz. I am merely stating the fact is we ALL realize the gun mechanic of this game is working without the need to get into yet another damn gunfight. Especially in the first few hours of a new long awaited for and highly anticipated visual update to our favorite title. I don't know about the rest of you but I checked twitter feeds daily and on these forums almost daily waiting on that next Dev Update or little bit of new info on how the development is progressing. I couldn't wait to get home and check things out again. Im not bitching or calling names or trying to advise anyone on how they play. Yes I do think KOS players are childish and yes I think its uncalled for. But it is whatever it is and they are for whatever reason deciding to act the way they do. Point is this game is being developed for all player types and whoever you choose to be is up to you. But I know where I stand on it and my opinion on it wont change.
  4. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    So I got to play for a few hours last night and here are some of my findings. I spawned in Berezhki in the dark last night and immediately noticed a difference. I have to say it renewed my sense of fear in this game, like the very first ever login in the dayz mod back in the day.I immediately hit the ground trying to avoid being detected by players and zombies. I start inching my way to the cabin at the waterfront and noticed another player hunched in the bushes. We talk for a bit and parted ways. He no more than got out of eyesight when I heard a single gunshot in the woods. I quickly looted the little village and ran crouched in the new underbrush. Ducking and weaving between trees. And out of the corner of my eye I see two fully geared players in camo running down the dirt road towards the town I spawned in and just behind them a dead body of a newly spawned player in the road dead. I inspect the player and he had a single weapon on his back. And this confirms to me that there are going to be some assholes in this version as well.. I make it to the next town Turovo or Karmonovka and was looting and got my first server crash. Log back in on different server and its day. Do some quick looting and as I'm crouched in between houses moving some loot around I hear some thumps on the ground and out the corner of my eye a white wolf jumps a fence and heads away from me. I run quickly into the closest house and duck and start searching through the windows for more. But nothing. A single wolf in the town and nothing else. I hear a gunshot just north of my location and nearly pissed myself. I decide to quickly and covertly make my way up and over into the big town of Cernaya Polana and get my second server crash. Log back into different server and its dark again. I was back in the house I had ducked into before. So again make my way over the hill and take out a couple of zombies with my nail filled bat. And another crash. Login and its dusk. I can barely see. But just as I am about to cross the road into the town I see a pack of wolves about half a mile up the road near the hunting shack. I stop for a second and frantically search for my screenshot button and damn it I couldn't find it. What a sight though. 4-5 wolves standing in the road each making their way across it. I gotta say I couldn't believe this game is this damn beautiful. I move into the new rail yard and start to loot and hear the wolves howling up the hill in the distance. I keep doing my thing and go to move back across the road and that's when I hear it. Thump thumpity thump and my adrenaline kicks in so fast. Wolves. Shit...... I run back to a shed I had left the door open on and shut it quickly behind me and get out my bat. They were on me quick and barking all around my new hideout. And as I'm waiting on them to lose interest I see a head sticking through the door. I smack it hard. And the next and then the next. I managed to kill the leader of the pack and the wolves scatter leaving me. I build a quick fire slice up the wolves and eat some steaks and this is where I ended my night. I am pretty sure the wolves clipping into that corrugated building has always been a thing. The sounds are great albeit a little repetitive at times.You can clearly hear the transitions between zones. I nearly pissed myself thinking I heard sticks breaking or a wolf howling in pain. But I don't think those sounds are in the game. I didn't get to see any rain in my run around. I did lose some items by setting them down. Or do to servers crashing and me losing the last few minutes of whatever I was doing. The nights are dark and full of terror now. Amazing and beautiful scenery in my run. I almost couldn't believe it was the same game. The shooting of freshly spawned players is a little ridiculous but that's my opinion. We know the guns work. And some of us are just trying to check some of the new things out and see how the game feels in this version.
  5. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    Which server do you guys play on? I've been running around on a couple different ones trying to find people I can run with. I finally made my way to Tisy last night and heard some gunfire. So I ducked behind a tree to kind of prepare myself to be hunted down ...all the while I'm sending a message through the text chat asking if anyone is there and do they want to help me test stuff.... Knowing good and well that it wont matter and that once I'm found I will be shot... And as I was getting ready to log out I moved myself better into a tree so that when I log in wont be shot before my screen clears up but as I'm hitting escape to log out I hear a shot whiz right by me.. and I hit yes... Really hope my efforts to get to the north of the map weren't all to be shot in the damn face once I arrive... Anywho My findings are much like the rest of you.. Find a vehicle get in drive for a bit and performance drops. Bus gets stuck on tracks. After about a minute or two of driving any vehicle my screen begins to skip around and when my computer catches up I am off the road and in a tree or against a guardrail. But to be fair Ive noticed these little hiccups happen even when not in a vehicle....Out in the woods away from all buildings and as far as I can tell other players... I'm thinking its probably my hard drive though. So I will remedy that tonight. A little story from the other night...I was in a bus and I had two vehicles meet me up around The north of the map the other night an offroad and a sedan just as I was making a right hand turn to check out Sinistok... I see them slow down and start to turn so I freak out a little thinking ok I'm going to be overtaken stopped then shot... Turns out I was right... I was overtaken once I see the door swing open and I keep the pedal down.. I make it all the way into that corner where the other offroad should spawn and realize a bus will not fit. Just as I turn the big bus around I notice the offroad has stopped and someone is out with a gun in their hand and aiming at my window and my screen goes red... The sedan is coming straight at me and I think Hell I'm bigger. So I hit him in the side and he spins over the guardrail wheels look popped.. Just as I clear the rear of that cars bumper I crash to desktop. Log back in to gun fire and a black I am dead screen shortly after... Whoever you were you could've spoken to me I would've stopped and we could've had some adventure together. But no You chased me down and had to just shoot me... Kind of boring ... But thanks I wanted to start over again.... Hate to bitch but I could see if I was just running around shooting people but whatever....
  6. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.61.136821

    Played for a couple of hours last night. Couple of things.. The CZ61 when fired with a silencer I couldn't hear it as loud as it used to be.. I fired the cr75 just to check and the sound was fine with gun fire its just the CZ that's doing this. When I was doing my firing test with the unsilenced CR75 the infected were drawn to me.. I killed a few then out of no where I was hit several times before I knew what was going on. I ran a short distance to bandage because I had started to bleed. And smack smack a few more times. I turn and draw my weapon and fire into the invisible creature with a full 20 round mag and smack smack, I'm hit again. So I run and lock myself in a building so I can bandage quickly. And I just logged from there.. I didn't get to test the CZ61 without a suppressor or the cr75 with a suppressor. All in all this build with loot distribution and framerate seems to be an improvement. No huge piles of loot. I have noticed that some places have nothing for a few houses and then one house will have all of its loot spots filled. Thanks Devs for the hard work and dedication. I have enjoyed every single build in experimental and I can see your vision coming to fruition. Out of every game I own this is the one I default to every single time. So thanks again guys and gals and hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas!!!!!
  7. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.61.136796

    One question in the changelog under addons I noticed this: Added: Electricity: Dropped plugs near other devices are now persistent through server restarts Added: New electricity functions DropPlugNearby(...), StoreDroppedPlugObjectIDs(...), IsPlugDropped(), GetDroppedPlugObjectIDLow(), GetDroppedPlugObjectIDHigh() Tweaked: Power Generator now does not turn off if its moved (workaround for it switching off after server restart) Does this mean the electricity components are in the game now? Or am I reading this entirely wrong?
  8. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.61.136700

    I would just like to say whoever that little punk was in Grishino with his little buddy playing CS-GO with me is a flat out asshat... I would very happily refund the money you spent for this game just to stop people like you from playing...
  9. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.61.136700

    Has the update been pushed to steam yet? Ive never been at home when the updates come in and wanted to check this build out before having to return to work.
  10. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.61.136700

    You guys are on it with these updates... Great game and Great fun this .61 run of updates have been the most challenging and fun so far for me..... Met up with a player just before the servers went down. For the life of me I cant remember his name.. Something Sultan... If anyone wants to team up and run the map together hit me up on steam... Masprotech on there too....
  11. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Im having an issue with the 64 client being laggy in the menu and my fps dropping to only a fraction of what it is in 32bit.. Another thing I have noticed is the light from say a lantern only shows up for me at certain weird angles.. Ill take a pic and post asap Does this warrant a bug report?
  12. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.61.136067

    Having an issue with my character reverting to a female. Ive tried changing it but it keeps going back to the female character
  13. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Tried to test some things and got shot at and chased down only to be shot for no reason. Too bad we cant host single player hives to test on our own and not have to worry with kids flooding the experimental servers and shooting at anything that moves. I may be griping but I seriously think this is hindering bug finding.... Just my two cents
  14. Masprotech

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Uhm am I missing something? My experimental client updated to .61 was a 2gb update but no servers yet? Edit; Nevermind.. Got excited for no reason ..lol
  15. Masprotech

    Status Report - 19 July 2016

    I know people are having issues with the Bipods and inventory missing upon relog.. I have had a Bipod on my M4 for almost 10 logins and it only wipes my hotbar. My inventory is still intact. I have not tried to remove anything from the gun and it is loaded down with a scope, flashlight, RiS handguard , Cant remember the buttstock I have or the scope but its red dot.. Before I painted I removed everything then reattached after. Ive not had any issue other than my hotbar being reset after each login. The only issue Ive had has been vehicle related. I has one issue day before yesterday. I went to a heli crash site and found an ammo box full of stanag rounds. I mean completely full.. I haven't seen an ammo box in forever and I recall reading on here someone else making that comment. I went into a nearby building for cover and to sort through inventory. I put one double clip on the ground to reload go to pick up the clip and it disappeared from the local screen. I had to run quite a distance and back to retrieve it...