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Everything posted by THEGordonFreeman

  1. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Here's an example of a bad physics simulation recorded just a couple of days ago. AND BONUS from 2 days ago!...
  2. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    I don't try to understand BI. I use to speculate, but it is crystal clear they do things "different". I have face palmed so many of their decisions over the years between Arma 3 and mostly DayZ. I have heard so many people use the same logic that they have to fix vehicle physics in Enfusion for Arma IV and that will somehow magically roll down to DayZ. Given their track record of making bone headed decisions over the last several years. I don't believe that for one second. You're final assertion is where I would put my money at this point. It's sad really. As much as I love Arma 3, after the way they treated DayZ and put more resources into Ylands, a game that virtually few people play because the CEO likes it, I see no reason to grace BI with one more dime of my money. There are 43 people playing Ylands right now while 17,459 people are suffering through shitty vehicle physics in DayZ. And yet as far as we know the dev team for YLands is much, MUCH larger than DayZ. Just WTF? There is no good reason to not have vehicle physics being a priority for DayZ. And hasn't been for at least 2 years.
  3. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Arma 2 circa 2013.... Notice how the vehicle is COMPLETELY driveable and doesn't kill everyone in it. That is a rare occurence in DayZ SA. This is a prime example of how well vehicles worked in Arma 2. They were client side. Now they are server side and can't hold a candle. I just noticed Impulz responded here. I'd like to address his response: There is NOTHING incorrect about my assertion that the vehicles are not working. They do not work reliably, that is a factual statement. I am certain this is a complicated matter, a matter that was CAUSED by the decision to make them server-sided under the guise of halting hackers. At least, that is what we were told at the time. On a populated server, you will fly into space REGULARLY. It has happened to me personally 4 days in a row, until I gave up on that server. I'd call that DAILY. I agree taht some don't experience it as much as others but that is to be expected as DayZ is a complicated simulation. Some people don't play on high pop servers, and therefore, don't experience this phenomena as much as those that do. But the problem technically EXISTS on EVERY server. A problem that was caused by the aforementioned decision to make the server the authority. I can't argue with HOW MANY HOURS the devs have worked on the problem since it was implemented, but I damn sure can argue with the results over the last several years and the words you all devs have said about the vehicle issues. Well, what little has been said anyway. I am certain it is frustrating as hell, but with the lack of communication from the devs and the fact that they are STILL broken.... how would you think fans of the game would react? Why would ANYONE think a vehicle launching into space, where you lose hours of progress to a now admitted KNOWN ISSUE by the devs, would be impressive? How on earth can a dev laugh at such misfortune caused by decisions (good or bad can be debated) they and those before them made? Is it funny, in the context of the video, yes. To the player experiencing it, not in the long run. It's highly effing frustrating. After YEARS, why the hell not? Why would anyone find it acceptable to go into Beta for ONE MONTH and not fix a major part of the game. You are essentially saying vehicles are an afterthought. And that is EXACTLY what they feel like, btw. Just something amusing for the Youtube crowd to post funny videos about. That's how many hours I have played this game. I love it. I want to see it be the best in it's genre. With all the "fixes" being brought to the game, why aren't vehicles a bigger priority? I'm sure it's complex and difficult, but over two years of dealing with them in their current state is ENOUGH. Impulz, I'm glad you came here to address the topic, I hope we can continue the discussion.
  4. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    After all the iterations of Arma 2 and Arma 3 and now DayZ, I have had it with trying to get the suits to do anything. The dev team has to make the pleas to the suits to get things fixed. The suits ain't listening to the peons and never have like you or me. You say they know about it, please find some quotes of them acknowledging vehicles are a crapshoot and they are going to fix them eventually. You won't find any. How would we know that THEY know and are going to do something about it?
  5. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    So basically no one should say anything about the obvious problems? I'm not speculating on what some Youtuber says, I'm spittin' facts. These vehicles have been BROKE AS F! For far too long. It's not my job to understand how BI works, nor is it yours, we play the games they make. If it's screwed up, we should say so. I could give a flying flip about YLands.... I actually own it, and haven't played in 2 years. I play DayZ almsot daily. I want it to work. And the best way to get it to work is to voice my concern to the devs who visit this forum and plead to fix the vehicles. They can go to bat with the higher ups, that's their job. IF BI wants to spend money frivously on a game that no one plays, so be it. But they will hear from me on the games I do play that are broke. BI.... fix the damn vehicles.
  6. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    Well they need a helluva lot more attention than hats and brooms. That's for damn sure, and you can't deny THAT!
  7. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    Agree to Disagree. But you cannot deny the fact that without vehicles people would tire of the running simulator quickly. In my opinion, vehicles have held this game back for far too long. Guns and zeds are fine compared to the state vehicles are in.
  8. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    The maps are relatively hundreds of miles big and vehicles are not a core ingredient? That is a silly statement. Vehicles are beyond annoying. There would be few players on these huge ass maps without vehicles, you can bank on that. Transport is JUST as important as that new fangled hat or that shiny golden AK. You need a vehicle to get around on Chernarus/DeerIsle and other maps. You need a vehicle to transport base building material to most areas. And when you raid or loot a big mil area, a vehicle is damn near required to carry everything with you. Since the mod, vehicles have been just as important as the Zeds.
  9. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    BI doesn't exactly have a great reputation when it comes to communicating with it's players on multiple games. In particular, DayZ has been a complete disaster. Somehow, they think they can keep the stink down by ONLY peeping their heads up out of the water 4 times a year now with an update.... that rarely addresses the underlying problems. I just got off experimental, and yes, vehicles are still crap. I love this game, but until the devs actually do something about the condition vehicles are currently in and talk to us about it, I will not stop reminding them about how crappy they are.....
  10. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    I ran DayZ servers for years and on great hardware with less than 20 players, standard vanilla vehicles were never consistent. So unless you are playing on a server with very few others, vehicles are not consistent. I know this for fact, first hand knowledge of running mutiple DayZ servers for years. Even now, I know several current large communities that are trying every trick in the book to keep players from constantly bitching about vehicles and losing gear. It is fact, that community servers are basically keeping this game alive. Mods like car cover should not be needed to keep the server from tanking and vehicles in place. It's a workaround. The Devs SHOULD have fixed this years ago.
  11. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    As usual crickets from the devs on the vehicle issues. I guess adding clothing is more important than fixing the only mode of transportation in the game. Wouldn't we all be better off with just removing vehicles altogether? I mean the devs removed guns to fix them, but didn't do anything with the vehicles except leave the buggy pieces of crap in the game for us to all suffer through.
  12. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    The most major bug that devs have totally ignored for nearly 6 years are the flying cars. I noticed that Arma 3 just released a new DLC, and the cars STILL act reasonably well on an engine that is ancient at this point. Perception is reality. When will vehicles become usable/reliable in this game? Can you give us a year? At this point and with the lack of attention, we are all assuming never. If that is so, I'd like to hear it first hand. So sick of this.
  13. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    "Fixed Cars from flying and desyncing stupidly" When will we be able to read that in one of these updates, it's only been like 6 years...
  14. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    you guys fixed vehicles yet? I guess not. Skipping a third update. Arma 4 should be quite a cliffhanger every time you intend to use a vehicle.
  15. THEGordonFreeman

    Stable Update 1.11

    GTA V has cars that WORK on fully populated servers. They don't fly unless you jump a ramp, hell, you can even fly a plane and it... just.... works. Can DayZ EVER get this mechanic functioning properly on a 60 player server? 1.11 was supposed to be a major bug fix for the game and yet, BI chose to not fix the elephant bug in the room.... no one is surprised, understandably, given their record, but you would think maybe, just maybe, they would surprise people... But nope, it's business as usual. Give them a few crumbs every once in a while and string them along a few more months... rinse... repeat.
  16. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Cars still suck on quality servers.... just sayin'.
  17. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Truer words have NEVER been spoken. We've had a couple of fix/stability patches and NONE of them have fixed the most consistently unstable thing in the game... VEHICLES. I recently played PUBG... amazing how vehicles work so well on a packed server on that game. Sad to say but DayZ has the worst vehicle stablility ever in an online open world game currently.
  18. THEGordonFreeman

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Did they fix the vehicles? No?...... same crap different update.
  19. THEGordonFreeman


  20. THEGordonFreeman


    Our server runs a dedicated 4 cores to DayZ and 16 GB of memory. We are not messing around. All SSD's and on a 1Gb connection directly plugged into Google Fiber. Ping times are low, and we need players. Namalsk is a lot of fun, we have bases going up in many areas, and we are looking for mature players needing a DayZ home. Must love Survival and PvP. Our server is not setup for easy mode. It's cold, wet and we have a number of additional enemies that want to make mince meat of you. Come join us in our Discord. We are usually more active in the evening. We are looking for people who want to play the LONG game of DayZ and want to FIGHT. Bring it!
  21. THEGordonFreeman


    We are actively seeking mature gamers that are looking for a home for their group/team or even solo players. Our features are listed above. All bases are raidable. We do not have traders. We focus on Survival and PvP. Yes, we are open to light RP, but there are NO SAFEZONES. Namalsk is meant to be harsh, but we have struck a balance by offering 3rd person play and light grinding for the most precious weapons and gear. If you play the long game of DayZ, we are your home. Bring your friends. Come visit our Discord. https://www.discord.io/maturegaming
  22. THEGordonFreeman


    We keep things fair. There is balance in all we do. If you are looking for a fair community server where PvP, Survival and light RP mix, then you have found your home.
  23. THEGordonFreeman

    New Update

    Excuse me, the new Player controller and all the BS that went with it including losing most of the weapons, making vehicles server sided, etc was (in part) due to LIMITATIONS of Consoles. This game was dumbed down due to the money grab, it's that simple. I cannot recall a single game made for PC that was made better by supporting consoles... NOT ONE. Developers made more money by "adjusting" i.e. dumbing down their product for the peasants. Consoles are fun for kids, but at some point you grow up and by a PC and experience games as THEY SHOULD BE.
  24. THEGordonFreeman

    DayZ in 2020

    Vehicles have been a HUGE part of DayZ since the mod. They are far more important on the larger maps as that is how you move around quickly and carry items to and from bases. Yes, you can build a base without a vehiclein many, many hours of work, or you can cut that time down significantly with a vehicle. Raiding bases and towing gear is much simpler with a vehicle as well. Vehicles really are not end game, but they are a necessary mechanic toward end game.