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Everything posted by THEGordonFreeman

  1. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Are the vehicles any better on Console Community servers? The answer is... HELL NO!
  2. THEGordonFreeman

    Why I don't play on official....

    That's pretty sad. You're right of course, but I am still calling them out so new or potential new players know what is up before they spend their money.
  3. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Until vehicles are fixed, I don't plan to give BI one more dime of my money. Not for any DLC, not for any new game. I have had it. DayZ was the first game I supported in Early Access, and while I have bought a few other EA titles... no more. I'm done. I sincerely love this game in spite of the development company involved. Through all of the dumb mistakes, Dean Hall, and all of that, I have fully supported the vision until they decided to go Beta then Full release within a month, the love affair I have with this game began falling apart. There's a lot to like about the game, but deciding to release to console was the worst decision they could have made. Sure it made BI more money, but what did we get in the end.... a lot more frustrated players, that's what. And a wholesale change to the game that nobody asked for or wanted (ahem... Player Controller). But the real travesty is making the game full release with the aweful vehicle physics. Sadly the game is not really playable for Console people, especially on a server with a few players or bases. But even us PC folk are willing to forgive some of the desync goofiness, but the state of vehicles is pure crap, it never should have been released. I don't play console, but there's no way in hell this is a fully released and patched game. It's the second saddest thing to see for the game...
  4. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    I really wish BI would put as much time/energy/passion and attention to detail in the vehicles as they do in their trailers for these updates. But I guess I can wish in my left hand and poop in in my right. The poop in my right hand is tangible... it stinks, but it is tangible.
  5. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    So I wonder what exactly it will take to make this a priority for BI? How many players have to suffer through no fault of their own?
  6. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    While the mod was much more reliable vehicle-wise, you could still get airborne on the rare occasion. here's comparison of vehicles from 2012 to 2021, and if you close your eyes, it feels like nothing has changed!
  7. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    The slow motion crash... a new way to lose all your progression and gear through no fault of your own. Fortunately, this guys rode it out and survived. Not the normal experience with vehicles at all. BONUS CLIP! Here's a car actually flying at the airfield.... natural habitat for all DayZ vehicles...
  8. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    I'm sure this is EXACTLY how BI intends for us to play the game. Conform to how THEY want you to play.... kinda defeats the whole reason of being an Open World title. ANY vehicle can turn into a space shuttle in seconds... proof....
  9. THEGordonFreeman

    Server problems

    Check documentation for Battleye and CFTools, you need to open ports on your server.
  10. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    So this just about sums up my experience with vehicles and why I don't use them. This is the default way to die in a vehicle....
  11. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Right on. It's a possible workaround. It's a damn shame players have to figure out ways around problems left by developers. BI is notoriously famous for this since Arma 2. And DayZ likely won't be the last game they leave Mac Truck sized bugs in as game features. I mean, this would be embarrassing for most companies but this has become BI's calling card at this point. What makes it different is that, vehicles are a major feature to the game and while I'm sure the current team would love to have it fixed, it's not a priority, and THAT is what has so many perplexed. It's a major feature of the game and it sits here broken FOR YEARS and even the developers don't know when or if it can be fixed. That's like a doctor ripping out a bone in your leg, and putting a replacement in saying it will be better than the original bone, but every 10 steps or so, your leg flies out from under you and you fall to the ground. Every couple of months the doctor takes an XRay and can't figure out how to fix it but keeps telling you he's working on it. Sure, you can live without the leg, but he said it would be better from the beginning, although your leg was perfectly fine from the start. It makes no sense and now it's basically ignored and they tell you well, at least you can make 9 steps.... in other words... working as intended, at this point, deal with it, you'll get used to it.
  12. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Desync between the client and the server is a large part of the problem. I was playing on a server last night and attempted to walk into a storage container where someone had trapped a zombie. I opened a door, backed out walked around and the server "THOUGHT" I was inside the container adn the zombie just beat the shit out of me, meanwhile I am cursing like hell outside the container getting my ass kicked by nothing. Cars are server authority and if the server hardware sucks or even a few people on or you bubble into a large base and your character has to receive all of the items in that base, you will lag or desync and you are screwed in some fashion. Sometimes if the vehicle is spawned in on top of other debris, it will auto jump when you get in it and start. My experience has always been very rarely to find a vehicle that is stable.
  13. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    It's to the point that I feel like the community is being taken advantage of.... What I mean is that it was evident from the start that the community would put in a ton of resources to overcome many of the problems the game actually suffers from. Vehicle physics is one thing that I don't believe the community can fix without source code access, but they knew the community would be putting in effort to making the game fresh and new. Offering a new DLC would be a complete slap in the face. I mean, Livonia was the worst money grab I have ever seen, from Bohemia anyway. It's a fun map, but by no means a great one, it has always felt incomplete to me, kinda like Esseker is at the moment. But I am confident Esseker WILL GET FINISHED. And if I get that itch to run for 20 minutes through the forest to find one little place to loot, I would take Esseker over Livonia any day of the week. No DLC until cars are fixed! It's older, but still another perfect example of the state of cars today......
  14. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    In Arma 3, vehicles were client authority, in DayZ, they made them server authority to keep hackers from messing with them. Basically, they took a sledgehammer to the problem and now here we are, vehicles that barely and rarely work. But hey! No hacking cars! They just use ESP and kill everyone on the server with a bullet to the brain.
  15. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    I admit, driving a car on the rocks is not smart, but driving a car anywhere in DayZ is just another way to suicide... we have to have options, right?
  16. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    I definitely care about this game. I really don't understand how console players do, though. They are in a horrible hell when it comes to vehicles... prime example.....
  17. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Tencent is a big part of it. No one plays Ylands in the USA. Vigor isn't offered by steam, I don't know if it's in the Chinese market, but Ylands is offered there. I noted the timing of discussions, and that seems very close to when BI made the decision to let DayZ just go into sleep mode. In the end, no matter what the "reasoning" is, BI abandoned DayZ for the most part. All it means is we shouldn't trust them. I mean, there's no way in way hell, I will invest one dime into Arma 4 based on how they treated DayZ.
  18. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    That would be great, but if memory serves, one of the devs answered that with a "it's not that simple anymore" non-answer. The real answer is they don't have a good anti-cheat to take care of it and official servers are not monitored like community servers. I wonder if they will ever bring up the subject of "sanity checks" again.... lol.
  19. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    We're all speculating. It's easy to understand why BI abandoned DayZ. They made their money, but more importantly, Tencent bought a minor stake in BI, and thus, YLands gets all the dev love and is now sold in China. I wonder how much they are going to water down their titles from now on since they can sell to the Chinese market now. This is one reason why so many think DayZ will just languish as an unfinished game. Sure, they call it finished, but reality says otherwise.
  20. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Maybe in 30 years, this is the same company selling Arma 3 20 years later, they still support it, DLC is still being made for it, but it's definitely aged now and it's days are waning. I don't know how in the world they survived, but you got lucky this one time.
  21. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Impulz told us effectively they work on it when they can but due to it's complexity, no ETA can be given. Changing the player controller was difficult as well, caused a massive stir within the community, but they accomplished it and it has worked out well. They threw tons of resources at it and got the job done. Why in the hell would they release a game without so doing the same for vehicles? They released this game with a seriously broken system, and now that the dev team is small it seems BI is signalling we just don't give a damn. Like I said, I'm sure it's frustrating to the devs, but I believe new players should know what they are getting into. Vehicles suck, no if's, no and's, and no but's about it. We have to stay vocal about it, something needs to change at BI.
  22. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    ANd this is a very sad thing to have to explain publicly. Cars are indeed a necessary tool for the long game in DayZ. You can technically play without cars but most players will not choose them because they are screwed up so horribly bad. And again, all of this was due to the decision to make them server sided so hackers would not be an issue. So with their current state, hackers don't mess with them and neither do most players. And BI puts more effort into adding hats and brooms instead of having resources to fix what is essentially a broken feature in the game. Everyone was skeptical of the new player controller, myself included And it took a few patches to get it dialed in right. I'm OK with it now, it has indeed enhanced many combat situations I have found myself in. It ended up being a great decision by the dev team. Why can't they put that kind of effort and thought into fixing vehicle physics. I'm certain it's complicated as hell, but NOT IMPOSSIBLE. I would rather hear that vehicles will never be fixed than stringing everyone along with we'll get to it eventually or we're working on it. New players should again, note, vehicles have been a huge pain in the butt since the game was in Alpha and it's one month Beta. BI never fixed them, see the videos posted in this thread. You will lose progress in the game due to them, likely die because of them and sometimes, even if you are not using them actively and are jsut in the general vicinity, you could die through no fault of your own. That is the reality of vehicles at this moment and since at least 2019. We are actively keeping this discussion open and alive in hopes that BI will eventaully listen to it'ss customers and fix these damn things.
  23. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Highlights from 2019. Still relevant to how vehicles work now as nothing has changed....
  24. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    SHEEZ... those clips actually scared the crap out of me. I know you console guys have it probably as bad or worse than us PC players.
  25. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    So you don't even need to drive the vehicle.... just sit in it and potentially lose all your progress. Id say this guys is fortunate he was playing on a modded server or he would be dead and lost all of that sweet gear. Another player dies and loses his progress to what is supposed to be a stable, reliable vehicle in a game that has been fully released over two years. If you are new to DayZ or are thinking about purchasing it, read this thread carefully, this is what you will be dealing with on many of your play sessions.