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Everything posted by THEGordonFreeman

  1. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    GREAT POINT! Call Musk, Bezos, and Branson and notify them they should fire all of their engineers and hire BI. They have the skillz to make it happen.
  2. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Imagine hitting a curb like in the second half of this video, and your vehicle suddenly becoming a rocket ship... I guess it's still working as intended. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6lSwA4D2Cw
  3. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Is this right? If you drive a vehicle in the debug zone it insta kills you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rez2nDaKXlI
  4. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

  5. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    It's not just cars that are glitchy....the trucks don't want to be left out of the fun.....
  6. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Bohemia Interactive just announced A NEW VEHICLE FOR DAYZ... CHECK IT OUT! Too Soon?
  7. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Speaking of luck... both bad and good. Check this out! This guys had bad luck with the car he is in... that's to be expected. But what luck he had rolling out of the way of the car as it tried to come back and murder him. WOW!
  8. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    You mean like this? That is the current state of vehicles on console. This video is two years old, but is still valid as nothing has changed.
  9. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    You may be right. Apparently you can't even drive over railroad tracks without becoming an astronaut. Thanks BI!
  10. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    It's not new, and getting them fixed should be a much higher priority. That is the argument. The devs say they know, and have even said we tried, but the game was released with broken vehicles. I want new players or potential new players to know that aside from the fact the game is STILL a running simulator they should not depend on vehicles, and should really consider buying a half-finished game. And yes, I consider Vehicles so necessary in this game that in their current state, it's half finished. Knowing what I know now about how the game was developed and the fact that it's still got major bugs and glitches, I wouldn't buy it. And don't get me wrong, I love this game. I own two accounts on PC plus bought it for my son on Xbox. I just want a playable game with as few bugs and glitches as popssible. Which should have been the goal before releasing, but that fat console paycheck couldn't wait and this is what BI has to show for it. A great IP with "less than desired" implementation. That's unacceptable to me. I have thousand of hours in this game, I pretty much play it exclusively but I just want it to work and I want others to know EXACTLY how this game behaves in it's current state. I intend to keep this issue pushed on this forum EVERY DAY until it's fixed.
  11. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    It's amazing the level of detail they have gone through with their physics system. A car that is in resting motion can suddenly barrel roll simply by attaching or detaching a component... that is so GENIUS! Amazing work guys! True to life even! WOW! Also, that guy likely might have been a duper (look at the number of magazines he had on him), so maybe since Battleye doesn't do shit for cheaters, this is how the devs plan to handle it going forward.
  12. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Sounds like Role Playing, and to that I say to each his own.
  13. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Not taking up for China, but Tencent has made inroads into stopping cheating... especially when it affects their bottom line.... how Capitalist of them.... https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-56579449 If I were BI, I'd put in a TON of resources into figuring out how to detect if a user was using ESP. That is the number one cheat in DayZ and other online FPS games like RUST, Valorent, Tarkov, COD. Hell, if Battleye was serious, they could offer a reward for anyone that can produce a way for them to detect ESP, that would have to worth at least a well paid full time job just doing nothing but detecting ESP. That's how AnarchyHD catches cheaters, he shadows them, and can clearly tell they are cheating by how they play the game. He makes himself invisible and hides in walls or in places where cheaters can't see him and they still try to hunt him and shoot him. Because through ESP they see him on the map or maybe even a stick figure of him behind walls and such, so they know his exact position. We know "sanity checks" don't work as cheaters still move at incredible speeds on the map. DayZ is not the only game suffering from cheating, but I can't remember when the last time I've seen a Battleye update.
  14. THEGordonFreeman

    Tips for returning player?

    Don't worry, it won't last long.
  15. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    And here is one of the truest statements ever uttered on REDDIT about DayZ.... EVER... "A game where you spend hours - days - weeks - months building up a single character and can lose it all to one dumb glitch is a game where the Devs need to spend more time identifying and eliminating glitches. Simple as that." Amen and AMEN
  16. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    If you play on populated vanilla servers, it can take hours to find all the necessary components to get a vehicle working. Cars are most definitely a death sentence in the Vanilla game on populated servers. I have not played on a single populated Vanilla server that had working vehicles consistent... not one. I don't have exact stats but I would say that at least 1/3 of my deaths in DayZ have been due to cars glitching. PC Players have technical advantages with Keyboard and mouse and are much faster at reactions in PvP vs Console. I don't play on low pop servers, what's the point, might as well just spin up your own and play. Yeah, cars work wonderful if no one is playing on the server creating bases and such... again, what's the point?
  17. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Another day.... another very lucky DayZ player. I never get this lucky driving.
  18. THEGordonFreeman

    Tips for returning player?

    Do NOT touch vehicles, unless you like death.
  19. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Console players still have to spend hours getting geared and putting together a vehicle, more if they plan to build a base, and THEN have the vehicle go stupid on them, or get killed in PvP due to laggy servers. My son has DayZ on XBOX and his friend has it on PS5, and I can tell you XBOX is only marginally better than the Playstation. It's a damn good thing PC players aren't thrown in with Console players, we would eat them alive, but end the end all suffer from stupid bugs and piss poor systems within the game.
  20. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    So basically you are saying playing DayZ on Console is like going to the Smithsonian Museum. Xbox and Playstation are preserving history so to speak. That's really sad. Most companies sweat about having their games perform the absolute best on multiple platforms. Not BI. They are mavericks... they now release games that are in no way shape or form capable of playing at decent frame rates continuously on ANY platform, and, of course, not to mention the bugs and broken major systems left in the game. They don't even bother patching those major systems two years after release. Anybody want to guess what Arma 4 or whatever the next game is going to be like? You think the Vehicles will work better in their next game? Not ONLY THAT! The problem with DayZ Vehicles is SOOOOO bad... real life is making memes of all of these DayZ, Please fix Cars Videos.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeXGlNXJeEM
  21. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    How do Console Players suffer through this?
  22. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

  23. THEGordonFreeman

    Why I don't play on official....

  24. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Hey kids, WHAT TIME IS IT??? It's astronaut time.....
  25. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    That's why I never understood why Community Server admin's would pay $100 for a helicopter mod. YOU ALREADY HAVE FLYING CARS BAKED IN THE GAME! BONUS MEME!!!!