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Posts posted by Vattenlarv

  1. What an unprecedented and absolute barrage of ingenious suggestions! 

    However, I see a small obstacle to overcome in order to realize this marvelous vision. The devs would have to build, re-build, deconstruct, re-build again, dismantle, re-invent, build, re-build, and finally revolutionize the game engine, and call it The Cold Fusion Enfusion Engine 180.439, Direct X 43 compatible, before this could be implemented properly... and cars would still be deadlier than anything else found in Chernarus. 

    I for one, am willing to wait. Who is with me!?

    • Haha 1

  2. Hello my favorite community! Good to see you all disagreeing on nothing and everything! 

    Reviews aside, I think we can all agree that this DayZ is nothing like what we expected it to be some 5 years ago or so? Well, a few (or maybe even many) have had their suspicions something like this would be the finished product, but none of us could possibly have hoped for this DayZ on release? 

    I have played a couple of games and it has not been particularly exciting. Not because I have over-played the game during development. I have around 250 hours in game, but I doubt I'll get to 300 hours before I feel the free space on my SSD is more valuable. 

    To me this is just another lesson learned regarding "early access" games. It's pretty obvious, by the amount of hyped up alpha / beta releases that promises a lot and never delivers, neither the content that is "promised" or within the estimated time frame, that the whole "early access" part of the gaming industry is nothing but a clever and lucrative marketing strategy. Have people play a concept until the concept doesn't appeal anymore, and the player base is so small, that it doesn't make much of a difference if a inadequate mess is released or an accurate representation of the original "vision".  Don't hate the player, hate the game... or something like that.

    It might seem like I am super disappointed and trying to take a dump on BI. Arma 3 is still the best game ever, in my opinion, and I believe (hope) BI will deliver other excellent titles in the future.

  3. I am not much of a melee combat game player. I have only played a few, and one in particular more than the others. The reason as to why this one game is always installed in my Steam library, and I regularly boot it up for a quick session of intense action and severed limbs, is the melee combat system. You killing another player, or getting killed, always feel justified. If you get killed, your skills were outmatched by the other player breaking down your defense, and successfully defending against your offence. The way melee combat should be. 

    The game is Chivalry Medieval Warfare. The basics of combat are clear and simple. To block an attack, you must look directly at the tip of the attacker's weapon, and time your block. And then you have a variety of attacks at your disposal. You can only block weapon attacks with other weapons or a shield, and block fists with your forearms. If melee combat in DayZ was similar to Chivalry, but simplified with less attacks and not as many special attacks for different weapons etc (as it would naturally be since Chivalry is a game focused primarily on this very system), then oooh geezus!! I would like to see it much slower than in Chivalry (Chivalry Medievel Warfare is like the Counter-Strike of melee combat) but then again; I want to see DayZ overall gameplay generally slower.

    Edit; Sidenote. I hope BI adds an item with which you can melee fight with little to no damage taken or given when hitting your opponent, so players can practice melee combat in game. 

    Another edit; Maybe the broom is that item already?!

  4. 22 hours ago, sneakydude said:

    This is good, for adult people only 18+


    This is actually pretty funny, but it also reveals certain truths. I don't know if this is satire or not, but here are my thoughts;

    This particular KOS-player has a point in his argument, but the rhetoric is also incredibly childish and something I'd expect from a 14 year old gamer and not a full-grown man. This character need to be told "it's only a game" a hell of a lot more than the milsim-farmville-simulator advocate who wants meaningful player interaction and more depth to the game. 

    I think this guy pretty much sums up what most of the people who argue for a more challenging game, where KOS should not be a viable strategy for surviving / thriving within DayZ, is referring to when they claim KOS is cancer. It is not about being allowed or able to KOS. It is about how easily accessible it is, and how it is not only an effective way of staying alive (kill or be killed) but also a shortcut to survival (steal other player's acquired loot). 

    We should not have to list ways of how the game could be made more challenging in such a way, or why shooting someone on sight in e.g. an infected-infested area of Chernarus would and should be severely tactically disadvantageous. This has been explored in great depth already. Those who still do not understand this "thesis" ... well... I guess all hope is lost. In my opinion, this should be blatantly obvious to anyone with a creative and imaginative brain. 

    • Beans 1

  5. 48 minutes ago, emuthreat said:

    Things like normal wear and tear on clothing and shoes would provide diversions to make players need to make stops or go looking for things that they otherwise would ignore. 


    If type of footwear in combination with the surface of the terrain the player is moving through would determine the pace, stamina drain, and wear and tear of equipped footwear, I believe we would see monumental changes. 

    Imagine if a pair of running shoes would buff both speed and stamina when you are traveling on tarmac or in urban environments, but they wear easily on gravel roads and "off-road". Working boots wear much slower and there are no penalties in any terrain, but there is a speed and stamina nerf. Hiking shoes could be similar to working boots; durable but less of a speed and stamina nerf. Combat / jungle boots, speed and stamina buff "off-road", wears faster than working- and hiking shoes... and so on. Now imagine dynamic sounds in accordance with equipped foot wear. Jungle boots the quietest in woods, sneakers the quietest in urban environments, etc. 

    This would add 5 extra levels of tactics to anything you do in game. I understand this will not happen. Just wishful thinking. 

  6. 10 hours ago, emuthreat said:

    What can be done to get that chunk of players who want to interact but always shoot first because they think you will too,  to take the chance and try talking to players more?  What can facilitate that in a natural manner?

    I'll say it again; 

    "There is only one way to combat KOS without compromising player's freedom. Slow down gameplay and make it as realistic as technologically possible. Hardcore on steroids. Remove 3pp. Much more dangerous infected. Anything that makes the game more difficult and unforgiving. NOTHING else will make a difference regarding the KOS issue (if it is an issue)... nothing."


    Maybe it should be players' freedom? This English thing is too damn complicated for its own good sometimes. 

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    • Beans 2

  7. @pilgrim*

    I still don't get your point. Why did you quote a small portion of what I actually wrote in that post and base your entire philosophical thought process (or whatever it is) on that? Is that showing respect? 

    Mate, you a strange character. There is no need to get all artsy and go full Platon in a game forum. Games and particularly gamers do not need any more ambiguity or vagueness. An early access game should be developed as initially marketed. 

    "DayZ is a gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game, in which you follow a single goal: to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape as long as they can. There are no superficial tips, waypoints, built in tutorials or help given to players. Every decision matters, there are no save games, no extra lives, every mistake can be lethal. If you fail, you lose everything and you need to play again from the beginning with nothing but your wits, and your two hands. Fight the hostile environment, where every other player can be friend or foe and nothing can be taken for granted. This is DayZ, this is your story"

    gritty, authentic - No. 

    harsh post-apocalyptic landscape - Post-apocalyptic landscape, alright. Harsh? No. 

    Every decision matters - Zombies are still nothing but a nuisance, and apparently you can still A-D twitch your way out of most dangers. 

    no extra lives - Huh? 

    If you fail, you lose everything and you need to play again from the beginning with nothing but your wits - Uh... base building? Tents? Barrels? How long does it take a seasoned player to respawn and get to the most north western parts of the map? 


    If all of these statements were actually true, the KOS frequency would be considerably lower. 


    You see Pilgrim*, there is no need for a whole lot of mumbo jumbo or pseudo-intellectual word pooing when trying to convey a thought, or make a point. One coherent word after another is good enough. Respectful enough for you? 

    • Haha 1

  8. @pilgrim*

    I am not sure I follow your little composition there. I don't understand what the point / argument is, or if it was a response to me or someone else. 

    Of course it is everyone else's fault. If you have your game session ruined by "that player" it is his fault. That player's right to ruin your game is a different topic, and as it stands now that player is not prohibited in any way from ruining your game session. Just as you are equally entitled to ruin his game session. 

    KOS is as of now a very renowned part of DayZ, no? Some hate it, some accept it, some do it. Who's right? Is there a right or wrong here, Pilgrim*? Isn't it fairly established at this point that you can do whatever you want in DayZ, unless you hack the game, and you will not be punished for it, as it is a sandbox game? 

    I think the game itself, and its implemented features, is the issue. It has been discussed and suggested by me and many others that a "higher difficulty", a more hardcore game, slower game play, etc, will limit the amount of KOS we see now, as it would simply not be an effective survival strategy. I don't think that any game with a lot of potential is ruined by that small percentage of the playerbase that is out for nothing but blood, and to annoy and troll everyone around them. However, my opinion is that these people are not worthy the air they breath in real life, as their genuinely shitty personalities and moral values are clearly shown by their avatar's behavior. Are we not allowed to call out certain people's personally traits for what they are? Is that offensive in any way? Anyone feeling particularly offended here in the good ol' DayZ forum? 


    Edit; I just want to add that I was referring to the other examples in my previous post, not KOS in DayZ, when I was talking about questionable personalities.

  9. I have been playing Escape From Tarkov and Squad the past 6 months.

    No one is cooperating in EFT. Any wiggle attempts are met with a bullet in the face. Teaming up with someone in the lobby is like testing a bear trap with your head. Shoot everything that moves, even your slav-buddies if you play as a scav. Cyka! 

    In Squad everyone are yelling at each other, players refuse to do logi runs if asked to. Generally very few even try to understand the game or help their squad leader, squad, or team, with whatever they are doing.

    So the other week I booted up Arma 3, the best game ever, and hopped on a KOTH RHS server and started to level up. Arma 3, in 1pp, is still goddamn spectacular in comparison to these other titles. However, every single game you have a couple of completely erratic retards running around in base shooting their team mates in the face, shooting at and team killing returning vehicles, spamming nades, or just having their personal destruction derby with non-participating players trying to play the game. 

    If we'd look at the general population, e.g. measuring intelligence and social competence, I am certain a somewhat terrifying percentage would be deemed a complete waste of oxygen. Do the same to the global gaming community and we'd probably have to triple that number. Being disappointed in how the DayZ player base is playing the game is pretty naive in my opinion. 


    I have pointed it our before, and I will do so again; There is only one way to combat KOS without compromising player's freedom. Slow down gameplay and make it as realistic as technologically possible. Hardcore on steroids. Remove 3pp. Much more dangerous infected. Anything that makes the game more difficult and unforgiving. NOTHING else will make a difference regarding the KOS issue (if it is an issue)... nothing.

    By the way, I have seen a clip or two of 0.63 and to me it still looks like A-D spamming is a thing, and that player interaction still looks like a bunch of birds trying to impress each other. Are my eyes deceiving me? 

    • Beans 2

  10. On 6/22/2018 at 5:27 AM, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

    Dude! It's all about "rogue-like" indie pixel art games right now, seriously!

    I have played Darkest Dungeon like a mad dog. Awesome game! I am a total sucker for first person experiences though, and a true belieber that we will one day have that really challenging and brutal experience, with natural and intuitive game play, possibilities, dangers, but also "natural" limitations within the game world without compromising player's free will. I am not waiting for the matrix, but I would love a game in which I would not exclaim frustration over completely unrealistic events, player behavior, etc, every time I sit down with it.

    • Beans 1

  11. 3 hours ago, Kirov (DayZ) said:

    Some time ago I described here a friend of mine's encounter in Bere, when he was attacked by a freshie with a screwdriver, completely out of nowhere. Calling such situations 'exciting' or even 'brutal' is like calling a shopping mall elevator jingle 'mind-blowing'. When you're like that, you just cannot expect people not to mock your 'taste'.

    I am starting to give up on gaming, again, as I did a couple a years ago when I was so sick of the mindlessness in the gaming community and how games with great potential were, and are currently, dumbing down to please a certain crowd. Eventually I gave away my rig to a person close to me, and thought I had moved on. Not more than a year later my fingers were itching and I bought myself a new rig. That is little less than a year ago, and I am starting to have those feelings again. 

    I see supposedly hardcore shooters being "balanced" to please people whining when they die, and how they do not like this and that, and developers deviate from their vision of creating these unique experiences. Nerfs and buffs to armor and ammo, recoil, stamina, you name it. Some popular streamer whines about something, and a horde of gullible "gamers" flood forums with these complaints and whatnot, without even thinking for themselves, or about the consequences of these complaints. Developers want to please the community, so this is unfortunately a natural progression. 

    I do believe that most people who has bought DayZ, or is going to purchase their own copy, is looking for a unique experience, and would love a true challenge. A hardcore survival shooter with depth and severe repercussions when making a mistake, or being careless. However, I also believe most of these players do not bother to join a game forum and voice their opinion. They have other things in life to be bothered and opinionated about. The evolution of video games has always been an interest of mine, even during the long periods of time when I have not been actively gaming, so I join forums and argue my points for that reason. 

    What I think I am trying to say is; Developers should not listen to the community, because I think the actual player base is being gravely misrepresented by a few loudmouths (myself included). This whole game forum phenomenon should just go away (not the forums themselves, but developers should not receive their feedback), and developers should at most have a feedback tracker with a very limited possibility to get into arguments, and spam "I don't like this"-posts. 

    Developers should try to finalize their vision, and put it out there.

    Not sure how this reflected your post... just thoughts.

    • Beans 1

  12. On 6/19/2018 at 2:04 PM, Lexman61 said:

    Most of the anti KOS opinions are still based on the false premise of a "right" way to play DayZ vs a "wrong" way. This is a totally unacceptable and extremely arrogant and self righteous stance. 

    You pushed the same rhetoric on me some time ago, in a thread in which we discussed how certain game mechanics could change the behavior of players, without setting rules or implementing a karma system.

    Sometimes it seems like you do not want the game to progress. Like you think it is perfect the way it is, at all times, and players should just man up and stop being so self righteous.

    • Beans 1

  13. Holy macaroni, the forum is alive!


    On 6/17/2018 at 3:04 PM, nl said:

    They have no idea what else to do when there is exploring, experimenting, interacting. It indeed is unimaginative, selfish behavior and I am sure they are the same people coming to this forum complaining there is nothing to do in the game because they lack any form of imagination or are simply afraid to risk interaction.

    You nailed it. However, DayZ still is an open sandbox, and players are allowed to do whatever they want.


    On 6/17/2018 at 10:36 PM, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

    More and more design implementations will make people think twice about firing and more and more options besides a firefight will open up to them as these are put in place.

    This is what I have been thinking for a long time. The game should have a more hardcore / punishing approach. The infected must be a force to be reckoned with. Blast off somewhere in or near a village / city, and you have a serious problem on your hands. This would make the "fully geared" player think twice about needlessly killing that cowboy hat wearing gardener picking apples or digging a garden plot. If you can't outrun the infected, and they are easily drawn to loud noises, you would have to take a fight with a potential horde of zeds in consideration every time you decide to go postal. 


    On 6/16/2018 at 5:10 PM, Parazight said:

    Maybe when the game is not super fresh again it will shift back to having a larger percentage of players in the know. 

    The majority of retarded fist flailing fresh spawns will disappear with time, as they are probably too intellectually inapt to survive in the long term, or have the attention span of a squirrel. I do not see how anyone with that mentality would grind a game like Dayz. 


    I am not against KOS, as the fact that there are murderous psychopaths lurking in the shadows is one very important factor when it comes to the overall tension and excitement in DayZ.

    If the devs could just implement game mechanics that felt intuitive and logical, but would make the homicidal maniacs out there consider their actions ( due to consequences that could jeopardize their own survival ), without making them feel as the game is prohibiting them from playing the way they want, we would have a win / win. 


    Edit; Cheeses... I didn't realize how much of this thread I had not read when I decided to put a few words in myself. The forum is indeed alive! Awesome. The most interesting game forum out there, as it is more thought provoking than any other forum out there! 

    • Beans 2

  14. 10 hours ago, IMT said:

    To be honest, they're both very different games. The only thing they have in common is the realism and survival aspect. Besides that, you can't really compare the entire scope of the two games because they're both a different genre. They're both great games with great aspects and both have an huge potential. Don't forget that like DayZ, EFT is also still in development.

    Let's hope both games will succeed because both of the developers deserve it, in my opinion.

    I agree. I do not compare them too much, other than the "hardcore" game play and looting aspect. However, I do think they attract the same player base, and as much as I think EFT will be played like crazy by a huge amount of players, DayZ is in a league of its own. 

    Just like you, I hope for both these games to succeed. 

    • Beans 1

  15. I long for the day when DayZ offers a smooth and polished experience. There will be nothing like it, and trying to create something similar of its magnitude would be too big a feat, and risk, for any game developer. Looking at the ambient sounds video from the devs gave me the chills. The environment, sounds, and attention to details on such a large scale is unmatched. I do hope for more diversity regarding buildings and their interior, but other than that the game world of Chernarus is just short of a god damn masterpiece. 

    After fooling around with the oh so broken Escape From Tarkov, I hope that game- and gunplay, melee combat, player controller, sounds and looting in DayZ will be on par, without all of the netcode and performance issues EFT is experiencing. The potential of EFT is great, but the potential of DayZ, as a much more complete experience, blows EFT out of the water. There really is nothing like it, and if done right all of the naysayers will come crawling back. Even if it takes another full year until release. 

    • Beans 2

  16. 1 hour ago, pilgrim* said:

    [ say.. duh.. there are NOT a million trees on the map - just thought I'd mention that - nowhere NEAR ]

    If you look at a brick wall 5 meters away and a brick wall 100meters away they do NOT have the same skin (the same texture)....
    And WHY?

    Because in FACT both those walls are the SAME distance from your EYES - because you are looking at a FLAT screen, dude .. An object is drawn smaller to make it seem further away, and larger to make it seem closer - but if you put the SAME skin on a tree that 'seems' 2 meters away as you put on a tree that 'seems' 100meters away - that would look really totally cr@p. So the further from the camera, the different textures you MUST use.. (for instance say)  0-20meters use texture A , then 20-60meters use texture B, over 60meters use C..over 200m use D.   These are different patterns pasted onto the same object, because - big object (near) or small object (far) must look different (like IRL) even though they are all REALLY in fact at the same 50 cm from your eyes. Everything is FLAT right there in 2D at your eye distance from your screen.

    So if you limit the game to 1km x 1km you will have pretty much exactly the same problems as you have now. HOW will you depict an object 1km away and an object 12 meters away ?? - the same? NO way.

    If you stand at any point inside you 1km play area, you will see the "rings" around you where one texture is substituted for the next as you look further away.  It can't be avoided. Put a "close" texture on a "distant" object and try to "cull" it... it will be ether invisible or a MESS.

    Maybe it would be better thinking around special solutions for specific gameplay events

    eg  (totally off the cuff) - If a player does not move AT ALL for 20 seconds he becomes invisible at a range over 50 meters. (decide what distance is reasonable). As soon as he moves he becomes visible again. 

    eg - notice how players at long-distance are always mainly BLACK figures.. doesn't matter what color they are wearing. Makes them very easy to spot when they are moving. Anything to do about that?




    I am not sure who or what you are arguing, Pilgrim*. 

    As I remember it, millions of trees was mentioned in a status report, and I found some info after a quick Google search that the Arma 3 Chernarus port had close to 700,000 thousand trees. Arma 3 Tanoa some 500,000 trees. A shitload of thousands of loot spawn points was also mentioned in a status report at one point. Also, I formulated that statement as a question and not as facts. 

    What is so unlikely about a million trees in Chernarus, and what is with the shitty bully-attitude? 

    The whole point was to make it a highly detailed environment, but the level design would prevent you from ever having a clear line of sight of more than 300 meters. 

    If you do not care to read what is written, then please do not get all "... dude ... duh..."-ish, and throw a lot of information around that no one has mentioned or asked for. It's lazy, and rude more than anything else.

    See... see what you make me do, you bastards. Pissing me off again. I am not in any way "hurt" or "offended" like Mantasisg insinuated. Supposedly grown ass people arguing with a 10-year old's rhetoric just pisses me off. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Kirov (DayZ) said:

    Hi mate, been a while. I, for one, find your idea interesting but not really fitting the concept. Chernarus in my opinion should remain vast, even if there seem to be areas of "nothing" in-between. Not only it is often not nothing and in the seeming middle of nowhere you can find some interesting structures, both to marvel at and hide a barrel in, but the space itself serves a purpose. Can you imagine vehicles in a 1sqm area? Even if only one spawned, half the time you would hear some engine constantly droning in the distance. And what about hunting, what kind of animals could you successfully chase and hunt in such a small habitat?

    And personally, I just like having vast spaces all to myself. Until the final game mechanics arrive, I give a wide berth to all those "exciting interactions" because I find them actually somewhat boring and ridiculous. First of all, interactions can't possible give me anything, i.e. there is literally nothing I could use another player for (at the moment, unstucking vehicles is probably the only thing an experienced survivor could use a hand with). Therefore, the possible outcomes are limited to either "okay, we had a nice chat" or "one of us is dead or sent running". Strategically speaking, as far as surviving chances of my toon are concerned (and I really try to "be" my character), approaching another player is the most stupid thing we could do next to drinking gasoline. Perhaps if the game was much harder...?

    Secondly, DayZ combat "physics", under which everyone runs faster than bullets and punches harder than the Hulk, is... look, I just don't think there's a less authentic FPS on the market, unless we count the first Wolfenstein. 75% of videos I've seen, the only thing they miss is that Benny Hill soundtrack.

    But I firmly believe that the devs have something up their sleeve to actually make interactions worthwhile and interesting in more ways than "I'm bored with looting and thus ready to die". Until then, I'm just happy with focusing on making my toon thrive and explore, drive around and hunt.

    What up dude!? Yeah, back in the DayZ forums, rocking out! 

    I know, the idea is not really suited for DayZ, and a decision to reverse all the work and shrink the map down to 1-2 km² would literally cause all the DayZ-fans' brains to explode and poor BI would have to go into exile, deep in the amazon jungle to evade the wrath of all the DayZ-survivors.

    I do think that a landmark of a unique set of buildings, with greater detail, a lot of access points and so on (as mentioned earlier in the thread), would be a pretty cool point of interest in Chernarus. Maybe a place like that would serve as a point of interest for many different reasons. Players who do look for interactions, of all sorts, would definitely find it there. Keep the details to an acceptable minimum to be merciful to Mantasisg's precious computing power. I am still not a dev, but a couple of wholes in walls / ceilings / floors with ladders or rubble to help you access different floors throughout a building should not kill your FPS dead, or? 

  18. I really hope that 0.63 will force players to completely rethink how they play DayZ, combat tactics, survival and movement. It would be nice if 0.63 "reset" the skill of all the 2000+ hour players who have become super experts at A-D-A-D and sprint twitching while fiddling with their inventory, to level the playing field and giving some of us (then returning players) a chance to kick ass every now and then.

  19. 2 hours ago, Mantasisg said:

    I have almost ended up googling "brainstorming" haha  But I don't want to end up as just another internet expert.

    Go on with your imagination game then, I won't spoil it anymore, if it hurts. Perhaps you'll imagine the way how to make 3D grass work in far distance without exploding GPU.

    Sorry for the harsh tone and "fight-picking" earlier, buddy. Text on the interwebs bring out the demon in me sometimes.

    I am a dreamer, and dreams are IMO just as important as "know how" and elbow grease. That is all!

  20. Brainstorming is definitely NOT negating a thought, that already has several disclaimers on it such as "non applicable" and "nor do I have sufficient knowledge about anything really to back up a suggestion", with passive aggressive remarks like "million stories tall skyscrapers lol". If there is something I despise it is putting words in other people's mouths to prove a point. Discuss what is actually being said, or your input is pointless. 

    My mindset is that you do not take a shit in a fan, unless you are ready to have some shit thrown back at you. But hey, to each his own. 


  21. 25 minutes ago, Mantasisg said:


    Then try to imagine the complexity of realisation the things which just went through your mind. Imagine how much effort all that unique stuff would require, then imagine how much more graphical resources it would consume, then ask yourself is it practical. Ask yourself why you can't use those appartments as your base just now ? Ask yourself why you are wishlisting impossible things, and if you really need them.... 

    Didn't the devs quite recently explain how they had individually placed millions of trees around Chernarus, how they re-worked the entire engine, how they constantly make changes to the countless (in the hundreds of thousands if I am not mistaken) loot spawns to optimize game performance, how the struggle to create the best game ever and at the same time please an impatient community fucking sucks (with other words), just BWAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!

    With your mindset, why even bother to post in a forum where people brainstorm and do just that, imagine what there favorite game could be like? It is not your job to make these changes. It is not you who set the limitations for what BI are capable of. You do not work there... or do you? *intensity intensifies* 

    I have already stated a couple of times that this is somewhat off-topic, that it is non-applicable on DayZ, and that I was more or less just throwing my thoughts out there. You STILL had to take a passive aggressive dump on my thoughts with your "all-knowing understanding" of what game engines and cpu's are capable of. Dude, if you were Gabe Newell, Half-Life 2 would run on the Doom engine, and we would still have to buy physical copies of every single game we wanted to play. Just imagine that. 


  22. Nature in DayZ does look absolutely stunning now, no doubt about that. Now, if only player controller, gun play, melee combat, survival mechanics and all that is fixed and feels naturally intuitive then OOOH JEEZUS... I kind of get a tingly Rambo: First Blood-feeling looking at that video. 

    However, I am a little concerned. Actually, confused might be a better word to describe my thought process here. So, nature looks absolutely stunning, unique, and is by now so diverse that you will be able to use "natural" landmarks to navigate, even in the middle of nowhere. Cliff faces, ravines, dams, streams and shallow rivers, trails, unique rock formations, ruins, bridges, railroad tracks, etc. If the detail in the Chernarus nature is where the devs put a lot time and effort, that is where I would want to spend most of my time. But the devs seem to remove more and more wilderness to make room for villages and cities that IMO are kind of generic, lifeless and boring.

    I wonder, are they going to work as much on making the cities more diverse, replacing many of the re-used buildings with new ones? As long as the base of the old building has the same dimensions as the new one it shouldn't mess with "city planning", right? Maybe rip out a wall here and there? Collapsed buildings? 

  23. 13 hours ago, pilgrim* said:

    - ah, Im BEGINNING to get the idea .. just multiply the numbers on both sides say square meters and avoid m².   A line 1km long is 1000m

    A square of 1 km per side encloses 1 square kilometer and encloses 1000000 square meters of surface area. So guys, what's the problem? A square with sides of 700 m x 700m contains roughly half a square kilometer of ground, right?   .. oh dear .. lets go straight to radius (linear distance) from player ?

    I do not think there is a problem, Pilgrim. I am pretty sure everybody understands, in their own way. 

    • Beans 2

  24. 53 minutes ago, Mantasisg said:

    Do you guys realize that what matters the most is not the overall size, but the amount of drawing calls for GPU at any given moment ? 

    And reducing the map size would increase players encounters dramatically regardless of how crazy accessible would be the buildings, or would there even be insane tunels and sewers systems all together with huge basements, accessible mines, or in other hand  amillion stories tall skyscrapers lol. 

    Unless everyone would hide from each other and be camping to KOS all the time, like it is now. Very fun.

    Dude, c'mon... are you seriously suggesting that a 10 story building, with different interior in each apartment, furniture, some windows blown out / some half shot out / some whole, unique wholes in walls leading into other apartments, wholes in ceilings floors of some apartments with make-shift ladders providing access to a different floor without having to use the staircase, elevator stuck on one floor but you can access the service ladder in the elevator shaft, but maybe not reach all floors from that one ladder, and whatever else you could imagine would not provide more opportunities to hide, store loot or whatnot than one of these: 



    Imagine those two buildings being completely unique, with only the general architecture in common. Shelling, weather, wear and tear, and people have opened up several entry points, and once you are inside there are 2-4 ways of accessing every individual floor, with each floor different from the other. The possibility to board up or block certain access points, forcing potential enemies into choke points unless they either blow up your blockade or waste a crowbar on it, making lots of noise giving away your position and activity. 

    On level 8 you stumble across an apartment. It has obviously been a hold up for a larger group at some points. Most windows are covered up, and the ones that are not are enforced to provide cover for look-outs. In the living room there is a big whole in the wall, probably caused by shelling. There is a dodgy suspension bridge built between the two buildings, leading in to a room with a sturdy fire door, that can only be opened from the inside. An escape route! 

    Use your imagination, mate. These two buildings could be super interesting, terrifying, important, just awesome. Now they are two generic buildings, that both look exactly the same, you can not differentiate one floor from the other, and there is nothing inside any rooms to obscure the vision for a potential sniper searching the building from a tree line a couple of hundred meters away. 


    Gaaaah, the lack of imagination and creative thinking is so god damn frustrating sometimes. 

    • Beans 3