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About benjvh

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  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia
  1. benjvh

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    umm is the fix
  2. benjvh

    Our HBF server down?

    I can't seem to login to the site but I can log into that server control panel? Where do i sign up or something?
  3. We ordered our server about 7 hours ago, and the guy told us 1-3 hours and the server is still not up nearly 8 hours later, 5 hours late, anyway our server was bought by [uMad]Matty and i was the secondary admin. When will our server be up? we were told us 1628 will be the server.
  4. benjvh

    US 515 - Z3ltu & Sheperd - Restart after death

    Server is STILL down. Admins blacklisting us while they get back and move the camp and probably removing our camp unless they have taken it down for some reason.
  5. benjvh

    DE 484 - Admin abuse

    no, Newkiddos case is unacceptable and something should have been done
  6. benjvh

    Pending Update: Build

    Keep it up Rocket and the rest of the dayz staff. Hope you guys get this update this weekend :D
  7. benjvh

    Bear Traps : Do they exist?

    Found my first trap today
  8. Steam: Benjvh1 Skype: benjvh10 really interested and not a noob!
  9. Looking for anyone preferably australian or close time zone looking to team up, got 3 other friends in group 2 of them fairly new but follow well and 2 of us quite experienced. we are right now at the NW airfield and will be moving out Would like the person to have a mic aswell :D Steam: BignnBlackk Skype: benjvh10