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About serelaw

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Steam

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  • Interests
    Killing your ass in Dayz

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  1. serelaw

    Claymores and Landmines bugged?

    I have that also. I also have ones that can be picked up. The shit ones I delete so new ones will spawn. Sometimes good sometimes bad. Try deleting them.
  2. serelaw

    Red Connection Warning for all players

    Dude I'm getting orange and red. And kicked 1/2 the time. Share with the class please.
  3. serelaw

    Looking for a "serious" hosting service.

    I use Ping Perfect and GTX. I have to update both manually. You have the option to setup automatic updates for both Steam and mods. Ping perfect allows Steam update without damaging Types.xml and .json .pbo files.
  4. serelaw

    No Fruits from a Tree

    Run around trees and then leave about 100 feet for a minute then look again. Works like that on my server.
  5. serelaw

    Blown motor?

    We used to be able to burn the car with matches and it would respawn somewhere in the map
  6. serelaw

    Blown motor?

    Thats what happened to me. How can I make the car respawn?
  7. I remember using matches to destroy them. What works now. thanks
  8. serelaw

    NON battleye server?

    "Test Mode" Rolls eyes. Just buy another game you cheap cheating fuck.
  9. serelaw

    Free stuff from community server

    I saw you in there and then it went down...sorry
  10. serelaw

    Are Whitelists Allowed On Public Hive Community Servers?

    Ha ha you cry babys. If I pay for a server I don't want you taking stuff off it.. Play public you cheap bastard. Sniveling and moaning snowflakes make me laugh.
  11. serelaw

    Trading Post

    Server is gone now... Thanks for taking some stuff...See ya around My teamspeak is: sere.ts.nfoservers.com I will have a new base soon.
  12. serelaw

    Free stuff from community server

    Server is gone now... Thanks for taking some stuff...See ya around My teamspeak is: sere.ts.nfoservers.com I will have a new base soon.
  13. serelaw

    Free stuff from community server

    So far no one has went into the server.... Plate carriers complete, Smershvests complete pristine, ghilly everything pristine... Took me forever to aquire these things. No one person has went in.... No one is in there at the moment . the time to strike is now. Tents barrels and ammo boxes galore
  14. My server in "Community Tab" goes offline tonight at 11 pm. Grab all you can till then. In Berizino behind police station and log cabin next to it.