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About JackyCTV

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    Bandit Country
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    Love DayZ currently at 800+ hours

    you will probs catch me on Multiplay Hoggy (Public)
    or Psycho Loot (Private)

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  1. JackyCTV

    Looking for a mentor....

    what do you mean you suck? in combat situations?
  2. JackyCTV

    [Proper Names 101] Quonset Hut vs Officer Tent

    quonset hut AKA Nato Barrack for me :thumbsup:
  3. JackyCTV

    Get rek't

    Your I.Q is still bad buddy, come back and try again...
  4. JackyCTV

    The Bait

    Did you read the description on youtube? we were camping the gear for our friend and he was followed in...
  5. JackyCTV

    A Collection of Events in 0.57

    This is a Small Collection of Videos I had spare and put them together for an Upload.
  6. JackyCTV

    The Adventures of a Hitchhiker

    hahahahahahaha great video!
  7. JackyCTV

    EPIC double kill!

    I wouldnt say it was an epic double kill at all, you got very very lucky... it should have been called "The Luckiest Double Kill Ever"
  8. JackyCTV

    The Best Way To Get An M4 Dayz SA 0.57

    thanks haha, now I feel glad knowing I didnt waste any mins of my life for that result
  9. JackyCTV

    0.58 Exp: Accidental Banditry

    it was mainly server lag mate n ok mate thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it!
  10. JackyCTV

    0.58 Exp: Accidental Banditry

    I know it makes me a bandit and I am not disputing that at all mate, and I dont mind any playstyle, I just called it what I did because of my misjudgement mate... can we get back on topic to the video its self? what did you think?
  11. JackyCTV

    0.58 Exp: Accidental Banditry

    if i had spoke to them the outcome would have been the same or they would have attacked me, like i said before I only attacked them because I thought they had the parts and it escalated to quickly into a different situation, the killing was accidental on my part because I should have waited longer to realise they didnt have the parts
  12. JackyCTV

    0.58 Exp: Accidental Banditry

    thats what I would have done mate haha