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About alijax

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    New Zealand

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  1. I have recently cleaned up my C:/ drive and moved my 'Documents' folder to another drive - but I think DAYZ is still looking for my profile in my 'Documents'. Is there a DAYZ file I can amend to point it in the new location ? All I get when I try and join a game in 'Waiting for Host' and I know there is a profile Issue because my configuration has reverted back to default settings.
  2. alijax

    Mosin & Heli Crash Sites

    with regard to crash sites, i heard there 2 or 3 Mi-8 crash sites, are they still in 0.50 ? if so where ? Couldn't find them in 0.49 even using the DAYZ TV Guide.
  3. Played on the HIHB, met up with 4/5 of the TOG Guys - very friendly Highly recommended (I should've given you the Mags I had no use for). Next time I will. See you there later.
  4. i did this last night - was quite annoyed as it took ages & then Raw to Burnt in an instant. was good however that i was able to carry the canister, stove & pot in 3x1 slots
  5. alijax

    Your fetish item

    Green Beret & Aviators, as far as the clothing goes the browns & greens are a fav & I paint all weapons black. For food items I go a'huntin (trying to get my aim right) but always have a can opener.
  6. alijax

    Hang that cooking pot

    I think i'll have to try that - as I am a lone survivor style player.
  7. alijax

    How was your Day(Z)?

    @LordVido - Run away, turn corners, in / out of buildings they'll soon leave you alone, get an axe or pick for taking Zombies out.
  8. alijax

    How was your Day(Z)?

    nice - my player at the moment, is surviving & avoiding any player contact 10 days and counting (yes on minimum 10+ player servers, usually HIHB). Living on Deer & Wild Boar looting towns for water & found my first M4A1 - WoW do I feel paranoid (I might surrender this) I also got a skeleton face mask - I think I'll leave this in near a water fountain for anyone who wants it as I have no use for it as a survivor player style. all in all I got enough Wild Boar Steak to feed me for a long time.
  9. alijax

    First impressions, 10+ hours later

    Welcome to Dayz Man, yo uplay like I do - wondering around and then by chance meet up with either friend or foe & not knowing until they change your mind one way or the other. Have my beans, good luck and keep on surviving next to a warm fire in the hills.
  10. alijax

    When are the servers offline

    see what a forum is "...an assembly, meeting place, television program, etc., for the discussion of questions of public interest..." does not mention carcasm I think this question is valid.
  11. alijax

    When are the servers offline

    Thanks but what exactly happens on maintenance day ? Last week I couldnt get into the experimental servers - why is this ?
  12. alijax

    Do you love it?

    I think its Epic.
  13. alijax

    Tents loose stored items

    we are talking DAYZ Standalone right ?
  14. alijax

    Finding Tents in DayZ - The Efficient Way

    what can you use Tents for anyway ?