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Kirov (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Kirov (DayZ)

  1. Kirov (DayZ)

    Cars and zombies

    Despite all issues, I find cars very useful, I'd even say they're at their best since introduction. But still very much WIP, of course. To go around the "hard time with the door" mentioned by the OP, I simply remove the driver's door - and the trunk, for that matter. It got really bad to find the "clickable area" and although it's true for many things, it's most annoying with cars. But I'm getting better and better at taking out spark plugs by hand and soon I'll be spending less than a minute on it...
  2. I agree, although I'm in two minds about this high enthropy of Chernarus. On the one hand, a considerable portion of my precious precious time is checking and repairing my clothes after each PvZ, and I agree that this is a chore rather than a challenge. On the other - I've noticed a long time ago that people only complain about disadvantages of the overall time acceleration (like how fast you eat through axes, can openers and silencers) and never about the goodies (like fast healing, farming or running). I guess I would support slower item degradation but only if the devs removed morphine and splint, to which I've always referred to as Potions of Limb Restoration, because they are exactly that - magic items.
  3. Kirov (DayZ)

    Why is it so difficult to drive?

    I'm not an expert in racing games, but I tried some titles. As far as I remember, S is used to slow down and then to reverse, like no element of anything in the world. DayZ is the only game I know where you put the reverse on and use W to go backwards. And I'm really loving it. I remember all the car models in DayZ on the Polish streets back in the day and I would just hate it to see a Volga with automatic transmission. There are probably more games where you use W/reverse to go backwards, I just don't know them. I agree that our main problem nowadays is lag, but there's still helluva room for improvement in car mechanics.
  4. Kirov (DayZ)

    Why is it so difficult to drive?

    Hm, interesting. I played mainly Exile, I don't know if it has anything to do with that. Various servers, maps and mods (within that modpack, ofc). The entire physics and mechanics, either the reverse or going through forests, felt like something I vaguely remember from the 90s. If my toon ate a magic mushroom and suddenly got bigger but also faster, that would be more or less that kind of experience. Maybe I'm getting it wrong, maybe it's different solutions for Exile. I don't remember that much (and I don't care that much) about cars in other games, but I do remember being far from impressed, from NFS to Arma 3 alike. I played KOTH some, but largely on foot. 😉 And yes, gears and RPM work abysmally in DayZ at the moment. I do all forest roads on 1, all hard roads on 2, on long straight stretches I use 3. Gear 4 is useless even if I step on the pedal at the NWAF. RPM works poorly and unauthentically. It's really early stages of WIP (I believe we're still in alpha, not beta). My only point was - at least it's something. It's kinda like with bicycles in Exile, where I feel like a circus bear on a trike and a part of me chuckles most of the time. I miss bikes in DayZ, but not like this. I'd rather wait, even years not months.
  5. Kirov (DayZ)

    Why is it so difficult to drive?

    This is one thing I would strongly defend the devs on. I'd rather have mechanics which strives for 'authenticity' and remains long overdue WIP than drive smoothly like in Arma 3, where vehicles have that distinct feel of Need For Speed from 20 years ago. What I mean first and foremost is, obviously, how the 'S' key works first like a brake and then like the rear gear. What is this? And the whole engine RPM shtick works badly at the moment, but at least it's there. All that Arma 3 shows is how easy it is to implement vehicle driving from 1995 - and why we shouldn't do that. And yeah, currently the cars drive poorly. My solution is to maintain slow-to-average speed - around 50 kmh in cities, at sharp turns, etc. 70-80 kmh at smoother patches, 90-100 on really nice long stretches of road. The cars are actually very sturdy and you shouldn't destroy any car parts even if you hit at a wall at <50kmh. Your mileage may vary with this. Having said, just yesterday I totaled a car at the Chernogorsk blockade after a crash to desktop. It never hurts to ask active admins for help/compensation on community servers.
  6. So it wasn't the usual 'we're working on the new engine' story? One of my beloved features was deleted because DayZ players are a bunch of immature shitheads? FFS, people. Sometimes it strikes me how little I share with 'the average DayZ player'. But then again, maybe that's what makes Chernarus a good story. Anyway, cutting the notes is like banning cars to curb drunk driving. If DayZ was at any moment close to what it says on the box (I mean the 'gritty survival' part), the problem would have never been there in the first place. I bet diamonds against nuts that stupid notes just won't happen on survival-heavy servers.
  7. Amen. I think I fished and bathed in all the lakes in Chernarus.
  8. 1. Extensive crafting, with particular attention to cooking – this is really at the heart of survivalist “lifestyle”. When you picture a survivalist, what he does is usually about finding and processing edible food, preparing cooked water with little to no tools, or crafting a lean-to. The basics are really about water, food and shelter. This is why I was very upset to read on this forum that “we never promised advanced cooking so if you expect that, that’s on you”. Even games like Bethesda’s Fallouts understand that people are surprisingly eager to tinker with a variety of ‘cooking’ choices – steaks, soups, drugs, poisons, medicine. Many regulars here have always called for the option to make tea, coffee or finally cook that goddam rice. And is it really that hard? It definitely seems less than adding a new clothing, of which we had more than enough in 2016 already. 2. Animal behaviour, hunting – I tried to follow various herds to watch their behavioural patterns, I really did. But the truth is, they are little more than placeholders or the animals you see in Minecraft. I repeat this statement every couple of months: I vividly remember when in 2015 we were promised a separate team just to emulate authentic hunting – complex herd behaviour, following tracks, blood stains etc. Nobody even addresses that anymore. It’s great to see a variety of animals (re)introduced – pigs, sheep and goats. But they only differ in textures, sounds, detection ranges and runaway distances. If you watch closely an attacking pack of wolves (just aggro them and run away to Debug Plains, they can’t leave the map so you can take a longer look at them in peace), you will notice how half-assed and papier-mache they really are. And I don’t agree that domestic animals should run away from humans – why should they be afraid? But if you kill one of them, they should really make a run. Currently, cows run away for like 100 metres and go back, while the goats scatter for only 10-20 metres! Few vertebrates are that stupid. 3. Medical system – currently, if you need anything more than 6 rags, that means you’ve made a mistake. If an experienced player needs charcoal, most probably he made a misclick due to clunky interface (I still drink gasoline every now and then). Morphine/splint was useful mainly for PvP. We need a variety of conditions which can be prevented and treated in various ways – washing hands, boiling water, chewing herbs, you name it. Some kind of zed infection could also be nice. I haven’t thought it over that much so I can’t offer any detailed examples, but I’m sure that the devs could come up with something interesting if there was a will to do that. Maybe we can brainstorm new ideas in this thread? 4. Persistent notes – this may not sound that obvious, but would actually be crucial to my PVE lone-wolf gameplay. I roam a lot and I’ve found dozens of bases, all over the map but especially along the Western and Northern bands. I rarely take anything as I rarely need anything, but sometimes I leave a steak or some other “gift”. It would be so interesting to leave a note and offer some kind of trade, like an abundant supply of food for some rare scope, something along these lines. Arrange a meeting at their place and come with full hands. Or leave a map with directions to the pub at 020 078 and meet them there. It would bring a lot of colour to the somewhat dull, “I explored all the new content and quickly got bored again” DayZ solo PvE experience. 5. Massive tweaks to CLE – do I need to say more? As long as ammo and canned food is abundant, survival-focused gameplay is only for dumb players like me who fail to see how fascinating pew-pew is. Should I even mention the bow? No, I shouldn’t. What do you think, guys?
  9. Kirov (DayZ)

    Hatchback_02 is NOT in current 1.03...why?

    I've spent so many hours searching car spawns (I thought Gunter shares its spawn points with another car, but wasn't sure which), needless to say - to no avail. In the hindsight, the pranks which BI pulls on us are actually quite funny. Dear devs, stay classy and keep messing with us. We need to be kept on our toes and we love it. To hell with rigid forms, to hell with "we announced it, so it's in game".
  10. Kirov (DayZ)

    Stable Update 1.03

    Hey guys, what does it mean to community vanilla servers? I've already noticed Gunter on sale from traders on heavily modded servers, but if I play vanilla (either community or official), can I count on finding the new car?
  11. Kirov (DayZ)

    Stable Update 1.03

    Any ideas as to spawn points of the Gunter?
  12. Kirov (DayZ)

    Stable Update 1.03

    I'm looking forward to test the new car, thanks for that. But, hm... not that many survivalist features, I guess? Can I ask about the priority of these? I'm enjoying DayZ these days but I'm also experiencing a string of constant minor disappointments (like no meat drying, for example). It would be nice to see at least a little bit of love to those 'gritty post-apoc survival' aspects. Still, 1.03 is most welcome, thumbs up for all the work.
  13. Kirov (DayZ)

    make a promotion / lower the price of the game ?

    There are many ins and out to the concept of 'purchasing power', but the most important thing is that it varies from place to place, so I'm guessing that what you see on your screen still doesn't help the OP cough up the necessary cash. 😉 I agree with the OP - in Poland, Dayz is in the same ballpark (GBP 32,5/EUR 37,6/USD 42) as highly popular and exquisitely polished games (Starcraft 2, Civilization 6) - why?
  14. Kirov (DayZ)

    Who else misses bow and arrow?

    I hope not to derail the topic, but the above reminds me of a thing I've been thinking about recently - what is it with the vaulting? Can I ask someone who actually has any programming experience? Because this was one thing that never worked properly. I'm sick and tired of that '6 years of development' card, but I also sincerely can't fathom out why my toon still can't predictably traverse knee-high obstacles, no matter the engine. Anyhow, back on the topic - bows are cool! 😉 And let's not forget about crossbows. Crafted bolts have been my dream for almost all my DayZ time.
  15. Kirov (DayZ)

    Who else misses bow and arrow?

    I miss the bow so much every time I see a zed. And many other times, as well. Never liked to make noise with those boomsticks. With a bow, you can kill an entire herd of cows right next to a big city and never worry about unwanted guests.
  16. Kirov (DayZ)

    Status Report - January 2019

    Well, on my server I got the full stomach indicator (a stomach some arrows pointing outwards) before I puked into my helmet. Maybe it's inconsistently on and off?
  17. Kirov (DayZ)

    Status Report - January 2019

    So I tortured my toon for a while for your amusement. This was an umodded community server, I specifically asked the admins about that. Here's what I got: - I ate raw cow guts, raw cow steaks, half a raw lard, a burnt cow steak, a burnt goat steak, a burnt white mushroom and I washed it all down with pond water on several occasions, with dirty hands (no blood skin for me but an option to wash hands was there) - yet I failed to contract any condition - I drunk tincture, which induced vomit, but no condition followed - there's a hyperthermia indicator now (i.e. yellow and red thermometer, which blinks at the end of the scale), but it doesn't work now. Apart from putting my face in fire, I couldn't get my toon to get any overheating reaction - you can't burn lard now even if you try (the animation just stops) NOTE: on another community server I did get some kind of poisoning (i.e. a germ icon), but my toon died while swimming in the air (!) QUESTION: assuming that water poisoning (cholera) is in, is the chance calculated per volume or per 'sip'? Is it better to fill a pot with dirty water and take it in at one time vs. taking numerous sips from a pond?
  18. Kirov (DayZ)

    Why i would prefer bikes over cars

    You got it all wrong, guys. You want to emulate birds, when the key is to think like a fish. Forget about wings and rotors, a vigorous breaststroke is your answer! Just look at me below - straight from the Svergino pond I took to the skies to marvel and amuse. Sadly, in the clouds I died of thirst. Allow us to eat while floating already, devs! It hurts my immersion to majestically swim through the heavens and still not be able to reach my pockets. (This happened on an unmodded community server; I have no idea what happened apart from a quick relog in the water and I have no idea how to use modding tools, so this is 'legit'. It's my first time in Chernarus skies). 😄
  19. Kirov (DayZ)

    Stable Update 1.02

    Soo... is it safe to finally nail some planks, or does the sentence "the persistence is fixed" come with some winking I'm not aware of?
  20. Kirov (DayZ)

    Stable Update 1.02

    Where can I read up on the dev progress, now that SRs are gone?
  21. Kirov (DayZ)

    Polls: Blood & Health values in DayZ

    When I joined DayZ, I was so excited about the medical system and the role of the medic. I remember I used to carry all kinds of medicine and kits. After a while, I learnt how the system works and figured out that all I ever need to carry are 6 rags. Even morphine is not worth it if you don't PvP on a regular basis. Nothing important has changed in this department since 2014. Limping, etc. are just trinkets. Nobody ever needs any help outside of PvP. It's a shame, I'd love to don my paramedic uniform and patrol the coasts again. While we're at it, can someone explain to me why we can draw our own blood but can't reapply it to ourselves? Blood test kits, blood bags and saline bags practically don't exist for solo players.
  22. Kirov (DayZ)

    Just sayin...

    OK, now we know you're just trolling and reducing the DayZ fanboy stance to absurd. Nobody would be that silly to use the 'you have to be a successful game producer to express opinions about games' card for real, especially not in 2019. It's like saying 'you have to be the Pope to criticize Church pedophilia'. Your subversion is a little obscure, but it's really funny once I know it's there. 'Dayz fanboys', ammirite?
  23. Kirov (DayZ)

    No Face Hitbox

    So it's not a private modded server, after all... I'm sure that's the last time Guy Smiley pulled a far-fetched assumption out of a hat. 😉 And thanks, Gews, interesting read.
  24. Kirov (DayZ)

    Future DayZ

    Bears are ingame? Or do you mean they're in the game files and still WIP?
  25. Kirov (DayZ)

    Returning Player

    I don't want to start another topic - can someone tell me how much has changed since early January? Both in terms of features and persistence?