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About PythagorasHP

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. PythagorasHP

    Pistol pouch bug?

    Oh alright.
  2. PythagorasHP

    Pistol pouch bug?

    The pistol holster pouch that attaches to the ballistic plate carrier seems to be bugged. I have a complete ballistic plate carrier set (Carrier, gun holster pouch, additional pouches) and when I try to put my FNX into it it just goes right into my pouches space instead of the gun holster space. Anyone else experiencing this?
  3. PythagorasHP

    Attatchable Pouches

    I heard they're spawning again now. Can anyone confirm??
  4. PythagorasHP

    Attatchable Pouches

    Where are they spawning now? I haven't seen one since .60 went stable.
  5. PythagorasHP

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Wouldn't press the throw key (Default G) work? You just throw whatever you have in your hands on the ground.
  6. PythagorasHP

    VSS vs M4 supressed with acog

    I thought silencers are broken ATM?
  7. PythagorasHP

    Heli crash sites .60

    Wrong. If John gave Adam a cow John would be left with 4 and Adam would have 5. Are Heli crash sites dynamic spawning now? The other day I looted a NATO crash site and as I left it disappeared right front of me, like loot and all. Another time I looted a crash site then logged to take a break; changed my mind like immediately about the break and rejoined the same server and the crash site was gone. I'm guessing since the crash sites can despawn I'm assuming it's respawning somewhere else?
  8. PythagorasHP

    Heli crash sites .60

    Neither are cows.
  9. PythagorasHP

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Lucky you, I haven't seen one M4. Played for a few hours today and found a herd of cows, probably 6-8 cows. Decided to leave the cows alone since I didn't need anything from them. Ran quite a distance away form the cows and stopped by a lake to drink and cool off. A few minutes pass and I notice that the herd of cows I saw earlier are slowly walking in my direction. I watch them and notice that they're slowly making their way towards me keeping a steady heading. Eventually they get to the lake and walk right through it until they finally 'sensed' me sitting there then spooked and ran away. Made me wonder how far they would've keep walking if I wasn't there to spook them. I ran a pretty good distance away from where I first saw them so I'm surprised I ran into them again, or rather they ran into me.
  10. PythagorasHP

    Heli crash sites .60

    Do they still only spawn 3 at a time per server restart? Do the NATO crashes and Eastern block crashes share the same crash site spawn limit? (IE. 2 NATO crashes and 1 Eastern crash or 1 NATO crash and 2 Eastern crash etc.) What kind of loot do they have now? I heard plate carriers and their parts are heli crash site exclusive, is anything else crash site exclusive? What's the render distance of the NATO crash site smoke? Adam and John are cow farmers. If Adam gives John 1 cow John will have twice as many cows as Adam, but if John gives Adam 1 cow they both would have the same amount. How many cows does Adam have and how many does John have? EDIT: Typos.
  11. PythagorasHP

    Are high capacity vests currently spawning?

    Yes, I have an olive one right now and have seen black ones too. EDIT: I'd like to know if plate carriers and their parts are spawning?
  12. PythagorasHP

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Played a few hours yesterday then logged in today and I was missing my back pack, pants, and jacket... V_V
  13. PythagorasHP

    Is the M4 Spawning?

    I remember awhile back the M4 stopped spawning. Does anyone know if the M4 is currently spawning properly?
  14. PythagorasHP

    Best updated WIki?

    Do you guys know where I can find the most up to date DayZ wiki? I use DayzDB and DayZTV but have found that they're not entirely up to date and current. I've found items in .59 that aren't in either databases. I'm mostly looking to see what items are currently in game and and where to find them and which items have been removed.
  15. PythagorasHP


    Just called a 5rnd clip. I've only found one of these in my entire Dayz career D: http://dayzdb.com/item/584-5rnd-clip