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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. q.S Sachiel

    camp disappeared. persistence issues?

    Not sure how grenades change the items, and if they 'wipe them off the earth' but someone may have grenaded your stuff?
  2. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ staff/devs/Bohemia show their love.

    24h/d*365d/y = 8760h/y by having 0000's hours you've played over 1 year of SA. Unless of course you don't know about sig.fig., in which case i'll explain: 1*10^4 = 10000 2*10^4 = 20000 ... I may have this wrong, but that's about 1/3 of all total time since release, you've spent on DayZ. If you sleep 8/24 that's 1/3 gone already. So about 50% of your waking life (global) has been spent on DayZ since release? that's a lot of time to invest in a grudge. Not fanboism, just interested in figures...
  3. q.S Sachiel

    Heli crashes

    Well, here's an online map that lists helicoptor crash sites. http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus i believe it is up to date. If you want to maximise chance of finding one, you should aim to target 'density'. #crash sites possible per unit area. This is the best way to target them, and you can work out the areas from the map. Smallest area that you need to cover vs greatest amount of crash sites contained within area will yield your best chances, irrespective of spawn number. That said, if it's a random spawn and you are somewhat restricted by your current position on the map, this strategy will not always provide success or economy. A cursory glance will show that the greatest density appears on the western and/or northern portions of the map.
  4. q.S Sachiel

    any way around unlootable bodies ?

    Sometimes this is not a bug. When you kill someone or encounter an unmolested corpse, you are given the option (scrollwheel) of 'hide body'. This action destroys the gear (by preventing access to the loot contained) in/on the corpse. The corpse however remains. This action is final, and irreversible. I do this frequently if i find corpses that have gear that i cannot take, or when i am done looting a victim of my activities, so as to deny access to the loot left behind to anyone, and a host of other more minor advantages i gain by the action (like slowing anyone down that may be in the area, as they must try - and fail - to access the loot).
  5. q.S Sachiel

    What are the best towns to loot in DayZ?

    If i'm not wrong, the Win ammo comes in 20round boxes? I open mine and get 40 rounds. I found them in smaller towns like Staroye, Mysta, Mogilevka, etc. As for good towns to loot: Zelenogorsk Kamenka (Cherno / Elektro) Novy/Stary Sabor NWAF and regional Vybor Novodmitrovsk Svetlojarsk
  6. q.S Sachiel

    Two annoying bugs, any ideas?

    Can you confirm whether that active-/quickfix works for you as described by twojz? Always good to know of something working for 2 and not just 1... may even help shine light on the actual source of the problem.. :)
  7. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ staff/devs/Bohemia show their love.

    Yeah, basically mirroring my opinion. At this point, the suggestion that an on-time delivery of beta (and the associated feature-complete implication that such a progression brings) scares me that planned features may be cut back. Alternatively, if the planned and future features are still to be installed, then there is no point for Beta to be released at the given date, discrediting their announcements, schedules, and future communication. It's very much a lose-lose in that regard. Although, SMoss has declared that DayZ devs intend to support their product at least 5 years into the future post-launch (assuming gold release) so it could be a continually expanding game with a 'feature-lite' official release and then a backdoor experimental/stable branch allowing for updates/hotfixes to the official game platform. Personally, i'd prefer a good sized plate of meat steak and potatoes in front of me at the start rather than sides served throughout the experience... We'll wait to see, but these 'PR' announcements do make me confused at the least ;( But this is all just speculation, ultimately.
  8. q.S Sachiel

    Hadn't been in to Chernogorsk in a while...

    Cash, I can usually get into them by spamming vault at them. Sometimes even able to get in by walking and get up to your neck in floor/concrete. I have a feeling that keeping on doing this will ultimately result in my death. I'm sure it's just a case of when not if the floor claims my life. There's also a few of those black/grey hunters wood-cabins that are blocked by garbage bins at the only door/entrance. I also get in by pegging vault through the largest crack, and having the door open. Probably a good way to break a leg.
  9. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ staff/devs/Bohemia show their love.

    :( When they hired more people, it set them back maybe 6 months... Horse is long flogged on that topic. People need to stop talking about Bi's bank account as if money is some catalyst or high octane additive you mix in to the petrol to go faster. More money is just more petrol, it gets your farther not faster. To be honest, i'm surprised they (BI) still tout the 2016 exit from EA. I'm not sure if they still intend to release 'Beta' at Q1'16, and anecdotally i've heard that BI has stated that the 0.59...1.0 etc.. numbering scheme has no real-term relationship to alpha/beta/release etc... but if we're still talking traditional Beta here (and what i believe i've heard from BI that Beta=feature input complete), with this list of upcoming introductions of features (and indeed the still awaited list from previous roadmaps) i think it's unlikely that a Q1'16 Beta is realistic. Personally, i'm actually afraid that the pace appears to be quickening and that certain features may not come to fruition. Maybe i'm just too hooked into what i know and am afraid to see the chick leave the nest... But after all these years of waiting and bitching from the less sugary members of the playerbase, the last thing i want to see is a last-minute throw together to push to production. Please dear god take the time and brush off the naysayers. Exciting, Scary Future.
  10. q.S Sachiel

    My top 1 concern

    Yeah, you're going to be bottlenecked by lowest common denomenator. Not going to get anything worth playing, if you have a beast of a machine and a 56k diallup modem ;)
  11. q.S Sachiel

    Who needs ammo ---> Forum corrections always win!

    On a more serious note, the smoke grenades would seem quite effective. Haven't tried them under fire yet, but you know what they say, where there's smoke there's fi... HOHOHO... But yea, much better than in dayZ mod where you could see through them (if i remember right) and immediate smoke instead of the slow to start Arma3 type. You can also run with them active in your hand. Seems like it would put up quite the smoke screen (my ribs) while zig-zagging, and particularly good if you're running down topography with them, even more so if down elevation from attacker. From what I can tell, there's almost no reason to throw them if it's cover you want, and you're not running directly at your attacker...
  12. q.S Sachiel

    Two annoying bugs, any ideas?

    So, could you please clarify? OK sorry, to clarify: you're saying that 'in your hands' means that the item is stuck on the cursor, and that you can not interact with anything else as the item is locked to the cursor? That's completely different to what i thought and a lot more crippling if the case?.. Definitely haven't experienced this, and would definitely suggest opening or browsing for like tickets in the bug tracker, man. That's the kind of stuff that gets you killed while reloading a gun... edit; i'm a bit of a hypocrite, i don't use the tracker much... i gave up once i forgot my password to the (new account) that you need to make to lodge a bug report. but i'm pretty sure this is the link to it: https://feedback.dayz.com/my_view_page.php as above, you'll need a new account (and probably verification by email) but this is what i'd say, a bug that causes serious impediments to gameplay.
  13. q.S Sachiel

    Two annoying bugs, any ideas?

    1) doesn't happen to me. Make sure that if you are trying to drop the item out of inventory onto the ground, that you ONLY release the click+drag function once the item is outside of the inventory box. I'm assuming you're using oldui. If you release in the character pane (the part depicting your character); inside an inventory slot; and possibly the space between the inventory slots/containers (ie: clothing/backpack/etc..., the dark grey areas that are INSIDE the inventory pane) then you may just redistribute the item to your inventory, and if you have nothing in your hands it may go into hands (although it shouldn't unless you drag it into the 'hands' box area). So short answer, no to 1) 2) this happens to me a lot in Arma. I figure it's a double-right-click issue that sets max-zoom-on. Another player/forum user communicated a perhaps similar issue with their run-function defaulting to always on (ie: auto run at press of forwards key), however I am not aware that DayZ has an always on toggle for either of these functions (i know it does for turn head/neck but not Run forwards / maximise zoom). It may not be this, and some weird stuff, but the way i get rid of it in Arma3 is just by clicking the same button again for the function that is on lock. Ie: if my zoom is set to maximum, i just press Rclick again, and as it is a 'hold' function and not toggle (for me) then the PC/game acknoledges the input and resets, as it is as max zoom and i only click, it then retreats back to standard view range. If you're talking about an incremental zoom feature specific to certain gradational telescopic sights, (ie: Num +/-) then i also haven't experienced this issue - at all - as i don't use incremental zoom items / don't have the weapons or don't find the weapons that support them, in DayZ, and i haven't experienced the issue in DayZ anyway, just in Arma3 up to this point. It's probably a bug, lodge a ticket but search for like issues first and then pledge your issue to that ticket if available. Good luck, and keep looking for quickfixes/workarounds in the meantime to make the experience more playable for you. Despite it being a frustrating issue, i would advise against reinstalling DayZ due to issues like these (especially as i see them as relatively minor) unless you have bandwidth to burn. The problems in this Early Access/Alpha are numerous and pervasive, and while a thorough investigation is to be applauded, don't put yourself out or rack up charges if your quota is near-cap or of low capacity. This standard method is also unlikely to solve your issue in general, in my opinion.
  14. q.S Sachiel

    The Club

    Is this a group? or something you hold in your hands? or a group that talks about holding something in your hands? or a group of hands that holds something? I'm not sure if i should be aroused or disgusted, intrigued or afraid? but srs, wat?
  15. q.S Sachiel

    The Cruelest bug ever ! ?

    LOL. Was expecting you to log in and not be able to access your body. Like the game took your toy away from you, then left it just out of reach, but close enough to see and lament. Many, many, many, many, many experiences of being 'DayZ'd' and i'm sure there are more to follow. It's very much a massochist simulator, but with brief rays of joy that shine through the cracks. That said, it would seem the VSS is quite the unlucky charm, most of the reported 'DayZ'd' moments that have popped up recently involve people holding the accursed thing. Good to hear you got it back, so you can suffer once again. Feels almost like the intro to dark souls 1/2/old hags.
  16. q.S Sachiel

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hardware issues/requests/discussion are probably best done in the New Player Discussion > Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE) thread, or in Off Topic Discussion > Hobbies/Technology/Programming (probably the former). There's probably someone here that uses the parts/knows something about your issue, but those places I assume are where that type frequent more often. If you can't access your post, it's probably been moved to one of those locations, and a mod will hopefully email you telling you the post has been moved/merged. I don't use either however, so no help from me:( Just keep an eye out if you can't find your post though..
  17. q.S Sachiel

    .59 Constantly dying for no reason

    Yeah, there's still a similar issue with clipping / physics in Arma3. Frequently i'll walk into a guard rail/handrail or a coniffer tree and the game will slay me and throw me into the air. I'll get stuck in rocks or concrete ramps and need to V key spam it out of there (if lucky and not slayed and thrown into air).. Or i'll be playing SC, and running down the stairs of a tower, only to be going so fast that with my insane amount of surface area, develop enough drag to force myself into flight, and shoot over the waist high barrier to a plummeting two storeys of death. These issues have been in Arma3 for over 1year now. And then there's other (sideways) frustrating inconsistencies between DayZ and Arma (yes i know, different games etc) where DayZ has running vault (sometimes) and Arma doesn't, and Arma has incremental stances and DayZ doesn't (allegedly because it feels too 'military'). But now i'm ranting and need a litmus test to take me back on topic: There's probably a swathe of reasons why these issues happen, and for me they are quite sporadic (though no less painful when they do occur). That said, don't let the fear of death stop you from opening some poor sap's cranium from three storeys high. Scale those office blocks sir, and let the bodies hit the floor!
  18. q.S Sachiel

    My top 1 concern

    I too have noticed a slight decrease in FPS while in towns, although it could be possible that other programs are running (conditions are different from day0, 0.59) or that the high FPS at the time was simply anomalous.... Irrespective, my performance has increased and is now 30-50 (compared to 40-60 before) although i do seem to get 40-60 in rural areas and the lower band quoted in more urban. I did however notice, that all of my settings defaulted to Ultra at 0.59 release, and i've had to scale them back to Normal-high... also , not sure if the settings i have chosen now are the same as before (pre-being autoset to ultra for some reason) but it could also be the reason for FPS increase, in that objects are rendering more obviously as poor quality at longer distances, and pop into better quality textures as i approach. I have not noticed this before, and could account for better fps. It is however distracting and gives false sense of 'movement' in the distance... So yeah, pro's and cons. Again, nobody can explain to you the performance of the game on your system. If you have it purchased and installed, there's literally no purpose for this thread as you should just hop in and see for yourself, then discuss your experience in the 0.59 stable discussion thread. And again (again again) the game is still Alpha, still in EA, and still has the regular swathe of bugs, glitches and oddities to be expected. Some have been fixed from times passed, some have developed into something else, but they're there to varying degrees. I'm enjoying 0.59 more than most updates, personally.
  19. q.S Sachiel

    Who needs ammo ---> Forum corrections always win!

    Why o why did you put a m on who :'(. The souls of one thousand english teachers are crying out from their graves.... What's in the picture? I see it spells DayZ but i can't make out what they are... are they... yes i think they are... DOMOMON!? (well at least the one's making up the Y)
  20. q.S Sachiel

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    As Baker said, as soon as you accept money for it, it's a product and is subject to scrutiny. Even things that are given out for free are not free from criticism or discussion. The effect however, of complaining about something you received for marginal or free amounts of monies decreases your arguments sway. I have very strong criticisms of DayZ, as well as Arma3. But I can still enjoy it. It's like people pointing out all the flaws in Fallout4 and people criticising them for 'nitpicking'... you can have a level opinion of something while still appreciating the good and bad. An objective opinion is not: I HATE IT THIS IS WHY, or IT IS GREAT LOOK AT ALL THESE PRO's! "I like it because xyz, converseley, here are the issues that i have with the product, ultimately i think A outweighs B therefore ..." is more objective and level. I find Fallout 4 to be a sloppy, watered down version of the originals, but i still enjoy it. I don't think that's a conflicting opinion. Same as DayZ, except the true criticism cannot be levelled at the product currently as it has not been released, and criticisms made now could be redundant in the future. That still doesn't detract from the validity of my opinion however. Steam reviews haven't quite reached the level of Metacritic yet, although it is interesting that people (particularly steam users) slag off Metacritic reviews for being exclusively 0/10 or 10/10, yet argue for a binary system (like steam) when ultimately that's the result, albeit with the slightly normal-aggregate existing between 0-10 anyway... When i'm looking at a review i don't go straight to the xx/10 score card, i read the damned words and mull them over, deciding whether those criticisms are something that would gel with me, and then research further to critique their validity/bias.
  21. q.S Sachiel

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    i mostly trawl through reviews on steam to get a feel for the pro's and cons, for entertainment, and occasionally to browse for what would appear to be objective reviews. The majority of 10/10 (insert witty comment again) are bread and butter. Also, steam store has become littered with joke simulators, flooded with DLC piecemeal packages when i'm looking for actual games (and don't own the base for these DLC), not to mention how most games today spam their titles with cross-over tags like Action-Adventure-Survival-Shooter-Simulation-RPG-Hard so that if you browse by category, you're faced with legit the same titles for the first 10 pages on every category. UGH mech warrior online is not a strategy game. Rainbow 6 siege is not a simulation game. Xcom2 is arguably not RPG... I know why you spam these tags, devs, the same reason why youtube whores spam them on their channels but why :'( 1984 is not a romantic fantasy, and Johny Got his Gun is not a psychology/college-communication text book. make the pain stop.
  22. Sorry, no intent to wound with 'rant' i think you called it such in the post. 3/4 down first page. I think you meant it in a self-depreciative but innocent way as did i. I should have said 'informative text'. And by not verify i mean double check against the information you provided, ie: take your listed 'freedom of information' information on face value. I found it interesting, and you put at least a minimum of effort into researching these companies' information to provide what would appear to be a semi-fact based argument at least. Yes, it's not guaranteed the practices will continue, and that there are few checks in place. Ultimately it appears to be a rather unregulated area of an already grey-zone-to-the-ceiling software industry. I feel it's unlikely to see any change if there is no driving force, incentive or regulation required. Ultimately in the absence of these factors, profit maximisation will be the dominating force on behavior, and as you said, most companies are small and can not afford to bother, and the ones that can will see it as a largely un-necessary expense. The only main driving factor i could see at the moment is if the problem devolves to a point where the credibility and / or reliability of experiences to be enjoyed in the game are damaged, or public perception sees it as such, forcing one's hand. And again, i see any real change being a direct threat to these smaller companies, based on your information. Not that that should matter at all, as such is business, and it's not like DayZ is the sole game out there propping them up. I'm sure there are alternatives, so the savvy business would just switch to something more reliable (read: less input required) if they were faced with a requirement of administering greater degrees of oversight and paid work.
  23. q.S Sachiel

    How to make oven/cook with new UI?

    Ah cool. So you can only attach items, not place them in inventory to prolong fire life? And when you say place on stick, i noticed that after skinning and quartering a man the human steaks went straight onto the stick... do i just hold it in my hands close to the fire or something? Use TAB to check the progress of the steak, or will the actual item obj graphic change from raw to cooked too? Beans good sir!
  24. Interesting rant. Not going to verify your information on declared assets etc, but if correct, it would appear that even if you were to make it economic to check and assess complaint validity, it would be uneconomic in the long run for complaints to be acted upon (and servers / admins punished). So long story short, if the information is valid, these practices are guaranteed to continue and there is no forseeable solution, short of some benevolent party with lots of money to come to the table and pick up the slack, ie: host the servers -inadvertantly causing a competition issue with these smaller guys, putting them out of business anyway, likely- or implement check/punish processes in an automated/economic way (which would ultimately result in loss of clients in my opinion to the smaller companys anyway, again). So nothing changes; players win and companies lose; or ???? profit BI could open it up to client hosted, but then badmins would have complete control and there would be less demand for corporate dedicated servers, or BI could host the servers (very unlikely) and then the smaller guys would be eked out, again.
  25. q.S Sachiel

    How to make oven/cook with new UI?

    i made a fireplace the other day from rags + stick, attached wood, added 3x sticks to the slots to try to keep it alive abit longer, and also threw in 3x chicken breasts. Before long the chicken breasts were Ruined. I left the fire, to get my axe (as i realised that cutting down a tree with axe puts a stick on your back, and when you put away axe, it drops to ground...) so went and found the axe, and then couldn't find my fire because it died within the few minutes it was alive :''(