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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. q.S Sachiel

    Updated Timeline

  2. q.S Sachiel

    Steam Price?

    Similar price patterns occur for investment in commodities and speculative endeavours like exploration/mining companies... All that being said, there's really nothing stopping BI from flogging it off at 00.20US if they thought they'd make a profit off the action. This won't happen because the market's saturated. So good observation, but ultimately there's nothing more you can really say without invoking the wrath of old snakeyes. The seller is free to market their product at whatever price they want. Caveat emptor. edit: You're more than welcome to purchase it at the new reduced price though ;)
  3. q.S Sachiel

    Steam Price?

    The game developers/marketing have touted that to buy early is to 'save' as they expect the price to rise as the game approaches a 'gold'/release state. The discount appears off the listed price prior to sale, so it looks like it's down 15% from 34.99 to 29.74. Be aware that certain 'greenlight' developers will raise the price incrementally for sales and then state they're selling at discount when it is above the previous listed price. I'm not saying that BI are doing anything shifty, because i don't know what the price history is and forget what i paid for it, but be aware. ultimately it's whether the customer feels the price is right, but the 15% discount from pre-sale listed price works out mathematically.
  4. q.S Sachiel

    "Nail Bats" and other (realistically) crappy weapons

    Most of those weapons listed either have an option to be sheathed, are long enough that getting yourself with them are quite difficult, and are generally carried in such a way as to not do damage to yourself. With a club with barbs on it, the barbs are pointing in all directions (kind of like having a double edged sword or a pencil sharpened on both edges, it's just more dangerous to you by default) and if you're going to sling it to your hip or to your back you better not fall too hard on that side... Pitchfork, spear, polearm: pointy bit facing away from you, at a distance. If you carry a blade you're taught to sheath it or make sure you don't have the blade/tip facing towards yourself, and preferably down and away. It's definitely a draw-back to have those things there for you, but at the same time it's going to scare off or do more damage to the other guy if you're disciplined and smart about it. I'll definitely concede that it's diminishing returns over the standard bat, which is quite economic as a bludgeon, but if someone were to have a nail bat i'd be quite put off. That said, something simple like Buddy's above would be just as effective for the most part. Edges to focus the force, if you catch a corner to something with bone underneath it it's going to gouge and shatter... The Indos/PNG/Malays have quite a few little weapons like these which are semi-blunt weapons and very nasty.
  5. q.S Sachiel

    The problem with keyboard

    As Jfiles said: try a few things first. if it is battery, try changing battery to ones you know work. If it is cord then remove the cord, restart PC and reattach. If USB try another port (all ports) and repeat if necessary. If it came with driver CD make sure you have installed the driver and it is up to date. Windows should auto-detect anyway, but this may be an issue. Go to device manager, locate keyboard dropdown and confirm that the computer is actually reading it as being connected. Mine says 'standard PS/2 Keyboard' but yours may be different, especially if it is some fancy XXXRAZOR73XXX etc brand or something. Do your lights turn on for NUM/CAPS/SCROLL lock? If not then there may be a connection issue. Also check the connections at the keyboard and the port-plug to make sure there's no cuts and that everything looks flush and nice. Did you recently spill anything on the keyboard? If so then you can either try returning it (and not tell them) or take it apart, clean the rubber/plastic spring cups carefully, making sure not to touch circuitry and then re-assembling the keyboard. If there is no fault on your behalf, and you can't get this thing to work, then contact the store you bought it from first, as it's probably easier, and then to no avail contact the manufacturer and consider a refund/replacement. As far as malware is concerned, i'm unsure. I guess anything could mess with your computers ability to communicate to devices, but i'd say it's unlikely. That said, someone may be able to recommend a good ad/spyware remover. I used to use ad-aware and spybot:search and destroy but most antivirus have prettty good ones as long as you're not knee deep in porn/torrents.
  6. q.S Sachiel

    The Human Body Engine

    yeah, just meant to say we seem to share the same idea and our posts support eachother. :) just finished off some CS myself. got rekt 16;12 :(
  7. q.S Sachiel

    The Human Body Engine

    I think you made a comment rather than a response, (pure) but yeah, that's just what I mean. There's an inherrent set of rules (code/structure of game) that we must abide by, as in real life. You can make it as realistic as possible sure, but you'll probably still not get it 'real' and even then, you need to understand your limitations and advantages (be it glitches or set behaviors like dispersion / bullet spray patterns as examples) and then play to those. The better player is always the one that knows both sides of the coin, what they can and can not do. And again, if you really want to try to boil it down to 'even playing field' well then everyone is even anyway. It's just latency and computer performance that will set you apart. Everyone is existing within the set model. The rest is going to come down to luck etc. ATM, DayZ is not a good and equal system, yes, because even when you have the drop on someone you may experience some anomaly that they don't and you're at a disadvantage (particularly if you've been given away somehow or they know you're there, and are hostile). So good proposals/suggestions by OP, but pretty moot atm still.
  8. q.S Sachiel

    The Human Body Engine

    This is just a physics engine you have described. You don't need it specifically for the player character, as you just need to make the player character an object and then hitch a camera to it. This takes up a large amount of computing power though, to be able to model, track, predict and respond to so many variables instantaneously at every point... Not that it can't be done, but that it is a significant and ambitious suggestion that will probably be overlooked because, for the most part, i'd say it's un-necessary and the market would judge it similarly. Look at Counter Strike as an example. I've been upset continuously at the way that the camera behaves in CS. It's almost as if the camera is actually at the gun barrel, and bullets fly out of centre camera. This is the reason why people are able to wall peek with awp, Right Hand weapon model, all i can see is their left shoulder/elbow (with my right hand model) and they're able to land shots on me (albeit through a wall). It's frustrating, but to quote DayZ, "it's a feature". These are all nuances of the game that distinguish it from one or another. You obviously have expressed a particular play style but that isn't always what people, markets or developers want. Look at UT. People are doing quadruple backflips off walls, or even double jumps from the air... It's impossible. It's outlandish. It's Unreal. Not trying to shoot you down really, just pointing out that while certain elements of a game may frustrate us, they are the framework within which we must identify, train to and work within. That is what makes you a 'good player': knowing the subtleties of your game of choice. It would appear that many of these games are not of your choice though, and you want something a bit more pure-sim not sim-lite or 'twitch'. That's fine. My biggest concern for pure-sim though is that it becomes needlessly complex, and ultimately if you're after that 'i can do X in real life but not in game' then you'll be frustrated regardless because there's a limit to what we can model. As far as 'level playing field', you can get close, but if you're talking MP here there's always going to be someone with the upper hand. Be it ping, computer performance, hacks, rate fiddling, (or just exploring and perfecting glitches/upper hand nuances of the game)... Edit: above remarks are mainly to do with physics issues, which i feel you want a 'true realism'. Probably quite difficult. And ultimately, I still feel that this is circumvented by the 'code' which actually develops the movement. I'm sure the crazy running on rollerskates motion can be changed in DayZ, I'm just not sure if a full physics overhaul is required. Medical etc... yeah sure. America's Army2 had a pretty med-lite scheme where you investigated the subject who returned a response. There were 4 options for treatment being paired to each individual response. To give the wrong treatment resulted in death of subject. There could well be something like this in DayZ with med. Overall, i agree with your post, because i'm a hardwhore gamer. Ravenshield got my jollies off (and i was only aware of fluid lean/doors, not stance :O ). Was thinking about this the other day how 3pp camera is basically you peeking over a wall only not actually exposing yourself (analogous to CS example). Maybe they can contextualise some of these events - as CoD did to vault and GoW did to 'suck to cover' so why not peek etc... but again i feel that this can lead to it becoming overly complex from both a code perspective, and from a control scheme issue (if you can't innovate and use cheeky context mechanics, but still every ledge window etc would need to be tagged or something to allow for this).
  9. q.S Sachiel

    "Nail Bats" and other (realistically) crappy weapons

    Your OP shows a lot of pointy ends. I'm trying hard not to geek out on this one, but I can say with relative confidence that either way, it's going to be less pleasant than a standard bat. @ Red_Ensign Weapons designed to ignore or work against armor are generally quite specific. Scimitar was designed to slice through leather, Broadsword was designed to cleave through steel, Bodkin were designed to pierce through chain link... You can smash at something all day, but if you don't focus the force it's going to be less efficient. That's why knobs, edges and ridges are there for too. Ultimately I don't have any issue if it's coming in. It's something cool. Sure, maybe something cliche, but the same as with a blade, if i were staring down something that's probably going to cut me up as well as the chance of a broken bone, i know where my feet go.
  10. q.S Sachiel

    "Nail Bats" and other (realistically) crappy weapons

    Bro.... Drag is going to have little to no effect on this. If we're going to get semantic i'd take a guess at the weight increasing force more than the air resistance decreases it to neutral (unchanged bat). The nails are going to puncture you. They are going to provide a greater possibility of infection. You are still going to be connecting with a large majority of the impulse, only now you will also have a guaranteed puncture and blood loss upon contact. The nail bat is going to be quite a lot more detrimental to the person on the receiving end. The only real negative that I can give for this weapon adjustment would be that it may result in your weapon becoming lodged in the flesh of the enemy. This can be a pro if you can incapacitate them in the connecting hit, as then when you rip it out of them they are passive and you do even more damage. But in a situation where you are confronted with multiple close threats, you want a weapon that you can continue to swing and not spend time dislodging from debris/corpses. Also, if the thing you are impacting is stronger or more resillient than a single hit would allow, then you are either stuck trying to pull your weapon out of this now enraged thing, or you lose it as the opponent moves away, taking it with it. It also instills a degree of fear, which though not particularly useful in most video games, adds to the 'badassery' as we know it is going to do (or at least looks like it will - and i'm quite certain it would at least be more unpleasant). Bare bat 10/10 would receive again.
  11. Ah the tired opinion that a survival game cannot also have an organised open world pvp mechanic or 'mil-sim' if you must. People throwing rocks and pointy sticks = complainers People using real-world weaponary with a varied range of type and calibre = complainers Sci-fi weapons so it's not a mil-sim = complainers.... From the comments in this thread, it would be logical to assume that half the posters would just shoot mil-gear players on sight anyway. Would you rather be shot by a derringer wielding man in nothing but underpants? If anything, mil-gear allows this community to better identify serious threats, so what's the big problem? If a major proportion of your deaths are from mil-geared players then shouldn't you start tailoring your tactics to managing that threat pattern? Worm food can't complain You didn't survive. Try again Try harder. It's a sandbox plz.
  12. q.S Sachiel

    Should I stay away from huge monitors?

    I'm rather illiterate in the screen/resolution department, but i was of the (possibly misguided) opinion that you aim for better Hz refresh rate and go from there?
  13. q.S Sachiel

    >>>>>FPS<<<<< Help

    To release a (finished) product while also failing to adress serious stability issues would be relict in the developers' obligations and would draw negative attention to their professionalism and abilities within their industry and the market. The observation that BI is an aparrently professional organisation, should suggest that this would be addressed when we near product release. The game infrastructure is not currently able to take advantage of high end systems, and low end systems will also be at a disadvantage due to the computing power being required for this game currently. Do your research and you'll see that sinking more money into your gaming platform will produce only marginal positive results for this game if at all. However long you've supported the product is irrelevant at this point. This question is akin to asking if the meal will ever be ready when the host is preparing it in front of you. 0----------------------------you are here-----------------------------------------------------------------1 not here.
  14. q.S Sachiel


    That's a lot of box! es you have filled in that stash of yours, good sir...
  15. q.S Sachiel

    CPU issue / PC unstable

    Hey guys Quite a few questions buried in this one, sorry. Been having problems: Recently started getting semi-frequent infinite loops with sound and screen freeze during more gfx intensive games like dayz / eagle dynamics sims. The PC would lock up and be unresponsive to recovery like ALT/CTRL/DEL or alt/tab etc. Hard restart was required. Got a BSOD once or twice, my display even failed while browsing at one point, screen said 'no display' then went to black (green light to orange) and then wouldn't recover. Sound was heard but screen wouldn't display. I originally suspected GFX / mobo / CPU but also wasn't sure about my peripheral Saitek x52pro. Unlplugged from USB and works fine. Did a memory check, no issues. Ran benchmark 3d test, no issues (with reasonably good FPS and no stutter / sound tearing). Ran Core Temp 1.0 and i'm hitting ~45C idle, and ~85C on a relatively high load. Is this normal kind of temps? Anyone with a similar / newer intel card got any feedback? I've checked intel's specifications but they're all around 45-65C passive/active temp. Other posts i've seen outside this site suggest that 75C isn't non-normal. It was originally up at around 105 before I took out the CPU fan, gave it a good blow (it was clogged AF) and then air canistered the mobo and GPU fans/heat sinks. That seemed to have shaved 20 off. I know 105 is up at operating limit, so that was a bad sign. Also, when taking the CPU fan off (because i felt blowing dust all over the mobo / socket would be counterproductive too) do you need to reset the thermal paste, or is this more for applying after-market fans and things? How many times can you take the CPU fan off without needing to reapply thermal paste? PC is around 2 years old, as per signature: GPU GTX 670 2GB CPU intel core4 i3770k @ 3.5GHz RAM 16GB DDR3 Ram corsair dual-channel (2x8GB) Mobo AS Rock Z77 extreme 6 PSU 850W corsair something or other. can post hd/ssd issues too, but i have no issue reading or writing. Like i kinda said, after giving it a blow its gotten better and haven't had a crash yet. Going to check bios settings and see if i can up my fan speeds on the case etc... but yeah, standard kind of stuff? And i don't OC.
  16. q.S Sachiel

    CPU issue / PC unstable

    But I'm scared and uninitiated. This may be something down the line to consider.... not now. not so soon.
  17. q.S Sachiel

    CPU issue / PC unstable

    Alright guys, cheers for the info and guidance. The Arctic Freeze was my first choice as it looked to have a beefier heat sink, larger fans and pre-applied thermal paste. It is however now a discontinued item, by word of the local supplier. AUS stores have it mostly out of stock or unlisted, so not sure if it's US-limited or something, or they've discontinued production/support outright. Ended up going with the Coolermaster Hyper 212X CPU cooler. Had to rotate it so the fan would not interfere with my RAM slots and i'm not sure that the fan is firing in the correct direction relative to the case fan which is adjacent it. Concave/vex surfaces always gave me the run around so i'll have a look and a ponder if anything changes or i get the time. However, temperatures are now running at a nice 25-35C at idle, and peak temps were 65/74/70/66 © during the intel processor diagnostic tool 64bit @ 100%load which sustained it at that point for several minutes. Pretty impressed so far. The part was definitely quite fiddly, and the parts were machined in such a way in that they worked, but didn't inspire confidence (spacer lug has a planed section on the thread so as to mate flush surface with rear-mounting bracket. This planing/chamfer job has reduced the thread gauge and more importantly, changed the thread spacing at point of chamfer. The fastening nuts only went on easy 2/4 nuts. The other two needed a slight (not overly large) amount of force to put on with the supplied socket adapter, however it doesn't inspire confidence that I'm not cross-threading them, seeing as how i NEED mechanical assistance to attach them, and they return a large resistance with only less than 1 revolution of gentle finger tightening. The upper mounting bracket is also a little fiddly but no real complaints there. Plastic fins for the fan bracket did not screw in properly because they haven't threaded the holes in which they're supposed to go, and i don't see the finsn providing a whole lot of aerodynamics anyway. They also blocked my RAM in that configuration, so i left them off for now. So just gotta watch those temps and hope we burn in and they stabilise or go down further, but thanks again!!!
  18. q.S Sachiel

    I found 3 v3s in middle of the forest

    Germany's pretty close to France and my French is terrible, he doesn't speak english. It was mostly of my own, although my grammer is quite poor yes. had to look up LKW.
  19. q.S Sachiel

    CPU issue / PC unstable

    thanks again BB.
  20. q.S Sachiel

    music and character narrative

    Definitely, no sound can. And i also feel some ambiance can lead to more atmosphere. I'll definitely concede that SA is quite barren in the audio department for most of the map, but i kinda like it. The effect of my cold bubble being interrupted definitely drives my survival instincts / bloodlust, and I'd see the more FPS purist type needing that audio cue, but I can see the appeal in any kind of personalisation of this type. Its a spectrum that the genre of game must submit to, because cans rattling in every street, chipmunks in trees and etc etc (to the full-audio/amb/music side) would just be comical. It's definitely gotta be tasteful. Maybe this should become more of a list your xxx thread if people are happy to bring suggestions to the table?
  21. q.S Sachiel

    music and character narrative

    Again i'm with mos1ey. It is personal preference and i'm not saying you're 'wrong' just that I don't agree. We may have different tastes or want different experiences. But i am still leaning to the thought that a constructed entertainment experience may not be the best representation of an extended playlist being paired with the game. To that end, I could find horror videos that use music/ambience to build tension and others that use absolute silence to build tension. These are constructed scenes and if executed well, either camp can produce an effective and impacting experience. It's just not the one i see myself enjoying. Again, limited and subtle ambiance outside of natural sounds already available (ala stalker moans groans or industrial grinding etc) wouldn't go astray in certain areas, or localised radios that you can interact with / walky talky streams or something, but for the most part i'd see it as detracting from the experience that i enjoy and want. But then i'm quite resistant to change generally.
  22. q.S Sachiel

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    yeah well some people get motion sickness/vertigo on slightly rocking boats or going down elevators and i can't comprehend their ailment either, but it still seems to be a problem for those people ;P AFAIK about PC motion sickness it's the movement on screen that causes a disconnect with the brain, which knows it is stationary, but the eyes are givin an input saying something else. Brain freaks out, panick stations red alert, red baloons fly into the sky and everyone has a really bad time. I'd assume that having a wider FOV means your eyes aren't focussing as hard on specifics so the input is dampened, and the issue is lessened / resolved. Still, this issue is likely something that can be patched to solve a lot of people's problems, but unlikely to satisfy every person with motion sickness.
  23. q.S Sachiel

    music and character narrative

    I wouldn't suggest music, i'm in league with mos1ey. I'd find certain ambient sounds preferable but not really acceptable. I think the desolation is only compounded by the lack of music / ambient sounds other than natural. Occasional zones with radios on or something wouldn't be bad though, but for the most part i'm against.
  24. q.S Sachiel


    quartz spearhead is all you really need in life. Those things get as sharp if not sharper than a knife and will blunten far less than average steel. They're easy to make and silicates are the most abundant minerals you'll find at the surface so it's not for want or scarcity.
  25. q.S Sachiel

    CPU issue / PC unstable

    Yeah i took out the GPU and gave the intake fins a bit of a blow out too. Reseated it and cleaned out fans etc... Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll look into applying more thermal paste, give it a run and consider a new cpu fan if they're cheap enough... Still pretty sure 85C is quite high for non OC, but if anyone could confirm with a similar card? Like i've said above, Intel and other sources say between 65-75 as normal working load, but not at 13% :S Just uncertain as to the expected range and working temps...