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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. q.S Sachiel

    My top 1 concern

    For me, yes.
  2. q.S Sachiel

    -newui, bugs and workarounds

    Nope sorry, don't use -newui. It looks like more of a placeholder for future updates, and as such I see no reason to be using it, other than maybe the slightly different interactivity options you guys talk about with cars etc... But (imo) it looks bad, functions differently and will probably change significantly so no point relearning how to use a wheel...
  3. q.S Sachiel

    My top 1 concern

    Hey, you posted similar questions in a previous thread. I said i was getting between 40-60 in the larger towns, but now i've had a good play around it's more like 30-50 in elektro etc (on 50/50 servers). The improvements are there, but nobody can say how the update will perform on your system. Do you have the game purchased? If so, just jump in. Unless you have bandwidth restrictions or somethig, there's literally nothing anybody can say that you can't experience yourself.
  4. q.S Sachiel

    The Current State of Dayz

    Yeah i haven't experienced any clipping issues yet, but i'm mainly fighting them outside / have my back to them running. They will react, though it seems they have a smaller cone of detection to their rear and you can creep up on them rather easily (which i appreciate personally). They do however have a wind-up windmill charge attack which i thought was rather cool, but it made me bleed so i had to put him down :(
  5. q.S Sachiel

    Thoughts from being gone almost a year.

    I'm hoping for some kind of dynamic weather-seasonal system... or just gotta wait for mod support and a Namalsk map so i can stick heat packs in my jocks. But yeah, heat atm is quite a non-issue although people do complain about getting pretty hot in ghilli suits.
  6. q.S Sachiel

    .59 Constantly dying for no reason

    ??? your name changed on its own? That's slightly harrowing.
  7. q.S Sachiel

    .59 Constantly dying for no reason

    Stairs have been a rather consistant issue with DayZ / BI games it seems (particularly DayZ). Haven't had this happen to me in a long time. Police stations used to be especially lethal to enter or be in.. Definitely looks like the 'stairs' killed you, although i do notice you take a shortcut and cut-corner to left of exiting the staircase right before death. This small 'drop' may have killed you, not particularly the stairs. ie: run down stairs, you're going fast, 1/2inch drop from stair to floor, game thinks you're going too fast, and applies mass*speed=death. Try to exit stairs directly without falling off even if the drop seems inconsequential, as another old issue with people randomly dying is the half foot drop after exiting buildings. edit: i'm not certain this is what's the cause for your dying. it could have just been the stairs. But being safe in DayZ(alpher) will keep you alive haha.
  8. q.S Sachiel

    Invisible man bug

    Can you still interact with items/your inventory? Not keen on invisible axe murderers ala mod.
  9. q.S Sachiel

    Sights bugged question

    You could also try disconnecting and reconnecting them to your weapon. Doesn't always work, but that's what i do when items 'ghost' in my backpack, drop the kit, pick up then it can be moved. Just try doing anything you can that may cause it to reset, like painting it, stripping parts from it (even compeltely strip) try weapon cleaning kit, spraypainting it etc... It doesn't make sense logically, but could be a short-fix. Also, try to report to bugtracker :) Happened to me once with ACOG M4, where i'd scope in and be looking at the rails instead of through the optic piece. Gave it to a friend, he had no issue, gave it back to me, same issue. I stripped, relogged etc.. to no avail so sometimes it's weapon specific too (as i found another with no issue)... Something similar just happened to me. Have a mosin on back, and SKS in my hands with PU attached. Some weird shit started happening before, like not being able to chamber 7.62x39 into SKS, and all that... Anyway: climbed a watchtower at Stary Sobor, SKS was still in my hands up the ladder (and mosin on back) get down, still in hands. Scope in to check everything, and when i bring weapon to 'ready' position it's held between two fingers and pointing off at weird angle, scoped in i'm looking at the bolt again at weird angle. Try droppign it, it registers on ground, but still in hands. Can't eject but can inspect it... oh lawdy. This just after i lost my winchester for eating in the bushes iwth a mosin on my back :( >< came back, hotbar was obliterated, weapon wasn't in hands, and was where i'd attempted dropping it before, when it didn't leave my hands.
  10. q.S Sachiel

    Something I must get off my chest....

    Trying hard to not quote kirk facepalm on each and every question buttttt 1) hype is from the community. Community doesn't build SA. BI Does. Money doesn't build games. More money only means you have a larger, stronger base to work from, a taughter safety net, and more time to develop. It does not imply any particular speed increase. Same as employing more and more monkeys to write your scrpt, it doesn't make it any better or come along faster. Valve has a game empire but where is HL3? Episode 3? This is basically a non-question because you seem to fail to understand the basics of imaginitive/artistic creation, project management, etc... 2) There are less zombies than in the mod atm. Yes. and i'll state it outright, this is a WIP. NWAF has more than a handful, Zeleno has more than a handful, plenty of places have upwards of 30+ zombies that i've seen, although there is talk of people unsure as to whether they respawn currently after being killed, so they may have been killed off in your limited exposure to the current patch. 3) The game has not lost features as far as i can tell. If you're talking about why the complete overhaul standalone game does not have the exact same features as the frankenstein of a mod does? That mod that was built upon a fully functioning open world game with vehicles and weapons already developed, and a guy called Dean slapped in some buggy zombie AI and a few 3D models for them? Well, the answer (believe it or not) is: WIP. Please note these are direct responses to your questions of limited scope. The response (and indeed your questions) ignore the large positive change that has come about since Alpha release, the marked increase in stability from previous updates in 0.59, and the upcoming work planned. Also, you honestly can't expect to go around talking ignorance and then pleading that mods don't remove the thread, or people don't mention 'the alpha' when a) you're basically uninformed, ignorant, or too lazy to research, and B) the game is still in development - read alpha. It's like me abusing a cop and telling him to stay calm, or asking why things fall towards earth but the teacher can't mention the word gravity. I'm unsure as to the basis of your frustration though. Is it impatience that the game isn't done yet and you want to play it, or that you're bitter and have no faith in the project and seek to tear it down? Also while i may frequent these forums, i wouldn't consider myself a 'hardcore' DayZ player. I've probably got less then 500hours played (closer to 300) and only jump in sporadically to check out each patch. I've waited 10 years for games like HalfLife2, the new Diablo, Prey and Bioshock, and i'm also over 13 so i have the patience and comprehension to acknowledge and appreciate work being undergone, before we cry 'fanboi'.
  11. q.S Sachiel

    Sedan not working?

    Hmm, maybe taking the wheel off bounced it out or something. Interesting :3 could be one of those handy things to try, like knifing your boat back into the water in BF4 haha
  12. q.S Sachiel

    What happened to the bow ?

    longer and thinner may make them useless... Not sure, but i'm sure they'd be less effective. Not going to 'backfire' or jam like in a fire-arm, but not designed for = not going to excel in my book.
  13. q.S Sachiel


    Correct me if i'm wrong, but we haven't passed through a maintenance cycle this patch (0.59)? So not sure if anyone can answer accurately. Barrels not sure sedans may last through restart, or not... this thread not sure about tents. Check this thread for 0.59 discussion, otherwise search bar will be your friend through these tough times. If you're really attached to your stuff, take teh most important/expensive bits out of storage before the restarts/maintenance.
  14. q.S Sachiel

    The medieval sword?

    I've only seen the greathelm recently. Rumor has it that they spawn mainly at castles and ruins and such.
  15. I can understand your frustration. Please empathise too, that the forums mods/admins also are humans capable of frustration. Though it's important for you and others to air these developments and explain their frequency to the DayZ public, this isn't the correct place to complain. Nothing will get done here. The mods have said this until blue in the face. The forums are not affiliated directly with BI, the GSPs or anything else. It is a separate third party entity, which functions as an outlet only for DayZ updates and facilitates community development. You need to contact the GSPs directly. It may seem futile what with all the form letter responses and apparent lack of change etc... but it's just something that you need to do if you want to effect any kind of change. I don't experience these issues so i can't really comment. But the tone in which you post is one thing, and mods/admins may be more or less receptive (or lenient) but they're not going to help or be capable of helping any further than suggesting you contact the GSP. There's also been a recent spate of people abusing Blue/Green/Purples (mods/admins/devteam) and then complaining when their posts are removed, they are reprimanded, or even having audacity to scream 'big brother' and 'assault on free speech'. This is a private website and we've all got to treat eachother with a minimum of respect. Again, this isn't the correct place to complain. If you feel it necessary to comment on the frequency and frustrations of being kicked from public servers, then highlight it to the community without personal attacks or letting your frustration spill out onto others (not a comment @ anyone in particular, just a counter argument for the devil's advocate). It may not have been the response you wanted, and may have been slightly more 'forward' than you would appreciate, but just like trying to get into a bar, when the bouncer bars you from entry because 'you've had too much' when you're stone cold sober, railing against him isn't going to get you let in. Step back, deep breath, fresh water and then try again politely :) Also, not sure if your criticism is entirely valid, in that I'm not confident that Boney was responding or commenting specifically with reference to you. It wasn't your OP from the graveyard thread you describe, and there were several other people with complaints. But ours is not to reason why. Moral of the story: Take note of name/IP/time&date, your name at time, kick message and any other information. Report to the GSP that hosts the server. Record their response and your correspondence with them.
  16. q.S Sachiel

    VSS Is A Beast Weapon

    Not quite VSS related, but i had an AKM+30mag+eastern silencer on the NE cliffs of Svetlo yesterday, watching bambies shoot eachother with un-suppressed weapons maybe 300 from me, down on the dock road. I took maybe 1 shot at a stationary bambi who looked to be punching out a DC'er, and then 'crunch crunch crunch crunch' a zombie was coming up on me from the scrub from behind. Not too sure how far away he was at the time, and not too sure whether it was me that pulled aggro or the sounds of their unsuppressed fire. Be wary with silencers still atm it would seem.
  17. q.S Sachiel

    What happened to the bow ?

    Do you have a quiver or are you firing from a stack of arrows?
  18. q.S Sachiel

    Stable .59 good things.

    Sorry, I should clarify. That definitely sounds like something i didn't mean it to sound like... :S Helicoptor crash sites are in and functioning (dropping loot). No pilotable helicoptors in game yet. edited original too for clarity.
  19. q.S Sachiel

    Sword damage worse than ever

    I've never really given the stun/telescopic/prod a go... Good to know they're good for non-lethal and discretionary follow up though.
  20. q.S Sachiel

    Sword damage worse than ever

    and it's rather concealable in your hand.
  21. q.S Sachiel

    Stable .59 good things.

    I'm not sure about that. You're talking about being hit by bullets or bullets being in the air without a report being heard by the player? Can't say as haven't come under fire yet. That said, it is realistically possible for bullets to impact you/their destination before the sound report reaches your ears (i think). Suppressors seem to be quite prolific, and the sound works on them. Again, anecdotes about zombies not registering aggro on VSS (silenced weapon + sub-sonic ammunition) but can't give confirmation personally. I can say that ambient sounds are still an issue. There's no 'cling cling crunch crunch zombie zombie' sounds at all hours like there used to be, but 3D sound seems to be semi-functional in that i'll be hearing a zombie on one side of my head, but it's on the other, and if i turn in a circle the sound stays in that ear... I'm running Win7. I'd put a video up but i have nfi how to edit shadowplay, and they're all like 2gb files :P If you can afford the bandwidth and the time, just jump in and give it a whirl. The other important sys specs are in my signature, but it's running almost on-par with Arma3 performance at the moment (barring bugs and what not... like i said there are quite a few still but none that are particularly impacting for me atm, in the short time i've played 0.59). Double-check your graphics/display settings and all that when you do go to play though, because all of mine defaulted to ULTRA for some reason, and i was getting like 3fps and it wasn't loading the graphics correct. I"ve scaled back to High-normal and it's 40-60avg with occasional 14fps stutters as before :)
  22. q.S Sachiel

    Sword damage worse than ever

    Yeah, if you're a low-gear against low-gear it turns into a game of whoever can bleed the other guy first, then you just play vulture and shadow the sap until the sap has all but gone hard. Borom suggests that they're not quite the same (though i think the Jul2105/~op suggested that the stats are similar). Maybe it's more to do with hit detection or something, like a 'sweet spot' akin to dark souls?
  23. q.S Sachiel

    Sedan not working?

    Tough luck, but wouldn't you have been just as disappointed when the guys you gave it to drove off? "hey man you can have it, it's broken" "Oh, thanks" BRRRRRRR :'(
  24. q.S Sachiel

    VSS Is A Beast Weapon

    DAM. well. yeah hoho... things may have changed >.>
  25. q.S Sachiel

    Stable .59 good things.

    Yeah well: Zombies are in Helicopters are in (edit) crash sites only, no pilotable heli's. I'm almost consistant 40-60fps with the occasionally strange 14 stutter. That was in elektro and out in the wilderness where previous to this patch it was 15-20fps. The only real way to know for sure is to check yourself (or nuke them from orbit) but i'd encourage you to investigate. There are old and new bugs still it would appear, but nothing particularly nasty for the average user, unless you're testing full feature.