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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. q.S Sachiel

    Petty Power Tripping Cheater

    woah wait, isn't payday2 a coop game? LOL hacking in coop :o Also, could have been desync, but was chasing a guy for some time with my baseball bat as he was 'teleporting' 5-10m at a time (not smooth running just glitching about the place). He didn't seem to mind me at all, then when we got to the NEAF he started axing me from ~5m away. Again could have been desync. Spawned in Berry after he killed me and noticed that the Eastern industrial smoke stacks were exploding periodically... Pretty sure grenades aren't in the game yet... edit: on stable ver.
  2. q.S Sachiel

    Petty Power Tripping Cheater

    My very first Mp game was Red Faction on PC. Still remember the awesome sight of an ultor soldier zipping about with noclip, putting out 1000+rpm of handgun rounds. Oh how we feared the mighty flying devils. Have yet to confirm encounter one, having spent maybe 50/50 in SW/NE. I'm approaching 200hr and spent maybe as much time on mod, didn't ID too many (save for the occasional convenient guy creeping up on you from what i'd imagine to be a perfect position, no shots fired) or some guy in a Ghilli baiting me into a street-full of corpses and looted gear, then screaming "it's the hacker" while his invisible character w chainfire-axe -presumably the Ghilli's friend friend- lopped me to bits. Can't comment otherwise. Curious to know whether this mentioned "cross to new engine" will confound the hacks/change the code to some assistance to vanilla players.
  3. q.S Sachiel

    Steam Achivements + ADD YOUR OWN, Lets make a list!

    Passing wind: Steal a man's beans off his corpse and leave within 5 seconds.
  4. q.S Sachiel

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    If the player isn't aware of the degree of free parts available, then what you said is redundant as people will search for the parts anyway without knowning that the limit has been reached (all parts found and owned). It doesn't stop server hopping unless you've got this notification, which i'd argue detracts from immersion. Also assuming the cap had been reached, it may encourage server hopping to find the people who already own the parts. Also consider the situation from a complete-vehicle perspective. If global parts are fixed, and people have made vehicles, then it can be said that the vehicle is 'locked' to that server (unless able to be disassembled). This may encourage vehicle hoarding, with vehicle rich servers and resultant vehicle poor servers. One possible remedy to this is to have parts degrade upon taking damage, and instead of turning 'ruined' they fail and disintigrate (removed from server) and then are 'up for grabs' again, re-entering the zero-sum global fixed free part value. This may lead to the next situation however: What of half-completed vehicles? Again taking the above parts value fixed = vehicles value fixed theory, it's more likely for partially completed (read immobile/non-functional) vehicles to exist than a fully complete vehicle (unless people are just hoarding parts, which is unlikely/uneconomic from a functional/fun point of view, given inventory restriction. Clans may minimise this effect, but I would argue it would still be detrimental as clanners should be cooperating on a small number of servers anyway). This means that most players (and servers) out there will have three-tenth's-of-sweet-f***-all. Considering the above, if global parts and inferred global vehicles are restricted to a fixed value, everyone's getting a little bit of nothing. If Dean really wants to restrict whole/functional vehicles from being available this may be one mechanism, but I'd argue it's a poor system (without able to provide a solution ;) ) but I see this just adding to a disparity in have/have not across servers/regions as a whole, or lending to a redundant system where everyone has a part of the whole without access to the functionality that the part should provide. These things would be like 'greys' in MMO's. Clutter/filler/sawdust items. Adding to the redundancy I see in this system, if the fixed value is too high, then there's no point having a 'fixed limit'. If the value is too low, then I see my above points being more likely to happen unless the value is distributed across a (different) fixed value of servers, ie: Xval parts per Yval servers. Fine-tuning the sweetspot seems like too much effort for too little gain in my opinion, given that SA still hasn't reached mod standard, and that the ratio may need to be altered if global/regional server numbers rise/fall into the future... I see far too many flaws in this kind of system. Just lock the number parts/vehicles available/theoretical per server if you want to make it restrictive. Hell, you could even make these parts spawn only inside vehicles (like curently existing carcasses of sedan/combi/police cars/trucks) in urban areas (or ultra low drops off heli-crash sites), make sure there's enough vehicles scattered about the map and give the parts a real low drop rate (Xcars total in map * Ydroprate= Zmax available usable vehicles/server), so that people would need to scour the whole map (read move out of berez) and the chance of finding parts is still relatively low... I also expect a rotor assemblage to take up more space than 4 cans of beans...
  5. q.S Sachiel

    Confessions of a Medic

    * sit * popcorn * begins 'Jerry' chant * waits patiently
  6. damnit man choose your poision! swift hole to the head, or liquefaction from the inside out... but seriously what kind of mil-gas mask is incompatable with standard protective equipment like a helmet?
  7. q.S Sachiel

    Sniping and Handguns.

    currently use the FNX.45 for its larger clip and powerful put-down 45cal. Amphibia S is also a favourite as it's silenced (for players at least - still seems to draw zombies) although weak with it's .22 round, a few headshots up close do the trick. 1911 is still a good beast of a pistol. as above, use the dayz.db map which allows you to measure distances between two points. I measured NWAF a while ago doing a similar thing to you and i have its width at 346m concrete-concrete at right angles to it's length so you may have been a little short. Also take into consideration bullet travel time, as they are not hitscan, on moving targets. Also as above, i'd recommend a spotter with some kind of backup weapon to be placed in a position to assist you should things get hot, and also to call out your shots and targets (though i can't find binocs since last patch, a friend and I got quite good at ranging to targets at Balota airstrip. There's some nice elevation there for you, although multiple enemy entries unless you know how to lock down your vulnurable sides... quite a few Z's down there too if you feel like having a plink. Upgrade your scope to at or above worn, but keep at it. It is a learned skill and eventually you'll be getting the 'feel' of the range and won't need to estimate other than dialling in your Range to Target and waiting for an opening. you could also try the AKM+PSO scope. I've had a bit of practice but i'm not having too much trouble hitting things at 400m-500m which I think is close to the limit of effective range, but a sizeable one at that. Most scenarios short of spider-camping are <200m for me. But i prefer being a little closer. I feel you on the shots part though. Personally, I'd rather the rifle/player character didn't move straight to reload before i've assessed my shot. Similar to your BF4 analogy, i'd like the gun to remain unchambered until I chamber it (click once or something) though the current 'auto-chamber' is probably better for closer / quicker encounters where that extra second reloading may count all the more.
  8. q.S Sachiel

    So.. Is this what its about?

    human psychology 101: when orders are ignored, send rounds down range. if you have already backed yourself into a corner, friendly or not, if people refuse to give you breathing space put them down. If they were unarmed the second one would have had to re-evaluate or been 1:1fight. You can fire warning shots if you want to, but i don't waste ammunition ;) This can all be communicated verbally first and during your encounter if you feel like being a no-kill player and giving people the benefit of the doubt. stop or i'll shoot. do not come any closer or i'll brain you. you've got 3 seconds to get out of my sight before i turn you into a 300 round box etc...
  9. q.S Sachiel

    Ingame Integrity Protection for Standalone

    Read OP, this ran through my mind pretty immediately. 10 words in and I was ready to call you an admin that kicks and loots and restarts. Look up through the sarcastic and other types of comments and I'd say that most people would react poorly to your choice of action on this matter. Single most hated part of gaming: being kicked by admins without reasons or appropriate communication.
  10. q.S Sachiel

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    take pistol into hand cock and arm pistol throw pistol at enemy's head
  11. q.S Sachiel

    Collision Bug that kills players instantly.

    oho.... or eating beans while on a balcony in berezino appartment complex (i don't know why i thought that would be a good idea). take out beans teleport out of the balcony into thin air fall to death you are dead.
  12. q.S Sachiel

    Pre-Outbreak Chernarus

    no green mountain do not want :( ooooOOOooooOooooHHhhhhHhhhhhh
  13. q.S Sachiel

    What exactly is Ghosting?!?

    like the foxhunt bugle!? Or Reveille?!
  14. q.S Sachiel

    Zombie attack! (Oh, and blurred vision?)

    Could be depth of field? I've noticed multiple times that when your FOV crosses the plane of something like a tree or grass sprite, even though you're looking 'through' the gaps in the grass or tree your view is still intersecting the plane of the image. This draws your focus onto the sprite image and not the objects in the background, causing them to blur. Happens to me mostly when lying down looking down hills or when stalking through trees. Can be quite upsetting. Even happens very occasionally when i snag what i think to be an extruding wall asset that is not textured in that area or the edge of solid cover. ^ above occurs for me in a chronic manner - it comes and goes as the plane of the image moves due to wind etc, or as my aim/breath changes the position of my fov. if you've got something a little more continuous and on-going it may be login blur, or injury/shock that's hung on since whatever encounter brought it on. if it's this kind of issue, try going to ESC(ape)>Configuration>Video. as soon as you press 'video' (don't need to change anything just access vid options), the blur should be banished from your view until next encounter. For me this works for: shock from bullet misses; shock from bullets sustained; shock from zombies; shock from falling/injury; login blur.
  15. q.S Sachiel

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    aggro z circle strafe them, keeping always at an angle away from their face frequent blows to head (may need to anticipate direction if they're lunging) they drop frequent blows to head win also, as of 0.45 they can come indoors. I've found it much harder to fight with melee indoors as my weapon generally ends up clipping surfaces everywhere but at their head (or body) at which i'm aiming. Fight them in open spaces to avoid this, though i'd really like to have a horde bearing down on me with nothing but a firemans axe and '300' these suckers in some lowly corridor.
  16. q.S Sachiel

    Golden magazines

    or that your friend mistook gold for green spraypainted mags...
  17. q.S Sachiel

    Collision Bug that kills players instantly.

    in cherno southern hospital. 1st floor up (the one with the windows and the corridor full of benches against them). Dropped a blood bag against the window to swap for a blood test kit then realised i had more shit i didn't want more than the blood bag so threw that out and then went looking... no blood bag. figuring it had to be around somewhere, i opened TAB up and started trawling the floor and walls around. It seems to have gone invisible into the wall near the window where i dropped it, only accessable while running between the two benches (at the wall) with TAB opened up. You are dead I was with my friend, and we were just joking around about him injecting me with an anonymous clear liquid that we found (he never injected me but i started getting suspicious at him at this point). Turns out i'd ran through the sealed wall/window between the two benches and had fallen to my supernatural death behind the building. that and falling down stairs while walking and breaking a leg, are the only two identifiable times.
  18. q.S Sachiel


    haven't found any for some time. Got a strange error message the other day about not being able to load some garblegarble//Binoculars/ file Also krazy, you may be doing it wrong or you're just too late. Only once i've seen an m4 at crash site, at the nose at right angle to length of chopper. Every other time i've had to walk up and 'into' the chopper to see the m4 on my Tab inventory display.
  19. q.S Sachiel

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    As much as I agree with you, and would like to clarify i'm not advocating it nor consider myself a bigot sexist... this is a game where you kill people for no reason, treating people like dirt is the norm. Also, you may have misrepresented my post. My (unfounded) assertion that females in DayZ are a minority has nothing to do with 'I've got the numbers shut up' I was merely pointing out that female gamers are a breath of fresh air for the army of people out there to cause you grief because they should expect an experience different from most others (with male victims or silent victims). And as far as being a post apocalyptic RPG/FPS styled game then I would again say that yes, they are a target based on their sex. Not sure if you ever played counterstrike, but as soon as you hear anything close to a female voice on the VOIP just watch every mic on the server light up to ask her asl or criticise something in a nasty flirty way. Again. There are so many parts of this game that are so openly hostile that yes, they really define your good friendly experiences with a player. That said, monitoring abuse in the forums, good and easy and probably required but expecting this behavior to be removed from your gaming experience? Be realistic.
  20. q.S Sachiel

    Where did YOU find an AKM

    "Unknown Entity has no pulse and is warm to the touch" is what i usually end up with -_-
  21. q.S Sachiel

    Where did YOU find an AKM

    Vybor-Stary Military compound. In a barracks three doors down, top bunk by the window. sweet sweet victory.
  22. q.S Sachiel

    can somone explain the sound bug to me?(ammo/zombie)

    AFAIK the background looping noises are not an indicator of anything. Neither are breaking twigs, bird-escape-flapping or the deep thud you can hear from main screen that sounds like a plastic bin slamming / far away gunshot. These are just ambient/glitch noises. They may be happening on the server, i'd occasionally hear parts of a person eating rice, or what sounded like someone scrunching on some beans rather close, but the sound cut out halfway, but i doubt they're within a given range. I know of no way to stop these sounds getting to you. I've learned to block them out, but that may result in me overlooking slight but real danger cues. A friend and I frequently test our ability to detect an infiltrator (the other) that is trying to blend their own noise into these sounds to creep up on a static position. I know he's coming and it's still real difficult to distinguish between him and the stutter even if i 'did' hear him. However, to eliminate some visual bugs: TAB will allow you to see on login (when you get greeted with a cream blank screen) and going into ESC>configuration>video will eliminate any blur effect on login AND from taking damage/shock while in-game. haven't actually tried but configuration>audio may work in a similar way, or may not. Test for us :D wait wait wait, is this what you've been hearing? at least you've got a great taste in music ;)
  23. q.S Sachiel

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    Don't want to go full geek, but I'd say it pretty well represents the response of most communities, maybe even simulates what to expect pretty well. Also like to say that if people have only just noticed a trend of sexism/disrespect on the internets then i'm guessing you're pretty new to this whole anonymous communication thing... We all know there's a few kids out there and they're mostly griefers. Half the guys (~half pop) are out there looking for a fight. I wouldn't call it sexism, just that some sorry sob has noticed you've got a nice attractive voice that he can hammer down into a shrill cry for his own sadistic pleasure. If you are a woman on this psychopath simulator, you are a minority. This means that you are an attractive alternative to the regular gruff-voiced 'basement dweller' for torture or target. It's already been alluded to here, but if you were a female out in a post-war anarchic environment I wouldn't be expecting many please and thank you's if you catch my drift... You're different plain and simple. You are the spice to their repetitive killing.
  24. q.S Sachiel


    If you're really brand new i'd also suggest just forgetting the 'loot areas' and going for a good long wander. Figure out some game mechanics, fine-tune your V mashing to hop over those fences, get lost in Gorka, shoot pigs in Zeleno... I still remember my very first DayZmod play. It was just on dusk (back when zombies were littered like sand through a place) and i spent what i thought was an hour just lying flat hoping these wretching dark shapes silhouetted against the waning sun wouldn't spur into action and devour me. EDIT: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus satellite picture to a pretty high resolution even up close. Able to pick out most prominant rock features and apple groves etc. I mostly run without this map, but i've had mod practice and it's pretty well ingrained. The random spawns with lots of erratic and nonsensical roads/streets to nowhere are development towns far up north. If you're on the coast, it's easy. look to sea: left=north right=south (at the moment i think people only spawn on East coast, not the South coast). Berez - NEAF. Go pretty much due north from Berez, stick left of lakes and large rock outcrops and boom: at NEAF. Berez - Southern towns ie Balota : just follow the coast round if you don't trust cutting through SW. but yeah, just leave a sat map open in a background browser window if you can. it doesn't take too long to remember, and most cities are signed adequately (map has english + 'russian' acrylic)
  25. q.S Sachiel

    What exactly is Ghosting?!?

    most of the recourse to stop it would also hurt DC's, people that need to run and have an extended bowel release without the extra discomfort of knowing their character is simulating such a position of weakness while logged in 'alone' etc... Ghosting is cheap but i don't see too much of a resolution to it in these suggestions, although setting you as a random spawn location for new servers may be interesting, it would still annoy me if i've got to a nice place the day before then spawn in berez. Same as loot hoppers. I've done it a few times myself, and though looked down on by the hardcore players, I'd point out that there is a danger involved, like when you go from server to server, see doors opened, even on freshly restarted servers and you know that each hop brings you closer to your competition. I eventually find 2-3 people this way and throw some lead in their direction. But i can appreciate people's disdain for these actions. Also, i've not ever heard the 'reload sound' on login from people that i've heard players talk of, but playing with my friends i frequently hear a moan (female is very short and sharp and harder to hear) as they pop into existence. I'm currently on a character that broke his legs falling down some stairs (and i've splinted it) but he occasionally mumbles but this has been noticed by me and friends on relatively healthy characters frequently. So if you're in some flash apartment and start hearing throes of passion from upstairs, there's a good chance the only fluids he's after are soon to be coursing down your neck.