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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. q.S Sachiel

    Custom faces idea for the Devs to consider

    like in BF4 player emblems, the majority are OK, some witty, some childish, rarely giant pink dick or 'squatters' but yeah, would like a little more customisation but for the most part I either don't see people twice enough to care, or see their face enough to care, or think it warrants a major immersion factor. voice, behavior or player name if you can get close enough to check pulse. all a man needs. TBH, i see the major 'threat' being people exploiting skin tones etc to make chameleon men, although the grass and foliage changes enough, I'd say the 'bad' faces would lean more towards concealment than 'dazzle' ;)
  2. q.S Sachiel

    Apparently I've NEVER eaten rotten fruit before...

    ate some rotten fruit - felt a funny taste progressed to sickness drank disinfectant to 'clear the pipes' got worse grey white black unconscious respawn. I hope this helps :) * don't drink the disinfectant it's a cheap russian brand and doesn't cure your ills.
  3. is the heatmap your movements, or a survey of many players? info plz.
  4. q.S Sachiel

    Ballistic Vest - What Should It Do?

    yup. nothing quite like finding a house with pistols and shotgun ammo to load them with. authenticity over realism i guess. But I too would like to make it harder to find stuff to gear up for the most part. Always have the most fun looting for backpacks and SKS rounds, kind of upset when I get to the full mil-kit and AKM/M4 stage, so I usually turn myself in to the nearest gangfight and start over.
  5. Haha, you exert authority over others and expect them to expose themselves to a point of weakness for your own piece of mind? I'd just hold my gun down and shoot you the first chance if you're all 'i don't trust you put away your gun' bs on me. That said I'd need to think twice if you came up from behind. But you probably get a few people to do this, and the true friendlies are probably more than willing to do your bidding. Good job though if you can pull it off. As to the OP, i know you said this wasn't the first time, but as you seem so upset and confused at a person lying to you for their personal gain... please enjoy my offering: special attention to 0:44 please. And of course onwards. :)
  6. q.S Sachiel

    Sawed-off shotgun - range?

    not sure on specifics, but with a 2-shot weapon with such a short barrel, given the stakes involved i'd say effective range is no farther than 'up their ass' i use SG almost exclusively for clearing rooms, and it functions very well in all indoor settings.
  7. q.S Sachiel

    Ballistic Vest - What Should It Do?

    I want bum-packs damnit! This is Eastern Europe, and god knows they're at least 40 years behind everyone else's fashion sense. ^ check out this pro, she's got 2! The bracelets also keep hoppers out of your server.
  8. Novo spire is god. You take mad shots from the yellow chapel / apartment housing estates to the N/E when you're in the top open square room before the ladder too. Up on the tip of the spire looks like a death-trap as you have limited cover, and the open door will block you from making a full revolution as it stands out into the walkway :). Enjoy the new loots. I will see you soon to collect.
  9. nah. many things they could add diversity and complexity to. Reloading your bullets is not one (unless you're talking about fabricating rounds from spent cartriges :) )
  10. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ Zombies, an attempt to diagnose the zed condition

    How is rabies able to go airborne? Despite the whole 'living dead' or 'reanimated corpses' bit, I always thought the best part (most successful) of the zombie virus was that it doesn't 'kill' it's victim. Ebola, Rabies... very spectacular symptoms but far too quick to kill. I'm thinking more cancer/radical cell mutations which allow the host to 'live' for an indefinite time, impervious to pain etc. Something like this may also explain the human-specific trait of the zombie virus in most fiction, save for maybe chimps in 28 days. Always loved though, how zombies are 'superhuman' in most movies/books. You'd think that if the virus is taking advantage of the available architecture (skeletal-muscular & nervous system) for motility/support, then the body would be just as fallable to blows to the neck etc which would cripple the structure (all this ignoring that the blood - hydraulic fluid for your muscles - has congealed, which should lead to a rather immobile host... I get that they don't feel pain etc, and that you can pump somone full of bullets then adrenaline and they get a few more minutes to squeeze out the red stuff, but physics goes out the window with zombies. It's like cutting through the drive shaft of a car, putting in Nitrous and then expecting it to be a rocketship. But hurrr fictions hurrr.
  11. q.S Sachiel

    Mullraugh's Guide to Bandits

    posture- appearance dress-appearance movement -appearance gear -appearance communication (verbal) -arguably appearance response to stimulous -appearance. kinda supporting that trend. Given that it's a computer game being delivered through a screen, your sensory options for discriminating your target are limited
  12. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ Zombies, an attempt to diagnose the zed condition

    cordiceps is an interesting one, very specialised to species... Aside from the gruesome and rather horiffic reality of the fungi's reproductive path, it's almost beautiful, artistic the way those hosts burst open with life... But im a fan of mycology, guess you could say it really knots me up inside... :) There's some other parasite out there, a worm i recall - it infects the host and influences the brain in a way that makes it seem as if the worm is 'going fishing' using the host as the bait and transport, a host is consumed and the worm transferred up the food chain. Each time the host becomes an attractive meal to something larger than the last. In this fashion, it's hunting the predator, as the stronger carnivore must kill the host and consume its flesh for transmission. But the Z virus does not choose, all are succeptible!
  13. q.S Sachiel

    How safe are the new cities?

    chased and killed many people between the central spire and the small yellow chapel / apartment blocks on the hills to the north/east. Novo has that level of verticality and open bowl topography that makes it one of my preferred cities to kill people in, to the East. :)
  14. q.S Sachiel

    any point in having a sidearm?

    granted, i love liquidating someone as much as the next psycopath, but occasionally i like to walk away with some of their things, too ;)
  15. q.S Sachiel

    No Reload , Hacker Magazin

    maybe someone crept up and 'stole' a grenade into your backpack EXPLODING PANTS!
  16. q.S Sachiel

    Regarding Northwestern Chernarus

    Are you talking about the Western corridor / strap ie: edge of map? As above, most of the Northern strap is a work in progress. The west has quite a lot in terms of cities etc, and it wouldn't make sense to have half a city terminate at the map border into a clear deliniation of grass and hills...
  17. q.S Sachiel

    any point in having a sidearm?

    shotguns pretty much always > pistols. except that my experience with the SG results in the target not only being shredded, but all his stuff as well :()
  18. q.S Sachiel

    any point in having a sidearm?

    Definitely worth having a pistol. The Amphibia-S is pretty good at concealing your position (from players*) : *except that zombies can still hear you and will make vector to your shot, as well as the amphibia leaving tracers which can betray your position. Using secondary weapons can be dangerous though, as you need to swap out, and if you're constantly swapping to kill zombies or something to save primary rounds, then you're making yourself frequently vulnurable (discounting that the primary is generally 'stronger' than pistol). Close quarters, I frequently swap to pistol. The smaller, lighter pistol is more responsive to my movements, and when compared to the low capacity and ROF of say, mosin, blaze or 22 (arguably SKS, i'd use 50:50 pistol:sks in close quarters) the 8+ mag and fast ROF of a pistol makes me feel more comfortable when indoors / raiding tent cities etc... with AKM and PSO-1 scope, i'd say it's mostly redundant to use a pistol just make sure you're hip-firing your AKM and not scoping in for those close shots... Still, the pistol may be more responsive to your movements, giving you a slight advantage on the first shot, but you're trading that for vastly reduced power. plenty of times i've had the jump on players with my 1911 and reduced them to swiss cheese, while only taking a shot or two from their SKS/M4. These encounters are within 5 meters however.. pistol is a gamble at 15m+ if you want reliability. I always have one one me, though i'm hesitant to bring them out depending on the environment, my primary and how the other player(s) are reacting/armed. TLDR: pistol good.
  19. q.S Sachiel

    Buff crossbows and normal bow

    I took an arrow to the knee once...
  20. q.S Sachiel

    AKM vs SKS

    erps merberd. thought most government armies stopped using them, so assumed them rarer. is that the FAL third from left, or G3. I'm guessing fal as G3 has more rounded handstock...
  21. q.S Sachiel

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    your numbers are useless on a 40p server. fight you in the shade etc etc...
  22. q.S Sachiel

    AKM vs SKS

    Yeah OK, may be just supporting your point on rarity criterion here, but take the PPSH for example, it's an old WW2 smg? and i'd expect it to be in a mostly rare state despite my expectation that it is a mostly useless weapon (being more for cities perhaps, but given cherno is like 125km^2 of forrest/hills..) save for its trench/room clearing role. The FN FAL too, it's a great gun, but I know that most militaries swapped it out for something lighter back in the 70s. I'd take a wild swing to say that only ex-empire nations and maybe israel use this now. It's superb, rather heavy, but due to the lowered use of the weapon i'd see it as super rare (though may support it's accuracy and power + rarity). Also, wasn't there some issue with M4 / m?? in afghanistan/iraq where the dust frequently caused jams and failures? Some Swiss or North Euro manufactured assault rifle/bullpup. Not the AUG... it would be good to see the reliability of a weapon also dictate rarity, though having weapon failures ala America'sArmy2, or the more +weapon durability -> +reliability method taken by STALKER would be an interesting take on things.
  23. q.S Sachiel

    AKM vs SKS

    I think i'm getting what you're saying? that the criteria for rarity should be broader, to 'spread' the values out? i still reckon they should just 'flood' ie-10-20 weapons more the 'market' and let the subtle differences decide the winners, then tweak the left-behinds. But at the end of the day, these weapons are going to perform rather similarly, it's not borderlands... and i don't see handling being to robust in DayZSA at the moment, so it's just down to rof/aesthetic/damage/spread? I'd still say the M4 performs pretty well in CQB, where the AK tends to jump quite a bit at short and longer ranges, but very well in midrange. It's these fine subtleties that I'd like to see, where weapon A is most useful in scenario 1, but less than B in 2, etc... ranges for accuracy/reliability, spread for suppression/fillaroomwithlead. but i'm afraid i've gone off topic. Could even throw in some attachments specific to certain weapons like VOG-9 or M23grenade launchers (as an example only, prior to cod kiddy cat calls ;) ). I kill with AKM in 2-3 hits, as with SKS to chest. haven't experienced lower body for either weapon yet.
  24. q.S Sachiel

    AKM vs SKS

    I always saw the M4 as more of a deterrant/suppression+support weapon. It holds it's own within 200m very well, but a half decent player with mosin, SKS or even shotgun can outperform the M4 within these ranges. ACOG allows for an extension of your reach, but with the accuracy of the M4, it's going to draw in/scare off people before it kills them. The AKM however. Dear god. If you're within 500m you're pretty much dead. 500<700m, and you're probably about in the same position as with an M4 (not being too easy to hit) but you know that you're only going to take 2 hits then your dead, rather than the upwards of 10 for the M4... The psychology factor is a lot more intense, i've been on the receiving end of AK twice, and got away once. Both times I was shitting myself at ~>400m from antagonist. The accuracy is probably a little worse than the SKS, and it's somewhat difficult to pop off single shots without wasting one or two due to automatic, but i'd AKM every time, hands down over SKS. The only real disadvantage is that you may be a higher priority target for brave souls and hackers who are out for your kit. Edit: as response to above^ I got no problem with the M4 being rare. Some will still want / search for it irrespective if it's worse than the ak in given scenarios. I agree with your rarity:usefulness/power comparison idea, but ultimately if there's a weapon out there that shits on the rest hands down (AKM) then people are going to be out tooth and nail for that and will eventually exchange the rest out for it. Just like every other 'loot advancement' rpg/fps out there like STALKER and the like, you're just working your way up to the top and then that's it. If you want flavor then you go for the other guns, otherwise you swap them out as you advance. But ultimately you're after the prize. The tip of the spear, edge of the knife, crack of my ass. I got no problem with the M4 being rare and less powerful / semi-obseleted by the AKM. To be honest though, if the devs start inserting a greater variation of weapons to provide a broad range of power and handling, then that should moot this point, as the 'lacking' of one weapon is marginal compared to the 'power' of another above/below tier.
  25. q.S Sachiel

    HELP; Sick with food poisoning

    Never had to do it myself yet, but i've been seen this reccomendation. I'd go for a hard out spew, then try to get back up to healthy status, then weather the storm.