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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. heard somewhere a while back that gasmask can reduce damage to head? not sure in which areas, but if it's all surfaces, then maybe it did something to stop headshot damage completely, or just protect full front and part rear head. :S. Still would like to see some environ-hazards like smoke/rot/particles/rads in some places to warrant the use of this, maybe even weapons ie tear/chemical gas/weapons. Would be cool to see dust masks preventing spread / contraction of diseases once implemented also. Give some reasons to justify a person wearing a mask and take the reasons away from people saying 'just 'caus mask'. more sheep's clothing the better ;)
  2. q.S Sachiel

    Realistic doors.

    i'd like to see destructable doors / barricades for doors. For the more tactical approach, perhaps also a fractional open/close mechanic like Rainbow 6 series where you could (using scroll wheel) open/close door to a position you wanted, perhaps just a crack, perhaps pushing open slowly to clear at your own pace, rather than boolean open/closed. -probably a hard one for engine to keep track of every door open at 'x' amount tho :S.
  3. q.S Sachiel

    Infinite magazines - Reportable?

    tbh your video only really shows the guy has an inf mag and i don't see any clear proof that he shot 60+ rounds. Even though the guy's got it (two weapons), your editing shows neither him abusing his item or that of his partner Beans, just that Skody had it on him. Not sure about the exploding fuel station thing though, but i see no clear evidence for skody doing anything other being in posession, and Beans i couldn't ID at all (believe you merely stated he was accomplice in text w/o video). Follow the directions above to report to Battle Eye / Server Host but I don't see much happening from this evidence alone. Yep hackers are bad, but i bet if you guys lost your account to a ban because of these draconian rules you propose you'd be spitting chips harder than the hackers who see it as just another pay-wall to their trolling. (as a quick calc, 30$ Dayz+15$ hack bundle = 2x attempts ~90$, which is close to a full production cost for AAA titles that get changed out every year, per hacker). I hope they implement your proposal, you pick up a hacked mag accidentally once DayZ SA goes gold, get banned, and you need to pay 80$ for another copy. You've stopped short of suggesting we cut off their hands, which is good. Thinking about it from a business based perspective, driving away legitimate paying customers through bans etc... may cost more damage than the inevitable and constantly evolving mob of hackers who are present in EVERY multiplayer game despite whatever anti-cheat procedures are implemented. case in point: Draconian laws not working, sometimes to detriment of legitimate/paying persons, always reactionary and with response lagging behind evolving 'offenders': *piracy & DRM - still need checks on my purchased product, still gotta read and watch EULA despite me paying for and not intending to pirate purchased property. Sometimes aggressive DRM programs. *war on drugs - extra powers to government, reduction of privacy and liberties of populace *hackers & Anticheat in MP games. - blanket rules, 3pp checks on legitimate players, whitelist application processes etc... (time wasting / unfair bans & assoc. financial loss) Associating a lack of an over-board, knee-jerk reaction to one facet of the hacker problem doesn't constitute 'sending the wrong message'/encouraging hackers imo... pick your fights -I have confidence that Bohemia / DayZSA is doing just this, and further into the future.
  4. q.S Sachiel

    Will someone please explain to me...

    If you can't find your way out of glitch-basement (aka: rape dungeon) then you deserve to starve... IRL Also, i usually press it in hard and let my finger linger on it for ~1sec and don't have too much issue. Occasionally while running i do a hurdle-step and not a vault, but not sure if this has something to do with crouch-running or being out of breath (or just bug). Press when about 1-2m before the fence and you'll usually clip through it even if you don't quite clear it on your return to earth. Used to be able to glitch it like this well (pressing V much earlier than necessary then walking through the obstacle) but they seem to have reduced the range of grace back in .45 or so..
  5. q.S Sachiel

    HELP! Anyone....

    Your specs look acceptable. May be a vista issue, but i'm just biased against Vista/ME... ;) 9600GT 1GB should perform acceptably, but as i've been out of the tech game for some time... is that a relatively old card? 1-2yr? Could be an issue here, or conflict with program. Do you have this issue or similar with other programs? Which programs if yes? Are your drivers up to date? Have you tried running everything in lowest possible GFX settings? see if this helps then scale up until you break it.
  6. q.S Sachiel

    King of Devil's Castle Hill

    yeah, i reckon if you get a few clanners involved they'll be on the TS anyway, an probably invite the pugs in to up their chances... i'd allow anyway though maybe not encourage it. if someone wants to sit on in-game and disadvantage themselves then good luck and respect. Hard to prove i know, you may want to invest in some awards for these diggers. Can o krass and a mountain backpack to all legit communicators ;).... dreaming up some acchieves/awards (&rewards) may drum up some support for your player-base too. or... just get a mule character to go kit themselves out with 40 walkie-talkies and distribute them amongst players on game-day. (never used walkie-talkie in game tho, so dont' know if they even work). Pipsi rewards on talkie hand-in to prove you at least carried it for duration.
  7. q.S Sachiel

    King of Devil's Castle Hill

    why not just set up a ts channel with 1-2-3 rooms for the teams and referrees. Eliminates the disadvantage and allows a member you choose to moderate/'supervise' the individuals/teams.... Not sure how you're going to coordinate effective communication to the teams (start stop) or between referees during game without a 3ppVOIP, at least for the refs. Otherwise the ref's will just be observers for the most part, and they'll need close prox to talk to anyone (could be an issue addressing captains / team as a whole). Could also be handy in reporting wild-cards/rogues to the group, if you fail to completely 'stack' the server with your event/randoms slip in. Good luck.
  8. q.S Sachiel

    Gas Stations

    could try pumping in water though that would probably mix to some degree and fk ur shit up. May be able to build a seal and force it out by breath, but that would be hella hard from the ground (although my lung capacity in game is godlike)...
  9. q.S Sachiel

    Saddest death in gaming

    sill my favourite disappointing death: had just done a few good RP fights in berez when i went onto the balcony of a high-density apartment balcony to eat my beans. teleport off the balcony and fall to death d uring eating...
  10. q.S Sachiel

    Is this the norm in Dayz now?

    It's not an assumption. It's my experience, hard fact. I found them after 0.45. Admittedly i haven't seen them included since 0.46 patch but that doesn't mean they're not there, and i can't account for bugs that make elusive crash sites not spawn (how do you prove something's not there if you can't find it?). They may also have been removed from stable, but I have no information of this (noone's brought to table either yet...) I killed a man for an M4 yesterday. with full attachments +acog (was bugged). He had 4x40 5.56 rounds and a 1x40 round stanag clip. Either he's had it for a long time, or they're out there for people to find still. I saw crash sites in stable over 2 weeks ago. either they're there and you're missing them, or they're not there for whatever reason, still seen em. plz don't make assumptions when ur not 100% sure!
  11. q.S Sachiel

    Is this the norm in Dayz now?

    Heli crash sites have been in stable since 0.45 i believe... seen several, looted M4 & mags, and killed a man recently for his m4 which I hid in NWAF prison. still a few kicking around. Don't forget the blue medical/doctors surgery that you find around the place, case in point: long blue single storey, black shingle roof roughly opposite road from police station of Berez. Food, occasional test kits, bbags etc..
  12. Probably came off a bit strong. I get that you're putting yourself more at risk. You're right though, it's another strategy to survive. :)
  13. q.S Sachiel

    Infinite magazines - Reportable?

    like i said, i'm not much help on the issue. Try search function (top right) I've never held one, so i wouldn't know how they appear. it should be apparent to more veteran players, you're correct, was just highlighting the difficulties in proving guilt if a legit player has an item that they didn't break TnC to obtain (if the anecdotes hold true of course...)
  14. q.S Sachiel

    Infinite magazines - Reportable?

    No idea on your question to be honest. I have heard anecdotally that these items, once 'hacked' into game are transferrable to characters with the trait retained (inf ammo) so if true a legit player could kill and loot a hacked char and have the mag unknowingly, and arguably the item becomes 'theirs' to keep without them having broken T&C. Also, I think battle eye / server host is the person to talk to, Dayz/forums probably don't have too much to do with that at this point.
  15. No, i don't pretend to be friendly. You're a threat if you're afraid of me and are telling me to disarm. Just because I pick my engagements and wait for an opportunity to kill you doesn't make me friendly... I'll calculate my odds and execute accordingly. I'm just pointing out that you're the only one with a weapon in the hands in your scenario, meaning the other person needs to trust you with their lives while you refuse to do so to others. Just an observation, but i'd be skeptical and murdery if you asked the same of me is all.
  16. q.S Sachiel

    Ability to Store any weapon in a backpack

    compass gives bearing not location, but yeah. atm i've got 2x yellow cases and 2x 300 boxes so space isn't an issue :)
  17. q.S Sachiel

    Gas Stations

    Pretty sure there's gas stations further inland towards NW around Zeleno & Stary. There was no real issue in the mod, save for me getting pinged frequently by m4/dmr campers hiding in the hills while i landed on the station to refuel. I'd expect the clanners to be locking down gas stations anyway, meaning the vehicle will probably only go to a selection of stations that the clanners feel safe at. This means more buck for your bang i guess, because the 5 clones trying to stay out of sight will be a beacon to campers waiting for the vehicle to show up ;) but vehicles are still over the horizon at this point.
  18. q.S Sachiel

    Ability to Store any weapon in a backpack

    yup. Pretty sure even reading the map. but pro-tip: NEVER TAKE OUT YOUR COMPASS AGAIN! 1-open inventory 2-inspect compass (lid open) 3-tooltip graphic will display heading at time of 'inspection' you never need to hold this puppy in your hands again :) your hands can be better spent holding other useful tools of death, while the tooltip display is semi-transparent :) also be careful of dropping weapons / things in conifers. They frequently hide themselves up in the branches. Good luck!
  19. q.S Sachiel

    WWII German Gear in Chernarus

    Katana hit it on the head. Germans pushed as far East as Stalingrad (where they were repelled -read defeated-). To get there, they pushed through Eastern Europe and many former Soviet Satellite States during the Eastern Front offensive during the later part of WWII. This is ignoring that Mauser makes very nice weapons, but their kit would have certainly been used and distributed. Except for their boots. Useless german boots. so cold....
  20. q.S Sachiel

    Ability to Store any weapon in a backpack

    1- empty your hands and empty your back of 'main weapon' 2- pick up the weapon you wish to 'store' for your friends. *you will not be able to access this weapon easily* 3- that weapon is now on your back 4- look at weapon you wish to wield yourself/were already using 5- scroll mouse wheel while maintaining xhair on #4 6- take <weapon> into hands 7- that weapon is now in your hands and ready to fire *you will not be able to perform any functions that involve you holding something else in your hand without dropping this weapon (will happen automatically). Also will drop when climbing ladders* problem solvered. You now have a backpack free, fireaxe, weapon on your back and weapon in your hands.
  21. q.S Sachiel

    Seriously, they "just started working on vehicles" ?

    For the record, i wouldn't mind a vehicle or two... but have you tried setting your car to pasture for a three month period or so? Try putting your car out of action for 10 years and see how well she starts without any kind of maintenance... yup, that's the world you're looking at bro. Now if we're talking hangliders/parachutes/skateboards/bicycles (kinetic energy sans 'fuel') then you're probably on the money but shit rusts and tarps frey.
  22. q.S Sachiel

    Ballistic Vest - What Should It Do?

    Oh i do, also put it in because someone (mebbe you, too lazy to check) made a thread about why they loathe the term being used ;) It's not particularly useful to keep incompatable ammunition with a given firearm. (not particularly realistic) In some countries, it's illegal (fine and loss of license + firearm) if you are caught storing ammunition with your firearm. (authentic -although they'd probably still get you for having the wrong type of ammo with the incompatable firearm.) I suppose the farmer may have taken out his shotgun to fell some Z's for his wife's sake before he too succumbed, but if he's got the pistol i'd expect him to have the rounds for it too. These kind of scenarios repeat themselves frequently when I play, so it makes me feel that either cherno populace are really bad at picking the right ammo types for their weapons, or they really enjoy dangerous paperweights... or the loot system loves trolling me by giving me weapons and incompatable ammo. I've got no real issue with a varied loot spawn system, but I believe it does detract from it to a degree by lack of authenticity (but adds to the fun as i know this is one of many paradigms of DayZ) and as Katana says above it encourages scurrying and foraging and prevents a streamlined spawn-gear-?? system and forces a few more forages in between 1-2. Here people talk about ballistic vests and clipons, or weapons with attached empty/full magazines or magazines spawning full and i wonder why because we already have so much ammunition out there for weapons that have (generally) internal magazines or are handguns and mostly inconsequential. Realism: player confronted with scenario that is true to life, or in a manner likely to happen Authenticity: player confronted with scenario that is believable or can be associated with thoughts; feelings; emotions, to enforce 'believability'. Authentic for mil-Zombies to carry ballistic vests, unrealistic that they take 20+ 7.62x38 rounds to put down. Your move, oxford dictionary -_-
  23. looks pretty evenly distributed then with a lot of activity around coast and certain inland towns. In the mod, didn't players spawn all over the coast? or was it more South spawns. I remember Kamenka Balota, Elektro and Cherno as being rather popular spawns for me. Sometimes in SE corner...I don't see though how one is vulnurable to people spawning all over the place, unless your indicating that it's the loss of gear etc... shouldn't be any more dangerous than someone being there anyway imo, and may force more 'encounters' between players, but good read.
  24. I'd argue you're negative by calling it negative. I pride myself on being a realist. Man's got to take steps to defend himself, and I'm hoping that you don't just go the French and throw your legs in the air at the first sign of trouble... Neutral doesn't mean doormat. There's at least 39 players out there baying for your blood. I'm not going to tell you how to play, but i'd certainly suggest sizing up your damsels in distress, as they may very well turn out to be wolves, as someone quipped above. You could even adhere to your neutral (guessing no fire unless fired upon) posture, while still being assertive as Mancomb, by requesting or threatening the player to disarm before they receive treatment. Threatening someone gets their guard up of course, and I've been flagged down by two failtards on the road between Elektro and Cherno several times, who tell me to stop or they'll shoot and they just want to talk/trade/give me things. or "come over here i've got a present for you" ala every bad movie villain since ever. So of course you want to be assertive but not also ruin their trust. Though if you've identified a person (particularly loner) who's in dire straits, giving them a little heads up first that you're inclined to brain them but would like to help also, may save you from their panicking during death throes. Ultimately though, you seem to have picked a rather hard roleplay character, as you're either going to need to look for injured people, or force your services upon people / betray your position to people with offers just to stay out of boredom. I hate liars with a passion too, and i hold loyalty highest in my attractive traits for a person, but I'm not particularly gullible or blinkered (or at least so says my ego). That said, this is a roleplay sandbox game and one where people are either out there to troll you, grief you, or do whatever it takes to see them survive, even at the cost of your pulse... Good luck friend, and i hope to meet your kind when roaming for targets, or when legitimately in need of assistance :)
  25. q.S Sachiel


    Yeah, i camped out NWA a few times on hevy pop servers and either everyone else is spidering with me, or noone's there to loot the place/fight. similar around Vybor. Never seen anyone at Zeleno. Elektro and Cherno i've had a few players sighted, Balota i used to camp with mosin... but why are you waiting with a scope, m'dear? Are you taking photographs....