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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. q.S Sachiel

    Tip of the day: apartment buildings

    i take it you mean the tall rows of narrow apartments, and not the big square grey multi-storey ghettos that have just about nothing in my experience, save for the occasional beans and alcohol.. Yeah, the townhouses are pretty good loot spots for civ gear, and occasionally i've found TTSKo stuff in them in elektro/cherno IMO the pubs/restaurants are the best
  2. q.S Sachiel

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    got a good laugh. Then i realised you shot indiana jones :'[
  3. q.S Sachiel

    When the character wipe comes...

    yeah i feel it would just be easier to kill all chars across server, so you should spawn in one of the fixed points. When server doesnt save your stuff you respawn anew, as with death, i see this being the easiest and most fair way
  4. q.S Sachiel

    Servers renting grid blocks (1kmx1km)

    This is no different from farm-servers where non clansmen/donators get kicked, and the rest gear-up in peace, but if their message and actions are as blatant as you say, def get the name/IP. Doesn't affect me directly but may as well be duping, and if they come into other servers (which i'm guessing is the whole point in farming for gear...) The autokick on entering a grid may be a whitelist function, you donate/pay give your name and can only access grids with given name, and the host just searches for your name and kicks you otherwise, but i'd think they'd need some means of tracking your location to be able to do this as you allege. Sounds dubious.
  5. q.S Sachiel

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Yes, they did. But Arma is a finished product... Also, love it when radicals start calling people out as minorities. Like a beagle - lots of bark for such a small dog. Screaming doesn't lend weight to your words hahaha. But don't let me discourage you from posting. 10 pages of gold friend.
  6. q.S Sachiel

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    Yeah, I'd expect private hives to be able to scale the zombie count, but this is just guessing. I'd say it would be both boring, and remove an element of tactical/strategic play. Not only are zombies a good indication of where people are moving to (if they are running they're after someone or a cow) and corpses indicate recent player activity in the area. What's more, is that Zombies are a hindrance to anyone trying to engage in, bypass, or flee from a pvp encounter. If you're taking your time to line up the shots or be quiet to sneak in and kill/watch someone, the zombie may agg on you and both distract you/alert them as well as hit you, blur your vision, knock you unconscious and otherwise make you decide to deal with your bleeding (speed up your shots) shoot the zombie and alert the guy for sure, or switch to a silenced/melee weapon and put yourself at risk. There's also been several times that i've done a hit and run (usually with melee) of a group of players, and while fading back from the encounter to lick my wounds i was swarmed by several zombies who wanted much of the same. They interrupt your bandaging and can wreck your shit when you really just want to be left alone so you can go back and crack the other fellow's skull. That said, if it can be done it will. And what will i listen to when i'm out in the wilderness? Green Mountain FM? no. i want my BREACHGHTHRHHRHGHHHHCSHHHHH!! NRGL NRGL NRGL NRGL spasms through the trees.
  7. q.S Sachiel

    Anyone still have a Mosin+Bipod?

    during 0.46 i was killing people for m4's and hiding them in bushes. :3 Just gave me an idea, gotta keep my ears tuned for that dinnerbell now!
  8. q.S Sachiel

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Fk you Lockheed Martin! Where's my JSF? It's over budget and over production! ID DOESNT EVEN HAS THRUST VECTORING the PakFa is out already and looks 10 times better than this weapons platform Y U NO GIEV JSF YET They're not even developing the software systems yet. They're just putting BUTTONS IN THE COCKPIT that don't DO anything yet!!!!!!111eleven Who's the lead engineer? Sack this man! i want blooooooooooooooooood! warning: some sarcasm included. PEGI16.
  9. q.S Sachiel

    Question to developers

    Vybor Vandals: coming to a garage near you. I'll streak your car with my keys you bourgeois pigs! Embrace the stone age! one of us. one of us. one of us. one of us.
  10. q.S Sachiel

    Booby Trap your Gear?

    I think you've gone and cut the blue wire, sir. There's a big difference between carrying a grenade with the pin and tape on, and having a tensioned wire or something attached to your pack should someone open it while you run around with it on your back. People do run with grenades, just quietly (though i'll concede that they're usually on your person or in a suitable container, and not in a pack where other items may strip the tape and/or pull the pin by accident, leaving you with a conveniently sized viewing hole. If i carry a knife I don't hold the sharp bit, it's either in a case/wrap, or if in a pack i don't have the tip or edge pointing towards my back. I like my fingers/spine how they are. Yes, moving with a loaded weapon is rule number 2 on the naughty list. You'll notice though that the business end is never pointed at your character, and if you use imagination you could imagine that a safety is engaged. You probably shouldn't be running with a pitchfork, but i don't see how that's anywhere near having a rigged explosive in your pack. Carrying ammunition isn't particularly dangerous, although they have been sitting in the sun for god knows how long every time i find them. And though i wouldn't want a pony bottle of LPG in my bag you'd be surprised how difficult it is to penetrate or damage them, and despite hollywood's training for young kids they don't burst into flames if someone says boo. you're more likely to get high pressure injection injuries/cold burns from it 'exploding' into you if it gets shot, but i'd wager the bullet's got to go through you first for this kind of thing to happen. Yeah i know you're joking, and my poisoned food suggestion came with the notice that if you do this, you've wrecked the food for yourself which is counter productive. I get your easyness, and that it's a game but yeah, running around with rigged explosives and compromised safety in your backpack. Laughable. Emplaced traps/pits/alarms i can see however. May give more use to shovels and pliers.
  11. q.S Sachiel

    Booby Trap your Gear?

    Running around with a live explosive in your backpack? kay. I'd reccomend you poisoning your food, but then how do you eat it? could be good if you wanted to leave your pack behind somewhere and enter a town and needed to secure the pack, get your grenade and run out a wire or something, but from day to day i'd call you crazy if you had it live.
  12. q.S Sachiel

    Question to developers

    Well if it's a good diesel engine you can theoretically run it on a rather broad range of clarified oils. Linseed, sunflower, corn and even bean/soy... not that i want to be farming corn, boiling oil and straining it through several degrees of sieve. Would cut down your lifespan i'd expect, and busted ass abandoned vehicles may not like you very much for feeding it to them but hey. I've heard rumor of some trucks being run off crude... that shit would clog up your filters quicksmart but you'd get some grunt out of it for sure.
  13. q.S Sachiel

    Crossbows being ignored?

    Yup and the improvised bow is like super rambo style ninja weapon. So well-honed that you've got to anticipate the arrow flying off to your left to zero effect within 5 meters.
  14. q.S Sachiel

    Booby Trap your Gear?

    really wouldn't mind some snares/beartraps though. or punji pits :D
  15. Now that I think about it, was trying ot make an improvised backpack. I'm pretty sure cow hides are broken at the moment, but some crafting options would require imagination, browsing of wiki or patch notes to really understand. Everyone should be reading the patch notes too. This isn't as in-depth on the tweaking side as say, WoW or certain competitive shooters, but knowing how your game is changing from version to version is important. Still believe it should mostly be trial and error, but then elements like player interaction, tactics and behavior are mainly intuitive.
  16. q.S Sachiel

    Questions about tents.

    were they shirts? maybe someone's used them for rags and stuff. were they camo clothing? the ammo disappearing too would suggest that someone took it, but could be a bug.
  17. q.S Sachiel

    I think it's time.

    2017 is the peak-tinned-food year?
  18. q.S Sachiel

    They nerfed characters.

    in Gommunist Rassia, cold wears you. APPEASE ME!
  19. Failure is the best teacher.
  20. q.S Sachiel

    discussion about Server Locking/Booting

    I saw this issue back in 0.45. I forget the server strings, but they were all from a similar host as they shared a large part of the title, with some identifier number tagged on the end. Never associated it to what you say, but interesting... There was usually 3-4 players and i could never get in.
  21. q.S Sachiel

    Do you ever feel sorry?

    wunderbar zum typpen, weniger fehlen. When i was first learning to snipe, I felt a pang of guilt for the poor souls I was using as target practice over at Balota ATC. I had no intention of looting them, and found myself rather good at killing them at the time. Usually in groups of 2-3, I'd usually fail to kill the last guy but occasionally winged him with my bullet. If they came back i put them out of their misery.
  22. q.S Sachiel

    The Wipe is upon us

    I. Am. Deeeathhhhhh. "honey, there's a man at the door. Says his name's 'mr death'." Players start steaming out of existence and leaving their clothes behind, one by one. All this phat loot for me to *searing pain*. If they did a selective wipe of duped gear and shit, this is how i'd expect it to happen. Quite literally the holy go to heaven and the heathens are left behind to play with their hacked and duped items. That's just about where reality diverges from scripture, because all those who were 'saved' are just teleported to a different place so that they can kill eachother over and over. I guess Vikings invaded russia, so a Valhalla heaven isn't too out of place ;) I am afraid I'm a heathen I am dead.
  23. q.S Sachiel

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    I thought the map was 25kmx25km = 625km^2. population density per km^2 for the following max populations is 625km^2/40p=15.625km^2/pp root value ~3.95km 625km^2/60p=10.4167km^2/pp 625km^2/100p=6.25km^2/pp the real values will be less, because part of the map is covered in water, all this in context of the map being a series of hubs with open land in-between as a transition between hubs anyway. It's a power function decay, so you're getting diminishing losses in area per added player, and there's a practical limit to however many players a server can hold (especially at the current state of play). that's a lot of empty space, even at 100p. I think you're exaggerating your prediction slightly. While there may be an increase in lower population servers, not everyone can/will run at high pop, and i'd expect player base to increase as we approach production. But I feel the debate has become confused, because we're jumping between area of map, and increasing server size's effect on populated servers... these are separate issues. Increasing max pop should really only increase interaction, and if loot scarcity becomes an issue they could always change some values. The only real 'experience hinderance' would be, as i think you're hinting at, a greater divide in populated and under-populated servers, and again - i feel this is mostly a non-issue, as if the experience is hindered, people will distribute themselves across servers anyway, if it is not then some servers will close and the total population will still continue to play, albeit on a smaller number of servers. All this assuming the player base does not expand over time. Like i said above, and without putting words in Lady's mouth, not only is the scale large, but so is the detail. This is not some UT2k4 onslaught map where there's tonnes of space, but play is channeled through a specific set of avenues. Just about every point is as valid as the next, and though you'll see players congregating in hubs for loot and PvP, as posters like Katana have shown in previous threads through traces of player movements, the distribution and movements of players is random (meaning they're just as likely to be in point A than B across the whole map, at any point in time). This comes from the room and incentive to explore based on the detail at any given point in space. Are you talking about some kind of iD tech megatexture, or something else?
  24. q.S Sachiel

    The Wipe is upon us

    You're talking about the fabled server wipe? Look to the sky. The moon will turn red and the four horsemen will appear. This is a product-wide wipe that's being rumored. If and when it happens, we should expect to be fore-warned in a more specific manner. If we aren't (and i doubt this to be the case) you will respawn anew just like the many other times you have without cause or reason or explanation due to server/code bugs, and life will go on. If the latter occurs, it will be inescapable, so knowing the date is really rather irrelevant, unless you're banking on being online the moment the servers go live again, assuming you plan to keep playing into the future.
  25. q.S Sachiel

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Yeah you'd think the ISPs are accessory to theft and also facilitating transfer of IP. This isn't exactly piracy as such, but you'd think the ISPs would be the first ones targeted here. I do wonder what BI/BE are doing in the investigation department of these sites though.