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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. q.S Sachiel

    Long Range Scop

    They usually spawn on the metal racks in apartment blocks in larger towns (the thin tall buildings, not the large multi-dwelling 'ghetto' buildings), in shed-rows (double red doors open outwards, have racking inside) and in pub/restaurants (the ones with attached rooms and tables+chairs+sinks - usually found on ground by the fireplace). Good luck. Train that sniper's eye and you will be rewarded!
  2. IMO hardware to avoid: Alienware Dell (make ok screens though) ATI (i'm biased i know ;3) Also, if you need help, you may want to check out the "can my PC run DayZ retail" sticky in the New Player Forum section, which gives both the min/rec specs for the current(ish) build and may also have some people in there that can help you with hardware. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154395-can-i-run-dayz-retail-post-here/ That and your thread may just end up getting moved anyway. Not sure of traffic there tho so you may be best of just posting here until then anyway >.> sooo about that recommendation hey?
  3. q.S Sachiel

    Kiddy Bandits

    i don't know about you, but it made an ass out of me. He feasted on my 5 rounds and half eaten tins of beans. In the mean time i hoovered the meat crumbs off my plate, cringing at his abuse of my cessile state, too lazy to respawn. Each sip of my pale ale grew more and more bitter as I felt the sting which I so frequently dealt to others. Little shit :( TBH i don't have as much interaction with confirmed kids as in the mod. Most people i confront refuse to communicate. All tall dark and mysterious types, whichever end of the barrel they sit on. In the mod they'd roam in screaming shrieking packs and would flock off at the first sign of danger to stalk you all the while until you lay down to do something or take a smoke. GERDERNMD KIDS! One day you'll stop to pee and all your shit will be mine!
  4. q.S Sachiel

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hey brotato. welcome to the forums. Have a quick look around at the New Player Forum and the stickies in the sections you post in first just to see if there's any easily accessable info first, before posting :) Also try to use the search function as much as possible. Here's the official Can I run DayZ Retail post, stickied in New PLayer Forums http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154395-can-i-run-dayz-retail-post-here/ i'm not too up to scratch with tech, but that stuff looks pretty OK for minimum to say the least. RAM info is useful usually too, though I've heard DayZ likes to chew through your CPU cycles more than GPU, RAM is always good. The 512 on ur GPU does suggest it's getting dated though, may be an issue down the line? (again i fell out of the loop after '10 for the most part). Check out the link, compare your specs. Also keep in mind that people can run DayZ on a potato just as well as on the top shelf PCs, but this may change come further developments. :) enjoy.
  5. q.S Sachiel

    Kiddy Bandits

    still remember hiding up in the high rocks in Novo, almost at the top but just enough elevation for someone to get up behind me. I was prone in a rock-ditch and didn't think i could be easily seen from below. I shimmied out and shot a zombie dead with the LRS and Mosin then went back into my ditch and ate my dinner whilst listening to the soothing wind of DayZ. Before I was finished my tall-ie beer, some kid had popped up on hte rocks above me "are you fucking stupid or something?" he said in a juvenile voice CRACK *you are dead* "Yeah you're fucking stupid aren't you, hey? Fucking stupid aren't you" he parroted. Good kid. He must have been looking for me for 30minutes after my innocuous shot, but mad props for sniper hunting. omnomnom. Curse you tortillas!
  6. q.S Sachiel

    New dog tag system?

    might make you slightly more uncomfortable to digest, too.
  7. q.S Sachiel

    Dayz Video with edited menu screen

    thoroughhly enjoyed the gurgle. cough splutter gurgle.
  8. q.S Sachiel

    New dog tag system?

    if you were driven enough you could cut out some bean-tin and scratch in your details, but more trouble than it's worth. One more thing to catch and throw light or go cling cling cling when you're bending. just put a note in your boot "hey asshole, thanks for the bullet Hope you like the smell! regards, dead joe P.S i pissed in the beans"
  9. q.S Sachiel

    I've been a big jerk. My chance to change.

    yuss! now you can save all that angst for the game! :) no beans for you though, all mine. Ghollum... Ghollum.
  10. q.S Sachiel

    New dog tag system?

    Wearing a tag around your neck that says O- is like asking to be bled dry. Have fun with that :) Having a tag around your neck that says 'allergic to penicillin' means that upon being handcuffed, you will be stuffed with moldy bread (not in game). Have fun with that ;) But yea, the game does a prett good job of identifying you at the moment anyway with check pulse (unless you release/quit before viewed).
  11. q.S Sachiel

    Why does 'feeling the pulse' reveal the name?

    everyone tastes different. I like to check with my tongue. Very sensitive muscle that ;) " If you feel someones puls in real life you allready made a Connection. It tells you if the Person is dead or "good to go". You might even find yourself compelled to know more about this Person and their pulse. " You insinuate sir, that a dead person is not 'good to go'?... I reject this claim. Frequent crouching and standing to follow.
  12. q.S Sachiel

    September Rant Topic.

    when trolls troll the mods: please hold your applause (humming and chest beating accepted) LEL where did those extra 2 pages come from :O
  13. q.S Sachiel

    September Rant Topic.

    Most of those issues related to persistance, and I believe it was released in August/July 2014, that's 6 months from your query. Global item storage was intruduced alongside persistance (both need to be updated and fixed etc still but...). I think i purchased around Dec13 / Feb14 and while it does seem like not that much has really changed (i still stick to SKS and all that jazz) i can identify that changes have happened and are available albeit in broken states should i wish to hunt them out. Your prediction of zombies walking through walls, OK i'll pay that, but we can admit that they now rarely run 'through walls'? Fences and doors are another issue. At least they are a threat inside, and don't go into slo-mo walking indoors, though right? AND when they come inside, we can actually stand a chance to kill them, right? Rocketgate, i don't know enough about really, but what does it matter if ultimately nothing has changed? I think BI's smart enough to stick to the 'core' of DayZ, and allow for mod-support to let people tailor it to their will upon completion. Having a 'The Hunt' with zombies would just be a failure, and piss too many people off (more than now). Although your points mostly revolved around similar/related issues, it seems as though all your requests have been delivered at once (once again, in an unfinished state). This delivery took ~6months plus whatever they had before you asked the question. Doesn't seem too bad to me, given the other stuff we've got too and the impact some of these changes have/will have (hopefully).
  14. q.S Sachiel

    September Rant Topic.

    oh really? I thought you could at least restrain people with DT, not that i'd tried but the tooltip... oh the tooltips! Duct-tape people to poles/walls/floors/cars, or just their hands and legs together :'( why oh why Really? you went there?... This is really clutching at straws now. I pray this is some form of sarcasm, dripping with mirth. please observe comment #128 sir. You will find that fine user's advice useful. Edit:wrote some text, figured i'd google the thing you see whenever you load DayZ (if that is, you do actually play the game). text removed.
  15. q.S Sachiel

    Reinvent the Alpha

    even writing basic programs can sometimes be an effort in problem-solving. I'm no paid professional, but writing even relatively simple python programs can be rather roundabout depending on the complexity of your functions and rules.
  16. q.S Sachiel

    Reinvent the Alpha

    Most don't adopt early access testing models. Recent PC sales have been excessively mysterious about information release, with Demos a thing of the '90s, industry citing that releasing a demo of your product can actually HINDER sales (because people realize it's not for them/game is bad/or deflation of hype, you decide) and others restricting reviews until day of/after release, or drip-feeding the community trailers to ramp up the communities thirst. DayZ did a risky move, but it did pay off, so it would seem. many do however adopt pre-release purchase models which on occasion are used as a cash injection to 'get them over the line' as well as swell early profits, or race competitors/substitutes to market. As far as the 'best interests at heart' argument for complaining about development, i'll weigh in and say that plenty of people do this on the street against democracy, and while sometimes they have great ideals, from what I see they're out screaming for their hip pocket, and could care less about the rest once they get what they want. While complaining does arguably 'keep the team in check' they could easily just buckle to pressure, being jaded by the community and produce your worst fears - fold up, slap some pretty wall paper on it and call it a house. They've said that they are focusing more on the back-end stuff before front end as they're firstly building from scratch, and secondly would like to have core functionality first. This approach comes at a cost of 'aesthetics' more or less back to the house (even though there's a correct way to build a house mostly because of what Hell's High said above, also because the house will buckle under it's weight if you do it wrong..) they're putting in the foundations and not starting with the brick facade. also, more as a anti-proof to my last post RE information release, i'll stress this time that there is a whole announcement/dev-info outlet at the top of the Forum page proper. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/209229-status-report-week-of-25-august-14/ get excited.
  17. q.S Sachiel

    September Rant Topic.

    Multiplying your dev team and associated costs by such a factor sure sounds like a good way to piss away your hard thieved money don't you think? Maybe it's just some Cossack money washing scheme for funneling arms through the Crimea. You'd have thought Dean would just be having Bunga Bunga parties up Mt. Everest with a haul like that if he really wanted to do a 'The Producers' imitation, Berlusconi stylin.
  18. q.S Sachiel

    Reinvent the Alpha

    It was an off-beat sarcastic remark designed not for the likes of you. You did quite well to counter the point though. now i need more virgins to reset the troll trap :( edit on topic. Rouse the Mongols. Wall of text to follow.
  19. q.S Sachiel

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    I've heard of these 100k mountain trips. Care to elaborate?
  20. q.S Sachiel

    Penalised for jumping server?

    I've logged out in the upper ladder/elevator well in the high-density apartment blocks (NW cherno/N Balota) only to be spawned into the invisible wall basement. You may have been killed by anti hop/bug thing, but more likely you were killed by collision while stuck in invisible dungeon, or there was a server-side crash or some other miscellaneous bug aka alpher. If you ever do find yourself stuck in the invisible dungeon, you can usually get out by targeting a specific corner of the building and trying to vault over it. I've done this myself, and there are some picture/video instructions around should you feel the need to browse youtube/these forums. I've also heard rumored that you can get out by rolling/crouching/standing etc near the entrances and you come to clip out.
  21. q.S Sachiel

    Reinvent the Alpha

    I say we just reject everyone's keys until release / Open Beta and rebadge it as a pre-order program. beacuse it seems that being able to experience the development first hand is too much for people to handle. *waits patiently for a rational and well thought out retort to second line*
  22. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    yesssss. much longer video pls :) @melfist, if it takes til 2016/2017 then by that time current PC hardware should have dropped in price by at least half... Current HW is more than enough to run the game, and unless the renderer includes some massive changes or optimisation falls far short, i don't see the FPS getting much worse on current Hardware. I also don't see DayZ as being a HW benchmark system, at least not in the same vein that games like Crytek developed games are.
  23. q.S Sachiel

    September Rant Topic.

    Given the shear volume of reviews and other information such as forums and substitute products with the same reviews and info, simply having a product advertised and available (front page or bottom) is no real problem either. It's just more accessable to purchase.
  24. q.S Sachiel

    September Rant Topic.

    Well entitled to your opinion as you are, plenty of people out there will take your money without batting an eyelid, many with intentions far worse than what i believe BI holds. So complain all you will, but if you're dissatisfied I'd focus on learning from that experience, going forward. I'll be the first to say that I'm just as fallable. But that's why i don't support SEGA, Gearbox software or Blizzard Entertainment/Activision any more :) That said, stick around and see, then we can comment on the doomsayers and fanboys with some level of authority. Captain Hindsight is a great leader. I would follow him into battle walking backwards any day.
  25. q.S Sachiel

    Your thoughts on the newest implementations

    wind chill factor can bring surfaces to lower temperatures than ambient, so being outside should be colder to some degree, i feel that if you're in an environment where hypo-theremia is possible, then hyper-thermia should be impossible, unless they're going for 'can't warm/cool too fast without going into shock' thing... From what i've heard, there can be both indications seen within a play-session which doesn't make sense to me. But then i find it interesting to see that people in Italy die from heatstroke (usually elderly) when it's only 28C, when i live in a country with averages of 30+C albeit with 50%+ humidity.. I'm quite excited to see where it goes. I think it should stop lots of rooftop and woodland's edge snipers like the Western Hills of Berry, but if they do release things like heat-packs and thermal clothing then they may be able to come prepared and negate these effects. For the average survivalist this will be great, but i'm yet to see how this will affect pvp aspects of the game. I'm sure there's quite some tweaking to be done too.