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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. Hey guys, i'm trying to get into DayZ but i can't see any servers is my game brokne?
  2. q.S Sachiel

    Kiddy Bandits

    When you're confronted with a horde of squealers, there is only one thing to do. Strip off your clothes.
  3. q.S Sachiel

    The 'war on snipers'

    Yeah. You're correct. The amount of abuse you'd need to put into the weapon firing like that would need to be rather extreme to change the ballistic mechanics of the gun, and you probably wouldn't get that from a good 'lifetime' of use, but wear and tear may take its toll eventually to some degree. That said, I feel that the balance and stability part of my point stands. Damaging the stock and butt (assuming you really went and cracked it) may mess with your stability though. As an aside, if you're slamming 6 rounds of .45 down the revolver in quick succession you may warp the barrel, and given the 'pristine' standard of the weapons, you really should be cleaning them after each shot until they become 'worn' but now i'm delving down into realism vs authenticity territory ;) edit: anecdotal support (unqualified) http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=247904 wanted to try getting into this one, but seems the book is locked to limited browse. :( want page257 f http://books.google.com.au/books?id=-gmdwdFCsLkC&pg=PA410&lpg=PA410&dq=firing+firearm+from+hard+surface+-at+hard+surface&source=bl&ots=ppYI2nuMdh&sig=I7GOmBcTmIb8H8ulmSgUwLb25bM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ffEOVICWOobjuQSN3IDwBQ&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=257f&f=false but from it's listing in appendix, it sounds like the performance of the round on impact with a hard surface, not the effect of firing from that point. most google searches just send me pages telling me not to fire at hard surfaces or water... L:( That said, the physics theory should stand that a hard surface will not dampen any kind of shock or recoil from the firing of a round, but may provide a more stable platform pre-firing (keeping in min that if it doesn't give, force applied before firing eg: breath/arm twitch may be translated to your weapon, particularly if not using a bipod or other device with built-in suspension). hope i didn't go full retart :( a more in-depth empirical test of two rifles on soft and hard surfaces. http://www.theboxotruth.com/the-box-o-truth-51-the-effects-of-a-rifle-rest-on-groups/ notice that in every test, the examiner 'cheated' in that their arm was resting on a softer surface (pink towel) than the hard table.
  4. q.S Sachiel

    The 'war on snipers'

    prone rested - not unless you're firing below horizon. your hand and arm are probably being used as a prop, and the barrel is usually one of the higher parts of the weapon meaning the front will be imbalanced if resting from the rear. Most hunters use their hat/boot/bag/sacks/branches what not to steady themselves in a firing position, the softer the better. Having anything underneath your weapon is better than free-firing, but soft things are preferable because they deform to the impulse. The ground is mostly rigid unless your'e firing from KY jelly pits or foxholes that have been saturated ;). Firing with your arm as a prop can be just as bad if you're firing a long-arm as your rest is (you) connected to your breath, and the butt in your shoulder is also moving. Firing from the table at the range requires some degree of concentration and control of your bodily functions (breating,heart rate/excitement and further concentration/calculation requirement). I don't have one so i'm inexperienced in that regard, but using the range rifles or friends' in the past and it's not a cakewalk. Shotguns are less sensitive in this regard, pistols are intermediate from what i can tell. Even when I use the sled, the weapon likes to move somewhat because of my trigger hand and the butt at shoulder are connected to my breath and any other motions. I wouldn't really want to be firing my $1k+ rifle from hard stone for the most part, nor something that I need to survive. But then i like them shiny and without scratches. This probably wears off after you bash in a few skulls with the butt.
  5. Not quite. People simplify the 'it's an MMO engine' part for brevity (there is no such thing as an FPS or MMO engine, strictly speaking, it's the implementation of mechanics and concepts that allow it to be labelled and applied as such). Because in Planetside, there are more players, and the travel time is so much faster, they drop out certain things like blanket-foliage, items and such. From what I see in planetside it's mostly just a single texture 'streched' over large distances, with the occasional outpost, tree or rock. Geometry is basic also. My less short explanation in part:
  6. q.S Sachiel

    One night i imagine this

    I liked it. If i'm going to have a plane-crash drama/thriller at least it doesn't have nicholas cage in it with greasy long hair and that goofy ass expression he makes. It was frustrating though the degree of instability in the group. William Gneeson definitely didn't have a specific set of skills this time around. Damn it Walrus, where are those full-stops at the end of your sentences!? nosoupforyou!
  7. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Gee Willickers, Batman That's a post!
  8. q.S Sachiel

    Combat is a complete lottery.

    Yeah, had this the other day too. Had a blaze double and he'd run out of his shotgun rounds. Had him in the upper left-room with the two desks and the weapon spawns, he was towards the racking and i had blocked his exit by standing between the desks. I should have had him cold, but he ran around in circles at full speed indoors. It's like when you shake your hand in front of your face really really fast across your vision, he was just a series of super-sayan images existing eveywhere and nowhere. It's been like this before, and other posters have complained of being brained by bambi-fists when they had an AK and couldn't hit diddly... it is a bit rediculous, somewhat realistic in that you should have difficulty hitting someone at close range even with a pistol, but especially with a long-arm, but rather frustrating nonetheless.
  9. Interesting to see more devs and BI staff (plus the usually silent mods & admins) poking through the woodwork of late. Wondering if this is a marketing or PR push, or a response to the also of late, negative and pessimistic views being circulated particularly here. I'll add that I pretty much bought the game to play with a friend who persuaded me, who I actually introduced to the mod. I had low-expectations for DayZ before purchase, cautious and slow to buy something that was both free, and involved bad memories of hacking and such back before the mega-banwaves. I've enjoyed my time so far, and now ironically enough he's lost interest for the most part (he's an apathetic misanthrope for the most part ;) )while i still log on every now and then to hit the hills. I'll remain optimistic, try to keep at it every now and then, but will definitely give it a solid crack once it hits open-release. I'm sitting at 192 hours played atm. good 30buck. keep at it devs. Make the game you want to make and don't buckle to pressure or popular opinion. I paid for your game, not the embodiment of one thousand screaming sirens I could have easily lapped up from many other mass produced or churned-out-per-year games. Good luck and good effort. :thumbsup:
  10. q.S Sachiel

    Tents. What are they good for? Absolutely Nuttin

    i'd probably share your point of view if i could actually find one (deployed or otherwise). In the mod they used to be a challenge akin to fishing to find. In SA i roam for hours checking connifer clumps and down in gulleys thinking 'this time i'll hit the motherload and stock up off someone's toils' but alas all i find is sticks and the odd shrieking rabbit. Every time i enter Balota or NWAF i'm taunted by those camo-flywire tents... they look so familiar yet so useless. :9
  11. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Dale does have a point that SC2 as an example (and all sequel/franchise based games) have both a solid brand to launch from, as well as previous resources such as textures/balance data/models/story/gameplay mechanics/general code... the list goes on. While DayZ incorporates elements of FPS, open world mil-sim from ARMA games and other elements of MMO etc, the scope and functions as a whole are from what I can tell, mostly new. Other games & developers can sidestep this issue, as imagining, creating and executing the way things work are mostly if not wholly pre-existing. Take some imaginative sandbox games such as minecraft and terraria as another example. They all incorporate elements of this or that, and at the end of the day you're just laying down textures and objects but the idea and vision and execution are so far beyond other games before them, that the challenge is quite immense. I'm not saying DayZ is some groundbreaking messiah, though i do love it, but lets have some consideration for both the professional and artistic aspects involved in the game's creation :). Kids pick up trigonometry with general ease now-days. Could you imagine being pythagoras back in the day and saying FUCK ME these three sided shapes have a predictable nature that I can exploit, they even apply to circles. Aren't they all pretty and curved? Discovering Fire? Inventing the sandwich? It's all well and good to look back on the trail that others have blazed and say 'that's easy watch me do it' but to be out there threshing takes a degree of effort that is not always acknowledged. Also, I'm guilty of providing analogy here or in other similar threads too, but we've really got to move away from the software-physical product analogies as the two are so far removed... software and coding is like pulling planets from the cosmos (ANALOGIES!!) it's so abstract and imaginative/creative that the two do not really even compare. As an aside: again it changes from territory to territory, but incorporating real-world products (such as pepsi/coke/Heinz and brand-name weapons) in a free modification of another product is a far cry from including those copyrighted and trademarked items in a dedicated, stand-alone product that you sell for money. If you make no monetary return most people overlook it. The second you start making money, those companies start to consider whether the attraction of your product is based upon the brand-power that their product(s) have built, and they start demanding compensation/just payment for said use of their names/images/performances. This is why games like GTA made by big big companies do not list badges or model names of the vehicles they include (but still mock them in their hillarious sarcastic ways).
  12. are we talking infinite ammo, or just fire fire fire fire fire fire infinite shots + ammo here? sounds like a USAS12 on steroids.
  13. q.S Sachiel

    What happened to Pax Prime?

    tbh i don't use the lever action currently in game enough/at all. also let me use the sporter mag plzzzz :'( so rare. i just wanna 22. deviation from my standard mosin/sks/ak mix would be great
  14. q.S Sachiel

    What happened to Pax Prime?

    0.49 looks like it hit exp some time ago, so it looks like they're doing a QA run to minimise the inevitably biblical proportion of cry set to spill over the forum and server alike. That said, excited for new features and additions :)
  15. q.S Sachiel

    Invincible Bullet Catcher

    took a shotgun blast to the chest today in novo police station. Fractured both my arms but didn't lose a drop of blood. great success! ended up dying to a guy who lagged about in circles until i'd used up my last blaze shot, then stupidly i decided to try to draw my axe while he had about half a second ahead of me on his draw. He brained me without my even seeing him swing from a good 3m away...
  16. q.S Sachiel

    prized memories/moments?

    I had to beg a man to kill me. He ran away wth my axe because he thought i was baiting him or something, then once i had him convinced there was noone up in the hills waiting to kill his fresh-spawnedness he still kept telling me he felt bad and wasn't sure if i really neededto die. I'm quite sure now that he was trolling me, stretching out my pain as i writhed and spat at him to end my sorry life. I got sweet victory in the end!
  17. q.S Sachiel

    prized memories/moments?

    NWAF middle barracks - lay prone down near a tree and saw 4 players go in and out of the barracks. 2 remained. They were chatty and loud and didn't seem to have a care in the world for caution, opening and closing doors. I had my SKS trained on their exit, like a coiled snake ready to strike, i lay motionless in my camo-clothing at the base of the conifer. Only two now in the barracks, the other two having run down South into the forested area parallel to the 'strip, the last two came out. The first one pausing at the doorway - the second one blocked from exit. CRACK CRACK CRACK the man dropped to the floor. It seems the third hadn't gone too far, as he appeared from the far side of the barrack, coming into view just behind where I had dropped his friend. CRACK CRACK a second down, but during this assault the one still inside the barrack had decided to break out, my first shot nearly missing him, but connecting with his accomplice. He loosed a few rounds in my direction but he seemed confused so I rolled my die - lay still. Like a gazelle thrashing in the muddy river banks when confronted by a crocodile, he had no idea and was simply flailing or chest-beating. Your prey has panicked. Wait. 5 rounds down, the 'second' began making tracks to me. I saw his weapon out and armed with a gas-mask, he actually ran near the conifer bunch immediately to my right and lay down. I stood ran and emptied my remaining 5 rounds into his body. Jesus Christ! What had I stumbled upon? They barely fired a shot and i'm 10 rounds down and not a scratch on me. Now on to the fourth. I circled round south, skirting the edge of the wooded area, just inside, taking my time not to over-expose myself, and lurching around trees as much as possible as impromptu cover. I heard him first. The tinny TOC TOC TOC of an M4. He was close, maybe 70meters out, but I couldn't see him, TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC. The rounds fizzed overhead to no effect. Cursing him and thanking the DayZ gods in one breath, i withdrew a few meters into the forest. Then I saw him. Dressed in a red check shirt and armed with an M4, he dashed out of cover, loosing several more rounds. TOC TOC TOC *GNCHHghhuughh* I took a single M4 hit and my screen blurred and went a lot more grey than i was comfortable with. He was so close, still loosing rounds but failed to hit me. What was going ON. Without a thought, I lined him up, and my SKS screamed bloody murder into his chest. I ended up taking his M4 and stashing it in the Southern prison block, swapping it out for an AK before persistence. I had a look through the ACOG sight before dumping it though, and found what may have been the players' problem: whenever i brought the acog to sight, I would look down at the rail and not through the optic piece. The view was completely obscured, and the man hopefully had this issue (and not for lack of accuracy) but in his rush to shoot at me, he failed to remove the optic. Even after un/equipping and dropping the rifle+optic, stripping the parts clean and reassembling i still could not get it to work. AK it was. Returning to my three extra prizes, I saw a vermin scum and his friend picking through my trophies. Indignant and chuckling to myself at my good luck, my Kalashnikov punished them for their poor timing. Feeling hungry after such an exertion, i popped a can of beans and decided to wait in the connifers further towards the fenceline, wondering what further luck i may have that day. The server restarted and i started fresh in Gorka :3 This game is glorious when it works 'right'.
  18. q.S Sachiel

    One night i imagine this

    first bloodsucker in Agroprom Research basement. DO NOT WANT.
  19. so... you're talking about the guy who drops the purples right?.. Yeah let's kill that sob.
  20. yeah might not have been nades at all. Saw frequent explosions out by the tall red smokestacks opposite police station. They periodically went off (just like some petrol stations do sometimes) and no evidence of players or grenades being thrown in berry. probably this nuke hack/exploit i've seen.
  21. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    trtk is probably pseudonym for a borderline troll already on the forum. Posts misleading/fallacious stuff under the guise of 'opinion' (waits for response) Posts dictionary/thesaurus info as supporting evidence for his belief, without further elaboration then distances themselves from original post, saying that it's not even their understanding of the definition diminuitises opposing points of view with 5 word texts, still not adding to conversation of defending/developing original fallacies posted. Feigns nonchalance. creates implication that other people are doing the wrong thing through picture posts. 100% trollolololol. Enjoy. This thread will burn harder than the Bismarck and the September rant topic combined. Just you watch :)
  22. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    yeah little drunk. I'm about to ride out on my bleached white horse too. ;)
  23. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Cool First rule of English language skills is that you don't provide a definition of a word with the same word. You also produced a synonym in 1.1. Second, you imply the act was dishonest. I then drew attention to others' comments that you (general), in essence, did not purchase the full game (and they profess that since nothing has progressed now since development started when very little/nothing was in the game, then you in a sense bought nothing and handed over your cash for nothing). I'll assume that you purchased the right to use the alpha, and i'll assume that your contract law falls similar to mine. I'll also assume you have the capacity to create and execute you own decisions. You provided consideration for the product by 'showing' your money. They provided consideration by 'showing their product'. You exchanged currency for a product that was labelled as such. if i sell you snake oil as snake oil, that's not a scam. If i sell you snake oil as paint for your house, then that is a dishonest act/scam. The government couldn't care what price you paid, or what you're buying for the most part, as long as the description fits the product to varying degrees. Software purchases are even more debatable as the product can change about it's lifetime, (all this ignoring the fact that you don't actually even 'own' the software). if i wanted to (and you agreed) i could sell you a single letter of code for whatever price you were willing to part with. I would quote the famous proverb of "the Emperors new clothes" but this analogy may be too difficult for you to see the nuances of application to this thread. But I get the feeling that with your blanket response and poor attempt at rebuttal/conversation - ripping words from a dictionary (or thesaurus as the case may be) - that I'm just exercising my fingers for my own benefit. selling tear catchers 10$ a pop! step right up step right up.
  24. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    It's not really a scam until you've lost something. Since the haters say that nothing has changed since 0.001 then you never really had anything to start with did you? Doors within doors, here we go!