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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. q.S Sachiel

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    yeah i get what people are saying for the most part, but in just about every mature game out there you chew through people like bubblegum. Also one of the great advantages of this being a game is that if you don't like how it's going you can always just log out at any time (sacrificing your gear but like they're gonna let you go in that situation).
  2. q.S Sachiel

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    it's OK to not like certain aspects. Just the same as how certain members of the forums are heavy anti-kos and others look down on pure-survivalists. If you don't 'get it' then it's probably much like trying to explain colour to a blind person. That said, there is a degree of challenge in taking a person alive, particularly if they're not frenchy legs up in the air at first sign of trouble type. As it's essentially a type of griefing though i guess you'd probably have more people doing it purely for the sake of irking the other player. That said KoS is a similar tactic, and again, people rarely allow themselves to be put into a situation where they've lost control. Most run or fight you for the sake of it. Only once did I lay down for a man. He handcuffed me and checked out my stuff. Not sure if he took anything, but he actually gave me ammunition, told me to piss off out of Berry and that it was his (ak pointed at my face) and let me go. I could argue that it was torture as i didn't know if he was going to off me or otherwise, but i enjoyed the experience as a whole, it being new, even from the perspective of the 'victim'.
  3. q.S Sachiel

    quick question on bags/tents/persist

    yeah well then take the anecdotal evidence i guess :S. Haven't witnessed it myself and god knows where you find tents, but going by what people say, persistence is for all items in any location. Degredation of items over time may occur to stop people from 'mass wasting' things in the forrests, and these things presumably despawn after becoming ruined and then respawn somewhere else. I'm rather confused on the issue too tbh so sorry can't be of much help than hearsay.
  4. q.S Sachiel

    quick question on bags/tents/persist

    not sure about fireplaces, but i've seen random objects out in the wilderness, though this may have been put there recently. People seem to be saying here that things persist no matter where htey're left, but they may also degrade over time (or the container holding them degrades first) Not sure myself, but you should be able to trawl through the announcements section for patchnotes :P
  5. q.S Sachiel

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    Where you are what you dress. ;)
  6. q.S Sachiel

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    who then are you in this world where you can do anything within the scope of the program? Personally i move around shooting just about anything on two legs. Occasionally i torture people if i can get them, because i feel i should be rewarded for succeeding in such a difficult challenge as taking someone alive without me having to kill them because they don't obey. But I'm probably just an asshole at heart. :3 If it makes you feel any better i didn't enjoy the airport scene in CoD:MW2, but i made sure i got each and every one of them!
  7. q.S Sachiel

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    the mirth in my post must have been overlooked. But we endeavour: Do you shoot people in DayZ? if you do, you are role-playing a person shooting people, and that means that YOU want to shoot people. Even if you're a hardcore survivor, i really doubt that anyone here came to the game expecting a campfire simulator where everyone holds hands singing "koombayah my lord" while refrying beans in a pot. /mirth i think i broke the picture behind my window because i face palmed too hard. They should use DayZ for criminal profiling tests it seems. LOL social experiment game is socially experimental Anyone else find it ironic that Zombie Milkman's avatar is a sadistic asshole torturer? Voyeurs are cool! This shit is sinking dangerously off topic, like the rest of the threads :S
  8. q.S Sachiel

    Allies Victorious!

    well increasing range of of ammo type should decrease the chance of you finding a load for the weapon that you hold, so (should) make scrounging a little harder. You're effectively diluting the field. But the ballistic properties of the weapons/ammunition seem to be arbitrary. I think most people look to the release of new loads as an indication that certain weapons that use that type will appear later in development. But it's mostly just looking at pig-entrails.
  9. q.S Sachiel

    The 'war on snipers'

    Yeah, preaching to the choir here from the sounds of it, but proning in grass disadvantages you immensely and not the guy across the hill (even more given the depth of field catching on surfaces thing). Translucency would be better i guess, because it rewards clothes that blend, whereas having the majoritiy of a body clip under the ground really only exposes your head, weapon and boots, which blend pretty well for the most part anyway (and more specifically, a person in fluorescent blue trackies is just as concealed as a guy in full ttsko).
  10. q.S Sachiel

    The 'war on snipers'

    yeah Arma3 has the helpful 'mechanic' of players 'sinking into the terrain' over longer distances. The most you see is their head and feet and it really obscures them at distance.
  11. q.S Sachiel

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    I enjoy shooting people in computer games. I also run people over in cars. I use objects designed for sex to kill. I find creative ways to turn otherwise innocuous objects into blunt-force-trauma. I am a pain alchemist. Occasionally while in my million dollar aircraft I fly it into the ground or bomb friendly targets in green on green. I build entire fortresses after collecting tiberium and pump out air/land/sea units, amass them in the centre of the field and then launch a biblical scale of nuclear weapons sure to decimate the world and leave it barren for eons. I load up training maps and shoot the instructor. I spent 3 hours in the basement of black mesa chasing scientists with a crow-bar through a maze of laser-trip claymores. I strangle children for Adam. I find it difficult to separate reality from fictional environments, even reading crime-drama pulp novels can send me into a bloodthirsty rampage. Every time a horror movie is on, I try to jump through my TV but for some reason i can never get through it. How can they fit in there i wonder? How I would like to run with Rambo through vietnam. This must be what they mean when they talk about "hollywood magic" because my flat-screen is thinner than I am, there's no way they could fit all that stuff in there. I have yet to find the singularity. I also listen to Marolyn Manson music and watch South Park. I also eat red meat on good Friday. This makes me a sociopath and i must be stopped. Someone SWAT my house please, I can only get worse from here.
  12. q.S Sachiel

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    hmmm. Should really go start collecting books, blue chemlights and whatever i can find to smear on my back. This is the only way to torture people hint: NSFW: This is also the way I interact with most people, especially around prison blocks and high-risk loot locations in game. Every time they still decide to try their luck despite my flagrant and persuasive dialogue.
  13. q.S Sachiel

    Follow the power lines, they said...

    Trains are where it's at. And Bolton Bolton's where it's at.
  14. q.S Sachiel

    The 'war on snipers'

    wouldn't angular system just allow you to better 'zero' your weapon, and involve a small amount of trig? I'd figure this would possibly make it harder as if you're at a strange integer like 767, you adjust your angle value to whatever and then you've got a small fraction 'left over' based on the restriction of the angle anyway (unless they allow minutes/seconds, which is cumbersome and i'm not sure if rifles even incorporate this). That said, at intermediate to 'long' ranges this remainder should be inconsequential unless the target is really small ie: concealed/obscured or providing low profile. Just set to 800, aim [800-(~770)]=30=3/10 fractions of the bar below target (or relevant distance optic to magnification setting) and fire. Angular dialling would reduce the error in estimation of distance (on scope) as you could set estimated range to centre of scope and not guess the fraction optic distance, but would keep the mathematical remainder (3m in empirical estimation here) and may even expand the error on certain angles that don't marry well to the range. Though I think I get what you're saying, as it would require the player to have a better understanding of their weapon's ballistic trajectory when incorporating angle (as a larger angle should be required for a greater drop). Current system seems intuitive enough. TBH i'm fine with the 100m increments too. Gradations or distance allow you to empirically estimate your drop and what not, and personally I find it easier to just dial in and adjust angle manually (with mouse). But then, i'm the guy who can make trick shots in pool but can't shoot a straight ball, can use rifles that have severe drop over range in FPS but can't shoot the HPS flat shooters... Each their own i suppose. Could you elaborate on how the angular system you propose may assist devs? I would have thought the 'slap in a 100' increment would be easier for the most part and then the balance figures could be arbitrarily assigned to the rifle/weapon without even thinking about use with optics. :S
  15. q.S Sachiel

    Amphibia S

    Used to find many of them in jail houses or firestation lower level in the racking. haven't seen one in some time now either ;S
  16. q.S Sachiel

    Allies Victorious!

    I thought aliens bombed your ships
  17. q.S Sachiel

    So has there been a wipe yet or not?

    That indecision. If i stay i'll die If i go i'll die better stay and have no fun ;) keep in mind you'll probably still lose your character more times into the future to server restart bug or anomalous clothes zombies that steal them before getting back to the homepage, getting killed on logout, nudism. If you're a new-spawn then it matters even less. Yes your gear will be lost when you get it, the pain of having to go and find more. It's a hard life. Not sure how you people plan to keep playing into the future, as this is a game feature haha (death and rebirth).
  18. q.S Sachiel

    Uptime? What's uptime?

    sorry OP. didn't quote parasight and someone got a post in before me :( yeah it was meant for him and you already gave him my point, your own way :) (@zight) Fair enough in that they should be dumping in features in, but you still need a base level of stability to work from. It would drive people more nuts than witnessed here if the 0.46 issues of frequent char reset/heavy rubber banding/crashes to desktop/whatever persisted through the development cycle. It would also drive away pre-orders/alpha participants if word got out that there was zero point in joining early save for maybe getting an undercut price and supporting the company. Also think about marketing events like E3 and Pax prime. The dedicated build would need more work put into that specifically than just fixing a little for everyone then tweaking what you gotta. Saw someone list Planetary Annihilation's $90 tag before release a while ago as a prohibitive price to weed out people as being only the 'serious testers'. Maybe that was the case, but i see that as just price gouging. It's now 1/3 that price. DayZ started and remains at a fraction of that kind of price, but they've got the numbers. They're gonna lose some resources to early stabilisation if those tweaks are broken into the future, but I mean it shows that they have some respect for their community, and it may even be helpful in training/general understanding of their platform, especially for the new guys out there they've hired.
  19. q.S Sachiel

    Uptime? What's uptime?

    Maybe i'm misinterpreting your words, but i'm going to guess that you enjoy frequent crashes and rubber-banding sessions, and other features failing or malfunctioning? I think there's a bottom line for playability that many people out there expect, and that BI appears to be trying to promote with the recent .49 'holdback' (or lack of release on this current patch day).
  20. q.S Sachiel

    List of things that bug me when playing DayZ

    Hi i noticed you forgot the most annoying feature "You are Dead"
  21. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Do people forget about contextual button mapping? a whole new map could possibly be opened depending on what stance/state or view you're in. That and they could just cut out a whole lot of functions for consoles and incorporate some others into a menu map similar to scrollwheel.
  22. q.S Sachiel

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    when decepticons turn carebear. Your spark is tainted. *spit*
  23. it's a sorry state when mild trolling doesn't get a (proper) bite. thanks for trying air ;) Should have addressed thread title with reply of "ask when servers are back up" quite impressed there hasn't been a plethora of requests for ETA yet... maybe the US crowd hasn't woken up yet.
  24. q.S Sachiel

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    Handcuff them somewhere safe. Begin to tell them your life story. if they try to struggle i scream NO and start punching their face. I then return to my riveting dialogue.
  25. q.S Sachiel

    The 'war on snipers'

    to stir the pot, i'll argue that the character is 30y+. That age group (particularly 40+) in my neck of the woods were born with a rifle in their arms. And let's not forget... Eastern European.... not to mention the Chernarus backstory. Also, my character is a Hindu God. Every time I die, I am reborn inception style, and the skills and knowledge is imprinted into my new vessel. I trust you when you say that some characters are no professionals though. I've got a few ears and toes to prove for this. Not all reborn equal i spose.