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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. obviously never used diazapan when shooting snipers before... ;)
  2. q.S Sachiel

    The weakest thing you can do

    yeah well fun and games aside, you can see the body language of the two (again, you didn't see the guy crouching behind a wall aiming at me with no introduction, later to come out in the open to be introduced as their friend) males, who towards the end spread out and start locking off escape points, forcing me either down/up the road or into the Kamenka hills. There's tonnes of tells in this one, but i didn't care, nor really notice at the time. She may have even been told to stop in the middle of the road (when i took advantage and handcuffed) to encourage me to do the same... who knows, if i let her handcuff me maybe i'd have lived but better to die on one's feet than on their knees like a dog, huh? :P People will complain and whinge about how Lone Wolves are this and that, but fact is, unless you have a real friend you can play with, 99.9% of the population is not to be trusted in my opinion, but if I had shot these two on sight, i'd either have died just the same, or got a quick kick and then spent the next 2.5 hours wandering alone only to be offed by some other lone wolf or another gang probably (assuming the game didn't powbitch me into oblivion). I'm glad I was suckered, but this is the Dayzlyf. I won't lie though, I smoothe suckered her, and were it just me and her, well things may have gone differently... lets just say my welding mask would have come in handy... Funny thing is though, pretty sure DayZ locks in your bloodtype, and I'm O- last time i checked. Your loss suckas ;)
  3. q.S Sachiel

    The weakest thing you can do

    I was dressed to impress for valentines day in pink woolen dress, pink balaclava and a welders helmet and I drew the ire of a woman's friend. He either put me down to take my pretty in pink costume, or because he saw I was the alpha male and was making a move on 'his girl'. I'll link the godawful shadowplay video when it's done uploading in 214minutes ;) Too bad the context of the encounter is missing, it didn't capture me going to the 'friend' of the two who i caught aiming at me from cover behind a wall all sneaky like. He was intent on killing me but i was down to party and didn't GAF. Maybe i should have given her my blood love after all :'( I'm pretty sure it was a bait from the beginning, but I think the girl enjoyed the experience at least. I don't mind being the patsy from time to time where there's a little fun to be had ;). All in all though, these people couldn't GAF either, they'll just keep on doing what they do. When people are 'waiting for a mate' or ask you to hang around, they're most probably going to kill you. Dont' trust anyone not on your steamlist (that you haven't just added from in-game) unless you enjoy the taste of lead. This guy profusedly repeated that he was sorry and his friend only shot me because i handcuffed her, but when i said "you young baiters should come to x server and we can hangout, i'm freshspawn" he wanted nothing to do with me ;). Thems the beats.
  4. q.S Sachiel

    in defence of FOV slider

    i don't think people really care what FOV you run at, that's your perogative. The issue lies in the ability to change it on the fly to gain leverage over people when you should really just be playing the damn game and not fiddling with your settings every time you see motion.
  5. q.S Sachiel


    Fools, you don't keep all your inflammable materials in the one spot! What, do you want to see your crotch go up in smoke? 86 best i've had no pic for you!
  6. Lol is this for real? Not sure if they've fixed phantom breaks, but sometimes your arm's broken too and your body doesn't express this issue. Applying splint/morphine helps.
  7. q.S Sachiel

    Be a hero...

    "I've taken all the food, there's no point being here, move on or starve, scum" There was a quote in batman somewhere, but i can't remember
  8. q.S Sachiel

    Average Lone Wolf Wouldnt Survive

    though the average life of a DayZ player character is less than that, sounds like a pretty good expectancy given it's probably close to the average for the time anyway... ITT: realism junkies. If you want realism, play black screen simulator. That's what you'd be seeing if you were in DayZ. You'd all be dead. I'll give an aside though, despite the OPs jaded view of Lone wolves due to his assumed preference to group play and his taking stock in his supreme numbers of two, and his laughable straw man arguments... Lol 600 pound behemoth cave dwellers as an equivalent for apocalypse survivor? The humor is strong. this is a sandbox game. There is an implicit freedom that other games and even this in certain respects tout but drive a wedge through. All options should be viable and as others have said on p1, you as a lone wolf accept the lack of support and embrace the risk. You acknowledge your weaknesses but seeing as this environment is so unbelievable hospitable compared to what i'd imagine a real Eastern bloc nation/landscape to provide over the long term, well... Sure build up other features which are not immediately or co-useful with lone wolf play (Lone wolves aren't actually allowed on the crew gun, they get an error message and a picture of Dean waving his finger. Parking your vehicle on the hill then changing spots will actually cause self destruct)... Sure, amass the difficulty against me because of my lack of number, and the strength of other groups because of above features But don't penalise the loners just because you want to encourage teamwork. Provide the opportunity and incentive, allow for the incentive of challenge on the alternative and let the damn game be. Sandbox 101. Also OP, you usually don't write multiple paragraphs and then contract whatever ungodly pop culture reference you have into such an ugly acronym without giving some kind of explanation as to what it is. Too many journalists just throw these things around without ever explaining it to their audiences.
  9. q.S Sachiel

    Christmas Ceasefire

    i hear it's quite warm inside fresh corpses...
  10. "hallo ich haben groBer kopf. Bitte mich schiessen." Hello, I am friendly. Lets explore together. phon: Hal-low ee-gch hah-ben gross-err kh-uh-pff. bit-teh mee-gch shh-ee-sen. "Hey dummkopf, dein mutter sei ein schlampe." Hey. That's some cool kit you got on. phon: Hey duu-m-kh-opf dine moo-ter z-eye eye-n sh-lamp-a "Fick Dich!" Hey handsome phon: Fick dish Ich will dich zerstoeren I'm friendly phon: ee-gh vill dee-gh zer-stoh-ren "Ich woll ausmelden. Bitte toete ich mich nicht." I just logged in, lets work together phon: eech voll ow-ss-meld-en. Bit-teh ter-te eegh mee-gh nee-ght these simple german phrases with phonetic pronunciation will assit you in your travels, young ones. I take no responsibility for the A-class german hospitality you may endure during your discourse using these phrases. This is basically spanish in a nutshell. Just don't say embarrasado instead of embarrased, because guys think you're pregnant...
  11. q.S Sachiel

    Etiquette around people sitting by a fire?

    Why carry the built fire kit when you can just carry a bunch of sticks and a stack of rags or a book. I'd reccomend the rags. that gets you at least 4x splint/fireplacekits. and it only takes up 3 slots rather than the 4/2 for fire/splint.
  12. q.S Sachiel

    Hack in my server

    Hi. Welcome to capitalism. Don't like it? Don't fucking pay for it. Vote with your feet people. I haven't logged on in a fortnight or so, have enough fun to keep it real in DayZ, but if you're experiencing issues that are going unresolved and are particularly frustrating to you, then you should cease your support for said product or service. The Terms and Conditions are concrete. You are RENTING a PUBLIC server. There is no way around these TnC. You do not own the IP. You own nothing. You are paying for a privelage. If you feel the privelage is not worth the cost, or that you are unsatistfied with said privelage dear god stop paying money. It's like people that buy BF3 + all Xpac + BF4 + all expac and cry the whole way through about it being trash. What is the problem here? TBH, if it's as bad as you say, and people DO vote with their feet, then it's bad for everyone as servers will die and the community will stagnate, but that is just proof of a failed product. No point subsidising uncompetitive or poor products in the long run. All said and done, i agree with Mos1ey. No real proof that you've got a hacker. That said, it doesn't appear you have any real control should one appear in the future, or if your issue is legitimate in this instance.
  13. q.S Sachiel

    So Uh...

    I believe there are multiple spawn locations at the NWAF, which means you're at a greater chance of finding one or more at that location.
  14. q.S Sachiel

    Safe or Fear? .49

    Never safe. The predator makes sure the prey feels safe, right before the pounce. I don't see thaaat many people out in the wilderness, but when i do they're well geared enough to pose a threat. I generally travel through cover, which means i'm harder to spot (and so are you) but when one of us is, then the threat is greater, because most weapons are equivalent at 1-200m.
  15. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    same thing just bumper scroll up / down i reckon with click and locked drag command so you just click twice and it's where it needs to go. Will be interesting to see where they go with the more finesse motions like reloading a weapon to still allow you to do that in combat with reliability. I'd expect a different interface (dean even said the scroll function may disappear for PC) and most functiosn being keybind, with only specific crafting or 'use' commands for the inventory.
  16. q.S Sachiel

    How Does Temperature Work?

    Was rolling while prone in gorka pants inside a barn. Every time i rolled i'd get warm hten cool immediately after. I believe movement has some effect.
  17. q.S Sachiel

    Why use DayZ as an Ego-Shooter?

    You're right in that there's not that much drive for cooperatoin save for people on yoru steam friends, but for the most part if you're roleplaying you're going to get shot a lot.
  18. remember the golden rule of sniping (esp in PC games): the more exposed you are, the more you see.
  19. q.S Sachiel

    Some general questions regarding the temperature

    there's a medical thermometer in game now so you can check your temp. I know woolen coats get your temp up pretty damned well. Was playing with a friend and they said after putting it on they didn't have any more cold issues.
  20. q.S Sachiel

    Notes on paper

    I've once killed a man and left him a note explaining that i just wanted his beans and was quite unimpressed that he had none. Another time I found a mound of corpses and zombies, and left a note saying "One of these guys is still breathing, guess who? ;)' For the most part i don't write or look, but haven't found any notes not left by me to date :(
  21. q.S Sachiel

    Some general questions regarding the temperature

    Not sure if it's been changed in .49 or earlier, but raincoat didn't protect me from rain. Moving can heat you up, but I think it's dependant on what you're wearing and whether you're wet. I was decked out in gorka kit with a mountain backpack and damp, while running i was 'slowly getting colder'. Then once i had on my UK assault vest, dry in a barn, i went prone. Was getting slowly cold. Rolled with Q E and each time i rolled once, i was slowly getting warm, then almost immediately slowly getting cold. Time of Day seems to have some effect, not sure if indoors outdoors matters, but it seems movement and wet definitely has an impact.
  22. q.S Sachiel

    If i do know who's cloning equip

    What started as one paragraph blew out, here's the first and the rest are hidden for at your liesure. Yeah if there's a rule for it, then going against the rule is wrong. I'm not aware of any rule from BI or BE that says you can't exploit failure of devs to plug holes in the software. This isn't like adding script to your game code... As far as I'm concerned it's like the man shooting down the duck because he can't fly himself. CS you used to be able to flash B-tunnel by throwing a flash into the boxes on approach to B door from CT (1.5 was the last of that i think). Flashed the entire tunnel. Glitch: yes. Banning: no.
  23. q.S Sachiel

    .49 Questions

    found an fnx fully loaded mag in fire station at elektro Powerplant
  24. Yeah i was running around wildly in NWAF shooting a few sods, but didn't get killed either. Didn't know the wipe was coming ytd tho. Woke up and figured i'd been shot on logout :S logged in found a shotgun/mosin/mp5/fnxmag helmet, ttsko jacket and winter hunter pants already alllrighhht