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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. q.S Sachiel

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    If you can contemplate it happening (as have numerous other, albeit fictional story creations) then doesn't that mean that you acknowledge the probability (not possibility) of it occuring in said hypothetical, thereby validating his point? A bunch of reasonable people back in the day thought that arming themselves with nuclear weapons was a surefire way of discouraging others from firing nuclear weapons, essentially analogous to two parties staring down eachothers barrel. Both know that if one pulls the trigger the other will shoot, but this all assuming rational state of mind. What happens when the other person hates you that much or cares so little for their own well being, or just wants to see what will happen? moving outside the metaphor; what happens when people hear that strangers are shooting on sight? Are you going to blindly trust the person? does that mean you will take measures to defend yourself? Openly? Subtlely? What happens when the other party (innocent or mischevious) is confronted by your open suspicion/defensiveness or comes wise to your ruse/subtlety? Do you not think that would put them offside? make them defensive and potentially scared or agressive? You can't apply logicical +/- reasonable personal opinion to a situation where the hypothetical party is devoid of logic or reason... All this being hypothesis of course. but now we're back onto the what if's and debate of realism. Still, if people can walk down my street and key my car for giggles i see no impediment to people sitting on a hill and shooting the first person moving they see in an apocalypse.
  2. q.S Sachiel

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    Hey I do understand and accept your opinion, it's probably one of the more reasonable of the ones against my view, but I still feel that you're assuming that most people want a simulator, when I'd assume that most want a game with realistic (or more specifically, authentic) elements. I'd prefer gameplay over a walking eating and drinking simulator any day, but I do enjoy the ever present, looming threat of death from (x,y,z). Wanting realism in one aspect and (arguably) more arcade-style / 'gameish' elements in another doesn't make one a hypocrite or a fence-sitter/jumper, it's just how they've formulated their vision of this game-in-progress. But now i'm confident and pleased to see that this truly is what this thread is all about ^_^
  3. q.S Sachiel

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    AFAIK base building is not in game yet. Are there not alternatives to having a mansion castle ultra super base? Like having it take longer to build with 1 instead of 10, or deciding to go for speed over security, and slapping together a shack? I can make a lean-to in about 30seconds if i have a corrugated iron sheet and a tree stump. all this talk STILL ignoring the fact that this is a game, and there must be compromise between game play and 'simulator' elements, as was discussed back donkeys years ago when they had the whole 'authenticity over realism' talk. I'd also caution you on pigeonholing the entire DayZ community or making sweeping statements about a particular group, and then drawing conclusions from your inductive reasoning, or if you do try not to get upset when people don't share similar views or fail to conform to your strictures. to elaborate: Wall of text to follow:
  4. q.S Sachiel

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    base game aside, the meta (multiplayer aspect)game already rewards teamwork or at least semi-co-operation. That said, I don't feel dayz encourages co-operation to the extent that I'd like, or the average playerbase is overly suspicious/afraid and dangerous, or just dangerous. I've commented generally on this before, but I'd like to see more reward for opt-in while having zero penalty for opt-out for teamwork/co-operation, as i do enjoy the lonewolf life.
  5. q.S Sachiel

    dark nights, when?

    it is a sad day when one buys a CoD collectors edition just so they can walk to the bin outside once every week. On topic though: i do remember the mod being pitch black. probably not representative of real night, because i get around with no artificial light most nights no worries. Should be able to 'see' without being able to discern specific detail.There's a fine line between realism and playability though, so more arcade-aspects are present even in most games, barring perhaps some simulators, but this is to broaden the audience. Making the game to BI's own concept/ideals may be as simple as making as much money by satisfying as many customers as they want, or they have a well defined (and presumably semi-fluid) model of what they intend to make already thought up. I'm leaning to expecting the latter, but I wouldn't think a little middle ground would hurt the purists, casuals, or impulse buyers much at all, ultimately.
  6. q.S Sachiel

    Gearing up is the best part of this game

    racing that guy through svetlo to the police station, only to find that the place has been wiped clean, and turning frustration into a fight-to-the-death showdown where the winner gets a good long run and probably a slow bleed-out, while the loser gets a second chance at profitable spawn... Or sucking up all the beans, childrens dresses and cucumbers a man could possibly care for; hoarding .22 and pistols in a residential house, all of which have the incorrect ammo (but you have plenty of .380auto or 7.62, enough to build an eastern-bloc munitions dump with)... Finding a welding mask and hanging out near kamenka with a wrench, screaming drunken ramblings at every well dressed / kitted to the nine universal soldier that comes through for the barracks, quickly ducking behind a tree to taunt them some more while they shoot every last ak round they have at you from 100 meters, failing to hit even once. Oh yes, it's when you have something worth being killed for that my enjoyment goes down, and i'm reduced to shooting everything that moves in the hopes of drawing someone's distasteful ire, or suck down a tincture of alcohol and run through Elektro firing at the buildings while my screen turns grey.
  7. q.S Sachiel

    dark nights, when?

    Just to be clear, to handicap ones self is to put in place an impediment. Playing the game unadulterated is not a handicap... By your reasoning you're handicapped just for being born, and your 'vanilla' version is inherently flawed. Just applying logic ;) Haven't played in a while, but DayZ nights are pitch black last time I was in, but AUS servers are mostly 24/7 daylight, unless you want to spend your time on a 3/40 server 1pp/HC... :'( May be a server configuration. Most of the servers I've been on that weren't 24/7 blazing Russian summer had a dusk/dawn start/restart but never ticked over to night.
  8. q.S Sachiel

    Zombies are normal humans with virus?

    Read the software code. All the information you need as proof is in there. take a blue pill plz.
  9. q.S Sachiel

    PM73 RAK... any good?

    Supposedly they can see a thin band of Infra Red, and low level Ultra Violet. This may explain his fabulousness... Maybe it's just 50 shades of grey he sees? on topic: i'll do a quick hunt for a table i saw recently, detailing weapon stats (not the best table imo but a starting point). edit: Weapon tables and recommendations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Fw8hSVGHOwQ5WLVtQQQPZlolnWMviIopSVlSVRNb-Yg/edit?pli=1#gid=0 Boom. NB: no version number immediately visible... like i said, starting point.
  10. q.S Sachiel

    Action!- Gameplay recording and streaming

    yeah, i'd check the software help first. Have you received any patches for Action! recently? There may be some funny opt-out update feature that turned on, recording your desktop instead of what's going through the GPU? Do you run multiple monitors or SLI or something? I run Shadowplay through my Nvidia Geforce Experience drivers. It's free and for every card about the new 6xx's i think. Not sure about quality / compression rates though, but maybe have a look in the interim if you run a Nvidia. Good luck!
  11. q.S Sachiel

    accuracy improvemnt through bipod

    The graph says it works off best possible accuracy acchievable although it doesn't say how to go about this (eg: m4 does not list bipod as best attachment just magpull grip and stock). Graph lists m4's dispersion at 0.11 while mosin is 0.05 meaning the mosin should have a much tighter grouping than the m4 at max accuracy via ??
  12. q.S Sachiel

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Just be a bit cautious about 'advertising' links to channels here, friendly heads up. Otherwise good luck on the views and catch you through the trees ;)
  13. q.S Sachiel

    Excited for the Upcoming Disease & Cold System

    I don't see how catching the flu and getting cold is going to stop people from killing you to check for flu tabs and to steal your clothing off your back though... I see it only really keeping people out of the rain, and making them srounge a bit harder for food or different clothing, but to use the anti-pvp crowd moniker: "tacticool" people are just as likely, and capable, of shooting you with a blue wool dress as they are with a full gorke E autumn camo kit. My prediction is that it won't change at all in terms of changing behaviors, i think at best it's just going to slow people down from point a to point kill. I still see reducing this 'rampant pvp' atmosphere, which i have no real problem with, as only being possible through introduction of gameplay mechanics with a greater or different depth than what we see now. I'm not talking about sneezing and looking for warm woolies, i mean actual cooperative incentive, where downside for lack of participation (and engaging in pvp) is absence of positive, not a punishment for being pvp, and experiencing presence of negative.
  14. q.S Sachiel

    U.S. & Russian Fed. Weapons

    There are field hospitals and barracks erected in the NWAF as well as what looks like a reserve military accomodation across the area. Irrespective as to whether Military intervention occurred prior to the outbreak regarding some domestic crisis, or whether any real military force was present in whole or part prior to the outbreak, I think it's pretty safe to say from the sheer amount of military zombies, structures and now abandoned vehicles, that someone was called in to quell the situation / quarantine and whatever security force was deployed, have now turned. There was some kind of military force present. It's undisputable. There really should be a broad swathe of weapons within the zone. The standard retort to the 'we don't need more mil-weapons' is along the lines of civilian weapons being somewhat more homogenous in their function and aesthetic. The demand for military guns is valid in my opinion, but that doesn't mean i want an overpoch environment with every 3 steps giving me enough zafir's to duct tape into some kind of nazi railway cannon.
  15. cool or cold? I fire if threatened. Otherwise it's flee.
  16. It would appear you lack a sense of humor sir. I apologize if my aside insulted you or whatever religious sensitivities you may hold, and i urge you not to derail the topic further. As another aside, people seem to think that balance is some kind of communist system where everything gets brought to a single point of equality. Balance in general means that a particular avenue is not more or less attractive. This means that there are tight corners for shotguns, long open fields for longarms, and plenty of things to shoot at with automatic rifles. 'Balance' can be acchieved more wholly (IMO) by developing the world and gameplay mechanics, rather than just tweaking the weapon statistics. That said, if we get railguns that do 9000+damage and turn gunplay into something akin to *sense of humor required* then i'd be kicking up a stink. But the AKM is not some god-gun imo. Then again, i'm the guy who ran the Kar98 in DoD and the like :o) TBH i have only used the AKM and was quite disappointed that there was no alternate (semi-automatic) fire modes available. I definitely enjoy the 75 rounds, and there are situations where automatic is useful, but for the most part, it's just a bigger badder sks with a clumsier, more unwieldly feel to it. Also, isn't Chernarus 25x25km^2? Im counting the squares in dayz map theres like 15x15 yeah, but damn does it take a long time to jog 15k... average walking speed is like 4k/h. eat more beans!
  17. q.S Sachiel

    Useless "crosshair" of rangefinder?

    It's not an approximate, afaik it's just a cumbersome reticule, due to a cheap purchase from a now dead previous owner. I think the devs want a degree of uncertainty involved, so rather than give you a top-of-the line model, they've given you a dodgy cheapo model that's good for 'approximating' range if you get the hang of it, but it should still give the actual range at point of laser intersection, +/- whatever error (if they have coded error in). You can get a better idea (if only slightly) by using it but you're not going to be able to toggle the man down to the meter unless you use a little nouse and have a steady hand / know where to pip him. I chalk it up to realism and they're making you work for it. Not worth it? don't carry it and learn to estimate distance, even if you gotta pop off a shot or two first to guague drop.
  18. q.S Sachiel

    Useless "crosshair" of rangefinder?

    Just hold the target in the centre? Worst comes to worst you could always just take a guess that it's either the 375mark or the 1000m hinterground?
  19. q.S Sachiel

    BMB clan flashbang wipe

  20. I've killed more people with my SKS than the bubonic plague did, ten times over. Just saying. But you're correct, eastern bloc automatic rifles have no place in an eastern european setting, one where a military force has been active over the course of a campaign to quell a civil conflict. You make me think of superintendent Chalmers from The Simpsons: Superintendent Chalmers: “Thank the Lord”? That sounded like a prayer. A prayer in a public school. God has no place within these walls, just like facts don’t have a place within an organized religion.
  21. q.S Sachiel

    Watching you watching me?

    Yeah would have been seagull? private shard i'm surmising.
  22. q.S Sachiel

    What are these buildings?

    Yep I refer to them as schools. They may be something else in the code. Police stations are the yellow buildings with the octahedral spire and a central spiral staircase. Fire stations also have quite some nice equipment and weapons/ammunition and are bulky buildings with big red metal doors and an internal square staircase that goes up three floors through large open windows.
  23. q.S Sachiel

    People Lagging and Ice Skating After 0.54

    I'm holding out for it to die in Beta, whenever that rolls around... but even Arma3 is a nasty little number at times, though leagues ahead of DayZ
  24. my dream is that in gold, we'll have a lot more zombies shambling and moving about (particularly in urbanised areas). In this scenario (and many others) telling friend from foe isn't as easy as a shoulder check. People have enough trouble with distinguishing friend from foe when wearing uniforms, let alone civilian/informal gear...
  25. q.S Sachiel

    The Guide to Billboards

    just like i expected (cherno)russian toilet paper to be solid and traditional