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q.S Sachiel

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Everything posted by q.S Sachiel

  1. im up in the novo tower. Literally nothing but a bajillion beige fireman's pants lol... It took me quite a while on the night-time post launch to find any food and water. But then i found a bore and a few tac-bacons and i'm happy as a button - for now...
  2. q.S Sachiel

    The Psychology of Understanding Alpha

    FrustrAtion =\= failure to accept alpha. Imo perceived product direction is more important than current build performance but hicks and his team still seem to have an eye on the acceptance of current build, as evidenced in the .58 moving forward video/PowerPoint recently released. This is probably to do with trying to provide minimum standard of function and performance throughout the development cycle. Also I think that early access models contain as much risk, if not more, probability for buyers remorse than pre-order, where the information is generally there or available for research, or reviews are to appear shortly after release as compared to longer periods of uncertainty in EA due to work in progress.
  3. q.S Sachiel


    Nothing like a nice cold slab to keep your corpses fresh...
  4. And how would you propose organising this merry get together with your friends i wonder? And just to stoke the flames - as i do love to play the devil's advocate - you'd have better luck getting BE to check the computer for all 3p chat and voip systems and then kick from server if found running... but then we play through steam, so..
  5. At least their built in zoom system (fov exploit) was nerfed! hi FOV and flinch are game mechanics wip... not 3p chat...
  6. just use your imagination and assume that they have an earpiece and microphone set plugged in to their face in game. Presto, you're fighting soldiers of fortune. GOOD LUCK!
  7. Scuse me sir, where is Mankirk's wife?
  8. q.S Sachiel

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    i don't see the point in making them impossible to get into given the materials being available...(at this time). Sure you should need to bang on the wall / door for awhile with your sledge / block splitter and yeah it should make noise etc, maybe even degrade your equipment rapidly or completely once the job is done, but ultimately unless you're close enough to hear it being done to a shack, the owner will have no defense but for concealment. making it difficult to get into is the most unrealistic part, given that most people could smash anything halfway to gammorah before sunset, given a sledge. Getting the items out undamaged may also be a consideration.
  9. q.S Sachiel

    Survivors DEC 2013 to AUG 2015

    Yeah these numbers don't really mean much unless you give the calculations / background. I mean i can make assumptions based on how the thread has progressed, but you know what doing that makes you and me... Also a little put off by orlok's statement, given i thought this was a sandbox. Implement features sure, but guiding player experiences? I thought all play styles were encouraged and valid in dayz...
  10. q.S Sachiel

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    IMO this isn't an exploit, as it's a legitimate use of the product. Also, i doubt it would really be all that much of a problem on a regular basis as the donkey would still need to get there before you (which isn't too difficult i suppose as they could just log out and chances are you didn't kill them near the hut, which they know the location of, not you). But ultimately you fail to gain something you never had, the donkey user is still working within what i'd consider a fair use of the game they purchased, and BI wouldn't give a stuff because they get an extra sale... I understand the concept just fail to see the problem.
  11. q.S Sachiel

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    welllll... not so much... the price is probably stopping things like this from happening, but look at CS:GO, it's less expensive than CS:S / 1.6 (which is ludicrous given it's popularity relative to the others') so anyone caught hacking etc has an easy in, especially given that it sometimes drops as low as $8USD. But buying another account just to be a donkey, at this point in time, probably yes: a bit of a stretch. Not that BI cares either way lol..
  12. q.S Sachiel

    Supporter Edition question

    ... supporter edition?...
  13. q.S Sachiel

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    so when do we get to pour out jerry cans and light them ala GTA5. Yesss yessss cower inside your shack made of sticks. muahahahhaHAHAHAHAHAhhahahaha *cough cough cough* *i feel sick*
  14. q.S Sachiel

    Rabbit snare

    Hmm. is the probability influenced by texture i wonder?
  15. q.S Sachiel

    Why is the north so laggy?

    It's obviously the brain scorcher... Go see the doctor in Yantar. TBH just about everywhere is either blanket choppy or local/time based choppy for me. The 'coast' is just as terrible as cherno or elektro.
  16. q.S Sachiel

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    Honestly, if I were to want to conserve things, I'd not be hiding them in a stand-out-like-tetanus-infected-thumb shed. I'd dig a hole and bury it. If it's shelter that you're after, the door would be as a barrier to the elements more than anything... i'd be treating it like a soft-top car and leave the bastard unlocked, and rely more on alarms than barricades. Also, it's laughable to bring up tetanus. Sure you may be at risk of cutting yourself on said 'rusty sheet metal', exposing yourself to a vector, but if you lack 'advanced/modern medicine' i think tetanus is going to be a day-to-day struggle, given the scope of the game. Discounting it on this basis is just ... stahp...
  17. q.S Sachiel

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    Id go with corrugated iron too, but then i'd just cut them into square pieces with a hacksaw, bundle for transport, and shingle the roof instead.
  18. q.S Sachiel

    Difference between standalone and mod?

    The mod actually works...
  19. q.S Sachiel

    PSA: Game development takes a while, but...

    Basically the most succinct way it could be said. +1 Could you please provide some objective criteria and tangible basis for outlining your viewpoint, so as to better develop the discussion?
  20. q.S Sachiel

    PSA: Game development takes a while, but...

    I keep trying to click the italics for a source to these facts, thinking they're hyperlinked... They are not. :( Sorry man, not trying to have a go, but i don't see how going stark raving mad for the game is any different than barking it down, putting positive expectations of development forwards as gospel as opposed to doomsaying. I'll let the final product and development cycle speak for its self. The devs will be judged on their product, not by the bandwagoners on either side of the path.
  21. q.S Sachiel

    PSA: Game development takes a while, but...

    On one hand I agree that whipping a horse to move has only limited effect, as does trying to make something or create something/faster when progress cannot possibly be done/quickened. On the other hand I believe that a certain lack of scrutiny must always exist in business ventures / products such as these. TBH i think it's a biased opinion he's giving, but hey it's a public forum.
  22. q.S Sachiel

    Dayz Realisim

    'zukes are excellent 4wd toys. They're like baby bears, pawing their way up them hills. Now those other cars, not aLada love for them in my heart.
  23. q.S Sachiel

    Non centered character

    OH GOOD SIR ARE YOU TROLLING? BECAUSE IF YOU ARE I TIP MY HAT! In case the irony was lost on any of you - this was one of the main arguments against any changes being made, as BI has already provided a swathe of (albeit empty) 1pp servers for all you teary eyed screaming masses who are calling about un-necessary change. Congratulations. You've wasted a portion everyone's seed money for this insignificant and essentially irrelevant non-issue.
  24. q.S Sachiel

    The new crosshair...

    I still love how Arma3 is functional and has less bells and whistles, while in DayZ people scream and complain about the most inane things (like the 3pp and the default 'eye zoom' - which by the way are in Arma3 and no one complains about this), and putting something in the centre of your screen is a task that requires a tertiary certificate (or a bloated and un-necessary crosshair). Sometimes i don't know what the hell these dev's are thinking.
  25. q.S Sachiel

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    Given the wording, the offer is available to eligible users for up to 1 year after the offer opens, and then it closes. Once accepting the offer, the product is yours to keep.