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Everything posted by massacrorBKK

  1. Hello everyone, Been searching in the forum and couldn't find any entry talking about the mouse wheel. I may have post the idea a long ago (we most likely talking about years ago) but with all the change in the forum, seems I can't find my message neither. Now we gonna have the new player controller so it seems to me the perfect time to post that suggestion again. Anyway... So, right now the mouse wheel is used alone to open the action menu and select your action. My suggestion is quite simple.It would be nice and convenient to be able to configure the mouse wheel in combination with the keyboard when doing your controls. For example : Left Ctrl + Mouse wheel = Change your stance from "standing", to "crouch" and then "prone". If we could have the different Arma3 stances as it has already been suggested, it would be even better. Left Shift + Mouse wheel = Change your character speed from "walking slowly", to "walking", to "jogging", to "running" and finally to "sprinting". That's just an idea. It may be clunky in reality, especially if combine with the stance change explained just above. Left shift + Mouse wheel when inside a vehicle = changing the gear. Now a last one. Caps Lock + Mouse wheel = Raise or low your voice intensity from whisper to loud shout. This are some ideas I got, maybe the mouse wheel + keyboard could be use for other things too. Hope, dev will read this and consider the idea with what they are working on now. Have a good day and see you in the wild, folks!
  2. massacrorBKK

    Critical hits and fumbles

    Got a suggestion here. Sorry in advance if it been proposed yet, I made some research but can't find anything. So, I was thinking it would be pretty cool if critical hits could be implemented. I've heard about important organs may be add to the character chest's hit box and hitting them could cause critical hits. Head shot as well are critical hit and kill you right away but my suggestion is about critical hits when you are not shot at a vital part of your body like arms and legs. For the leg, we already got the chance to have a fracture. It is perfect and the only thing missing is an animation of the character falling down (and not the default animation of going crawl) but I perfectly understand it is not needed right away. It will be needed. For hits in the arms, it would be very cool that you have a chance to drop your weapon (maybe, the closer the hit from the hand, the bigger the chance to drop your weapon). It should be with any kind of hit (melee or range) incoming from players or zombies. It would be both interesting in terms of game-play (zombies could be more dangerous, especially in groups, making you drop your fire axe) and tactics (if you have the chance, you can decide to disarm your opponent instead of killing him). In my opinion, this feature is a must have. What do you think.
  3. massacrorBKK

    Critical hits and fumbles

    Yeah, sorry for not being as good as you in english... I didn't use the right words in my search... :D Second things, I don't see anything there talking about dropping your gun when you get hit in the arm...
  4. What I love in the "Life is feudal" inventory idea beside the weight system, is the way the item are stacking one on top of each others. It really make sense, especially for a bag pack... The way some items are on top and some items are in the bottom makes sense and feels like in real life. In order to get your gear packed at the bottom of your bag, you must first remove and drag the items that are on top of it.
  5. Life is feudal have a interesting backpack system in my opinion. Here's a screenshot : http://www.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn-g.tecnogcdn.com/images/articulos/2013/10/life-is-feudal-03.jpg&imgrefurl=http://lifeisfeudal.com/forum/realistic-weight-carrying-capacity-solves-many-issues-t782/&h=768&w=1024&tbnid=MqUcvQWW-wfRiM:&zoom=1&docid=R6B43LqBjmYKmM&ei=6Ma_VMWAEcLM8gXgqYHICw&tbm=isch Everything is base on weight of item (I think both weight and dimension at the same time is a better system by the way), but their is no grid and items can pile up one on top of each others. If an object is at the bottom of your backpack, it will take you time to move other items and find the one you need. Something that many people have asked for (animation needing time to check your backpack instead of a instant access to all your inventory) and that is quite realistic and make sense. This system could be extend to any containers (pockets on trousers and jackets, vehicles, etc.).
  6. massacrorBKK

    Simple Yet Amazing Ideas - DayZ StandAlone

    I quite like your ideas. About the ghosting idea... What about : if you disconnect and you haven't been carrying any weapons in your hands since 5 minutes then you won't make any sound. By the way, the sound doesn't need to be very loud. If you disconnect in the middle of a forest you won't care about it...
  7. massacrorBKK

    Trading Backpack's in a Flash

    To answer the op : No. It needs to take time (whatever by swap or a timer), because Dayz is not about simplicity and convenience. It is about paranoia and choices. If you want to change your worn backpack for a pristine one and you decide to do that in an airstrip, you take your choice, and you take your risk. That's all.
  8. massacrorBKK

    Give Us the Option to "Give" Players Items

    It is a must do, and the sooner the better. I don't know if it is that hard and long to implement. Btw, I think instead of giving from backpack to backpack, the player should take the object he want to give in hand. Then if there is a player near enough the message pop up in the action menu.
  9. massacrorBKK

    First DayZ artwork attempt

    Put the logo somewhere in a corner is a good idea but you should make it way much smaller.
  10. massacrorBKK

    I kinda feel that chernarus needs to be "blown up"

    Solution maybe not lies in the removal of the new towns (after all the work they've done and the new towns are looking awesome), but in the removal of some old towns. I mean, there are many small towns that people wouldn't even notice the removal. I don't know just remove the houses or replace them by some ruins covered with vegetation... It sounds the best way for me.
  11. massacrorBKK

    What can i do if i dont trust anybody?

    Unfortunately I can't say that I'm a pro sniper... Lack the skill and the patience.
  12. massacrorBKK

    What can i do if i dont trust anybody?

    You can try to find a RP community if it suit you. Generally they are enforcing rules that promote interactions between players and not allow to KOS (you can still kill people but you have to engage them first with words before you shoot without warning). This is a community I've just met. http://www.falcondayzrp.com Right now their server is not up because they are waiting for private shard and whitelisting. You can still go to have a look on their forum and rules.
  13. massacrorBKK

    Where is the Amphibia? + Winter Camo

    I've seen a winter camo pants yesterday... Can't remember where, but they haven't been removed.
  14. massacrorBKK

    Roleplay! Server is up now! - Flaming Rose Roleplaying Server

    Please tell us when your forum is up and ready. I'm interested too.
  15. massacrorBKK


    Haha... I imagine people thinking wtf is that... The idea came today during gameplay from the weirdest way. After cooked my deer steacks, I putted them in my backpack and just thought: "If it was me I would try to wrap them in something so they won't dirty everything in my backpack", then I thought about Tupperware and laughed for about 5 minutes. Finally it sounds not so stupid. We got containers for ammo, medicals, and everything. Why not create some special containers for keep the food and prevent it to decay and rot too quickly. I assume that the decaying of food have to be a feature in the future and you can't keep your steaks (even cooked) during weeks in your pockets. Then let's add Tupperware and food inside is decaying at a slower rate.
  16. massacrorBKK

    A real good suggestion before people move on!

    I was not talking about that when I qualified it about opinions... I was talking about that :"Nowdays nobody really cares if in next patch you can find a new type of hat or that you can sharpen some sticks or paint a gun or whatever to black color." You seems to deal a lot with "White Knight'ing" aren't you ?
  17. massacrorBKK

    A real good suggestion before people move on!

    You should stop believe that your opinion is the opinion of everybody out there. Stop being immature please...
  18. massacrorBKK

    Matches and fire

    Hello there. I come here with a easy suggestion about igniting fires with matches. We all know the game is meant to be hard and you have to pay attention to what your character is doing and where. Then I was thinking that actually we only need 1 match (tell me if I'm mistaken) to light any fire. I've made a lot of fire in my life and this sounds a bit unrealistic to me. Maybe it is because I've never done one in the apocalypse where I would use them carefully. Btw I often use more than one irl, setting the newspaper on fire in several places to ensure that the fire will start correctly and I don't have to build it again from the start. Then I propose (not now, I know this is not important thing to implement right away) that when you ignite your fire, it remove randomly 1,2 or 3 matches from your box. If you are trying to ignite it in the wind or in the rain a simple factor make you use even more matches (you really have to be careful about where you are building your fire if you don't want to run out of matches). Days is about difficulty to find resources... I believe this suggestion is kind of realistic and match completely with this goal.
  19. massacrorBKK

    About base building and base raping.

    Not sure how to call this thread, English is not my first language and I hope you won't get here by mistake. Anyway, I was thinking lately about base building and how to not get players and zombies spawning inside your base. Then I found this answer for myself and I'm posting it here to see if it seems relevant to the community and the devs. Remember that those ideas would need private shards before beeing possible. So, around a base object (a tent, a crafted palisade, a bed...) we could have a invisible circle or spheric radius (maybe 20-30 meters) that disable any spawning. It prevents spawning of players and disable server spawning of zombies and loot inside the zone. It should not allowing players to spawn for obvious no server ghosting base raping reason. But it should not allowing zombies or loot spawning because it seems than when you build your base and clear it of zombies and loot, they can't just keep spawning back inside your base after every server restart. Then the way for the base owner to be allowed to spawn inside the radius is by crafting a bed. The bed could give you an option (tent should have the same option) to quit the server and then when you coming back on this particular server it allows you to spawn near the bed and inside the anti-spawn zone. Is this understandable (hehe). Please give your ideas and comments.
  20. massacrorBKK

    Change AK-101 to AK-108

    you people sometimes are amazing... After they just finish ak-101 please just change it for something else... Why not if they have time to make an ak-108 and keep the ak-101.
  21. massacrorBKK

    Matches and fire

    Yes I know about this mechanic and I'm completely agree with it. What I'm talking about is not are you able to make a fire in the wind or rain, but how many matches it costs you. Matches (and lighters when they'll implement them) are a surviving resource, same as ammo or food. I think that dev's should think and bring mechanic about the management of this resource.
  22. massacrorBKK

    About base building and base raping.

    I would say, if an enemy make a bed in your base, it means that he found a way to breaked inside in the first place and so it's sound legit to me. This shows another question. What if somebody come in your base and destroy your bed... I think you should be able to log in the next time in the base again but be noticed that your bed have been destroyed. I know this is completely immersion breaking but whatever we do and want this will not stop to be a game and people won't playing it 24/24 7/7... I assume It's still better than having your character staying in the server and sleeping while you log out...
  23. massacrorBKK

    The game DayZ is striving to be...

    Quite agree about the 100% player driven interaction. No more AI than the dumb zombies (dumb doesn't means buggy...). Anyway, it seems that it is devs line of thinking since the start. They said it several times and I don't think they will ever change this fundamental design choice even if a major part of the community was asking for it. We can already see many player's interactions (good or bad) on the videos on youtube. There are some people trying to settle some base or safe zone as well, like the famous Green mountain camp, and this is already happening when we don't even have private shards, password or white listing. Please, no game-play enforcement of any kind. Let the players make the game. As Hicks said, the devs will provided us a blank canvas made of game mechanics... then it is up to us to paint whatever we want on it.
  24. I really like your post because it is not just another post about having radio for make it easier to find heli. There are more ideas in there. I especially like the idea of different models of radio and attachments making the radio something as important as the guns. And in fact it all make sense, because in a DayZ scenario where every means of communication that need power and/or maintenance disappeared what is the last thing that don't need satellites, servers and fiber-optic connections... It's the old reliable and simple VHS radio. Like vehicles, to find a whole radio in good condition could be hard, but you should be able to loot parts here and there and in the end craft one from scrap yourself (other idea). Finally, humans need to talk, even more in an apocalypse scenario where loneliness and danger could completely alienate and overcome the survivors in desperation. According to mod veterans, the global chat was very important for socialization over the map. Socialization is one thing missing right now in the SA. Everybody that is not your friend is a complete stranger because there is no mean of chatting from far away. So on, every social encounter is a threat and may finish in a blood bath. Now, there is no more global chat but we could have radio to replace it.