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About Nemosynea

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. We're looking for actors/roleplayers who enjoy a bit of ad lib :) We have a steady playerbase and just about 300 whitelisted members.
  2. Nemosynea

    Just a quick question! :)

    Ohhh, simple as that, uh? Thanks so much! <3
  3. Nemosynea

    Just a quick question! :)

    I was just wondering if there was any part of the forums where I could post an event we are hosting on our server? It's a private/whitelisted server but we would like to invite people to our event, I just didn't want to post in the wrong section. Thank you for any help! :)
  4. Nemosynea

    ChernarusRP.com|Whitelisted|Hardcore Roleplay

    Fun times on this server to be had. Great bunch of guys, really cool admins, and Murder of Heroes doesn't regret establishing its community there! Non-existent KOS, hilarious roleplay, come take a blue pill...
  5. Nemosynea

    2 minutes that sums up this game...

    Sorry you had to go through that! :( When I want to try relaxing things like fishing and whatnot, I tend to stick to the -mostly- empty servers :/ Such a shame.
  6. Hey all! Hopefully someone will be able to help me out, as I haven't been able to find much info about this. So me and my crew decided that it would be fun to rent a server, so we did. We went with GameServers and apart from the occasional weird reset, it's been good. I was wondering if there was a list of commands that are available somewhere for me to copy/paste into a notepad or something for future reference. The only commands that I know of right now are just admin logins with the hashtag. Also, GameServers user interface within their website doesn't offer much options aside from the manual reset or server stop. Any chance someone could explain how the BEC client works, if it even works with GameServers? Thank you for your time:) Cheers!
  7. Nemosynea

    Looking for group (i come with a server i rent)

    You are welcome to join us, with or without server. :) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/198129-%EF%B8%BB%E3%83%87%E2%95%90%E4%B8%80-murder-of-heroes-now-recruiting/
  8. Nemosynea

    Tales From Chernarus - A Tumblr Page for You! :)

    Thank you, what a wonderful page :p