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About MissyX

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    Yeah i would love that as i mostly play on the same server :D
  2. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    Problem is that all of this takes time, and that time you sometimes don't have. But other then that it would be very cool to have a good tool in game.
  3. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    Yeah having that kind a problem is not always the best for games like this. I wish i could tell you how to get past it and word up. I think it is just a matter of jumping in to it, nothing bad can happen to you really so not much to be scared of from my point of view, but i know you see it different.
  4. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    I agree, no matter if someone is a girl or a guy they should be treated equally. But i think some guys think it is a free for all dating game if there is a girl playing with them lol, so they need proof before it starts haha. Sorry for the off topic :D
  5. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    Update 2 of my quest in DayZ :D Here i am again everyone with a new update on how my quest in DayZ has been going and also my thoughts around it :) I had a friend of mine help me record some lines i could try to use in DayZ to explain that i was mute, couple attention drawing lines like "hey you in "insert building"" But i can't say i am happy with the result. Before i hardly saw guys accuse me for being a guy, but after i started using the soundboard that is more or less all i have got. Guys yelling and screaming after be for pretending to be a girl using the mute as a excuse not to give my self away as a guy. And it makes me wonder why guys think it is so fun to go about pretending to be mute, if the case is that it is a common thing. Is there really that little respect for a serious disability like that around in the gaming world? I am not going to go down on the community here as a whole because i have got a lot of very nice posts in this tread and i am very thankful for that. But anyway, it sure seem like at least a part of the player base is very "girlaphobic" in this game when they are not spoken to with a female voice hehe. I think that is a shame, and i don't really see why me and a girl have to go trough the whole "prove to us girlaphobics you are real with a webcam half naked" all the time. Not only is it kind a degrading when they pick on you for being mute, but then you have to deal with the "prove to us" sillyness as well. So i just want to say to the whole community, stop being so damned silly! :)
  6. MissyX

    Sick and tired!

    Ok i will report
  7. MissyX

    Sick and tired!

    Let me get this right, you are saying it is fine for everyone to cheat in the game because it is a alpha test?
  8. MissyX

    Sick and tired!

    As the topic say, i am sick and tired of what i am sure 100's of people have been posting about, and i am going to be honest....i wont search the forum for some post about it. I am a very careful player when i am in DayZ, i don't run mindlessly around the map having no idea what i am doing. I do my very best to have a good idea what i am running in to, i spend a lot of time scouting out little towns for long hours to find places that not many go to so i have routes across the map that i feel some what ok with going in to. But the last two days i have been playing i have found glitchers all over the map who sits in side walls shooting people well aware that they can't be shot back at. I was warned about this two weeks ago when i started playing that there was a few.... a few!! glitchers, but now it seems to have exploded. Last night i was crossing from north to south going by this little villages picking up a can of food and soda here and there. Out of the 4 i did visit, 3 had a glitcher who i was lucky to see from some distance in my long range scope, and just for giggle i tried to shoot him... na no effect and he started shooting back at me trough the wall, hit me to he did from 350-400 yards with a M4 that lucky bastard. Why is this not fixed? And for the love of god don't tell me to go play hardcore, i get seasick playing in FPV in any game. Are we really going to be forced never to go in to this villages and towns because every other house has a wall glitcher in it shooting at us from inside walls? If i go to the range where i often are shooting my M40A3, i can shoot trough walls and still have stopping power equal the M4, why in the name of the DayZ lord can we not shoot trough wooden walls? I thought this was going to be some what realistic? hehe :D EDIT!! To the devs, don't you think that fixing this extremely game breaking glitch people are exploiting day in day out to kill people should be addressed? And warned people about before they venture out in the world of DayZ? Now ask you're self this. Would you keep playing a game where if you did not cheat in it, you had no chance getting by?
  9. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    i don't have one no, and it is ok to ask, don't really mind :)
  10. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    Hey Strawman! If i want contact with someone in real, i usually just go up to the person and write a note on my pad for them to read, now and then i meet people who know sign language and the interaction gets a little better. I am not sure how this relates to the game, because going up to someone and starts writing is your death sentence for sure hehe. But that is how i do it :) I am not getting in to the sexism thing in this tread, and i hope everyone respect the topic of this tread and stay away from it. Thanks :D
  11. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    What is this ment to be? lol
  12. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    Yeah i am working to get a soundboard made with a few very basic lines, but still it is a lot of work just to get by in a game :)
  13. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    I have not played Planetside 2, but it is a great idea. Hope the devs see that post and takes note of it because i can not believe it is to hard to add to the game :)
  14. MissyX

    What do a mute person do?

    I am sort of aware about whats around me, but it is the first game of this kind that i play, so i am still trying to get used to playing it, learn to navigate the map and so on :) Me personally would not like if there was a separate server for deaf / mute people, it would just add to the feeling we already have being left out of things :D