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Everything posted by mithrawndo

  1. mithrawndo

    Exp Update 0.61.136700

    I'm pretty sure he's just talking about flicking your steam beta pull down to to Unstable/Experimental - as if most people jumping on their really acknowledge what Experimental/Unstable means for a game that is early access and thus inherently experimental and unstable! I stand by my assertion: Grapefruit balls.
  2. mithrawndo

    Exp Update 0.61.136700

    The number of builds I see you commit at closing time show that you guys must have balls the size of grapefruit... Just wanted to say thanks for pushing all these experimental builds out - it really makes me as a player feel connected to the development of the game, and as a former critic I can only humbly apologise if I've ever said anything that got under your skins. Top class stuff, guys!
  3. mithrawndo

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    There is fundamentally no difference between using macro software and using a programmable keyboard; the latter's use can neither be detected nor prevented. Furthermore, to my knowledge there are as yet no terms of service in place and so it would be outrageous to get your license revoked for having a tool like autohotkey running whilst dayz/battleye were active without being expressly forbidden to do so by an authorotitive representative of Bohemia Interactive. To wit, go ahead and run your autorun macro until you hear otherwise or, more likely, they finally get around to giving us this missing control mechanism.
  4. mithrawndo


    Sure, if it floats your boat I don't see why not: It wouldn't need too much code, just more modelling - which is a field Bohemia seem to have a labour excess in. Please excuse my ignorance but, why do these things even exist in the real world? We've had elastic for over 150 years now...
  5. mithrawndo

    Firearm-Mounted Axe Heads

    Wait... Is this for real? Did someone, somewhere, really think it a good idea to combine a gun and an axe into one? I want some of what they were smoking!
  6. mithrawndo

    Trucks v3s suggestions.

    I hate you, now I have to go and play C&C. There is currently no real simulation going on for vehicles. Admittely we're not playing Spintires in a zombie apocalypse, but I'd like to see a few little touches added: The ability to add a breather onto the air intake to allow the truck to still run whilst the engine is submerged, for example. Right now, they are invulnerable. That's fine: Alpha. I'm hoping a little more time is spent to make the simulation of the vehicles a little more in line with what Bohemia Interactive have become famous for.
  7. mithrawndo

    Chem lights as "armbands" in the night

    You're not looking at the big picture; what we need is a general system to attach items to our clothing/backpacks that can include chemlights and gas lamps - similar to attaching a fishing hook to a boonie hat. Sadly I suspect that both the OPs request and my own are not likely to ever happen due to the amount of code required for what would be a largely superfluous feature. Awesome, but superfluous.
  8. mithrawndo

    Experience: The CCP Way

    Thanks for the link, some interesting discussion there. In particular, I think the man on Hicks' right (Jeff Strain I believe?) makes a very interesting point about game design: I think by erasing minds of what they learn with bullets, but allowing the storing of information in books - both player written notes on a subject (if possible, that's a tall order) and hard coded skill books that suffer wear and tear as they are used, we provide an excellent mechanism to encourage cooperation and to heighten the experience that combat gives us without overly punishing the intelligent, well organised player.
  9. Without players who killed on sight, there would be no terror when you run head first into another player. Remember that our deaths to the unenlightened make them happy in the moment. Think of giving your life as giving a gift to the great unwashed masses of Chernarus. They're getting their kicks on blasting pixels, I say let them. I'll keep trying to get my kicks out of the people I meet, no matter how many times my brains end up on the pavement.
  10. mithrawndo


    Open inventoryRight click can of soda/beansCancel current actionYou're welcome :) Edit: Hopefully they'll add the cancel action onto middle mouse for using objects in the game world though, as it is a missing feature. For now, this works around it.
  11. mithrawndo

    1st Person Private Slave hooked up to 3rd Person Master

    Yes, it's entirely possible. Characters are shared between the master and slave regardless.
  12. mithrawndo

    Experience: The CCP Way

    Indeed you start a new life - a new character - each time you die. It's to preserve immersion that the suggestion includes forgetting any previously learned skills with each bullet to the brain. No clones, no preserving what you've learned in past lives. You wake up on the beach and all you've got are the clothes on your back. In short, I'm not really sure what you're trying to say: Do you think it's a good thing that the suggestion includes forgetting everything you've learned when you die, or do you prefer the idea of a safety net?
  13. mithrawndo

    Experience: The CCP Way

    The only limit on how many skills you can learn would be how many books you can find and read. Books should wear out like any other item in DayZ, and so whilst you could (and would) find books to place in your stash, after being used for several days they'd fall to bits. Given that you can also tear pages out of books, there's the potential for a book to even be incomplete. This would work quite will as a control mechanism between character lives and for groups. I don't like the idea of attributes affecting how quickly your skills train (though I'm not averse to being persuaded), and similarly I don't like skill "trees" where one skill is a prerequisite of the other. It makes sense that you would require to learn several skills to use an item, but I can't imagine what benefit - in a game where your lifespan is deliberately short - there would be to having requirements to learn something. Having a vehicle require someone to have learned to drive and someone else to have learned to fix it - an invisible mechanism to encourage without forcing cooperation - seems desirable to me.
  14. mithrawndo

    Experience: The CCP Way

    The way it works in Eve is that you must have a skill in training to receive any skill points at all. If you don't, that's time wasted. No refunds: Be better organised next time! I'd like to see this implemented in the same way here. You only learn if you have the appropriate book in your bag and activate the training. It trains passively for as long as your character is alive. For example: You find a book on hydraulics & put it into your inventoryYou find another book on chemistry & place it in your inventoryYou start "reading" the hydraulics bookYou log off... and don't play again for a week.When you return, you'll have finished reading the hydraulics book - aka trained the skill - but it won't automatically start reading the book on chemistry, nor will it "save up" the skill points for you to apply elsewhere. They're lost; you should have checked on your progress. One bullet in the head, and all you've ever read is lost.
  15. mithrawndo

    pawn Immunity

    This will never make it into DayZ vanilla, but in a few years time when the game is complete I'm sure you could write a mod to do it!
  16. mithrawndo

    Server Enforced Terrain Quality

    Look at this picture here from Arma: These players are not hidden behind the crest of a hill, nor are sinking in quicksand. The client that is rendering them has low terrain detail settings to improve their performance, but the server knows they are standing in long grass and so adds a layer of terrain to your client's screen to simulate that you could not see them properly. It's a trade off, but to my mind an acceptable one. Once the game is complete, I'm sure it's something that could be modded in if people still seem it desirable. It's absolutely not something that should be a development priority, as there is already a reasonably robust system in place to mitigate the problem.
  17. I asked this question of Eugen, this is what he had to say Yes, we'll see some of the first parts of it arriving soon™, but it's really difficult to provide any kind of exact numbers. What might only take a few hours to configure can easily turn into weeks of drudging, hellish work for these guys to deal with. Just remember the debugger's song:
  18. mithrawndo

    Uniquely Bad DayZ framerate performance?

    Absolutely right, like the original poster I use an old fashioned spinner. Any file fragmentation really hurts performance for those of us without SSDs; in areas with a lot of objects (and thus high texture load), any fragmentation to the "wad" files (I forget what file format dayz/arma actually uses now) causes the framerate spikes that can happen on busy servers in high population areas to shift from a fraction of a second to 2 or 3 whole seconds - unplayable. Running with low texture settings helps here too, but I believe offloads more of the work to the CPU - not too much of a problem with my i7 950 given how well BI's titles seem to run on Intel kit, but YMMV with AMD gear.
  19. mithrawndo

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    The only games I can think that shouldn't have auto run keys are games where it isn't remotely useful, as it is rare to require someone to run for any length of time. The same is true of crouching; most games in the FPS genre - which I only grudgingly consider DayZ to sit - don't lock you into the crouch position, as it's a counter intuitive control and squatting down in that position requires a modest amount of effort, reflected by the control scheme. ArmA and DayZ don't do that. They are aiming to simulate, and nothing is gained by adding that obstacle. The same is true of running.
  20. mithrawndo

    Uniquely Bad DayZ framerate performance?

    Two things drastically increased my performance. Deleting the dayz.cfgDefrag your diskI too tried many settings to boost my framerate, and for a time these helped. With 0.53 I saw yet more loss of frames and had the same problem. Deleted my config, now I'm hitting over 80 in the fields and 20-40 in the towns. My dayz files were also horribly fragmented at one point, causing texture load to cripple my gameplay. Grab a copy of something like defraggler if you haven't already and tidy up the files. Disabling shadows and clouds will also help. Good luck! I7 950 @ 4.2Ghz 6Gb DDR3 @ 1.6Ghz 500GB 7200rpm 32MB HDD GTX470
  21. mithrawndo

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    They now lock your weapon in the raised position either by hitting space, or by clicking the left mouse button once. I'm missing something here; what you said seems to be reinforce my point? Turn that on it's head then; Being able to double tap W to toggle jog/walk isn't even remotely game breaking. Why then does it invoke such vitriol? I suspect it's because people wish to extend the flagellative spirit of game into it's control scheme. It's highly amusing from where I sit! As was kindly pointed out to me above, so is holding your weapon in a raised position - yet I can toggle that quite happily. The Mosin weighs around 4Kg, whilst a sledgehammer weighs in at over 10kg. Holding these weapons raised should, if we try to be realistic, require a modicum of effort. I don't see that happening because we're only trying to be authentic. After all, it's only a game. Yep, my money is on that reason being Dean Hall. He's gone, and it's time for this question to come back into the open. As I mentioned before, DayZ standalone attracted a different crowd to the mod and to the Arma series, and this "design decision" as we're calling it is one I think should be brought into question. It's not as if having a toggle for jogging/walking is going to undermine the whole spirit of the game - Dean himself essentially admitted that the spirit of the game was undermined when the mod took off and people stopped cooperating and started murdering one another - it's now something totally different to what he first envisaged: A morality simulator. In your opinion. Navigating the map unaided does require a modicum of effort, but sadly meta gaming destroys that element of the game. I don't accept that denying the addition of an auto run toggle makes up for this in any way. As for why it should be supported, you answered that yourself when you mentioned that people will use macros, coins and other means outwith the developers control. This isn't a request for an additional feature and so would not be a drain on resources to implement. It's already possible and would simply require configuration.
  22. mithrawndo

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Thanks for enlightening us all on the topic, clearly it's like that because you say so. I gave you an example, you retort with "no it's not"? Again, absurd comparisons. Autorun is automating a feature via software controls that can already be automated via the use of hardware. Automatic gearbox is something that already exists, and auto vehicle start is something we all take advantage of - I know I've never had to turn a crank handle in this game, or in real life. Auto eating and drinking too; click once to eat all. Auto jump, auto punch and auto drive: The first two are plainly ludicrous, and the last is preposterous. The first two aren't remotely useful or intuitive, and the last one is irrelevant. If you can't figure out why, I suggest you go back to your cave. None of these are remotely comparable or relevant to the discussion. I seldom have to do it either, but I have found myself switching fingers whilst I run. That's surely indicative of a problematic control scheme if a short amount of playtime results in undue strain? This again is irrelevant though: I can with simple software or hardware additions - which technically would be breaking the rules - take advantage of an autorun feature. Because they've already left the stable door open, and we're already doing it. It's much like the arguments against drug and alcohol use; is more harm caused by criminalising the substance abuse and forcing the individuals who do it to the fringes of society, or are we better to accept that things we might not deem desirable will happen whether we like it or not, and do our best to keep those individuals included lest we lose them to genuine, hurtful crime like theft? I'm sure I don't need to draw the analogy in it's entirety. Joggers too will tell you that the act of putting one foot in front of the other will become rhythmic and require no effort - to a point. Locking the jogging state in by double tapping W is not really a stretch from the current control scheme. Auto run is not auto pilot; the user still needs to guide their avatar through the world, they just don't need to hold down one button. I've always understood that the goal for DayZ is to make it authentic, not realistic - and the suggestion here would fit that schema very well without damaging the ethos. Except they don't: I've put forward multiple arguments and analogies in favour of modifying the control scheme to add this missing feature, and in response I've become more and more hostile to what have amounted to non sequitues. I'm yet to see a single, honest, compelling argument in favour of the current scheme!
  23. mithrawndo

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    That's like comparing apples and oranges: It's a logical fallacy. DayZ doesn't have the necessary code ready and written for aim assist, yet it does for auto run. Auto run doesn't dumb the game down for the lowest common denominator, yet aim assist does. The objections to auto run are seemingly based on the idea that DayZ should be a hardcore game. Newsflash ladies and gents, hardcore is never fun. What is fun however is a game that is difficult and unforgiving, is immersive and tense, and none of that is altered by allowing the addition of a keybind so that I can stop risking damage to my keyboard when I wedge something into it to give my hand brief respite from the CTS-inducing WASD* configuration. It's these misguided opinions that will, at least in my opinion, ruin DayZ for 1.0 - control schemes should be intuitive and simplistic to provide the smallest barrier of entry, curving rapidly from there. The lack of an autorun feature is a perfect example of where the current scheme falls short. *other movement key layouts are available Edit: What's most interesting is that the proposals for an autorun key almost exclusively come from "New" Bohemia customers, who've come to the franchise based on DayZ, whereas the objections appear to come predominantly from the old hands of the franchise, who've had their feet well under the carpet. Change is scary?
  24. mithrawndo

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    And my two cents would be that you already see this on a daily basis - certainly if you play as part of a group, and almost certainly if you like to roam anywhere between Vybor, Berezino and Elektro. It's best analogised as trying to treat a symptom rather than cure the disease; The disease being that players meta game to learn the map and use out of game tools to talk to one another, so when they die in combat they'll just point themselves in the right direction and high tail it back to their friends and corpse. "We" already autorun, and the only way we'll stop is when the game's mechanics prevent us from doing so. Again, the interface supports locking mouse look through double tapping. It supports locking walking and crouching via the same. So far, every single argument in favour of keeping autorun out has amounted to "I don't like it"!
  25. mithrawndo

    DayZ Vehicles MEGATHREAD

    Whilst I love a lot of these vehicles, don't forget that Chernarussia is a fictional former soviet bloc country that gained independence in 1991 and is not stuck in a time warp. We don't know when the game is supposed to be set, but those countries who were behind the iron curtain have all long since moved on - in Bohemia's lore for the country, they've been mostly run under a capitalist government. That's not to say that a lot of these things don't still exist, but a quick google search shows that countries like Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia and other Black Sea countries (the "Green Sea" is surely analogous with it) are driving around in modern Mercedes, VW/Audi and the like. Whilst I'd love to see some of the vehicles in this thread in game, I'll be disappointed if we end up with a tired "In Soviet Russia..." cliche as a setting, rather than these vehicles cohabiting the world alongside semi-modern eurocars like the Mercedes W124, the VW Passat and the Volvo 940 to name but a few! Edit: This map image here (in Tajiktstan) demonstrates what I mean; a modern-ish post soviet taxi alongside a brand new Toyota. This one from Moldova's capital shows how few of these old things you can see in one of Europe's poorest countries.