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Everything posted by mithrawndo

  1. mithrawndo

    Motorcycles of Chernarus: Complete Wishlist

    Finally, a worthwhile thread! Because it's frankly the most popular motorcycle ever: 49 cubic centimetres of terrifying bicycling pleasure.
  2. mithrawndo

    CamelBak, Wearable Water Bottle

    I have no idea of their rarity. In my tiny sample space in the UK, I know of two people who own a version of these. It's still a cool thing to add that wouldn't actually do any harm to potential game balance: It's just a water bottle that takes up a backpack slot. We have those already: They're called water bottles stored inside your backpack.
  3. mithrawndo

    CamelBak, Wearable Water Bottle

    I love the idea, particularly coupled with the blood bag suggestions - though honestly why you wouldn't just drink the stuff. It'd make for an interesting interaction if you managed to knock someone out, steal their gear and realise they've been running around with a camelbak full of blood!
  4. mithrawndo

    Breathing Noises

    You want people to stop breathing... do you include your own breath in this? Does it irritate you when you can hear the resonance of this inside your own head as your lungs pump air in and out via your trachea? What about when people use their larynx to influence to tone of the air passing via this method - commonly referred to as singing? Moving swiftly past this sure sign of some kind of mania, breathing is one of the sure fire ways to tell if someone is near by. Double tap shift and walk more often and you'll breath a lot less, and be heard a lot less too.
  5. Funny. I really enjoy the game. Daily. OP: Can I have your stuff? Oh wait, you don't have any! Wrong game!
  6. mithrawndo

    Handcuffing people to something

    I see a remake of the film Saw (1 or 2? I forget) popping up: Short timer, handcuffs and a hacksaw. I don't think anyone has ever really mentioned the potential for permanent handicaps in this yet...
  7. mithrawndo


    Sure, have my beans. Can I also have involuntary screams? :)
  8. So the new experimental branch has some lovely features, and I'm sure we're all enjoying testing it out. What I'm not enjoying though is having to constantly switch between the two branches depending on the people I'm playing with and the time of day (there's no point playing experimental if none of the server have restarted in 4 hours!), as this is a huge waste of bandwidth. I know this isn't as big a deal as it once was, but there are still plenty of people out there with metered internet connections and to be frank (hello, frank!) it's just really inefficient to waste so much bandwidth. My suggestion therefore is quite simple, though possibly not achievable: Create a separate steam entry tied to the DayZ package for the experimental branch rather than using the steam betas function. This way we can waste hard drive space rather than bandwidth and keep both branches installed concurrently. Thank you for your time!
  9. mithrawndo

    Stable & Experimental: Concurrency?

    As I understand it, the stable servers are run (under license) by the community, and only the hive is controlled by Bohemia. The Experimental servers are directly controlled by Bohemia (though I do presume they are hosted in much the same way). It would be prohibitively expensive for Bohemia to host enough servers to keep the player base happy, let alone administer them all. I'd rather they spent their money on keeping their staff incentivised, even if it does add a degree of inconvenience - particularly if there's a solution that means we might be able to have our cake and eat it too.
  10. mithrawndo

    Primary weapon in backpack (14-21 spaces)

    If this were implemented, for balance purposes I feel it should require at least 16 or 24 spaces (2 or 3 horizontal, 8 vertical). I'm sure you understand why. Edit: By balance I mean choice; you can have the less obstrusive backpack but you're stuck with your gun poking out, or you have to take the bright orange pack, but you can at least hide your weapon. Trade offs :)
  11. mithrawndo

    Self-suicide/suicide abuse and map spawning

    Unless your suicide is assisted. Let's not start that discussion though, as the jury is very much still out on it! I like the idea of suicide in game, but only if one has the tools to do it effortless. I can't imagine chopping myself to pieces with a fire axe, but it's not unreasonable to consider cutting one's femoral artery or, as the trailer shows putting a bullet into your own head. I don't want a button, I want to have to think about it and agonise over it via game mechanics!
  12. mithrawndo

    Stable & Experimental: Concurrency?

    xRann is absolutely right, I'm not even slightly worried about stability - I would just like to be able to let steam handle keeping both stable and experimental branches up to date so that when I get home from work and ask my friends where they are, I don't have to switch and download hundreds of megs: I just click the appropriate shortcut.
  13. mithrawndo

    suggestion for login dead areas around attractive areas

    Been discussed to death already. Unworkable, use search to learn why. Suggested with the best of intentions I know. Yoda, I apparently am.
  14. mithrawndo

    Loot spawning idea - an idea that makes everyone happy.

    Personally, I would love to walk into a log cabin in the middle of the woods that otherwise wouldn't have any loot in it, only to be confronted by a veritable arsenal of weapons, a few rotting corpses, and no ammunition.
  15. mithrawndo

    server issues (Dont join) - Clan only etc

    Plenty of people put things like this in the title, but it's an idle threat. It's to discourage you from joining, but if they actually kick you for joining then as others have mentioned they'll have their server taken down. The same is true for most of the "Night" servers: So often I see servers that say "Night Only", but the clock says it's 08:06 or similar. It's a ploy to discourage you from joining so that the owners get a proportionally larger share of the loot spawns with a lower risk of death.
  16. mithrawndo

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    People are already auto-running via match sticks, coins, keyboard macros and a whole manner of other methodsThere is no way of detecting if *any* of these methods are being used, therefore there is no way of preventing it's useReworking the interface to allow for an auto-run key should by no means be a priority, but given the above any argument against it's eventual addition is absurd. If we never have a hot-key for this, we'll simply continue using weights, coins and perfectly legal keyboard macros to do it instead. Let's not be so petty, eh? Let's save the abuse of keyboards and the advantage expensive gaming keyboards offer over their cheaper counterparts. Let's keep the playing field even. Hopefully there will be some kind of fatigue system implemented in the future to prevent "point and afk for 10" play. Edit: Spelling and grammar.
  17. mithrawndo

    Log in/out location "ban"

    This sucks, but I've been on the flip side of that coin: I had a guy join the game right in front of me, and instead of just blowing his head off I said on comms "don't move and I'll back out of the room. Noone needs to get hurt." He spun like a top and blew my head off instead. The moral of the story is don't log off in high traffic areas - the first lesson anyone ever taught me about this game is that if you are going to log out, go and find some cover: Trees and bushes are your best friend and as far away from civilization as possible. By following this, it also becomes a simple matter to make the conscious decision as to who is a server hopper when you see them logging in and who is just an innocent survivor. Your argument is a logical fallacy, but I'll let you google to find out why that is. What's more important is that if you start teleporting players out of high risk/reward areas for any reason, people will find a way to exploit it. From the teleportee's perspective this could be used to essentially combat log yourself out of danger. From the perspective of camping, this makes it like a giant loot pinata camping around the edges of high risk areas, as people will pop into existence wide in the open around airfields and military bases and you can hear and see them a mile off. Seems a bit silly to me! I do however understand the desire to "fix" this non-problem: It sucks when you've trekked all the way across the map to find good loots, only to find it barren. What you don't seem to realise is that most server hoppers are already extremely well geared: They're looking only for the rare items, such as long range scopes, fn magazines and their ilk. They already have their guns, they already have their gear and they probably already have multiple boxes full of ammo - they leave everything they don't need: Assault vests, cammo, guns, ammunition, medical supplies and food. All the stuff you'll want if you've trekked up there yourself. Remember then that the next time you hit up a military spawn and it's empty, it's not because a server hopper has beaten you there: It's because people like yourself have and they needed that stuff too. tl;dr: This will be fixed when loot spawn mechanics are fixed.
  18. mithrawndo

    Role Playing Clothing

    I put on my robe and wizard hat...
  19. mithrawndo

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    Probably not. Certainly investigating developing such a specific feature could be construed as punishing the community; that's a coder working on a problem that can be fixed by design when he should be working on something else!
  20. mithrawndo

    More military-grade weaponry

    Chernarus is modelled on a region in the Czech Republic.There are no fewer than 40 US military installations alone within 500 miles of this region.In Arma II, the US invaded Chernarus. If the lore of DayZ follows on from it's parent game, these weapons would be everywhereThe guy known as "FPSRussia" probably has about a thousand of these. Maybe he moved to Chernarus? :D Patience, my young padowan. You'll see plenty more weapons when the next development cycle comes around to such thing. You missed my point entirely; The addition of more weapons is sadly inevitable, despite your sense of urgency that a game which will not actually be released until 2015 at the earliest should be finished already. Sit back and relax, this is one topic that Bohemia know all about.
  21. mithrawndo

    Women Clothes

    Seriously, has anyone ever actually bothered reading the dev blog? These are things in the pipeline. Character customization is a huge part of any RPG experience and will Shirley make an appearance in the game. I'll get my coat.
  22. I'm of the opinion that this is exactly what the end game is going to be like. I played eve online for years and this is EXACTLY what the casual eve online player experiences; long periods of boredom staccato'd with short periods of adrenaline inducing excitement. It's for this reason I believe that some of your suggestions have received such vitriolic responses: DayZ seems to be designed as a slow game, and will be developed with an ethos to suit it's design objective (A philosophically sound concept; see buddhism). Perhaps a paradigm shift is required from one side or the other here? Edit: Formatting
  23. Reading this thread it sounds like a few people are pissed that they've bought a game despite all the warnings of it being permanently incomplete. That's okay, you're definitely entitled to be annoyed at this. You're also entitled to make demands as much as you like, and the developers are entitled to ignore you too - you've already paid for the finished game, and you were told that this could take a very, very long time. You fool. You've been robbed, suck it up and move along. On the other hand, I wonder how many hours you've ploughed into the game already: 20? 50? 100? More? All of that for £20 and the game isn't even finished. That's already pretty phenomenal value. Hell, most AAA titles only offer you a dozen hours of play for twice the price - so count yourself lucky in that regard - and please stop being so damnably objectionable, and you might actually get some more affable responses to your more reasonable queries. As for the specific request made - persistent objects - it's one of those things that really should be left until later. If any of the "big features" need added, it's the correction of loot spawns. Allowing users to hoard loot in persistent storage locations will only exacerbate the issue of server hopping with the software in it's present state. No, I think things are ticking along quite nicely. I see lots of changes on Experimental every time a new patch is shipped, but with a 1,500,000 player base they must be quite cautious: Inactivity on their part leads to apathy, but if something cool gets added you can be sure it'll hit the grapevine quick enough and those players will flood back to see the goodies. If they fuck up though, you can be sure that they'll be taken to the cleaners by the community. With that in mind, don't you think the "softly, softly catchy monkey" approach is in fact quite an astute decision? Edit: Spelling corrections.
  24. mithrawndo

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    Ignoring the reason why they were suggested, I like the OPs suggestion: Make a roll mat and sleeping bag items in game that provide a bonus when deployed and used to how long you must wait before your character disappears from the server. Why? Because the current system of timers really is the only workable solution to combat logging, and this ties in quite nicely with it. As for server hopping, this is something that will be fixed as the problem of loot condensation in backpacks is resolved in the beta, several years from now. Dig in and suck it up.
  25. mithrawndo

    More military-grade weaponry

    Yay, another thread about guns! I'm sure, being a development studio that has specialised in military simulation games, that the last thing Bohemia need is advice on what guns to add to the game. I'm pretty sure if they have one avenue covered, it's the military side of this game. If however you have an equally eloquent post on something that has nothing to do with Bohemia's bread-and-butter (such as perhaps survival mechanics, or zombies, or persistent server mechanics - you name it) then I would be delighted to read it. In the meantime, might I petition you for the few minutes of my time I wasted here to be returned? The phrase "Teaching granny to suck eggs" really comes to mind every time I see a post on these forums about adding military stuff.